A-Z of Entries

Dagley, Richard

CURRENT TEXT "Dagley, Richard (d.1841), genre painter and engraver, was an orphan and was educated at"
SUGGESTED CHANGE <Dagley, Richard(1761-1841), genre painter and engraver, was born on 30 December 1761 and baptised on 29 January 1762 at St Margaret's, Westminster, son of Samuel Dagley, citizen of London in the Curriers' Company, and his wife Ann. His father was buried at St Andrew Holborn on 12 February 1762, and his mother married Roger Peck in 1765. On 8 March 1770 he was admitted to>
NOTES London Metropolitan Archives MS18218/10 and…


6.7.1792 Damen at Holcroft's.

On a night of quartets - with eight musicians present - this must be one of the three Dahmen brothers:Herman, horn player (1755-1830); Johan Arnold, violinist, cellist and composer (born c 1760, died London 1794 according to Grove, but played Kings Theatre in 1797); Wilhelm, horn player (born 1769, joined British army) (Highfill, Burnim and Langhans)



Dakins 21.3.1803 at Westminster Abbey

Rev William Whitfield Dakins DD of Dover will PCC 1850 (said to have been of Trinity Coll Cambridge, where his son went, so he may have been the William Daking admitted there 1787 priest 1795). Buried Westminster Abbey 21.1.1850 age 83 of St James Dover. Translated History of the Reigns &c from French 1801, Society for Suppression of Vice 1803, see Morning Post 14.5.1803 Rev W Dakins, Cloisters, Deans Yard, Westminster. Rector of St MichaelCrooked Lane 1819, Precentor of Collegiate Church of St Peter Westminster & chaplain &…

Dalberg, Carl Theodor

2.11.1795 baron d'Ahlberg at Richard Johnson's In Godwin's 1796 list as Dahlberg crossed out

Co-adjutor of Mentz & Worms along with Prince Bishop of Constanz, was appointed by German diet in Nov 1794 to negotiate armistice with France, said in August 1796 to be at Geneva and in March 1798 at Vienna, hoping to become Archbishop of Vienna (British newspapers)

1744 -1817 (Deutsche Biographisch Enzyklopade) Archbishop of Mainz, of Regensburg, Grand Duke of Frankfurt 1810-13 under Napoleon. Doesn't mention his English visit but says he was friends with Goethe, Schiller &c…


14.1.1796 Dalby at John Frank Newton's / 31.1.1798 Dalby adv at Reveley's

Dallas, Elizabeth

(Dallas, alias Dallison) 25.2.1804 / 3.3.1804 write to Dallas / 4.3.1804 letter from Dallas / 5.3.1804 write to Dallas / 6.3.1804 letter from Dallas / 8.3.1804 again / 14.3.1804 meet mrs Dallas / 25.4.1811 write to Dallas / 29.5.1811 letter from Dallas.

See Godwin, Harriet and West, Thomas. The first entry probably referred to Godwin's first discovery (from Neale?) of the maiden name of Thomas West's wife.  Her mother Elizabeth Dallas was the widow of Robert Dallas (d.1797) and mother of Sir George Dallas DNB 1758-1833 and Robert Dallas DNB 1756-1834. Godwin's letters may have been…

Dallas, Robert

Dallas's carriage 25.11.1792.

Godwin goes with Jardine in it to Woronzow's and Tooke's. Newspapers Monday 11.8.1788 Robert Dallas barrister Lincolns Inn married the daughter of Major Jardine of the Artillery. Robert Dallas DNB 1756-1824



8.4.1796 Dalrymple at Thos Fawcett's

Dalrymple, John Hamilton Mackill

Dalrymple 8.10.1794 at Bird's / 9.10.1794 at Johnson's.

Sir John Hamilton MacKill Dalrymple DNB 1777-1853. Married 23.6.1795 at Kenilworth Henrietta, eldest daughter of Rev Robert Augustus Johnson; she d.1823. He served in Flanders 1794-5 (presumably after October). Whig MP for Midlothian from 1812

Dalrymple, William

call on mrs Dalrymple 29.9.1803 with mrs Taylor (at Norwich) / 30.9.1803 Dalrymples sup

William Dalrymple DNB 1772-1847 surgeon who married Marianne Bertram in 1799 and had 6 sons & 3 daus. John dalrymple brandy merchant Norwich 1784. Wm dalrymple sobscr to W Enfield 1798


meet Daly 15.7.1800. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1800 / 23.7.1800 dines / 25.7.1800 at Hamilton's (all in Ireland) / 26.9.1806 meet Reynolds (Daly & Headfort) with Curran / 21.6.1810 Daly calls / 6.7.1810 again

Anthony Daly Hist Irish Parl 1725-1810 Grattan supporter / Rt Hon Denis Bowes Daly Dict Irish Biog 1745-1821 anti-union = 1780 sister of George Ponsonby DNB 1755-1817 / brothers of Denis Bowes Daly, Peter D 1769-1846 pro-union but pro-Catholic, Rt Hon St George Daly 1758-1827 pro-union / Richard Daly DNB 1758-1813 actor & theatre manager / 1798 subs to D R O'Conor Col.…


see Dahmen


Damiani has a person record on GD website but it knows very little about him. F Damiani was a composer and music seller, in 1803 at Golden-sq. His residence in Holdens directory 1811 was 2 Upper John-st. The main source on the life of Joseph Robertson DNB 1726-1802 was an article in the Monthly Magazine (1802) 133-7 by Damiani

Dangerfield, Thomas

7.11.1796 Dangerfield calls / 8.11.1796 Dangerfd calls / 14.11.1796 Dangerfield calls / 3.1.1797 again / 23.1.1797 again / 6.5.1797 again / 11.11.1797 again / 6.2.1798 again / 9.6.1798 D calls, in Bath (not in) / 22.6.1798 at House of Commons

Thomas Dangerfield will PCC 1819 bookseller, stationer and circulating library of Berkeley Sq from 1785 


call on Daniel 13.3.1798 in Bath

Possibly one of the Daniel brothers, miniature painters of Bath, Abraham d1806 and Joseph d1803 aged 43 (Daphne Foskett, British Miniaturists), Joseph the one who seemed to have spent more time in Bath. Mark Noble Daniell of Orchard St Bath, second son of George Daniell attorney of the King's Bench of Bath, was articled to his father 7.1.1786 but by 1798 was in the Law List as an attorney at 28 Bucklersbury, London and in 1800 at 5 Lawrence Pountney Lane, London. John Daniel wine merchant of Bath was made trustee to the will of Joseph Penny…


2.12.1807 call on Daponte, Oriel / 3.12.1807 call on Daponte

The will PCC 19.5.1809 of Paolo da Ponte, printer of Poland-st mentioned a child Henry da Ponte at a school in Somers Town and his guardian Miss Caroline Hughes spinster. Paolo was the brother of the more famous Lorenzo da Ponte who had gone to America by 1807. Thomas Oriel was a tailor in Poland-st


23.3.1789 Darby at Miss Williams'.

1786 subscribers to HMWilliams poems Harry Darby Esq Grange Hill Essex; Mr John Darby Hatfield Herts; Mr Edmund Darby. See PCC wills of Mary Darby 1815, John Darby surgeon of Hatfield 1823, and Edmund Darby of Aston House, Herts 1831. Not at all clear which of these (or one of several other possible) Darbys


Darcy 5.8.1800 at Wallace's trial, Carlow


Dargle & Scalp

13.7.1800 dine at la. Mountcashel's with C(urran) (Dargle & Scalp) / 14.7.1800 Dargle & Water-fall

Dargle is the river that flows to the sea at Bray south of Dublin, and Scalp the name of a hill near that river and the village of Enniskerry, or that is as much sense as I could get out of Google maps


Darnal 17.11.1799 at John King's, hard to read but possibly Darval see my entry for Derville