A-Z of Entries

Egan, John

6.10.1806 call on Curran: adv.. Egan, Jennings, Paul & Bosville / 12.10.1806 sup at Egan's, w. Curran / 17.10.1806 dine at Paul's w. Curran & Egan / 18.4.1808 call on Curran, adv. Egan
Very likely John Egan (DNB 1754/5-1810)

Egerton, Joseph

Egerton at Sarah Elwes' 3.7.1799

GD website has coded all Egerton entries in Godwin's diary to Jasper Egerton, which was presumably based on a misreading of the name as it appeared in legal script in Sarah Elwes' will. For the Egerton entry earlier in 1799 see Egerton, Thomas, whose misattribution to Elwes' friend suggested the idea to the GD website editors that Egerton introduced Godwin to Elwes. Joseph Egerton bachelor of Grays Inn married 16.8.1810 at St Marylebone Mary Wardlaw (nee Cumming) the widow of Arthur Forbes of Culloden whom she married in 1800. Joseph Egerton's will…

Egerton, Thomas

Egerton's 20.3.1799

Thomas Egerton bookseller 30/32 Charing Cross till 1830 Sun F 1782, with John Egerton till 1795. Thomas Egerton will PCC 1830. No connection apparent with Sarah Elwes' friend Joseph Egerton

Egerton, Thomas

MILL VOTERS 1802: Thomas Egerton of Richmond

Thomas Egerton bur 25.7.1803 Richmond age 64 / Martha Egerton bur 30.12.1805 Richmond age 83

Elam, Thomas

19.3.1806 call on Elam

Thomas Elam woollendraper and mans mercer 44 Bedfordbury SunFire 1796, 1809. He married Ann Webb 2.10.1785 at St Martin i t Fields. His will dated 26.3.1819 of Leicester Square mentioned his late wife, his son Benjamin woollen draper of Bedfordbury and several other children. It was proved PCC 6.4.1822. He was buried 23.3.1822 at St Martin i t Fields age 71. The nearest baptism to that age I could find was Thomas son of Thomas Elam bapt Doncaster 11.8.1751. Elam is not a very common name and the call was made next to one on Klugh, a tailor, so the…

Elgin, Earl of

13.10.1810 Elgin's w. Newtons &c

These must have been the famous Elgin marbles which Thomas Bruce 7th Earl of Elgin DNB 1766-1841 was still trying to get the nation to buy. His address was Piccadilly on the corner of Park-lane


Elisee 17.11.1799 at John King's / 29.12.1799 at Lanesborough's

Probably the surgeon Marie-Vincent Talochon 1753-1817  known as Pere Elisee or Elysee, a favourite of Louis XVIII considered by some to be a charlatan. He swore to the illness of the singer Mme Banti in London (Morning Post 18.12.1798) and was said to have cured the Prince of Wales. Vincent Talochon of Old Bond St, druggist was bankrupt in July 1811 and had his certificate by October. he returned to France in 1815.

Elkins, William

Tea Kirkley's 9.8.1799, followed by call on Elkins.

This was Sir Joshua Reynolds' servant Ralph Kirkley (qv) one of whose daughters married at St Marylebone 22.12.1798 William Elkins, a bookseller who went bankrupt in 1800.

Elliot, Mrs

20.10.1790 mrs Elliot at Miss Williams / 30.5.1794 sup at Ritson's; mrs Eliot

Boyle's 1792 Mrs E 40 Queen St East / Mrs E Lincolns Inn Fields / Mrs E 4 Portugal St.

PerhapsThomasine Anne Elliott born 1759 daughter of rear admiral George Elliott of Copford Essex (PCC will 1795) sister of Rev Luther Graves Elliott 1770-1846, died unmarried 1.4.1835 Honiton, Devon (PCC will 1835). Luther Graves E and Miss E of Colchester both subscribed to HMWilliams Poems 1786, but she is best identified by Mrs Piozzi's and Joanna Baillie's letters (both online). But as she was only thirty it…

Elliott, William

MILL VOTERS 1802: William Elliott of Isleworth

Ellis, Henry

14.7.1789 Gov Ellis at T Hollis'. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1789, crossed out, and in 1794 version / 26.5.1801 (Ellis) at Nicholson's

Henry Ellis (DNB 1721-1806). He was generally referred to in the newspapers as Governor Ellis although he had not been a colonial governor since 1763, and he was popular and a generous host (DNB). William Nicholson junior's memoir of his father (Bodleian MSS Don d175 typescript e125 original) mentioned that one of his father's pupils was Henry Ellis DNB 1788-1855 diplomatist. If they were all pupils that might explain why Godwin put five names in…

Ellis, Thomas

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Ellis 31 Poland St ratebooks 1782-91 / SunFire 1783 Thomas Ellis shoemaker 31 Poland St / Thomas Ellis shoemaker Poland St voted 1784 Hood & Wray 1790 Fox & Hood / Bailey's directory 1785 Thomas Ellis shoemaker 31 Poland St / coroners jury 1786, 1788 Thos Ellis shoemaker Poland St / Lloyd's Evening Post 21.3.1766 "Saturday last was married at St James Church, Mr Thomas Ellis, shoemaker at Greenwich, to Miss Elizabeth Handley, of Poland Street" St James marrs Thomas Ellis & Elizabeth Hunley 19.4.1766 botp banns…

Ellis, Thomas

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Ellis Esq 2 Batemans Buildings ratebooks 1777 / see work notes below


Ellison 5.5.1789 at miss Williams' / 7.5.1790 again / 26.11.1790 again.

First two times with Aboyne (see his entry)

Elliston, Elizabeth

6.6.1798 call on H Lee & mrs Elliston / 8.6.1798 Ellistons, Randalls & Langley sup

Robert William Elliston DNB 1774-1831 married 1.6.1796 Elizabeth Randall or Rundall, she died 1821 age 46. According to a user-submitted tree on Ancestry her parents were John Rundell & Lucy (nee Collins). See Randall


Elmsly 26.1.1802 at theatre & at Coleridge's / 9.11.1805 Elmsley at Holland's

Peter Elmsley DNB 1774-1825 nephew of Peter Elmsley DNB 1735/6 - 1802


28.6.1807 Elringtons adv. at Philips'

Perhaps John Battersby Elrington. Two children of a John Battersby Elrington and his wife Isabelle Parker were baptised in Jamaica in 1792 and 1793. Confessions in Elysium, a "licentious" translation of Wieland by JBE was published in 1802 and his translation of Russian Tales by Nicolai Karamzin in 1803, though the translatorship is also attributed to a Dane, A.A. Feldborg.(see romtext.org.uk/reports/engnov4). John Battersby Elrington, late of Hemas-terrace, Chelsea and formerly of Gt Titchfield-st was in the Fleet prison 23.1.1811 and the Kings…


Elwards's 16.7.1800 at Reeves's / 22.7.1800 at Burton's

The name Elwards is rare but did exist. In handwriting of Godwin's era it was particularly hard to tell from Edwards as many people used a similar curl at the base of a capital E as they used to form a small d

Elwes, Sarah

them 10.5.1800 surely referred to James Marshall & Sarah Elwes

below are notes from my correspondence with Mark Philp whose article Sarah Elwes' calling was published in Bodleian Library Record April 2011

John Elwes divorced Sarah Elwes in Ecclesiastical court in 1796, she appealed; the Court of Arches hearing found in John Elwes favour; she appealed to the High Court of Delegates. But when he died (about 19.4.1817) it was mentioned that he had two sons (Derby Mercury May 1, 1817).
On 14 January 1818, his wife, Mrs Elwes was reported as dying, aged 52 (in Bury and…


Ely 10.9.1805 at Taylor's Stowmarket

1784 Edward Ely grocer & turner Bury St Edmunds Suffolk will PCC 10.5.1805 mentioned sister Lydia wife of Lancelot Danby sister Ann Finch widow sisters Mary & Rebecca Ely late brother William Ely brother John Clarke Ely (buried 16.5.1811 Sible Hedingham, Essex will Nat Arch IR26) & his children Edward, Elizabeth & Mary. Sible H is about 20 miles SW of Stowmarket past Sudbury. John Clarke Ely voted for Montagu Burgoyne, the reform candidate, in 1810 Essex election