A-Z of Entries

Evans, Thomas

Thomas Evans and his wife Janet are well covered by Ian McCalman in his excellent book Radical Underworld. Evans first appeared in LCS records in 1795, first as a delegate from Div 40 and elected to the Exec Cttee 10.9.1795. Alexander Galloway was described as his brother in law (probably by Francis Place but I haven't searched for the exact source yet). Galloway had a sister Janet born 24.10.1777 but I could find no record of her marriage. It is likely Evans and his wife were not keen on the marriage ceremony, but this was also probably true of Alexander Galloway whose marriage to his…

Evans, William

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 & 11 Berners Street in London Addresses dataset

No 3 Castle Street East  Land Tax 1784-1800 William Evans

Will PCC 1800 of William Evans of 3 Little Castle St, bricklayer, sister Sarah Little, wife Mary to whom he owed £43, occupied piece of ground at back of Castle St Mews dated 24.10.1800 proved 13.11.1800 /  Wm Evans bur 30.10.1800 St Marylebone / William Evans bach otp = 9.5.1794 St Marylebone by banns Mary Morris (her mark) wid otp wit Susannah Roberts

Everard, Benjamin

MILL VOTERS 1802: Benjamin Everard of Isleworth

Benjamin Everard bur 22.4.1810 age 33 Isleworth. Benjamin Everard = Ealing 26.1.1776 Sarah X Blake, Benjamin Everard bur Ealing 29.12.1823 age 72 of Old Brentford

Everitt, James

MILL VOTERS 1802: James Everitt of Isleworth

James Everitt bur Isleworth 4.7.1803 and James Everitt bur Isleworth 12.4.1808, The one who died in 1808 left a will PCC James Everitt builder of Isleworth dated 13.1.1800 which mentioned Anna Taylor widow and her son William Taylor carpenter of Isleworth, Elizabeth wife of William Newland tallow chandler of Twickenham, Stephen Grimmault auctioneer of Old Brentford, Benjamin Angel gent of Isleworth, William Farnell of Isleworth and William Farnell Gardner of Isleworth, and Edward Waters of Cockspur St, St Martin in the Fields. I could…

Everitt, Robert

MILL VOTERS 1802: Robert Everitt of Isleworth

Ann of Robert & Ann Everitt bapt 27.10.1801 Isleworth, William of Robert & Ann Everitt bapt 1.12.1805 Isleworth, Eliza of Robert (calico printer) & Ann Everitt bapt 12.5.1816 Isleworth, Robert Everitt bur 15.6.1828 age 61 Isleworth. 1851 census Eliza Hubbard wife born Isleworth c. 1818 living with mother Ann Everitt age 79 born Endon, Wilts. Also Robert Everitt = Fulham 25.4.1813 Susanna Leech, Susanna of Robert (labourer) & Susanna Everitt bapt 1816 Isleworth, Robert of Robert (labourer) & Susanna Everitt bapt 10.4.…

Exeter, Earl of

13.5.1796 call on Lawrence, not available, (E of Exeter)

Thomas Lawrence exhibited a portrait of Lord Exeter and his family at the Royal Academy in 1797


Exhibition 11.7.1800 (in Ireland)

The GD website event tag mentions an exhibition in London advertised in the Times of that day, without noticing that Godwin was in Dublin. If you have easier access to Dublin newspapers than I do you may be able to identify this exhibition

Exten, William

MILL VOTERS 1802: William Exten of Hounslow

Heston 3.5.1789 3rd banns of William Exton & Elizabeth Perry / Frances of William & Elizabeth Exten born 12.8.1800 bapt 10.9.1800 Isleworth / George of William & Elizabeth Exten bapt 28.3.1802 Isleworth / Joseph of William & Elizabeth Exten bapt 15.7.1810 Harmondsworth / Joseph Axten labourer married Heston 20.10.1837 Dinah Crook, his father William Axten labourer wits William Axten, Susan X Axten

Eyre, James

23.6.1795 Eyre at Parr's, Hatton & 4.7.1795 at Morley's (Mawley's)

Rev James Eyre DNB 1748-1813 headmaster of Solihull Grammar school, son of John of Coventry gent & his wife Mary, matric Trinity Oxford 13.11.1771 age 20 (which would make his birth date 1751 not 1748 as DNB, which is based on his age given at death) married 9.4.1790 Charlotte Harding. Dr Samuel Parr DNB 1747-1825 married his sister Mary on 17.12.1816. The DNB mentions his connection to Parr in the Parr article but not in the Eyre article

1794 subscr to Poems by Mrs Darwall formerly Miss Whateley (…


26.8.1807 100 Fabs &c

Presumably copies of Godwin's work written under pseudonym Edward Baldwin Fables Ancient & Modern

Faddy, Charles

SWEDENBORGIANS: New Jerusalem Chapel Charles Faddy bapt 23.3..1794 born 17.2.1775 of Peter & Elizabeth Faddy

Charles son of Peter Faddy bapt 22.3.1775 St Sidwell, Exeter. Peter Faddy of St Sidwell Exeter will PCC 1803 mentioned only wife Mary and dau Sarah. Charles Faddy = St Geo H Sq 28.1.1809 Charlotte Mary Payne sp wits Ann Faddy, John Woods. Holdens 1811 Charles Faddy publican Gt Marylebone St. Charles Faddy died 24.9.1839 bur St Mary Mag bermondsey 29.9.1839 age 64 of Camberwell. His will PCC 1839 of 11 Albany Pl, Albany Rd Surrey gent mentioned Catherine Payne sister of…


Fagan 15.11.1804 at H Rowan's / 30.12.1805 again / 17.1.1806 again

Perhaps one of the Irish Catholic family of Fagan in Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland. Patrick Fagan who died 1770 had ten sons, the eldest Christopher Alexander 1733-1816 will PCC 1816 was said to be the father by Madame Roland of Hyacinthe Gabrielle (died 1816) who became the mistress about 1785 of Richard Wellesley DNB 1760-1842 and married him in 1794 by which time she had had five children by him. The second son was Stephen merchant of Cork died 1811 whose sons James died 1822 and Patrick died 1808. The third…

Fagg, Frederick

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Frederick Fagg of Twickenham

Frederick Hunt Fagg bur 29.7.1845 Twickenham age 86. Universal British Directory 1791 Frederick Fagg, TAYLOR Twickenham. Frederick son of Frederick & Anne Fagg bapt 17.9.1800 Twickenham. Land Tax 1804 Twickenham Frederick Fagg landlord Mr Newton rent £1.5s. 1841 census London Rd, Twickenham Frederick Fagg tailor age 80, Ann age 75, William age 35, Margarett age 30. Anne Fagg bur 9.4.1843 Twickenham age 81

Fairfield. Mrs

call on mrs Fairfield 31.3.1798 with Basil Montagu / 23.5.1814 mrs Fairfield calls (& Sarah Elwes)

Eliza (nee Massey or Morsey? Ancestry user-submitted tree) wife of George Fairfield, whose will PCC 1822 barred his wife and children and left all to Margaret Ann Cook spinster of The Cottage, Bexley Kent. He died at Bexley 26.7.1821 aged 62. The obvious inference is that Miss Cook was his mistress but she might have been a goddaughter or other protegee. However his widow was not penniless; the Morning Post of 2.3.1804 reported that Mrs Fairfield of Hertford St had given a select…

Falconer, William

26.9.1791 M R of Falconer on Climate.

Dr William Falconer DNB 1744-1824 wrote Remarks on the Influence of Climate (1781). It was reviewed in the Monthly Review of Jan 1782


Falkener, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Falkener of Bishopsgate St proposed 27.9.1782 by John Jebb 2nded Thomas Hinton Burley Oldfield

The will PCC 1756 of Lyon Falkener of St Botolph without Bishopsgate mentioned his wife Hannah and her mother Sarah White widow. Lyon Falkener bach of St Andrew Undershaft = Chelsea 30.9.1750 Hannah White sp of St Mgt Westmr by lic. Lyon Falkener was admitted to the Fletchers Company of London on 20.11.1750 and his son Edward born 22.7.1751 was made free by patrimony on 4.8.1772. Lyon Falkener merchant Bishopsgate Without was in 1752…

Falkner, Matthew

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Matthew Falkner Esq of Manchester proposed 6.6.1788 by Richard Sharp 2nded John Lodge Batley

There appear to have been two or three Manchester tradesmen called Matthew Falkner, the SCI memeber was certainly the bookseller of 6 Market Place from 1773, but in that year there was also a timber merchant of Brasen Nose St and a check & silk manufacturer of High St. One of them may have been the Matthew Falkner who married Ann Harrop 24.(9?).1764 at Manchester, both of Manchester by lic.The bookseller & stationer was active 27.12.1787 in the…

Fancourt. Olivia

O Fancourt 1.12.1798 at hers with Chandler. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1798 / 4.12.1798 again / 9.12.1798 again / 21.12.1798 tea at hers / 26.12.1798 dine at hers with Chandler / 27.12.1798 tea at hers adv Chandler / 18.1.1799 call on Chandler & O Fancourt (neither in) / 19.1.1799 Chandler & O Fancourt dine / 31.1.1799 Mrs F affirms that the subjects of the Mahometan princes in India are all Moors, & the subjects of the Hindoo princes all Hindoos / 1.2.1799 dine at Fancourt's / 22.6.1799 tea at O Fancourt's with Chandler, Circus with C(handler) & O(livia) / 10.9.1799 dine at…


17.9.1807 Fargues calls / 8.10.1807 again / 29.10.1807 call on Fargues

Francis Peter Fargues copperplate printer & engraver 48 Berwick-st (St James Westmr P O directory 1810). Age 26 of St Botolph Aldgate he took a license to marry Sarah Downing 5.6.1782. Bankrupt 1824. A Francis Peter Fargues was still on electoral register at Berwick-st in 1842, he was dead by 1853 (Standard 14.1.1853)

Farley, Edward

Wrote to LCS 21.2.1793 to see if they wished to promote his pamphlet "Imprisonment for Debt Unconstitutional" which was printed for the author in 1788. It included a letter dated 29.8.1785 from John Sawbridge (DNB 1732-1795). 2nd edition 1795. An Edward Farley gent of Hamilton St, St George Hanover Sq had voted Lord Trentham 1749. An Edward Farley of Godalming, Surrey voted for Vincent & Scawen against Mawley in Surrey 1774 and was an occupier in Godalming 1780. An Edward Farley was discharged from the Kings Bench Prison 14.5.1784 where he was detained at the suit of Thomas Parrock (…