A-Z of Entries

Fricker, George

30.1.1806  sup at Lamb's w. Fricker & miss Stodart

This was George Fricker, younger brother of Sara (Mrs Coleridge) and Martha (Mrs Southey) bapt 2.6.1784 St James, Bath of Stephen & Martha Fricker, bur 27.6.1813 Crosthwaite, Cumberland. He died while staying with the Southeys. Coleridge wrote to him in London in1806 encouraging him to visit the Lambs


9.8.1809 write to Frizac

M. Frizac Hotel de Grande Bretagne près l'Hotel le Brun Rue St Honoré Paris, written on flyleaf of Godwin's diary vol. xv (begun Feb 1809). On a different leaf from Burr's contacts

Frizac, Tableau historique et figuratif des changements politiques survenus en Europe dépuis 1789 jusqu'en 1808


Frizel 25.7.1800 at Hamilton's (in Ireland) / 4.8.1800 meet Frizel (on Godwin's way to from Dublin to Carlow)


Fromont, Maria

M Fromont at theatre 15.5.1797 (& Dibbin).

Charlotte Maria Fromont was Henry Dibbin's stepsister baptised at Thatcham on 4.10.1778. She appears in Godwin's diary on 15.5.1797 at the theatre with Dibbin (though this could possibly be his mother) and supped at Godwin's with Dibbin on 10.11.1798. She took her father's side in the Chancery dispute (see Dibbin, Henry) and never married, dying on 20.9.1866 (Nat Probate Calendar). In 1861 she was living at Thatcham Farm, described as a farmer of 300 acres employing 10 men and 6 boys. Her companion and housekeeper was another spinster…


Frost at 16 Pepper St, Lomans Pond, Southwark was an address for LCS signatures 12.11.1795, and the president of Div 15 of the LCS on 18.9.1797 was called Frost (see Thale). Nearest but unlikely identification I found was John Frost pawnbroker of Tooley Street Southwark will proved PCC 21.1.1799. Though both in St Saviour's parish, Tooley Street and Lomans Pond were not particularly close.

Frost, Charles

HCR diary 22.2.1821 Robinson sat for his portrait to Jacob Strutt, mentioned Mrs Strutt's brother Frost of Hull

Charles Frost (DNB 1782-1862)

Frost, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Frost original member 1780 Upper Charlotte St, Rathbone Pl. Marked as "declined" in 178? list but active later without being proposed again

BONNEY DIARY: 31.7.1794 saw Frost (once Bonney moved to Newgate on 24.10.1794 Frost was mentioned more often) Frost 27.10.1794 / 29.10.1794 / 1.11.1794 / 3.11.1794 / 11.11.1794 / 13.11.1794 / 14.11.1794 / 15.11.1794. Bonney had been the clerk of John Frost

AMENDMENTS TO OXFORD DNB: John Frost 1750-1842

CURRENT TEXT "born in October 1750. His parentage remains unknown and little about his…


see Crutchley & Fry

Fry, Mrs

HCR diary 17.5.1841 "Ellen seems to be recovering herself - she is under the protection of Mrs Fry!"

This was very likely Elizabeth Fry (DNB 1780-1845). Mrs Aders' daughter Ellen Ley (1804-1867) had previously been arrested for theft (see HCR diary 7.1.1840)

Fullarton, William

GODWIN DIARY: Fullaston 8.5.1788

At Gibbon's birthday party (where Godwin probably wasn't), this was perhaps William Fullarton (DNB 1754-1808) then MP for Haddington. The writing suggests an 'r' though the ink is hardly visible. (The s has now been corrected to an r on GD website)

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Col Fullarton of St James St proposed 24.6.1791 by Count Zenobio 2nded John Frost

See DNB article William Fullarton 1754-1808


Fuller 15.3.1797 at Robert Knight's

Richard Fuller banker of Cornhill (will PCC 1782) had five sons Richard, George, Charles, Joseph and William. Charles married 22.4.1795 at St Geo Han Sq Jane widow of Benjamin Bond Hopkins (will PCC 1794) who had married her 22.2.1791 as a widower, she was Jane Davis otherwise Knight spinster of Clapham Surrey, Robert Knight was a witness. Davis was the name of the unmarried mother of the Knights, so Charles Fuller was Robert Knight's brother-in-law. His brothers Joseph and William both became Guards officers. In 1805 Robert Knight prosecuted…

Fullilove, George

SWEDENBORGIANS: George Fullilove on committee of Conference held April 1792 in Great Eastcheap, London

The rare name Fullilove found in Yorkshire and in Birmingham / Coventry area. George Fullilove served as a schoolmaster at Harbor Grace, Newfoundland for the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in 1784 but had returned to England by Feb 1785, see the published reports of that Society. George Fullilove cutler bur 25.10.1739 Sheffield. George son of John Fullilove cutler bapt 29.7.1748 Sheffield. George Fullilove of Sheffield age 27 = Ecclesfield,…

Funnel, the (Tunnel)

navigate the Tunnel 9.6.1797

GD website has transcribed this wrongly as Funnel. It is covered in Godwin's letter to Mary Wollstonecraft (Abinger c49 f178-9) and in the notes to that letter in Pamela Clemit's edition of Godwin's letters Vol 1. Harecastle Tunnel


Furmage, Thomas

BONNEY DIARY: Furmage 5.7.1794 / 7.7.1794 / 9.7.1794 / 14.7.1794 / 17.7.1794 / 21.7.1794 / 24.9.1794 / 1.10.1794 / 7.11.1794 / 27.11.1794

Thomas Furmage Rathbone Place Old Bailey jury list 1774. Thomas Furmage = St Anne Soho 1765 Elizabeth Vernell. Children of Thomas & Elizabeth Furmage bapt St Pancras, Elizabeth born 22.5.1767 bapt 11.6.1767, Thomas born 2.1.1769 bapt 29.1.1769, Elizabeth Rebecca born 5.4.1771 bapt 5.5.1771, Rebecca born 10.12.1772 bapt 10.1.1773, Mary born 29.9.1774 bapt 23.10.1774. St Pancras ratebooks 1784-1795 Thomas Furmage 25 Rathbone Place. Thomas…

Furnell, John

MILL VOTERS 1802: John Furnell of Isleworth

John Furnell bur 17.11.1822 Isleworth age 74. John son of William Furnell bapt 22.7.1750 Richmond. John Furnell BUTCHER of Isleworth license to marry Sarah Clement sp 1770. Joseph son of John & Sarah Furnell bapt 30.1.1791 Isleworth. Land Tax John Furnell Isleworth 1797, 1805. John Furnell = Isleworth 19.8.1810 Mary Jarvis. Will of Sarah Furnell of Isleworth dated 9.5.1830 mentioned son John and dau Ann wife of William Ferris, proved 19.10.1833 by Ann Ferris, her brother John having died before his mother. John Furnell & Sarah…


6.2.1807 Furner sups

Only mention in Godwin's diary. Could have come in the company of any of the other guests, Hazlitt, Dawe, the Flathers or Godwin's nephew William Godwin. An uncommon name except in Kent, Sussex and Hampshire. Some London examples in work notes below

Fuseli, Henry

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796 but not coded to his person record in GD website

Fuseli, Henry

HCR diary 13.1.1819 Mrs Opie / Fuseli / Sidney Smith / Samuel Rogers (I just made that note with no more context)

                      4.4.1823 after seeing Aders' pictures, Sir George Beaumont "proposed bringing Fuseli"

George Beaumont (DNB 1753-1827) and Henry Fuseli (DNB 1741-1825). I've no idea whether Fuseli did visit Aders' collection

Fuseli, Sophia (Mrs)

5.3.1799 mrs Fuseli

see Henry Fuseli DNB 1741-1825 married St Marylebone 30.6.1788 Sophia Rawlins of Batheaston (1762/3-1832)

Fyfield, Best & Williams

4.1.1807 dine at King's w. Sturts Danvers Best Plowden & Williams adv. May & Fyfield / 10.1.1807 dine at King's w. Wolcot Sturts Danvers Best & Williams / 18.1.1807 dine at King's w Sturts Danvers Wolcot Williams & Fyfield / 6.7.1827 Best at Uwins'

I've put these three together because Fyfield and Best only appear at these three dinners at King's in Jan 1807 (the Best of 1827 being likely someone different) and Williams was at all three dinners and quite likely to be different from the many other Williams who appeared in the diary., Though there was a Williams (and…