A-Z of Entries

Joyce, Jeremiah

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Rev Joyce proposed member 20.4.1792 by John Lodge Batley 2nded Benjamin Cooper

Jeremiah Joyce (DNB 1763-1816). DNB article gives very little detail about his wife and children. He was apprenticed 1777 to John Willis, glazier of St Clement Danes (will PCC 1801). He married at Chevening, Kent 4.1.1796 Elizabeth Fagg of Bathwick, Somerset, whose sister Mary had married his older bother Joshua in 1784. They were daughters of Robert Harding Fagg, tallow chandkler, his will PCC 1784 tallow chandler of Bermondsey. Their children were Emma born 6.12.…

Joyce, Joshua

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Joshua Joyce 48 Essex St, Strand proposed member 4.5.1792 by John Frost 2nded Robert Merry

Older brother of Jeremiah Joyce (DNB 1763-1816) and see my entry on this website for Joyce, Jeremiah. Joshua was bapt 10.12.1756 at Cheshunt, Herts of Jeremiah & Hannah Joyce. His father Jeremiah Joyce will PCC 1778 woolcomber of Cheshunt, Herts, and for earlier forbears Jeremiah Joyce PCC 1742 and Joshua Joyce PCC 1751 both woolcombers of Cheshunt. Joshua Joyce = St Clement Danes 25.12.1784 Mary Fagg (whose sister married his brother Jeremiah). His…

Joyce, Mrs T C

mrs TCJoyce 19.7.1804 at Joyce's

This may have been Mary Joyce wife of Jeremiah Joyce's brother Joshua, who was a tallow chandler (TC?). The brothers married sisters, so she had a double reason for being at Joyce's. See Joyce, Jeremiah and Joyce, Joshua on this website

Judgson, Thomas

18.7.1796 Weybourn camp, officers Judson

True Briton 15.6.1795. Oracle 12.9.1796 The camp at Weybridge, light artillery commanded by Major Judson is suddenly ordered to Woodbridge in Suffolk.

Thomas Judgson, Royal Artillery, Captain 23.3.1786, Lt Colonel 1.1.1800. He vanished from Army list after 1806, but Morning Post Monthly military obituary of 1.1.1836 had Lt Colonel Judgson late of Royal Artillery


see Judgson, Thomas

Jukes, Francis

CURRENT TEXT "Ryland that January."
SUGGESTED CHANGE <Ryland that January. (In the Society of Artists catalogue the exhibitor was listed as J Jukes. The prints were after Chatelin (DNB 1710-1759), and a James Jukes had married Frances Chatelain at St Anne Soho on 31 May 1778.)>
CURRENT TEXT "He died in 1812, probably in March."
SUGGESTED CHANGE <He died on 21 August 1809 at his house in Pinner, Middlesex. His will mentioned no wife, but his housekeeper and companion Ann Close and her children. Eight children of Francis Jukes and…


HCR diary 25.12.1823 at Sam: Kent's "the whole Jupp family - Mr J: rather a low joker, but still a sensible man - very religious but yet remarkably coarse in his conversation - with a tendency to freedom of talk on sexual matters before his own sons. Three of them - two forward striplings - one a young architect - also 4 daughters - a fine family on the whole - Mrs J: was sighing all the day - it amounted nearly to groaning - for the loss of a favourite daughter two years ago!!"....."The whole Jupp family tremendous Irvingites"

An ad in the Morning Chronicle of 4.8.1823 listed…

Kaine, Miss

miss Kaine 8.8.1800 at Burne's (in Ireland)


10.2.1795 at King's / 27.3.1795 at Geralds (with King) / 1.4.1795 Godwin meets him before dining at King's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795, inserted above with King's other guests G Rogers, Anderson & Davis.

I found a Henry Kaines butcher of Dukes Shore, Limehouse, will PCC 1801, and a Thomas Kaines of St Marylebone buried 24.10.1827 age 65 at Countess of Huntingdon's Chapel, Spa Fields but no good reason it should be either of them except that the name is rare. Looked at variants Kanes, Caines, Canes and Keynes with no more luck


Karre, Sarah

Cary/miss Carey.
(Should be added to Identified person Fell, Sarah) 16.4.1797 Cary at dinner at H G's / 28.8.1798 at tea at Godwin's, adv H G & her / 30.8.1799 at dinner at Godwin's, adv Fell, H G & her / 3.11.1799 dines at Godwin's with H G and Fell.

As Sarah Karre she married Ralph Fell at St Dionis Backchurch on 5.7.1800, witnesses J Marshall, H Godwin. (Abinger c.17 f91, c.5 f14-17, 22-23, c.22 f127-30).


HCR diary  28.11.1812 diary typescript has at Flaxman's "the Pordens and Rays" this should be Kays

                      30.4.1813 Mr Kays Bedford St, Bedford Sq

                    21.12.1823 in Greenwich "left my card at Kay's"

                        1.1.1824 at Flaxmans "the Kays and the Franklins" "Mrs Kay looked almost as young as and handsomer than her daughter"

                      7.11.1824 at Greenwich "at Mrs Kay's met Mrs Franklin"

                        7.5.1825  "At seven went to Flaxman's - there were the Masqueriers and the Kays - Mrs…

Kearsley, Thomas

11.3.1796 call on Ky

Godwin called on Kearsley on 7.3.1796 a few days before


17.12.1808 call on Keating  / 19.12.1808 Keating calls / 28.12.1808 call on Keating / 29.12.1815 again

Perhaps George Keating DNB 1762-1842 Catholic bookseller or his father Patrick 1723/4-1816

Maurice Keating DNB d.1835 & History of Parliament, army officer, opposition MP, and author


Keating, George

CURRENT TEXT "Alicia (1782/3-1816),"
SUGGESTED CHANGE <Alicia nee Emsworth (1782/3-1816) whom he had married at St George Hanover Square on 12 September 1803, and>

Keating, Thomas

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Col Keating of 19 Charlotte St, Rathbone Pl proposed member 17.4.1792 by Robert Merry 2nded John Horne Tooke

Thomas Keating of St Edmund the King London bachelor = St Mary at Hill London 5.11.1772 Anne Peacocke otp spinster by lic wits Mann Peacocke, Rutt Peacocke, Mary Peacocke. Public Advertiser 6.11.1772 Yesterday was married Colonel Keating of Chinckford Hatch to Miss Peacock of Hackney. The will proved PCC 9.7.1802 of Thomas Keating former Colonel 88th foot of Amiens France dated 25.3.1797 (8th germinal 8th yr of republic) -…


Kedden 7.11.1800 at theatre (& Sarah Elwes) / 15.1.1801 tea at Kedden's (& Sarah Elwes) / 10.2.1802 call with Sarah Elwes on Kedden

Probably the Rev William Kedden son of Ralph of Fareham, Hants (will PCC 1777 Gosport) Magdalen Hall Oxford BA 1801. He was a friend of the Rev Lockhart Gordon (not to be confused with Pryse Lockhart Gordon, see my entry for Gordon) who was involved in a scandalous court case in 1804 concerning the abduction by Lockhart Gordon and his brother Lauden of a Mrs Lee, who however compromised the case against them by admitting she later agreed to have…


Keenan 23.2.1803 at Northmore's / 8.12.1803 Keenan calls / 11.1.1804 again / 25.1.1804 again

John Keenan c1785-1819 Irish painter. See Shelley and his Circle SC 54


4.8.1807 dine at Johnson's w. Keene / 26.8.1808 again / 19.10.1810 again / 8.10.1812 call on Keene, Dublin (not seen) / 13.10.1812 Keene of Dublin calls

Starting with the last two entries above, this may have referred to Martin Keene 1781-1846 bookseller of 6, College Green, Dublin, or to his father Arthur Keene of Charlemont-st, Dublin will PCC 4.10.1822. As a publisher Martin Keene seems to have been anti-Catholic, and he was King's printer in partnershop with the Grirsons (Dict Irish Biog). Possibly he was also the earlier Keene at Johnson's, if he visited London most years.…

Keene, Henry

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Henry Keene nr St Saviours Church proposed member 13.9.1782 by Joseph Brown 2nded Joseph Towers

Henry Keene was born about 1726 the youngest child of John Keene farmer of Stadham, Oxfordshire and his wife Alice. Henry's aunt Hannah had married Henry Shepherd, baker of St Saviour Soutwark (his will PCC 1734). She married again at St Benet Pauls Wharf 17.11.1737 John Chantrey lighterman and coal merchant (his will PCC 1751 and her will PCC 1759). At the time his aunt wrote her will Henry Keene was living with her. His oldest sister Elizabeth of…


C Keir 29.11.1800 dines / 19.12.1800 again / 10.6.1801 R K at Keir's / 27.8.1801 C Keir dines / 5.1.1804 K Keir dines / 11.1.1805 C Keir adv at dinner / 10.6.1806 R K at Keir's

Peter Keir coach axletree & box manufacturer, near Veterinary College St Pancras. Collections for prisoners under suspension of Habeas Corpus 1796, 1799 & 1818. John Thomas son of Peter & Elizabeth Keir born 25.9.1791 bapt 18.5.1800 St Pancras. Absence of baptisms for C, K & R Keir may suggest scepticai outlook. C appeared twice with Orlando Fenwick (born 1798) so was probably quite a small…