A-Z of Entries


On 13.3.1794 Godwin dined at Wedgwood's where Kinsman was present. On 26.9.1798 he met miss Kinsman near Watford. In (Abinger c.17 f66-7) is a copy of Godwin's letter to her about that meeting. In reply he got a letter from her brother H Kingsman who said he knew Godwin (Abinger c.4 f47-8). In the 1796 list E Kingsman is towards the end of 1798, and D Kingsman near the start of 1799. On 8.5.1799 at Langley-berry he saw Mrs and Misses Kingman. Dorothea and Emily were the daughters of William Long Kingsman of Langleybury, Herts. Dorothea died in 1800 (her will Nat Arch PROB11/1348). Emily…


22.6.1810 Kingston &c call

Godwin rarely shortened a list of callers with a &c (I sometimes shorten Godwin's lists with &c). In this case he did the same the day before, and on this day he followed it with a colon and a further list of callers. All of which suggests a number of undesired callers, or ones whose names were not worth remembering?


Kingston, John

2 Kingstons 24.2.1803

See Cooper, Elizabeth Priscilla. John Kingston MP (1735-1820) Oporto wine merchant, and director of Sierra Leone Company, lived at Oak Hill, Barnet, and at Stratford Place (History of Parliamnet: will Nat Arch PROB11/1639)

Kinnaird, George

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Rt Hon Lord George Kinnaird proposed member 17.5.1782 by Edward Hall 2nded John Jebb

GODWIN DIARY lord Kinnaird 17.3.1795 at Bosville's, 6.11.1807 Kinnaird at Johnson's, 16.5.1828 Kinnaird at Reynolds'. In 1796 list.

George Kinnaird born 1754 succeeded as 7th Earl 1767 died 1805 so was presumably the first Godwin diary entry and the entry in 1796 list, also the SCI member, see Wikipedia.  His sons Charles DNB 1780-1820 and Douglas DNB 1788-1830 were both possible for the other two entries which didn't mention any title, Ds Kinnaird is…


See Kingsman

Kippis, Andrew

GODWIN DIARY see his person record in GD website

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Rev Dr Andrew Kippis of Crown St, Westminster original member May 1780

Andrew Kippis (DNB 1728-1795)

Kirkby, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Capt John Kirkby of Worksop Notts proposed member 8.9.1780 by John Cartwright 2nded Thomas Bentley

Probably son of Henson Kirkby who was bapt 22.7.1722 Worksop son of Joshua & Mary (nee Henson married 20.4.1718 Osberton). Henson Kirkby married Frances Ashby at Worksop 21.3.1751, their dau Frances bapt there 13.2.1756 and their son John 7.1.1758. Will PCC 23.12.1776 Henson Kirkby dated 17.5.1776 mentioned house at Worksop, wife Frances, dau Frances and son John at College. John Kirkby of Notts Queens College Cambridge BA 1779. London Packet…

Kirkley, Ralph

Godwin took tea at Kirkley's on 9.8.1799, followed by a call on Elkins. This was Sir Joshua Reynolds' servant Ralph Kirkley, one of whose daughters married at St Marylebone 22.12.1798 William Elkins, a bookseller who went bankrupt in 1800.


Kirkmans 5.4.1795 adv at Batty's /  21.8.1810 & 11.9.1810 call on Kirkman

Joseph Kirkman, Esq London subscribed to Robert Robinson's Ecclesiastical Researches 1792. See DNB for Jacob & Abraham Kirkman harpsichord makers who were both dead by 1795. Their successor Joseph K PCC 1830 and a relative Jacob K DNB composer (perhaps PCC 1812). There was also a Joseph K brewer of St Giles PCC 1804, a Rev Lemuel K, Islington PCC 1820 and a Patrick K gentleman Ealing PCC 1823


21.8.1810 Guildhall; Tabart, Kirkman &c / 11.9.1810 Baptist C H; Tabart, Kirkman &c

Kirkman only appeared in Godwin's diary at two of the sessions for Tabart's bankruptcy, but I couldn't find anyone of the name Kirkman in the book trades or legal profession.. Since Tabart had a long association with Soho it may have been the piano maker Joseph Kirkman (his will PCC 1830) of 19 Broad-st, Soho, son of Abraham Kirkman DNB 1737-1794 who may have been one of Tabart's creditors

Kirkpatrick, James

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Lt Col James Kirkpatrick of Croydon Common proposed member 9.8.1782 by William Pickett 2nded Joseph Brown

According to Kirkpatrick of Closeburn (1858) his father was James Kirkpatrick M.D. author of some poetical and medical works DNB 1696-1770 (London Evening Post 8.5.1770 died at his lodgings in Fleet St). An officer of the Madras establishment, he published in 1769 "Brief considerations on the expediency" &c about the use of Light Troops "by a late officer of cavalry on the coast of Coromandel". He married Katherine daughter of Andrew…


Kirwan 23.7.1800 dines. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1800 / 26.7.1800 call on with Curran, adv two priests / 27.7.1800 at Curran's (talk of Eloise and Hume) / 1.8.1800 call on

Probably Walter Blake Kirwan DNB 1754-1805 friend of Grattan & Drennan, former Catholic, Curch of Ireland preacher. Consider also Richard Kirwan DNB 1733-1812 scientist / Owen Kirwan c1770-1803 radical / Thomas Kirwan Dict Irish Biog 1772-1852 & his father (died 1807?) Catholic merchants / Edward Kirwan Hist Irish Parl 1747-1807 son of Alexander Kirwan attorney of Dalgan, co. Mayo / John Kirwan barrister…

Kleboe, Erasmus

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 5 Castle Street East Land Tax 1791-1796 Rasmus Kleboe

Mr Kleboe of Castle St was a benefactor of Ossulston Hospital between 1787 and 1791 / 1806 Erasmus Kleboe Gerrard St Soho  (London Lives) / Helen Maria dau of Erasmus & Bergette Maria Kleboe was born 24.5.1803 and bapt at St Anne Soho 8.6.1803 / Erasmus K adult and Elizabeth K child were both buried there 10.6.1803 / Andreas Christian Kleboe appr to Stationers Coy 1809 (bbti.bham.ac.uk) married 18.7.1817 Charlotte Hudson at St George Bloomsbury by…

Klugh, George

15.3.1806 call on Klugh / 19.3.1806 again

George Klugh tailor Ryders Court Soho SunFire 1802. He was apprenticed for 7 years from 6.6.1785 to Lewis Pfancock taylor of St James Westminster premium £12. George Klugh shoemaker 1790 Directory Ryders Court (presumably his father?) buried Soho 21.5.1796 age 56 of Ryders Court. George Klugh rates Ryders Court 1774 to 1803. George Klugh otp = St Geo Hanover Sq 4.7.1802 Hannah Reader otp banns sigs. Their daughter Johanna Elizabeth bapt 9.1.1804 Soho. George Klugh tailor of Ryders Court took apprentice John Cotencin 1803. George Klugh rates…

Knapp, barrister

11.8.1807 call on Knapp; barrister, w. T(homas) T(urner) / 9.11.1807 dine at Guildhall; adv. Knapp

Jerome William Knapp admitted Middle Temple 1776, called to bar 1787, eldest son of Jerome Knapp barrister (admitted Middle Temple 1737 died 1792 son of Jerome Knapp of Haberdashers Hall). J W Knapp's will PCC 7.1.1816

Knapp, Leonora


The GD website discusses the coding of LK in its editorial notes for the person record of Leonora Knapp, suggesting that apart from one entry on 29.5.1830, Leonora Knapp didn't appear in Godwin's diary after 1815, with which I agree. However there are many LK entries after 1815 coded to Leonora Knapp and they should all be transferred to Louisa Holcroft/ (Kenney) nee Mercier. In the period between Louisa Holcroft's marriage to Kenney in March 1812 and the end of 1815 Godwin gradually shifted his use of LK from Knapp to Kenney. Two of those entries I think GD website has…


HCR diary 18.3.1832 "went to the Aders - the Knights were there"

                      2.6.1832 "called on Mrs Aders - the Knights there"

                    10.8.1832 "went to Mrs Aders - Knight there - consequently not much"

Knight was a very common name and these were the only times they were mentioned in HCR diary in connection with the Aders. It was shortly before Aders' financial problems became public. Nevertheless I could make a stab at guessing this was the family of Charles Knight (DNB 1791-1873)

Knight, com

call on Knight, com 12.4.1804 with M(arshall)

The com probably stood for comedian so this entry should be added to the person record for Thomas Knight DNB d.1820 on GD website

Knight, engraver

12.12.1808 Knight, engr calls

Charles Parsons Knight DNB 1743-1826 1805 Webb's-la Hammersmith

Robert Knight 1805 18 Little Canterbury-pl Lambeth

Knight, Mrs

1.10.1806 Mrs Knight at Wolcot's / 18.5.1807 Knight (Camden Town) calls / 17.6.1807 Knight jr calls / 27.6.1807 Knight v. Wolcot
Morning Post 29.6.1807 reporting the trial at Kings Bench 27.6.1807 for criminal conversation (adultery) of Dr John Wolcot. Wolcot lived on 2nd floor of house where Mr Knight (his landlord? a naval officer? steward of a ship's captain? according to different press reports) lived on 1st floor and Wolcot was coaching his wife to be an actress. She was 25 and Wolcot was about 70 and was found not guilty on account of his age. Mrs Dyke the housekeeper gave…