A-Z of Entries

Campbell of 1785

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1785 Campbell, last and in darker ink, and not in 1794 version. The entry in the 1796 list has not been coded to any person record on the GD website. It may have referred to Thomas Campbell DNB 1733-1795 whom Godwin met in early 1790. According to Campbell's diary (J L Clifford Dr Campbell's Diary of a Visit to England pp 96, 106) he visited London in 1775, 1777, 1781, October 1786, and December 1789. Though the diary had gaps, Campbell specified that the 1786 visit was his fourth visit to London. So if Godwin was referring to Dr Thomas Campbell in his 1796 list,…

Campbell, Charlotte

7.4.1796 la Cha Campbell at Salomon's concert, & miss Smith

Charlotte Bury DNB 1775-1861 (nee Campbell) daughter of the Duke of Argyll, who married her cousin Col John Campbell on 14.6.1796 and married 2ndly Bury in 1818. She has a person record in the GD website as Lady Charlotte Bury with entries from 1826, The miss Campbell at Lady Mary Shepherd's with Lady Charlotte Bury on 6.5.1834 may have been one of Lady charlotte's two youngest daughters who were then still unmarried, Adelaide Constance who married Lord Arthur Lennox on1.7.1835 or Julia Seymour Buccleuch who married…

Campbell, D

D Campbell 8.2.1799 at King's / 26.10.1799 again / 29.12.1799 Campbells at Lanesborough's / 19.1.1800 again / 16.3.1800 mrs Campbell at King's / 4.4.1802 again

Perhaps Donald Campbell DNB 1751-1804 whose will PCC 1804 dated 5.5.1804 mentioned his reputed son William aged 2 or 3 years and Augusta Kendall, probably the mother. His legitimate son Frederick William is also in DNB 1782-1846 so could have been included in the plural Campbells as well as his mother Mary whose dates are not given in DNB

Boyles 1800 Duncan Campbell 3 Robert St Adelphi & Wilmington Mount nr…

Campbell, John

write to John Campbell, Emigrant-Dealer 6.1.1819

From Bodleian Abinger c19 f78, c12 f41-2 & c12 f53 this was clearly John Campbell, writer to the signet of Abercrombie Place, Edinburgh

Campbell, Thomas

HCR diary 12.3.1832 "went to Aders - I found several persons there and aqmongst others Thomas Campbell the poet - I was not prepossessed in his favour and he did not gain upon me during the time we chatted, not that he was discourteous - on the contrary he was very civil - or assuming. But I did not like his face or the style or the tone of his conversation"

Thomas Campbell (DNB 1777-1844)


HCR diary 24.11.1821 at Aders' "a Mr Campe an Elberfelder - an intimate of A's in particular pleased me by his great kindness of manner & amiable countenance without the too frequent accompaniment of want of understanding - he has had a commercial education by residence in England and has now a flourishing establishment at home"

Possibly H W Campe wool merchant at 22 (Little) Bush Lane, Cannon St from 1820 to 1825 (Land Tax, SunFire 1822, Pigot's Directory 1822) but I found no more about him


Camoigny 26.5.1795 adv at Foulkes' (with Holcroft)


3.4.1794 Candidate should be coded to te0081.

Godwin seemed inspired to re-read Charles Churchill's poems around this time of the persecution of radicals, as on 3.12.1793

Candy, John

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

John Candy 33 Poland St ratebooks 1782-6 / John Candy Sneads Court, St Geo Han Sq voted Fox 1780 / John Candy Sneads Court figure maker voted Fox 1784 (in ratebooks for Sneeds Court till 1785) / John Candy junior Poland St greengrocer voted Fox 1784 / John Candy = St Geo Han Sq 7.4.1782 Ann Elizabeth Deall botp banns / John son of John & Elizabeth Ann Candy bapt St James 19.3.1783 / Rebecca Ann dau of John & Elizabeth Ann Candy bapt St James 1784 / John Cundy child bur St James 13.7.1785 / Ann Elizabeth Candy bur St…

Cann, Philip

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Phil Cann 12 Batemans Buildings ratebooks 1774 / London Gazette 8.6.1776 prisoners in Fleet prison giving 3rd notice of taking benefit of Insolvent Debtors Act, Philp Cann formerly of Wych St, St Clement Danes, late of Batemans Buildings Soho, glover / Philip Cann (poor) bur 19.4.1786 St Mary le Strand gout


14.07.1788 see Canning. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1787 Canning, and in 1794 version. George Canning has a person record in the GD website but the 1796 list entry has not been coded to it.

George Canning DNB 1770-1827 would have been 18 years old and just finished his first year at Christ Church, Oxford when Godwin saw him. The Canning in the 1796 list for 1787 may have been him or possibly his uncle Stratford Canning (QV* in Society for Constitutional Information dataset) member of SCI who died in May 1787. Perhaps Godwin was introduced to George Canning, who already enjoyed some…

Canning, Stratford

Stratford Canning of Clements Lane proposed Society for Constitutional Information 11.8.1780 by John Jebb 2nded Edward Bridgen

Merchant of 10 Clements Lane, London from at least 1776. His father Stratford  (1703-75) was son & heir of George Canning of Coleraine co Derry, was admitted to the Middle Temple in 1722 and called to the Irish bar in 1730. See DNB George Canning 1770-1827. Stratford was born 1744 (see his memorial in Putney cemetery). He married before 1774 Mehitabel (d.1831) eldest dau of Robert Patrick of St Mary Dublin and his wife Elizabeth. He was a director of The…


mrs Cannon 15.3.1795 at King's / 22.3.1795 there / 14.11.1804 call on mrs Cannons / Cannon calls 24.1.1815

On 16.1.1791 Cannon contributed £50 (one of the largest donations) to the Socy of Const Info's subscription to relieve the French. Since Carbine also gave £50 these may have been joke names ( a rather dangerous political joke). A Mrs Cannon of Little Chelsea kept a seminary for young ladies (post-1800) (DNB J G H Jay 1770-1849). Edward Bacon Cannon attorney of Leicester Pl Soho voted Paull 1806 Burdett 1818. Cannons was a surname though far less frequent than Cannon, e.g. John…

Cannon, Thomas

see Poland Street unnumbered in London Addresses dataset

see will of Henry Bevins (QV*)  dated 17.12.1788 which mentioned Thomas Cannon master of St James workhouse in Poland St and his niece Mary Everard, his will PCC 1805 Thomas Cannon of St James Infirmary Poland St dated 21.2.1804 mentioned his son Thomas Cannon mathematical instrument maker, Mary wife of James Horwood of 8 Evesham Bldgs, Somers Town, and a debt of 5gns from Mr Mortlock of Church St Hackney shoemaker, a legacy from Cannon's nephew Samuel Broadhead (his will proved PCC 1803 of Aldermans Walk, Homerton, Master of…

Canton, William

GODWIN DIARY: Canton 17.7.1805 at Joseph Johnson's

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Canton of the Academy, Spital Square proposed member 14.3.1783 by Jebb 2nded Satchell

2nd son of John Canton DNB 1718-1772 natural philosopher &c, and Penelope née Colebrooke. He carried on the Academy founded by his father, married 30.1.1784 St Marylebone Jane Dupere, his will PCC 1831 of Liberty of Norton Folgate


15.10.1795 at Thelwall's

Henry Capel cheesemonger of St Martins Lane voted Fox 1780 & 1790, treasurer of St Martins parish committee against seditious publications 1792, on jury in treason trial of Baxter & Richter 1794 where prosecution offered no evidence, died 12.7.1802 at Feltham Hill aged 68. His brother or nephew Thomas was a a steward at Horne Tooke's election meeting 1796, but Thomas Capel attorney of 17 Crown St Westminster voted for Gardner in 1796, perhaps a turncoat or father and son. Henry Capel's nephew James was a broker of Worship St, Shoreditch, in 1778, and…

Cardon, Anthony

HCR diary 7.2.1821 "went to tea at Aders's - there were there 4 young ladies Miss   daughters of an engraver dressed as smart as dolls and their limbs as stiff. They spoiled the evening for they gave me the company feeling & brought with them none of the company advantages"

                 30.4.1822 "went to Aders - it being Ellen's birthday. The Cardons were there" "I had a little ennuie, not usual in that house"

Anthony Cardon engraver (DNB 1772-1813) "married Bethania Graves on 10 February 1798; the couple had five daughters, baptised between 1799 and 1811". It was…

Carey, Charles John

31.3.1795 Casey at King's (= Carey see original) /16.9.1795 Cary at John King's / 23.11.1795 House of Commons with Cary

The entries at King's were surely Captain John Carey later Viscount Falkland, (as all Carey entries at King's have been coded in GD website), and that at the House of Commons very likely him too, Godwin having seen Carey at King's only two days before on 21.11.1795. The topic of debate in the House on 23.11.1795 was the so called "two bills", for the security of the King, and against seditious meetings, and the many petitions for and against them.

Carey, Sarah

see Karre, Sarah