A-Z of Entries


call on Ogbourne 20.12.1802 with Northcote / 3.2.1803 call on / 21.2.1803 calls / 7.3.1803 again / 12.3.1803 calls (plate)

Probably John Ogborne DNB 1755-1837

Amendments to Oxford DNB

JOHN OGBORNE 1755-1837
CURRENT TEXT "Ogborne's marriage to Elizabeth Jackson (1763/4-1853) [see Ogborne, Elizabeth] probably took place around 1790 at the dissenting Tottenham Court Road Chapel."
SUGGESTED CHANGE <Ogborne married Elizabeth Jackson (1763/4-1853) at St Pancras on 20 March 1790. One of the witnesses was the engraver Robert Mitchell Meadows, who in 1793…

Oldfield, Thomas Hinton Burley

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Thomas Hinton Burley Oldfield proposed member 15.2.1782 by John Jebb 2nded Thomas Brand Hollis. See Amendments to Oxford DNB below

GODWIN DIARY: Fell & Oldfield call (not in) 10.9.1798 / 22.9.1799 dine at Fell's with Oldfield, Loveridge &c In Godwin's 1796 list for 1799 / 16.12.1808 Oldfields call (not in) / 24.12.1808 mrs Oldfield, 2 sons & Petman dine / 31.12.1808 Oldfields call (not in) / 2.1.1809 Oldfields call / 25.1.1809 mrs Oldfield calls / 2.2.1813 again

The first two entries, both associated with Fell, must be T H B…