SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Hamilton O'Hara original member 1780
GODWIN DIARY: O'Hara 30.1.1805 at H Rowan's / 8.10.1806 meet O'Hara (with Curran) / 20.9.1808 dine at O'Hara's (with Curran) / 26.9.1808 O'Hara calls / 5.10.1808 call on O'Hara / 15.9.1810 O'Hara calls / 29.11.1810 call on O'Hara / 4.6.1811 O'Hara calls
Quite likely Charles O'Hara 1746-1822 M P for Sligoshire from 1776. In 1811 his London address was Limmer's Hotel, Conduit-st. Opposed the Union but retained his seat, he was rather nervously in opposition to the government. See History of…