A-Z of Entries

Flint, Elizabeth

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Elizabeth Flint 23 Poland St (Kings Arms) ratebooks 1791-5 / SunFire 6.4.1791 Elizabeth Flint, Kings Arms, Poland St / coroners jury 9.3.1795 at Kings Arms house of Elizabeth Flint in Poland St on death of Thomas Hackett who cut his throat. By her testimony he was her brother (she called him "your uncle" to her son) who had lived 20 years in Quebec and Charlestown and come home three months previously (see Nat Arch HO 47/17/26 and Old Bailey 30.10.1793 concerning a 19 year old Thomas Hackett from Charlestown whose uncle Philip…

Flood, Henry

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Rt Hon Henry Flood proposed 30.5.1788 by James Martin 2nded John Lodge Batley

Henry Flood DNB 1732-1791 and historyofparliamentonline


HCR diary 25.1.1832 at the Aders thé dansant at Willis' Rooms "Flor the German appeared in several characters - he was very entertaining as Catalani and sung a mock song very laughably"

21.3.1832 at Aders "Flor came there" "Flor seemed shocked by hearing of the death of Westfal in Sicily mentioned by Mayer. The talk chiefly on painting"

Very likely the German artist Ferdinand Flor born Hamburg 1793 died 1881. He spent most of his working life in Rome, but was in England in 1830. performing tableaux vaivants after the old masters before the royal family at Brighton, and in…


on Bath coach 5.6.1798 Florence, Quimper, Pennsylvania & un clerc

Godwin was describing his fellow passengers by their diverse places of origin. I haven't attempted any guess as to their identities, though it could be an intriguing challenge to try



13.7.1796 dine at Sewell with Flower & Copland

The GD website codes this to Benjamin Flower, as far as I can tell, simply on the basis of the surname. Flower was a fairly common surname among Norfolk farmers. See Sewell, Benjamin and Copland, John Dawson

Flower, Benjamin

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Benjamin Flower of Cornhill proposed 13.2.1784 by Michael Pearson 2nded William Pickett

Benjamin Flower DNB 1755-1829

Flower, Francis

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Francis Flower ratebooks 6 Batemans Bldgs 1777 / perhaps Francis Flower bapt 8.3.1761 St James Piccadilly (mother Mary Ann Lucas) / will PCC 1768 Francis Flower (Carpenters Company tallow chandler to Royal Household & haberdasher) Jermyn St, St James wife Mary Ann, children Ann Elizabeth Franc(e?)s & William, will PCC 1785 Mary Ann Flower wid of Edmonton / SunFire 1777 Francis Flower schoolmaster 38 Brownlow St / Land Tax St Pancras 1785 Fras Flower New Rd / Francis Flower buried St James Piccy 14.7.1793 (image not seen) /…

Flower, William

MILL VOTERS 1802:  William Flower of Twickenham

William Flower will PCC 1814 gent of Twickenham seems too wealthy to have wanted a mill share or vote, but only person of that name found in vicinity. To be buried at St Brides Fleet St (16.4.1814 age 88) Wjfe Elizabeth Sophia (bur St Brides 10.7.1813 age 83) dau Elizabeth Sophia (bapt 23.3.1766 St Sepulchre Holborn) wife of Justus Hudson (= 26.2.1783 Walton on Thames & 18.3.1783 St Bride's Fleet St) who was Floewer's partner as undertaker at 1 Fleet Market see Old Bailey 20.7.1791. Morning Chronicle 3.11.1814 for sale of his…

Fonsaick, Mrs

see Fonseque, Mrs

Fonseque, Mrs

mrs Fonsaick 4.6.1794 at (Joseph) Jennings'.

PCC 1770 James Fonseque of Lincoln, Jacob Fonseque 1782 merchant 33 Threadneedle St or Rainbow coffee house, PCC 1807 Rachel Fonseque widow Jamaica


Fontana 14.8.1798 at Joseph Johnson's

Perhaps Gregorio Fontana 1735-1803 colleague of Volta's at Pavia, wrote to Sir Joseph Banks 1787, or Felice Fontana 1730-1805 Florentine scientist. I could find no reference to either of them visiting England at this time in the Italian Biographical Dictionary though I don't read Italian very well

Foot, Jesse

27.3.1796 Foot at Kentish's / 27.6.1796 meet Foot / 8.7.1799 again / 23.12.1799 again / 3.5.1802 RA exhibition; Foote, Philips fishmonger / 10.8.1805 meet Philips & Foot / 1.5.1809 RA Exhibition; J Foote / 3.1.1813 dine at J Stewart's, w. J Foot / 27.5.1813 meet J Foot / 20.8.1814 Hogarth exhibition, British Institution: adv. Foote / 10.4.1819 meet Jesse Foote / 15.9.1821 again / 19.12.1821 theatre; adv. Jesse Foot

Jesse Foot DNB 1744-1826 surgeon.  A good example of how Godwin varied spelling of names randomly



Forbes 7.11.1803 at Hamilton Rowan's / 24.1.1811 Forbes calls / 23.4.1820 Forbes at Hume's

Possibly George John Forbes, Viscount Forbes Hist of Parl 1785-1836, son of Earl Granard and nephew of Lord Moira, a Whig who went over to government around 1812 except on the Catholic question where he always supported Catholic relief. Possibly Charles Fergusson Forbes DNB 1779-1852 surgeon or his father William Forbes 1753-1818 surgeon will PCC 1818 his widow's will PCC 1825 Elizabeth Forbes formerly Buxton. The family were Independents from Coggeshall, Essex and Charles's sister Anna…

Forbes, Miss

HCR 12.5.1826 HCR's guests to supper "Flaxmans, Masqueriers, a Miss Forbes, Blake, Sutton Sharpe"

          26.5.1829 at Brighton Mrs Masqueriers youngest brother just returned from Italy "Some of the family of Sir Charles Forbes came in and a Miss Ashburnham"

As G E Bentley pointed out in Blake Records p 446 note, Robinson's small appointments diary lists all the names on 12.5.1826 above except Miss Forbes, so it is reasonable to assume the Masqueriers brought her. Mrs Masquerier was born Rachel Forbes-Mitchell, so it may have been one of her relations (her father had…


In 1796 list for 1782 underlined, but not in 1794 version, nor in any diary entries before 1806 when it was unlikely to have been the person suggested below
Perhaps Edward Ford DNB 1746-1809 surgeon in London

12.12.1806 E Topping, Smith & Ford sup / 29.3.1809 mrs Topping & miss Ford call / 31.3.1809 dine at Hume's w. Ford / 26.7.1809 dine at Hume's w. Ford / 27.4.1810 3 Boinvilles, 2 Hopwood, Ford & Eastwick dine / 3.3.1811 sup at mrs Topping's w. miss Ford / 12.7.1812 dine at Hume adv. mdms Hutchinson, Ford & Bye / 7.12.1812 sup at E Topping's w, miss Ford…

Ford, Samuel sr & jr

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Samuel Ford of Richmond & Samuel Ford the younger of Richmond

Samuel Ford bur 19.2.1837 Richmond age 96 of Hickey's Almshouses / Samuel X Ford = Richmond 4.10.1773 Ann X Jones botp banns / Samuel son of Samuel Ford bapt 31.7.1774 Richmond / bapt Richmond of Samuel & Ann Ford  -  Ann 7.7.1776, Samuel 25.10.1778, Jane 11.6.1780, William 10.7.1783, James 9.2.1785, Margaret 7.12.1788, Sarah Ann 21.10.1790, Belford 3.4.1793, Maria 9.1.1795, Thomas 3.1.1796, John 24.1.1798, Margaret 12.1799 / Ann Ford bur 2.2.1800 age 64 / Samuel son of John Ford bapt 29.4.1770…


HCR diary   1.8.1813 HCR said Maria Fordham "delightful"

                      3.8.1813 HCR said Harriet Fordham "charming" &c

                   25.8.1823 "called on Mrs Fordham of Hodsea"

                   30.5.1823 at "Mrs Fordham's lodgings. Mrs J P Wedd was arrived"

                     2.6.1823 "called on Mrs J Fordham"

                   23.6.1823 "left with Sophia Fordham a letter for Mrs Thornton"

                   26.4.1824 Miss Fordham died of typhus at Bury St Edmunds

                   24.5.1824 "took tea at home - Francis…

Fordyce, James

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1779, also in 1794 version and list of 17 (at end of diary Vol VI see 1796 list on this website) though one of 5 from that list who were dropped in the list of 25 that preceded the1796 list. Person record in GD website but 1796 list entry not coded to it 

James Fordyce DNB 1720-1796. Up to 1782 a noted London preacher though of declining popularity by 1779, Godwin noted his death on 1.10.1796

Forrow, Henry

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Henry Forrow of Old Brentford

Will PCC 1771 Henry Forrow builder of Harrow on the Hill / Henry son of Thomas & Sarah Forrow bapt 23.5.1770 Ealing / Henry Forrow = Ealing 7.2.1787 Sarah Vesey / Henry Forrow bur 1.6.1813 Ealing age 55 of Old Brentford / 1841 census Henry Forrow age 20 lighterman

Forsaith, Robert

5.11.1789 Forsaith at Rev Socy.

Robert Forsaith (Surman index) 1749-97 was an assistant minister at Norwich 1770-82 so Godwin may have recognized him from then. Then Classics tutor at Daventry 1785-9 and at Northampton 1790-7