A-Z of Entries

Cook, George Ann

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

ratebooks 11 Poland St 1777-1797 George Ann Cook / Boyle's Court Guide 1794-99 / voted 1774 Percy & Clinton, 1784 Hood & Wray, 1790 Hood / will PCC 1802 purser RN, daus Juliet Cook, Lucy de la Salle, dau in law Mary Taylor

Cook, Richard

HCR diary 24.5.1828 at the Flaxman's "Mr Cooke who had travelled in Rome"

                    13.6.1828 at W Benecke's Deptford "a sensible gentlemanly man formerly an artist whom I saw lately at the Flaxmans - a Mr Cook"

                    4.12.1828 more on Cook RA

                    28.2.1829 "I called on Cooke, and with him in Euston Sq: but Mrs A: was too ill to be herself the exhibitor of the pictures"

Richard Cook (DNB 1784-1857). Morning Post 10.8.1822 Richard Cook Esq RA = St Marylebone 8.8.1822 Sarah Elizabeth eldest dau of late John Waddilove Esq "…

Cook, Susannah

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Susanna Cook 39 Poland St (Crispin) ratebooks 1789-91 / 18.9.1788 coroners inquest on Susanna Thornton at Crispin Poland St Susannah Cook, witness Elizabeth Swabey servant to Mrs Cook took breakfast every day to house belonging to Mrs Cook where Susanna Thornton slept witness Samuel Cook brother to Susanna Thornton slept in same house as her in Oxford St. Swaby believed she died of suffocation, jury's verdict, died of excessive drinking / Susanna Thornton bur 22.9.1788 St James / 13.3.1789 coroners inquest on Elizabeth Swabey…

Cook, Thomas

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 2 Castle St East Land Tax 1791-1800 Thomas Cook  / SunFire 1794 Cook gent

A common name but I suspect, because it is so near the artist colony of Newman St,  this may have been the engraver Thomas Cook ODNB  1744/5?-1818. Very little about his life in biographical sources. Thomas Cook, London subscr 6 copies of Bourrit's Glaciers of Savoy 1776 / Thomas Cook engraver, Stoke nr Norwich subscr 1779 to History of Thetford / TC Bartholomew Close took apprs 13.8.1783 for 7 yrs John Tennant Lovelace & Samuel…

Cook, Thomas

MILL VOTERS 1802 Thomas Cook of Hounslow

Thomas Cook Land Tax 1804 Heston 1803-5 £3 rent p.a. / William s of Thomas & Elizabeth Cook bapt 20.2.1803 heston / Elizabeth dau of Thomas & Mary Cook bapt 5.11.1809 Heston / Thomas Cook buried isleworth 26.12.1817 & 11.3.1838

Cooke, George

19.11.1793 Cooke at Jennings and Cook 20.1.1794, 21.3.1794 and 19.12.1794 there. Also Cook 21.5.1794, 19.7.1794 at Holcroft's and 30.7.1794 adv Hart St; all linked to the Jennings/Reveley/Foulkes Bloomsbury set. In the Law Lists George Cooke was partner to John Foulkes at 14 Hart St, Bloomsbury from 1795 to 1797. Then there was Cook 25.12.1794 and 19.5.1795 at Foulkes; Cooke 7.8.1795 and 22.8.1795 at Foulkes; Cook 7.9.1795 at Foulkes; Cooke 2.10.1795 at Montagu's; and Cooke 21.12.1795, 29.1.1796 and 4.2.1796 at Foulkes, which demonstrates that Godwin's exact spellings cannot be relied on…

Cooke, Richard

Richard Cooke 10 Tottenham Court Rd joined 16.5.1794 the "unnumbered division" (QV)

I have found no good identification yet. The address at 10 Tottenham Court Rd was insured SunFire 1791 to 1815 by Lars Bergstrom brazier and in 1817 by Lars Bergstrom dealer in umbrellas, fishing tackle and philosophical instruments.


mrs Cotton, Cookham 29.11.1799 dine with her

Cookham presumably the place in Berkshire, and her was surely mrs Cotton. Both are underlined (i.e.unidentified) in GD website

Cooksey, Richard

Richard Cooksey of the Temple proposed Society for Constitutional Information 22.3.1782 by Edward Hall 2nded James Martin

Born 2.5.1760 bapt 12.5.1760 Leigh with Bransford, Worcs s of Holland & Elizabeth Cooksey / Holland son of Richard Cooksey of Claines, Worcs adm Lincolns Inn 1745 married St George Mayfair 16.11.1751 Elizabeth dau of late Cordell Storrs of Gainsborough, both of St Geo Han Sq / Richard Cooksey, Eton School, matric Worcester Coll Oxford 1778, adm Inner Temple 1784, publ 1791 Essay on Lord John Somers / World 17.3.1792 & Caledonian Mercury 28.4.1810 &…

Cookworthy, William

see William Cookworthy DNB 1705-1780


conge of Cooper & Marguerite 1.4.1802 / 23.3.1805 call on Morgan with Philips adv Cooper / 30.10.1805 Cooper at Joseph Johnson's / 31.8.1806 Cooper at Philips / 17.4.1807 again / 1.6.1808 call on Cooper with M(ary) J(ane) / 9.12.1809 call on T Cooper / 29.1.1810 call on Theobald & Ward adv Cooper / 20.3.1810 call on Cooper, OSSH / 22.3.1810 call on Cooper / 14.9.1810 M (from Cooper) / 26.10.1810 call on Cooper, bb / 21.11.1810 call on Theobald & Cooper / 23.11.1810 call on Cooper, S S H, & Ward / 14.5.1811 call on Ward & Cooper / 9.8.1811 seek Cooper / 3.11.1813 call on…

Cooper, Albion, John, James & William

MILL VOTERS 1802 Albion Cooper of Richmond, James Cooper of Richmond, John Cooper of Richmond & William Cooper of Richmond

William Cooper bur 19.3.1828 Richmond of Kew Rd age 92 / John s of William Cooper bapt 19.9.1755 Richmond / John Cooper bur 25.6.1820 Richmond age 70 from Workhouse / John Cooper bur 19.11.1835 Richmond age 72 from Mitchells Almshouses / James Cooper bur 18.1.1854 Richmond age 75 of Kew Horse Rd / Griffin Cooper cooper of Richmond took appr 1760 Jas Tate

Albion Cooper from his age given at death was born 1756 / Albion Cooper Land Tax 1786 Dukes Head…

Cooper, Astley Paston

Astley Peston Cooper of Jeffries Square proposed Society for Constitutional Information 27.04.1792 by Joseph Adams 2nded Batley

Astley Paston Cooper (DNB 1768-1841) / SunFire 1792 Astley Peston Cooper 2 Jeffries Square St Mary Axe surgeon

Cooper, Benjamin

Cooper of 15 Clements Lane proposed Society for Constitutional Information 20.6.1788 by Joseph Towers 2nded John Lodge Batley

Benjamin Cooper born 16.8.1749 at Thames St, StMichael Crooked lane, London, son of John Cooper & his wife Ann, dau of Jeremiah & Elizabeth Hewett / Benjamin Cooper bach of St Clement Eastcheap = St Dunstan i t West 23.2.1773 Elizabeth Price sp otp (dau of Rice Price and his wife Sarah) by lic wits Rice Price, John Cooper / Dr Williams' Library - Ann born 8.9.1775 20 Greatt Eastcheap of Benjamin & Elizabeth Cooper / Benjamin born 11.8.1778 Sarah…

Cooper, Elizabeth Priscilla

5.3.1797 E C at Holcroft's / 11.3.1797 E C adv at Mansel's / 26.3.1797 E C at Holcroft's (these E C entries have not been coded to her person record on GD website, although E C 26.2.1797 and all E P C entries have been). Holcroft's and Mansel's are venues where she was more fully named on other occasions

Her letters Abinger c.1 f117-20 c.2 f3-8, c.3 f31-2 & c.4 f3. In 1792/3 she was governess to the Heatons at Denbigh, and from 1794 to the Kingstons at Oak Hill in Barnet and at their town house in Stratford Place. Godwin noted 2 Kingstons at her funeral (see Kingston, John).…

Cooper, Grace Mary

1.2.1796 mrs C at Holcroft's / 21.2.1796 again / 26.8.1796 mrs C calls / 25.11.1796 adv at miss Mansel's / 23.10.1797 at theatre / 14.12.1797 at theatre. All these clearly her but missed in GD website / 18.5.1798 M C dines may also have been her

Godwin's cousin Grace Mary dau of Daniel & Priscilla Ray of High St Gravesend baptised St George Gravesend 18.4.1741. Her mother was Priscilla Hull (sister of Godwin's mother Ann) who married Daniel Wray at St Mary Wisbeach, Cambs on 11.7.1740. See also the will of their brother Richard Hull (Nat Arch PROB11/1071). Grace Mary Ray married…

Cooper, Joanna

mrs T C at H(olcrof)ts 1.4.1804

This should be added to person record on GD website for Cooper, Joanna, as she was named ( and so coded on GD website) as mrs T Cooper earlier in the same day's entry

Cooper, John Robinson

5.4.1796 call on JC (missed in GD website)

Godwin's cousin John Robinson Cooper, son of Thomas Cooper, surgeon East Indies deceased, apprenticed on 5.6.92 for 7 years to Thomas Spilsbury, printer of Snow Hill. Premium of £32 10s. paid by John Dorset, gent. (Stationer's Company apprentices no 7687)  see Godwin, Joseph. In the 3 months before this indenture Godwin called on Dorset 5 times and on Spilsbury once, then Dorset called once on Godwin. John Cooper makes 5 appearances in the diary, 3.1.1792; 5.6.1792; 19.3.1796; 5.4.1796; and 23.7.1796.


Cooper, Robert Burton

Robert Cooper of Birmingham at conference 8.4.1792, Robert Burton Cooper at conference 1792/3. And see Hands, Samuel

Daniel Cooper son of Daniel Cooper brazier of Horselydown & his wife Mary both deceased = 3.3.1763 Quaker meeting Sarah widow of Samuel Hands and dau of Robert Burton of Mancester Warwicks, farmer & Elizabeth (deceased) / Robert Burton Cooper son of Daniel Cooper brazier of Rotherhithe Wall & Sarah born 4.11.1770 (Bermondsey meeting) / 1793 RBC bucklemaker with Samuel Hands in Birminhgham & Thomas Wright in London bankrupt / RBC = 1.2.1795 St Martins B…

Cooper, Thomas

Thomas Cooper Esq of Woodkeys nr Alfringham, Cheshire proposed Society for Constitutional Information 1.2.1788 by Richard Sharp 2nded John Horne Tooke

Thomas Cooper (DNB 1759-1839) of Woodheys nr Altrincham