A-Z of Entries

Cooper, Thomas Abthorpe

14.11.1795 C at John King's / 8.1.1796 C dines / 1.2.1796 Fenwick & C dine / 18.10.1803 C dines

All clearly Thomas Cooper but missed in GD website

Copland, John Dawson

4.7.1794 with Godwin's mother / 5.7.1794 at or after March's / 13.7.1796 dine at Sewel with Flower & Copland / 20.7.1796 March's; Waddy, Copland, &c / 3.10.1803 call on Copland & Woodhouse / 5.10.1803 4 Coplands & Woodhouse at tea / 6.10.1803 meet Copland & Woodhouses / 9.6.1829 Sothrens & Coplands call

In (Abinger c.3 f127) Godwin's mother wrote that Mr Cubit died a few weeks after his 2nd marriage, left most to Mr Copland's family. Godwin's elder brother John was apprenticed in 1767 to Samuel Cubitt grocer of Norwich. Samuel Cubitt married 19.6.1797 at St…

Copley, John Singleton

Copley jr 25.4.1797 calls (& Barnes)

John Singleton Copley DNB 1772-1863 "a mighty Jacobin". According to Farington's Diary iv 1411 he was cured of his democratic principles by going to America


Copperthwaite 26.3.1800 at John King's



11.8.1807 call on Corbet, w. T(homas) T(urner) : Bow Street, w. Corbet & T(homas) T(urner), warrant / 12.8.1807 Bow Street, Lep(ar)d, Humphrys, H(odgkin)s, Corbet, M(arshall) & T(homas) T(urner)

The only (living) Corbetts in Godwin's diary, from the context very likely an attorney, so probably William Corbett of 2 Field-st Grays Inn. He was baptised 30.5.1768 holborn son of Kean & Sophia of Bartletts-bldgs, and articled 1786 to his uncle Richard Corbett of Bartletts-bldgs.


HCR diary 25.12.1827 Christmas dinner at Aders "There was also a Mr Corbould a rattling fellow - who amused us much by a narrative of adventures - I was concerned against him in a case of assault and battery once in Norwich. He kept us alive the whole of the evening and of course we staid out late"

                      8.10.1831  "an agreeable dinner at Aders, but Laurent the painter and a Mr Corbould were there so we had not much conversation"

Probably Charles Corbould (1799-1892) see The Corbould Genealogy by George C B Poulter (1935). 3rd son of the Rev John Corbould (…


Corkian 1.7.1800 on Holyhead coach & wherry to Dublin

Maybe a person from Cork, or a rare surname probably a variant or an error for Corkran/Corcoran


Cornel calls 1.6.1803

I thought this would have been Thomas Cornell bookseller 4 Bruton St Berkeley Sq or one of his family but his will PCC 1793 and that of his widow Ann both mentioned no children or relations named Cornell. According to an advert in the Morning Chronicle in 1803 a Mr Cornell was a respectable hosier at 22 Bridge St  Westminster, his name was Thomas from electoral roll 1806. Cornell & Lowry were auctioneers & appraisers of 55 New George St & nr Florida gardens kensington in 1790. According to British Book Trades Index, a William Cornell was apprenticed…

Corney, Miss

30.5.1796 Hume & miss Corney at supper at Joseph Fawcett's /

The children of Joseph and Alexia Hume as registered in the dissenter's registry some years after their births all have Thomas Corney given as the maternal grandfather. This miss Corney may have been a sister or aunt of Alexia, but as I have not been able to find any record of the marriage of Joseph Hume and Alexia Corney, I suspect miss Corney was Alexia herself. The eldest daughter of Joseph & Alexia Hume, Amelia was born at Newington Green on 4.10.1794. Alexia Hume was buried 6.8.1828 aged 54, of Kensington…

Cornfoot, James

Nat Arch HO 42/30/100 f255  letter from James Hartley to Dundas with list of visitors to Newgate prison state side who were notorious Jacobins (Thale page 161note says it was list of people keeping LCS papers). James Cornfoot, coal merchant, Tottenham Court Road

There seem to have been several people called James Cornfoot in London at the time. One was a baker in Marylebone, and one a coal dealer, with also a son called James, in St Pancras.

the coal dealer James Cornfoot
James Cornfoot otp bach = St Pancras 1.4.1771 SusannahXDavis otp sp banns wits William Clark, John…

Cornish, John

MILL VOTERS 1802 John Cornish of Hounslow & John Cornish of Old Brentford

Land Tax Heston John Cornish 1805-7 £5 rent p.a. / Mary bapt 1804, John Henry bapt 1806 of John & Elizabeth Cornish at Heston

John Cornish = Isleworth 5.8.1798 Frances Hillyard / 1841 census Brentford John Cornish age 75 gardener Frances Cornish age 71 (neither born in Middlesex) / Frances Cornish bur 1.8.1841 Brentford / will PCC 1841 of Frances Cornish widow of Brentford Butts


Coronatski 8.3.1789 at Holcrift's with Lisakovicz

Correge, Mary

see Poland Street number not known in London Addresses dataset

Mrs Correge's Hotel 21 Suffolk St ads 1770-79 / 1803 Nat Arch PROB 18/110/13 John Correge, husband v Mary Brownbill widow, Elizabeth & Louisa McDaniel spinsters, William & Charles McDaniel, the pretended great nephews and nieces, of Mary Correge who died 20.2.1803 intestate. As Mary Fraser spinster she had married at St Werburgh's Dublin 14.12.1754 John Correge of Castle St, Dublin, where they were in the trades of jeweller and milliner, but then separated (articles of separation 30.7.1757). About 1762 she wrote…


In Godwin's 1796 list for 1778, in 1794 version added in small letters along with Lister 

Richard Corrie Esq of Ware Hertfordshire subscribed to dissenting publications in 1774, 1777 & 1779. Godwin's first attempt at ministry was at Ware in 1778. Richard Corrie of Hertford Esq subscribed to Wakefield's New Testament 1791 and he was probably the Richard Corrie of Islington from 1799 who died there 1807 in his 82nd year, will PCC 1807, his widow died 1824 Islington age 90. He is distinct from Richard Corrie of Wellingborough, Northants, on committee against Test & Corporation…

Corry, Isaac

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1787, also in 1794 version / 5.9.1810 dine at Aldis's, w. Corry

Isaac Corry (Dictionary of Irish Biography 1753-1813) called to bar 1779, MP for Newry, took government office from 1787. He could have been the 1810 diner at Aldis's, he was no longer an MP after 1807 and according to History of Parliament online he died in reduced circumstances in 1813, but he was still listed in the court section of Holdens directory 1811 at Kensington-gore. Equally it could have been Thomas Charles Stewart Corry MP for co. Monaghan whose London address was 3 Gt Cumberland-…


call on Cosway 20.3.1802

There were few people of this surname in London so it is reasonable to suppose that this was Richard Cosway DNB 1742-1821 artist but it was a one-off appearance in Godwin's diary


sleep at Snaresbrook: meet Chalmers & Cotham 27.8.1799 / 16.9.1812 capt Cotham

It may be significant that Godwin slept at Snaresbrook (presumably at the inn) where he slept again on 21.12.1801 after marrying Mary Jane Vial. He had called on Sarah Elwes earlier that day and was possibly still in her company, though he called on her again the next day. Otherwise no information about Cotham

Cotman, John Sell

dine Conway, walk to Llanrwst, sleep, adv. Cotman 13.8.1800

John Sell Cotman DNB 1782-1842 landscape painter. DNB says he was on sketching tour in Wales at this time

Cottle, Joseph

tea at Cottle's with Southey 12.3.1798 (in Bristol) / 14.9.1812 call on Cottle with Gutch / 15.9.1812 tea at Cottle's

Joseph Cottle DNB 1770-1853 bookseller and author


31.10.1796 sup at W(ollstonecraf)t's w(ith) mrs Cotton / 21.1.1796 again / 3.11.1796 again / 7.11.1796 chez moi, mrs Cotton / 9.11.1796 dine at Wts w Cotton / 11.11.1796 chez elle, Cotton / 14.9.1797 write to mrs Cotton / 24.11.1797 Cotton & Hays call / 1.12.1797 mrs Cotton & M(arshall) dine / 14.7.1799 M Cotton  H(annah) G(odwin) & L(ouisa) J(ones) dine / 29.11.1799 call on mrs Cotton, Cookham; dine w. her at mrs Wilford's (mr Mangles) Hurley Bottom / 24.1.1800 write to M Cotton / 14.5.1800 mrs Cotton & H G call n(ot in) / 15.9.1802 Newbury: call on Winter, James, Cotton…