A-Z of Entries


22.6.1808 call (w. M J) on Bullard at Cromwel's / 6.6.1817 fire at Cromwel's

Thomas Cromwell 84 Newgate St will PCC 1806 sons George & Thomas Kitson. Geo Cromwell 84 Newgate-st fringe & trimmings maker 1811. Thomas Kitson Cromwell DNB 1792-1870 Unitarian minister and writer. Morning Post 15.5.1817 advert for poems "The School Boy" by Thomas Cromwell 61 Skinner-st member of London Philosophical Society, lecturer on poetry. There was an auctioneer, Mr Crook, at 61 Skinner-st but T K Cromwell may have lodged or worked there. Godwin lived at 41 Skinner-st. I couldn't find any…

Crosby, Benjamin & Richard

19.7.1808 call on Philips, adv. Crosby / 14.3.1809 Crosby calls / 20.3.1809 call on, Philips, Crosby / 27.3.1809 call on Crosby & R Taylor / 26.8.1809 call on Johnson & Crosby / 22.9.1809 call on Crosby / 24.9.1809 H & P Hopwood & S Crosby dine / 15.11.1809 call on Crosby / 9.12.1809 again / 20.12.1809 call on Crosby, jr / 23.12.1809 call on Miles, adv. Crosby, jr / 11.7.1810 call on Crosby, jr / 2.11.1810 call on Crosby / 26.8.1813 Settlement at Crosby's / 28.1.1814 call on Crosby (not seen): R Crosby calls / 12.12.1815 R Crosby calls / 20.12.1815 call on Simpkin, adv. R…

Crosby, Brass

Brass Crosby proposed Society for Constitutional Information 17.5.1782 by Joseph Brown 2nded Edward Bridgen

See DNB Brass Crosby 1725-1793

Cross, William

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

15 Castle St East Land Tax 1784-1794 William Cross 1796-1802 John Poole 1804 Thomas Pool

Witness to will of John Fletcher (QV*) in 1787 cheesemonger of Castle St / Will London Consistory Court dated 29.10.1794 of William Cross who died October sworn under £2000 wife Elizabeth children Margaret, Elizabeth, Edward & Matilda exec Henry Hurle sr of Pentonville wits C Dawes, Jas Jeffcott / William Cross = 14.7.1772 St James Piccadilly Margaret Carter, Margaret d of Wm & Mgt Cross bapt 15.8.1773 there. Edward…


Crottys 23.4.1801 ay Goldsmith's

The will PCC 1811 of Matthew Crotty of Cloak Lane, St John Baptist, London dated 1.3.1810 left all to his wife Rosetta and was proved by her on 11.7.1811 after Lewis Goldsmith of Rathbone Place and Thomas Wardle of Cloak Lane merchant had sworn to the handwriting. Crotty has married Rosetta Magnus at St Mary le Strand on 15.8.1796, their daughter Rosetta was baptised 1800 St Andrew Holborn. Mrs Crotty married secondly Henry Percy Hamer Esq 52nd foot of St Martin i t Fields bachelor on 6.3.1814 and one of the witnesses was Lewis Goldsmith


Crowdy's 31.5.1795 at Foulkes'



2.4.1810 dine at Tipper's, Cumberland, Bligh, Dr & mr Davis,  H Robinson, Crowe & J Richter / 31.5.1813 write to Crowe

Most likely George William Crowe 1784-1867 son of William Crowe DNB 1745-1829. He contributed several reviews to Cumberland's London Review of 1809 which was published by Tipper, and Henry Crabb Robinson and a William Bligh were also named reviewers in it. G W Crowe was at Oxford University from 1804 "aged 25". He married in 1810 a widow, Sarah Randall, who died in 1814. He became Paymaster of the 27th Inniskillen regiment in 1811 and married Narcisse…

Crowther, Samuel

Samuel Crowther son of Joseph & Hannah bapt 25.9.1796 New Jerusalem

Cruden, James

James Cruden in printed list of 77 date, on committee of conference 1789 and 1790, baptised 12.4.1789 New Jerusalem

With father John & brother John merchants in North Carolina, took loyalist side, sent memorials to British government claiming compensation, May 1789 at 7 Southampton Pl, New Rd, British Museum / James Cruden bach otp = 7.3.1792 St Geo the Martyr Southwark by lic Mary Glazard sp otp / Mrs Mary Cruden of St Mary Newington bur 19.5.1797 Locks Fields dissenters' burying ground / Cruden Land Tax 1793-1798 Sun St Newington / JC = 3.6.1798 St Botolph Aldgate…

Cruikshank, William


Identified, probably wrongly, in GD website as the cartoonist Isaac Cruikshank. Given the many medical men and their wives at Miss Williams' tea parties this seems more likely to have been William Cruikshank (DNB 1745-1800). He was partner to Hunter, whose widow also attended the tea parties, and then to Baillie, who did as well.

4.8.1801 miss Cruickshank at Carlisle's

The will of William Cruikshank PCC 1800 and dated 1794 provided for his daughters Ann and Isabella and mentioned no wife, though the DNB says he married in 1773 and had four daughters. Ann dau…

Crutchley & Fry

22.5.1807 call on Binney, S Nicholson, Stephens & Nicholson / 23.05.1807 call on Binney & Stephens, & w. Stephens on Crutchley & Fry / 27.5.1807 call on Crutchley (not seen) / 1.6.1811 call on Fry, on Cumberland / 26.11.1811 call on Fry

Holdens 1811 Henry Fry & William Cruchley (secretary to Knight Marshal of King's household) attornies 14 John-st Bedford-row. If Stephens was Alexander Stephens (DNB 1757-1821) though mainly known as a writer he was also a lawyer and perhaps introduced Godwin to Fry & Crutchley (perhapson a mission connected with William…


Crutwell 18.2.1801 at Robinson's

Holdens 1811 Richard Crutwell, Bath & Bristol warehouse, Swan Inn & 63 Holborn Hill, Bath bookseller Richard Crutwell will PCC 1799, Sherborne printer William Crutwell died 1791

Cullen, Archibald

A Cullen 2.3.1795 at Mackintosh's / 16.4.1796 adv at C Moore's / Cullen 11.8.1810 at Guildhall / 20.8.1810 again / 21.8.1810 again / 23.8.1810 again

Archibald Cullen 1792 barrister of 1, Pump Court, Temple & Richmond, Surrey, admitted Middle Temple 1782 son of Dr William Cullen of Edinburgh, called to bar 1787, will PCC 1824

Cumberland, Duke of

7.6.1810 call, w. M(ary) J(ane), on D. of Cumbd

Ernest Augustus 1771-1851 fifth son of George III was Duke of Cumberland & Teviotdale from 1799. On 31.5.1810 he was attacked and wounded and his valet Sellis was found with his throat cut. Cumberland was an extreme Tory in the Lords. Francis Place was foreman of the coroners jury which concluded Sellis had cut his own throat but there was much speculative scandal about Cumberland's role in these events

Cumberland, Richard


In right hand column of dary Vol V!! f 45v

Richard Cumberland DNB 1732-1811. Godwin didn't meet him till 1810, see "1796 list" (my entry on this website date 24/09/1796)


Cumbers 16.8.1800 on post coach from Chirk to Shrewsbury

Might be a plural, Cumber is commoner than Cumbers, but Cumbers not very rare either.

Cummins Mrs

mrs Cummins dines 20.5.1802 / 16.10.1802 again / 6.12.1802

There are no Cummings in Godwin's diary and the ony Cummins are the three Mrs entries above. A Mrs H Cummins (nee farrell) was an actress of the Hull theatre in 1794 and sang at sadlers Wells in 1814, of the Theatre Royal, York. See work notes below (restricted to this spelling Cummins)


Cuppage 23.3.1800 at Mary Robinson's

Curran, Richard

Curran jr at H Tooke's 2.9.1798 (coded in GD website to W H Curran but more likely the oldest son Richard) / R Curran 2.7.1800 at Rathfarnham (J P Curran's) / 4.7.1800 R & A, E & S Currans there / 5.7.1800 4 Currans there / 30.7.1800 (Grattan?) asks of R C /10.10.1804 R Curran calls / 12.10.1807 Currans dine / 17.10.1807 Currans at Perry's / 21.10.1807 adv Rd at Curran's / 15.4.1808 call on Curran; adv R C £100 / 20.9.1808 Curran & R C at O'Hara's / 5.10.1808 call on Curran & O'Hara: meet Taylors / 17.2.1809 R Curran calls / 20.10.1809 R C at Curran's / 9.5.1810 R & A…


call on (Fenwick &) Curry 19.4.1798 / 15.3.1811 Curry invited to dinner at Godwin's (& Aldis, Hume, J Taylor) / 5.11.1817 Dr Curry calls (on S)(Shelley) July 9 / 13.11.1817 at Shelley's adv Curry Baxter & Booth

The 1817 entries were probably Dr James Curry (Monk's Roll) born Antrim, MD Edinburgh 1784, physician of Guy's Hospital from 1802, published work on late high price of provisions 1815, died 26.11.1819 his will PCC 1819 of St Ann Blackfriars, Surrey. There were no Currie entries in Godwin's diary but the two spellings were often being used for the same person so I…