A-Z of Entries


23.9.1807 call on Gibbs

One of only two Gibbs entries in Godwin's diary, the other being Rev Gibbs, spouter, he shared a coach with in 1812.

Possibly Vicary Gibbs (DNB 1751-1820) but Gibbs was a common name and too many possibles to list

Gibbs, William

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

William Gibbs 19 Poland St ratebooks 1773-4 then Noel St / William Gibbs cabinet maker Poland St voted 1774 Percy & Clinton (the ratebooks and voting record may have spelt William Gibb (see below) as Gibbs) / (perhaps) children of William & Mary Gibbs bapt St James - William 1761 George 1774 / (perhaps) SunFire 1786 William Gibbs carpenter Robinsons Lane Chelsea / PCC 23.5.1833 William Gibbs of Chelsea / PCC 1794 Elizabeth Edden

William Gibb cabinetmaker otp = St James Piccy 14.12.1766 Catherine Rowlinson of…

Gibert, Francis

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

Francis Gibert 12 Poland St ratebooks 177 7-1804 / Francois Gibert (perfumer in Marr Lic) = St James 10.7.1771 Marie Francoise Rose Berthey / 1777 ad for AB dancing master c/o Gibert perfumer Poland St / ad 16.7.1782 mantua maker seeks place c/o Gibert perfumer 12 Poland St / ad 9.6.1784 Mr I.H.H. native of Switzerland seeks place travelling abroad / ad 7.3.1786 for lodgings in Paris / Bailey's 1788 Francis Gibert perfumer / ad 11.6.1789 T.L.P. seeks place as valet / ad 3.10.1795 ad for chemical liquor / ad 3.7.…

Gibson, Henry

Henry Gibson surgeon of Newcastle upon Tyne proposed Society for Constitutional Information 6.4.1781 by John Cartwright 2nded Dr Snowden White

Henry Gibson surgeon Newcastle voted Phipps & Delaval 1774, Bowes 1777 / Newcastle directory 1778 Westgate St / took apprentices 1771, 1776, 1779, 1781 / perhaps the Henry Gibson buried 24.8.1782 Newcastle All Saints.

A Henry Gibson was buried Newcastle All Saints 30.5.1814 age 36 of Pilgrim St, perhaps his son, as perhaps also Henry Gibson assistant surgeon wounded on Kent East Indiaman captured by French privateer 7.10.1800. See…

Gibson, Thomas

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 8 Castle St East Land Tax 1784 Thomas Gibson / Harris's List 1788 Miss Br-wn 1789 Miss B-ks

The Covent Garden Ladies were in the gap for which we have no Land Tax Records 1785-1790. Thomas Gibson = 11.5.1776 St James Piccadilly to Lydia Louise Jullion / London Consistory Court will dated 13.8.1785 of Thomas Gibson builder of St Marylebone with brother James erecting building on corner of Weymouth St & Portland Pl mortgaged to John Elwes Esq, wife Louisa Lydia proved 17.9.1785 / Louisa Lydia Gibson widow…

Gilbert & Magee

Gilbert & Magee 17.6.1801 at Joseph Johnson's

John Magee DNB 1750? - 1809 and William Gilbert 1734-1821 Dublin printers & journalists (Dublin Evening Post)

Gilbert, Thomas

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Gilbert Esq 50 Poland St ratebooks 1782-3 / perhaps Thomas Gilbert DNB 1720-1798. MP for Lichfield at this time but his town address was given in Royal Kalendar and similar publications through these years as Queen St, Westminster. A Thomas Gilbert junr, perhaps his son, was listed as a Clerk Extraordinary to the Privy Council in these years

Gilbey, Thomas

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Gilbey 38 Poland St ratebooks 1784-90 / Thomas Gilby hairdresser Poland St voted Fox 1784 Hood 1790 / coroners jury 1790 Thomas Gilby hairdresser Poland St / Thomas Gilby Land Tax 1781, 1786 Three Colt St, Soho,  Land Tax 1782 Market St Marylebone / Thomas William s of Thomas & Ann Gilbey bapt 13.1.1793 St Geo Han Sq


28.8.1796 Gilchrist at Holcroft's with Cole / 19.3.1797 again / 26.3.1797 Gilchrist at Holcroft's with Cole & Spiring / 13.5.1798 again / 22.1.1802 E & H Gilchrist dine / 12.1.1819 dine at Booth's with Curtises, Gilchrist & 4 Baxters / 10.12.1826 call on Gilchrist, twice : St James's Park

Will PCC 1818 James Gilchrist of Symonds Inn Chancery Lane, Navy Agent & Purser RN, unusual will left his money to establish first almshouses in Scotland and calling himself the only honest purser in the Navy who lost wealth in attempting to expose corruption, also claimed to have…

Gill, Daniel

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Daniel Gill 32 Poland St ratebooks 1763-80 / 1774 Daniel Gill sawyer voted Mountmorres & Mahon (SunFire 1809 DG carpenter 17 Little Warner St,  Cold Bath Fields) / Daniel Gill = St James 11.4.1757 Jane Cooper / children of Daniel & Jane Gill bapt St James Richard 1765 Elizabeth 1767 John 1769 Sarah 1774 Ann 1777

Gill, Mrs

1.10.1807 call on mrs Gill, w. T(homas) T(urner)

Some possibles:
Morn Post 28.3.1803 Mrs Gill millinery rooms 70 New Bond-st
Holdens 1811
(trades) Eliza or Mrs Gill milliner, Cork-st, Burlington-gdns
Ann Gill Italian oil warehouse 13 Tottenham Court-rd
(court) Mrs Gill ! Lower Gower-st & Wyrardisbury, Bucks her will PCC 18.7.1820 widow of William Gill esq alderman of London (his will PCC 7.4.1798)
Ann Gill her will PCC 23.12.1812 of Princes-st Leicester-sq widow of Thos Gill of Birmingham
Frances Gill her will PCC 8.2.1821 of…

Gillham, James

Gillham 6.4.1795 talk of at King's.

James Gillham, attorney, see GD website te0563 (2.4.1795) "The Trial of James Gillham"

Gillies, John

8.5.1788 Gillies at dinner at Cadell's in honour of Gibbon's birthday. It has been suggested that Godwin did not attend this dinner but noted those he had heard were present. Gillies appeared in Godwin's 1796 list for 1790 (crossed out) and in the 1794 version. His second apppearance in the diary was 18.4.1790 at Paradise's. On GD website his name in 1796 list has not been coded to his person record 

Gillispy, Andrew

Andrew Gillispy of Charing Cross proposed Society for Constitutional Information 9.11.1792 by George Watts 2nded John Horne Tooke rejected (one of very few, Samuel Favell was rejected 1782 but accepted 1784, George Shelley 1783 and James Agar 1792)

Andrew Gillispy St Clement Danes ratebooks Carey St rental £37 p.a.1783 followed by Michael Robson Xmas 1789 / Andrew Gillispy surgeon of Newgate 1792 (lost source for this note) / Andrew Gillispy discharged from Kings Bench 15.12.1795 / Nat Arch PRIS 4/12,13,14 checked, Andrew Gillespy was "rendered" 26.5.2794 on a suit of George…


HCR diary 5,4,1823 musical party and supper at Aders' "This party I had made for them. Wordsworth, Monkhouse and the ladies, the Flaxmans, Rogers, Coleridge, Mr & Mrs Gillman were my friends. Besides the Reeces and other musical party"

                  16.6.1826 "Mrs Mont: and Mrs Aders met at Gillman's - they shook hands. Ich dachte dass Mad Aders sich herabliess - sie wäre gewiss froh wenn Mrs M: sie besuchen wollte"

      letter 20.11.1829 Mrs Aders in London to HCR in Italy "We have had our house newly painted, and during a fortnight of the time we were at Highgate,…

Gillum, William

William Gillam of Brunswick Row, Queen Square proposed Society for Constitutional Information 15.9.1780 by Capel Lofft 2nded Edward Bridgen withdrew 6.4.1781

His father William Gillum otp bach = St Margaret Patten 10.5.1761 Mary Miller sp of St Margaret Westminster a minor by lic, their son William born 10.3.1762 bapt 4.4.1762 St Margaret Patten. William senior (and probably his father John before him) was a clerk in the Secretary's office at East India House, his will PCC 1769 mentioned his wife Mary and sons William, Thomas and Ralph. The will of his brother Thomas dated 10.1.1781…


Ginnis's 10.7.1800 at Mcnally's / 19.7.1800 at Lefanu's

Arthur Guinness DNB 1768-1855 son of Arthur Guinness 1724-1803 brewer who had six sons. Subscrs 1795 to Samuel Whyte (DNB 1734-1811) Samuel Guinness, Rev Hosea Guinness, and Whyte's former pupils Arthur, Edward, Richard, & Samuel Guinness junior. Dublin Trades 1797 Arthur Guinness & Son brewer / Richard Guinness gunmaker. Edward Guinness of Dublin = May 1790 Margaret dau of late James Blair.


see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Mr Giornivichi ad 51Poland St 1793 (ad 1794 at 45 Broad St) / see Highfill, Burnim & Langhans' Dictionary

Gisborne, John

5.6.1795 Gisborne adv at Foulkes' & 4.7.1797 dine at Maria Reveley's with Mary Wollstonecraft, tea Mrs Gisborne's with them and Ann Cristall & 15.8.1798 Gisbornes adv at Reveley's & 3.12.1799 meet Gisborne & Maria Reveley

The first entry may not be John Gisborne  e.g. Thomas G MD Clifford St London 1785, 1790, doctor to George III, died 1806

From 1796 the Reveleys' next-door neighbour in Lisson Street was Esther Gisborne, mother of Mrs Reveley's future husband; she set up a school there with the help of her daughters, three of whom later married men of some…

Gisborne, Maria

see Reveley, Maria