A-Z of Entries

Jones, Colonel

HCR diary 25.2.1829 at London University, Col. Jones "(said to be a violent republican)"

Leslie Grove Jones (DNB 1779-1839)

Jones, Daniel

see Poland Street number not known in London Addresses dataset

Daniel Jones Poland St voted 1780 Rodney & Lincoln / Daniel Jones wid of St James marriage license 31.8.1769 Elizabeth Jones wid of Lambeth / Daniel Jones carpenter St Marylebone took appr 1770 /  Daniel Jones adult bur 29.3.1781 St Martin i t Fields / Catherine dau of Daniel & Catherine Jones bapt 8.1.1787 St James / Margaret dau of Daniel & Margaret Jones bapt 17.6.1787 St James also Mary 1789, Ann 1791, Jane 1793 of Daniel & Margaret Jones, St James / Daniel Jones Chandler St, St Geo Han Sq voted 1780…

Jones, David

17.7.1796 tea Melton with Harwood & Vickery adv David Jones

The will PCC 1769 of John Jones merchant of Fakenham Norfolk mentions the marriage of his son David to Frances dau of Thomas Adkin of Gt Yarmouth. They were married at St Andrews Yarmouth on 22.1.1767 and their children baptised at Fakenham were David b1767 (buried Yarmouth s of David & Frances 8.4.1790) / Thomas Adkin b1769 / Dinah Frances b1770 / Harriett b1773 (?=John Race 29.5.1794 Norfolk). Thomas Adkin Jones son of Thos Jones & Ann was born 18.12.1799 and bapt 18.11.1800 St James Piccadilly. David Adkin…

Jones, Henry

see Autobiography of Francis Place ed. Mary Thale p30, 43 (Place went to Jones' school in Wine Office Court from age 7)

Land Tax Wine Office Court, Farringdon Ward Without, 1776 to 1809 £28 rental value. (James Fenwick from 1812)
Mary Jones bapt 18.11.1781 St Brides of Henry & Mary born 4.11.1781
Henry Jones late schoolmaster of Wine Office Court will dated 18.3.1810 all to sister Mary, proved PCC 3.4.1810
Henry Jones of 7 Wine Office Court buried 25.3.1810 St Brides age 40 decline
If the age at burial is correct he would have been born 1770 and must…

Jones, Louisa.


Louisa Jones daughter of Arthur & Ann Jones was baptised 13.8.1773 at Bath Abbey. Arthur Jones had married Ann Crosby on 4.10.1766 at Bath Abbey and in his will dated 8.9.1794 and proved 27.1.1795 (Nat Arch PROB11/1254) he called himself woollen draper of Bath, and mentioned 2 sons, Richard (in business at Frome who had "made improper use" of money) and Thomas; and 4 daughters Elizabeth, Margaret, Louisa & Frances. At St Dionis Backchurch, London on 4.7.1801 Louisa Jones, "spinster of this parish" married Henry Dibbin, bachelor of St Michael Bread Street,…

Jones, Margaret


Margaret Jones daughter of Arthur & Ann Jones was baptised 15.9.1772 at Bath Abbey. For her family see Jones, Louisa. On 4.3.1798 Godwin saw E & M Jones at Bath, clearly Margaret and her older sister Elizabeth. Their father died in 1794 and didn't mention their mother in his will. We can assume that the "Jones's" of 9.5.1797, 5.3.1798, 10.3.1798, 12.3.1798 and 14.3.1798 are these 2 sisters plus possibly their sister Frances and/or their brothers. Elizabeth Jones' will of 1804 (Nat Arch PROB11/1417) made it clear she was particularly close to her sister Margaret.…

Jones, Miss

miss Jones 13.11.1799 at E Reynolds'

Because of the Reynolds' theatre connection this may have been Miss Jones singer (Highfill Burnim & Langhans fl 1778? - 1815?) or Elizabeth Jones actress (Highfill Burnim & Langhans born c 1769 died 1803)

Jones, moneylender

see Newman Street 1 to 9 in London Addresses dataset

Moneylending ads for Mr Jones 66 Newman St recently removed from Wells Street in World 7.12.1790 to 12.1.1791, then 3 Newman St in World 8.12.1791 to Daily Advertiser 9.1.1794. His landlady at 3 Newman St must have been Ann Dewse (QV*). In Morning Herald 3.7.1782 a Mr Jones moneylender advertised from 61 South Molton St

Jones, Mr & Mrs

Mr & Mrs Jones 17.1.1790 at Mrs Webb's / 20.4.1790 again / 25.12.1791 again / 18.12.1791 call on Mrs Jones / 18.10.1792 write to Mr Jones

This first set of Jones entries in Godwin's diary all seem to refer to one couple, friends of the Webbs. They may just possibly be Arthur Jones (died 1794) linen draper of Bath and his wife, whose daughters appear often later in the diary (see Jones, Louisa & Jones, Margaret). The Webbs were Bristol merchants trading to the West Indies.

Another possibility is William and Margaret Jones of Pall Mall parents of WJAdair (see Adair,…

Jones, Richard

9.6.1798 R Jones & Langley dine / 17.3.1799 R Jones calls (not in) / 12.5.1799 again / 19.5.1799 adv Jones's at dinner (where Louisa jones was) / 9.6.1799 R Jones calls (not in) / 14.7.1799 R J adv at dinner (where Louisa Jones was) / 28.7.1799 R Jones calls / 15.8.1799 again / 1.9.1799 R J calls; tea R Jones's / 27.10.1799 meet R Jones / 20.3.1800 again /  26.5.1800 adv at Opie's / 2.9.1801 R Jones sups / 5.9.1801 meet R Jones / 17.5.1804 again / 19.10.1805 again / 23.5.1807 R Jones at M Jones's

Richard Jones brother of Louisa & Margaret Jones, mentioned unfavourably in his…

Jones, Robert

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Robert Jones 23 Poland St (Kings Arms) ratebooks 1786-7 / coroners jury 16.9.1785 victualler Poland St / SunFire victualler Kings Arms Poland St 1787 / lots of other Robert Jones victuallers in London, nearest one to Poland St found Robert Jones victualler of Wardour St Soho voted 1774 Mountmorres & Mahon

Jones, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION William Jones elected honorary memeber 26.4.1782

William Jones (DNB 1746-1794)

Jones, William

25.11.1809 call, L Mayor's Ct, Jones

William Jones was one of the four attorneys of the Lord Mayor's court, which was above the Royal Exchange (Holdens directory 1811)

Jordan, Dorothy

25.4.1796 mrs Jordan's night

Dorothy Jordan DNB 1761-1816. Mrs Jordan's benefit was that night at Drury Lane, she acted Juliet in Romeo and Juliet

Jordan, Jeremiah Samuel

19.5.1792 'news of J S Jordan confirmed' (crossed through) / 4.9.1792 write to Jordan

Jeremiah Samuel Jordan, printer of Paine's Rights of Man, trading 1790 to 1809, freedom of City of London by patrimony 1791, bankrupt 14.11.1795. Tried as publisher of 2nd part of Rights of Man Nat Arch TS11/726 (Kings Bench Prison 1792-4) and of Gilbert Wakefield's Reply &c TS11/456 (Kings Bench Prison 17.7.98- Feb1799). Committed to Newgate for a misdemeanour by Lord Kenyon Sept 1798, age 35 dark complexion 5ft4 born St Giles bookseller, tried Kings Bench 11.1.1799 sentenced to 1 year in…

Josi, Christian

CURRENT TEXT "marrying in 1795 Carolina Susanna"
SUGGESTED CHANGE <marrying on 13 February 1796 at St George Hanover Square Carolina Susanna (1773-1828)>
NOTES St Pancras burial 23.9.1828 Carolina Susa Josi age 55


call on Joslyn (Doctors Commons) 2.3.1804

There were two proctors in Doctors Commons called George & Henry Gostling, but that would have been a rather extreme mishearing. More likely this was Thomas Joslyn who had signed the marriage licence of Godwin and Mary Jane Vial in 1801, and he also signed some other adjacent marriage licences. He must have been a clerk of the Consistory Court which was in Knight Rider St where Doctors Commons was, and maybe the term was used for the general area. I think Godwin may have been on the trail of the marriage of Thomas West and Lucy Dallas (…


23.9.1809 call on Joy / 16.11.1809 call on Cradock & Joy / 30.12.1812 again

William Joy bookseller Ave Maria-lane 1807, Cradock & Joy publishers 3 Ave Maria-lane, 32 Paternoster-row from 1809 to 1815 (bbti) thereafter Baldwin, Cradock & Joy. SunFire 1810 Charles Cradock & William Joy 32 Paternoster-row booksellers. Morning Chronicle 18.5.1813 at Forcett Mr Charles Cradock of Paternoster-row to Miss Clerk, only daughter of William Clerk, Esq of Barforth Hall, nr. Richmond, Yorks. William Joy left the partnership in 1826 and carried on at 66 St Pauls Churchyard

Joy, John

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

John Joy 33 Poland St ratebooks 1788-9 / ratebooks Brewer St, St James 1790-2 / John Joy = St James 20.10.1775 Sophia Sturt botp banns wits Ann Bader her mark, John Hartstaff / SunFire 1795 56 Hatton Garden John Joy Esq

Joyce, E

30.8.1806 4 Boadens dine: adv. E Joyce, C Colnet, Essex & Sheffields

This was the first time a Colnet appeared in Godwin's diary, and Caroline Colnett would have been only about 12 years old, though she may have come to see her older sister Emily who may have been present unmentioned if she was there to help with the children (see Colnet). Essex and the Sheffields seem to have been neighbours of Godwin's in the Polygon. E Joyce was quite likely of the family of Jeremiah Joyce (see my entries for him, his brother Joshua, and Joice, and see his person record on GD website).…