A-Z of Entries

Kell, Christopher

Kell 27.2.1804

See Langridge, William Balcombe. Kell was his partner.


Keller 16.7.1800 at Reeves's / 22.7.1800 at Burton's



Kelly 8.6.1800 at John King's / 5.8.1800 (in Ireland at Wallace's trial) hear Barrington: int. Kelly. M Kelly in Godwin's 1796 list for 1800 / 9.12.1801 theatre adv mrs Inchbald (mrs Martyr, Hooke & Kelly) / 21.1.1803 mrs Kelly at Nicholson's & 3 Smiths / 20.1.1805 E Kelly at Nicholson's & 3 Smiths / 25.7.1835 RR & Kelly call

The first entry above at King's might be Michael Kelly DNB 1762-1826 singer and composer, but there's no particular reason to think so. I would suggest John Francis Kelly an army officer noted in the Reminiscences of Rees Howell Gronow DNB 1794-…

Kelly, Eleanor King

HCR diary 21.4.1823 at Aders "I found there Ellen's aunt Miss Kelly of the Custom House - she is said to be a very amiable and worthy woman - she may be so - her appearance not altogether favourable - she is very bulky and wears expensive ornaments - her clothes rich but too gay - she is ever talking of great people and her ancestors - Sir Paulet the jailer of Queen Mary of Scotland - and is oracular too in uttering commonplace remarks but I should think she is good-natured and kind-hearted" Ellen and Mrs Aders "were both delighted with Miss K's visit and it is in several respects valuable…

Kelly, Fitzroy

HCR diary 7.7.1825 "Storks with whom I had a late tete a tete - We have it seems a formidable new man in a Mr Kelly. He is known to Mrs Aders - He has a large connection and is said to be a pleader"

                    2.7.1826 awith Mrs Aders "a long conversation about Kelly of whom both A: and his wife have by no means a good opinion. Kelly it appears is a man of family but poor, distantly related to the Lowther family. From L. Lowther his mother has an annuity and it is reported that Lady Lowther was in danger of falling in love with Kelly - that may be a lie. He was put into…

Kelly, Montagu Henry

HCR diary 11.11.1819 "At 9 I called on Mrs Smith and staid till late chatting with her. She made a confidential communication. She is going to marry A. this was hardly news, at the same time she told me some particulars of her real history. Her first husband Kelly the father of her daughter is still living. She was married to him at the age of 16. He was a most detestable fellow, attempted her life in Trinidad, governor Picton was her friend - consented to be divorced from - in Germany - has an allowance from his relations of a weekly sum on condition that he does not trouble them. He has…

Kemble, Charles

Cha K 12.4.1795 adv at Siddons / C K 27.10.1799 at Kemble's

Both theses should clearly be added to Charles Kemble DNB 1775-1854

Kemble, Francis

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Francis Kemble of Swithins Lane proposed 24.10.1783 by Jackson Barwis 2nded Edward Bridgen

Francis Kemble was baptised 2.8.1745 at Christ Church, Swindon, Wilts, son of William & Jane. William Kemble had married Jane Nash at Latton, Wilts on 21.1.1738. Francis was their 4th child. He married Ann Roberts at St Swithins London Stone on 20.7.1770. Their son Nash was born 4.7.1773 and baptised 31.7.1773 at St Mary Abchurch. Ann Robberts Kemble was buried 7.9.1774 at St Swithin London Stone. Francis Kemble widower otp married at St Swithins 21.…

Kempson, Nicholas

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Nicholas Kempson proposed member 6.6.1783 by John Horne Tooke along with Rev Charles Ball of Dublin at the request of Thomas Yeates the secretary 2nded John Jebb

Presumably of Dublin, along with Rev Charles Ball. Perhaps the same as Nicholas Kempston Esq of Kill Cavan, co Wicklow, plans of whose houses c.1782 are at Sheffield City Archives WWM/MP/20/1&2. Nicholas Kempston = SS Peter & Kevin, Dublin 2.3.1756 Alice Acton. Irish marr lics 1820 NK=Dorothea Lord, 1829 NK=Elizabeth Talbot als Handcock. Eliza widow of NK of Merrion died 25.1.…


30.8.1796 Kendal at (George) Robinson's / 27.12.1796 again / 28.11.1810 at Cooper's with M(arshall) & Irving

The poet William Kendall (fl 1790 and also an attorney, vanished from Law List after 1795) the author Edward Augustus Kendall (1776? -1842) the author A Kendall (fl 1800) are possibles for having been at the publisher George Robinson's though none of their works I have found were published by him. There was a bookselling family of Kendalls in Colchester and John Kendall of Colchester will PCC 1815, William Kendall of Kelvedon Essex PCC 1806. See also under Kendall, John…

Kendall, John

Kendall 29.6.1795 at Howell's, Warwick

Rev John Kendall, son of Wilfrid of Whitehaven, gent, matric St Alban Hall, Oxford 1785 age 21. 1792 High St, Wrawick voted Villiers (pro govt). 1794 Master of Earl of Leicester's Hospital, Warwick. Mentioned in Parr's will PCC 1825. His will PCC 1844

Kendillon, Robert

3.9.1795 at John King's / 23.9.1795 there / 26.4.1798 there

See Trial of Robert Kindillon, natural son of the Earl of Belvidere, for a rape on the body of Miss Elizabeth Egan, Dublin 14.12.1789. She was catholic, he protestant, Sheridan prosecuted, Curran defended. Kendillon was acquitted.

Major Robert Kendillon of 53 Norton St buried St Marylebone 22.4.1830 age 76. His will PCC 1830 Robert Kindillon


3.2.1795 adv at Fenwicks / 3.5.1785 at Tooke's / 22.6.1796 at Coal Hole / 29.4.1797 calls / 30.8.1798 at Fell's / 17.9.1798 again / 2.9.1802 again / 10.9.1802 again

appeared twice with Fenwick, twice with Hepburn, four times with Fell



15.4.1809 call on Kensington

Perhaps William Edwardes 1777-1852 Lord Kensington Irish peer and MP for Haverfordwest 1802-1816 see History of Parliament, supporter of Grenville, 30 Old Burlington-st. Might have approved of Godwin but was probably too poor to join his subscription. The only people with surname Kensington in London directory 1811.were all one wealthy family - John Pooley, Edward and Henry Kensington sons of John Kensington banker of Lombard-st will PCC 1794 and their cousin Charles Snell Kensington merchant 16 New City Chambers, Bishopsgate and slaveowner in Tobago. At…


Kent 29.1.1789 at Brand Hollis' / 7.3.1789 again / 30.5.1789 again / 27.1.1790 again /  2.3.1792 again / 6.3.1795 again / 29.3.1795  Kent at Holcroft's / 30.10.1798 meet Kent / 11.4.1805 Kent calls / 11.2.1817 L Hunt & m Kent dine / 4.8.1822 call on John Hunt, write to miss Kent / 15.4.1824 mesd Kent & Williams at M(ary) W(ollstonecraft) S(helley) / 23.1.1826 miss Kent at L Hunt's / 26.10.1828 again / 15.9.30 Kent at Ollier's.

3 out of 4 first times at Brand Hollis's Kent was in the company of (Edmund) Jennings.

All the five entries from 1817 to 1828 probably referred…

Kent, William

HCR diary 27.5.1823  ascertained at William Kent's Counting House that Mr & Mrs K: from Bath were at Sam. Kent's - I went and took tea there, Mr & Mrs K: were looking well and seemed comfortable"

                      1.6.1823 the Kents at Kingsbury's

                      7.8.1823 of Mrs Aders' landscape painting given to Robinson "The execution capital, were it but of a subject equal to the view from the Java which Miss Kent gave me"

                 25.12.1823 the Jupps at Sam. Kent's

                   14.1.1825 "call on Mr Ashton. Miss Kent is on a…

Kentish, Edward

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION; Dr Edward Kentish proposed member 27.5.1791 by John Frost 2nded John Horne Tooke

GODWIN DIARY: 27.12.1795 Kentish at Holcroft's / 14.1.1796 Godwin calls on (not in) / 29.1.1796 Godwin calls on / 10.3.1796 Godwin calls on (not in) / 12.3.1796 at theatre (Iron Chest adapted from.Caleb Williams by Godwin) / 27.3.1796 dine at his with Foot & Holcroft / 2.4.1796 at theatre / 27.5.1796 meet / 13.9.1812 call on Dr Kentish, deceased (at Bristol) / 18.2.1835 mes(dames) Martineau & Kentish at tea.   In Godwin's1796 list

GD website…

Kenworthy, James

James Kenworthy of 13 Ironmonger Lane joined "unnumbered division" (QV) 5.5.1794

Public Advertiser 25.1.1768 James Kenworthy merchant of London died (23.1.1768) at lodgings in St Helen's
John Kenworthy otp bach = St Katherine by the Tower 6.4.1768 Jane Sharples sp of St Pancras by lic
SunFire 1781 John Kenworthy warehouseman Ironmonger Lane
SunFire 1783 James Kenworthy linen draper & haberdasher Liverpool
SunFire 1787 James Kenworthy innholder Manchester
SunFire 1788 John, Edward & James Kenworthy cotton manufacturers Bolton


Kenyon 21.4.1794 at Thelwall's


17.7.1810 Kerr calls / 10.8.1810 Bradley v. Kerr / 13.8.1810 Kerr calls / 31.8.1815 meet Kerr / 13.4.1829 call on Kerr

21.12.1807 Advertisement, Shopman; Bradley, &c / 9.3.1812 Bradley absent

J Kerr bookseller Holborn-hill 1810 (bbti) / John Kerr schoolmaster 18 Little Wild-st (Holdens 1811). Bradley could have been Godwin's shopman from 1807 to 1812, like the Godwin's domestic servants who hardly get a mention in the diary. If so, Bradley v. Kerr might have referred to him