A-Z of Entries

Lowe, S

S Lowe dies 9.3.1801

Sampson Low, a bookseller who had published Charlotte Smith was buried 5.1.1801 age 33 his will PCC 1801 mentioned wife Mary Ann. He had married Mary Ann Sheldrick at St James Piccy 1794. Sampson Low DNB 1799-1886. Sampson Low bapt 28.3.1768 St Paul Cove Gdn of David & Mary. The GD website has only transcribed Lowe dies but the S is clearly there in the original. Godwin recorded his death two months late but it still seems a sound identification

Lowry, Wilson

26.8.1794 at Reveley's / 8.9.1794 again / 8.12.1794 again / 7.9.1797 calls & Reveley / 25.10.1797 Lowrys jnrs at Reveleys./ 9.11.1797 Lowrys at Reveleys

Wilson Lowry DNB 1760-1824 a neighbour of architect Reveley's in Titchfield Street and an engraver noted for his architectural work

Wilson Lowry otp bach = St Marylebone 16.6.1796 Rebekah Delvalle of St Luke sp by lic, wit Anna Gabl Burges. According to DNB he had two daurhters Anne & Matilda by his first marriage to miss Porter of Birmingham but given the "bachelor" in the marriage register, they may have been…



see entry for Margaret & Lucas

Ludbey, Thomas

see Poland Street 1 to9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Mr Ludbey proprietor 61 Poland St Land Tax Redemption 1798 / will PCC 7.8.1819 Thomas Ludbey of Chalfont St Peter Bucks dated 5.5.1803 codicil 19.3.1818 mentioned wife Jane "!all my leasehold houses in parish of St James" (most of these were in Pall Mall and Piccadilly) / SunFire 1796 Thomas Ludbey Esq 74 Harley St

Luders, Alexander

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Alexander Luders Esq of Inner Temple proposed member 22.11.1782 by Joseph Brown 2nded Edward Hall

Alexander Luders DNB d.1819.  His father Theodore Luders secretaire to Russian ambassador married at the German Lutheran church, Savoy, London on 19.10.1749 Miss Ann Berry by lic. When he wrote his will on 11.10.1774 he said his younger son Alexander was aged 18, so he was born about 1756 / General Evening Post 13.12.1774 Theodore Luders died at Bath 6.12.1774 / Middlesex Journal 20.7.1776 Lucretia Luders (Alexander's sister) married at Bath Abbey…


31.7.1794 mrs Luneham at Holcroft's (& Porson) / 7.12.1794 mrs Lunan at Holcroft's (& Porson) / 2.3.1795 Lunan at Mackintosh's (& Porson & Perry) / 17.8.1795 mrs Lunan at Holcroft's /  20.9.1795 Lunan at Holcroft's (& Porson & Perry) / 24.7.1796 M A Lunan at Holcroft's / 17.8.1796 meet mrs Lunan / 8.11.1797 M A Lunan at Holcroft's (& Perry) / 5.3.1802 miss Lunan at tea (& Perrys) / 19.10.1805 miss Bentley at Perry's / 21.10.1805 Perry femme & miss Bentley call / 15.6.1806 miss Bentley at Perry's / 7.6.1809 Lunan at Perry's (& mrs Bentley) / 13.10.…

Lunardi, Vincenzo

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Vincenzo Lunardi DNB 1759-1806 the first balloonist in England gave his address in September 1784, shortly after his first ascent, in a newspaper advert as 6 Poland St. This may have been convenient for the Pantheon where he displayed his balloon. His landlady would have presumably been Mrs Wright (qv)


Lune (with an acute accent on the e) 17.11.1799 at John King's

Next to Elisee (qv) which may be some clue. A family name from the south of France Lunet (de Malene) of Rodez (see Hippolyte Barrau, Documents Historiques &c)

Luneham, Mrs

see Lunan, Mary


Lunettes 28.3.1797 at Townley's collection

Lunn, William Henry

Lunn's 19.3.1799

W H Lunn bookseller Cambridge 1787-1797, William Henry Lunn bookseller 332 Oxford St 1797-1801, Classical Library 30 Soho Sq 1802-16, committed suicide June 1815, (Maxted) will PCC 1815


call on J J Luntley (not in) with Everina (Wollstonecraft) 20.9.1804 / 22.9.1804 call on Luntley with E(verina) W / 2.10.1804 again / 19.10.1804 meet Luntley / 6.11.1804 call on Luntley (not in)  with E Wt / 7.11.1804 call on Luntley with E Wt / 14.11.1804 call on Luntley / 23.11.1804 again / 5.12.1804 call on Luntley & Hill, PS / 7.12.1804 write to Luntley / 22.12.1804 call on Luntley / 31.12.1804 again / 5.1.1805 again / 12.1.1805 again / 24.1.1805 again / 21.12.1809 Luntley adv at Miles'

John Luntley stockbroker of 181 Holywell St, Shoreditch, Mr Luntley Shoreditch subscr…

Lushington, William

22.11.1794(alongside week ending) Lushington at Tooke's trial.

William Lushington 1747-1823 (History of Parliament) signed declaration of Friends of the People 11.4.92 but had resigned by November. Independent candidate for City of London in by-election March 1795 defeated Combe the Whig candidate. Justified Pitt's measures as "temporary sacrifice of liberty for security's sake". Of Marks Hall, Essex and Mount Pleasant, Tunbridge Wells. Could also be his relative Sir Stephen Lushington, East India Company director (History of Parliament) but William flirted much more with radicals.…

Luttrell, Henry

8.10.1795 see Luttrel at theatre / 9.10.1795 adv at miss Mansel's / 28.10.1795 at Montagu's / 15.4.1796 again / 19.10.1799 at Reynolds's / 16.5.1828 again / 17.7.1829 Thomson Luttrel at Reynolds's

Henry Luttrell DNB 1768-1851. Farington diary Jan 1796 dined at Malone's with Luttrell & Jephson and found them "democratish". Clearly Luttrell saw miss Mansel in her debut in Road to Ruin and went to congratulate her the next day, keeping her acquaintance both shortly after her marriage and long after.The idea that his mother was a gardener's daughter from Woodstock is a confusion of…

Luttrell, Henry Lawes

SUGGESTED ADDITION perhaps before the sentence beginning "Luttrell's personal unpopularity" <The Memoirs of Miss Arabella Bolton(1770) accused him of opium date rape, and neglect of parental responsibility towards a daughter who only lived 13 months, that he fathered on a gardener's daughter, Arabella Bolton, while he was a student at Oxford.>
CURRENT TEXT "survived by his wife and his only known child, a natural son, Henry Luttrell(1768-1851)"
SUGGESTED CHANGE <survived by his wife and at least three natural children, *Henry…


see Ledwich, Edward

Lyde, George

see Newman Street 1 to 9 in London Addresses dataset

SunFire 1792 George Lyde 9 Newman St (other occupier Ballord gent) / 1780 George Lyde of 27 Rathbone Pl subscr to Marriott's Dictionary (note this was address of engraver Philip Barraud, see Barraud Mrs Frances) / George Lyde was also a witness at the wedding of Philip Barraud's daughter Frances in 1788 / will of George Lyde of Morden College, Blackheath, Kent PCC 1804 dated 22.12.1803 exec Harrison Gray of 44 Rathbone Pl, handwriting sworn to 5.6.1804 by Ann Barraud spinster of Fulham & William Hodges perfumer of Rathbone Pl…


call on Lye 31.12.1804 / 3.1.1805 Lye calls / 22.6.1805 again

Francis Lye stationer 38 London Rd, Elephant & Castle (Holdens 1805) / Charles John Lye Esq 6 Barnards Inn Holborn (Holdens 1811) / John Lye of St Mary Undershaft will PCC 1807 / Rignell Lye opp. Red Lion Hoxton bricklayer Sun Fire 1802 / George & Edmund Lye carriers White Swan Inn yard, Holborn Bridge Sun Fire 1806 / Lye, 1 Carlisle Lane Lambeth Sun Fire 1810 / Francis Lye corn chamdler  near White Hart Knightsbridge Sun Fire 1791

Lymans, James Howard

(see Francis Place's Autobiography ed. Mary Thale pages 117-118 engraver, 16.8.1833 now nearly 70 yrs old, vagabond, wife & 2 daus dead)

James Howard Lymans son of James & Elizabeth Lymans bapt 14.4.1765 St Bride's born 28.3.1765 New Street
James Lymans of New St Square St Brides stationer & chandler will PCC 13.8.1772 wife Elizabeth. He was son of Francis Lymans peruke maker of St Clement Danes and apprenticed 1748 to Francis Cogan stationer.
James lymans of St Dunstan i t West bach = St Geo Han Sq 12.4.1761 Elizabeth Hammatt otp sp by Archbishop lic…

Lyttelton, George

Godwin's diary Vol VII f 46r: Lyttleton had mrs Robinson's premices. M

George Lyttelton DNB 1709-1773 and Mary Robinson DNB 1756?1758? - 1800. The DNB article notes Mrs Robinson's addresses, 14 St James Place 1792-7, but then a series of other London addresses as her financial situation worsened. Careful research could probably establish this connection but I don't have time at present. See Andrews, Francis