Greater Soho

Abbott, James

Submitted by edpope on

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Colhoun, John

Submitted by edpope on

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

John Colhoun 32 Poland St ratebooks 1786-7 / John Colhoun = St Anne Soho 17.9.1784 Anne Green botp banns, Ann dau of John & Ann Calhoon bapt St James 8.1.1787 / Old Bailey 21.2.1776 coal dealer with Robert Brown (address not given) / SunFire 1783 oilman Rood Lane 1789 oilman and dealer in wines 29 Rood Lane / John Colhoun & William Annand merchants Bow Lane bankrupt 1789 / John Colhoun coal Merchant Rood Lane bankrupt 1793

Tuff, William

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see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

North, Martha

Submitted by edpope on

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Martha North spinster 31 Poland St SunFire 1786 / perhaps the Martha North bur St Pancras 8.4.1827 age 88

Aitchison, John

Submitted by edpope on

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

John Aitchison 31 Poland St ratebooks 1800-1805 / John Aitchison = St James 26.9.1779 Ann Parratt botp banns / John Aitchison carpenter Poland St voted Graham 1802 Burdett 1818 / John Aitchison of Poland St bur St James 22.9.1824 age 64 / Alison Aitchison of Poland St bur St James 27.1.1830 age 81

Callcutt, Richard

Submitted by edpope on

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Ellis, Thomas

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see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Dussek, Jan Ladislav

Submitted by edpope on

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

World 23.4.1792 tickets for Mr Dusseck's night from him at 30 Poland St / Jan Dussek DNB 1760-1812 pianist & composer. He had been in England since 1789 and married in August 1792 so probably moved from Poland St then. His landlady in Poland St was presumably Mary Wood (see my entry Wood, John & Mary)

Amendments to Oxford DNB (Sophia Justina Dussek 1775-1847)

Wood, John & Mary

Submitted by edpope on

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Holt, Thomas

Submitted by edpope on

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Holt 29 Poland St ratebooks 1800 / (possibles)Thomas Holt = St James 28.8.1796 Sarah Anderson botp by banns / Thomas Holt = St James 27.1.1801 Jemima Clarke botp by banns / SunFire 1807 Thomas Holt 29 Poland St currier (also 31-4 Union St Lambeth) also 1808 currier & leather cutter