A-Z of Entries

Remington, Richard

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Richard Remington of Belleview, Dorsetshire proposed member 27.6.1792 by Edward Kentish 2nded John Augustus Bonney

Richard Remington listed Land Tax 1793 in tything of Herston near Swanage Dorset, a freehold but very small. The will PCC 21.10.1797 of Richard Remington Captain on half pay of 86th foot dated 7.5.1797 mentioned his first wife Anne Bonnell, their dau Anne aged 9, his second wife Anne Bagley, their son Richard aged 10 mos and a child expected, made Richard Kentish Esq Captain in York regiment their guardian. He had married Anne…


Renaud 22.1.1793 saw at Chauvelin's


Renouard 22.10.1800 at theatre / 10.12.1800 at M(arshall)'s / 21.12.1800 dines / 22.12.1800 at theatre / 23.12.1800 at Fell's / 28.12.1800 at M(arshall)'s / 30.12.1800 again

Mr Renouard merchant of St Thomas arrived on 'Lord Auckland' from Tortola 14.8.1800 arrived at Falmouth 17.9.1800 / Morning Post 10.4.1802 Mrs Renouard's ball, Notting Hill, Kensington Gravel Pits / John James junior of Kew married 31.8.1803 at Kensington Miss A Renouard of Notting Hill / Rev J H Renouard Trinity Coll Camb 1802 will PCC 1831 John Henry Renouard



26.1.1793 Restiff at Jardine's and 14.2.1793 and 26.3.1793.

The identified person record for Restif exists in the Godwin Diary website but the three diary appearances are still coded as unidentified. Known as Restif de la Bretonne he is now a bit of a cult figure, maybe the French William Blake

Reveley, Maria

21.9.1793 . see my article in blog entries "William Godwin, the Reveleys and the Jenningses"

Cecilia Reveley dau. of Willey & Maria born 24.2.1790 bapt 21.5.1790 (St Marylebone - I forgot to note the parish but I think that's right, can check). Then there was Sophia Revely, child, buried 21.5.1791 St Marylebone. I think this must have been her, the surname wasn't common and the first names sound similar. While we're on this, I also have Maria Knipe James dau. of John & Jane born 8th March last bapt. 8.10.1770 St Mary Rotherhithe. This corresponds to Godwin's note that she…

Reveley, Willey


CURRENT TEXT "Maria Barnes, daughter of James Barnes,"
SUGGESTED CHANGE <Maria James, daughter of John James,>
NOTES see Reveley, Maria

Rexworthy, Tracy

21.6.1810 Daly, Rexworthy, Tracy &c call

Godwin didn't often use the &c in a list of callers (I use it on this website to abbreviate his lists but in this case and on the next day with Kingston he used the &c). Rexworthy and Tracy both only appeared once in diary. Both rare names

William Rexworthy of Black Dog Tavern, St James Market, went bankrupt 1811 / Morning Chronicle 1.11.1823 Mr Rexworthy proprietor of billiard rooms 5 Spring-gardens / William Rexworthy of St James will PCC 1836. Name more frequent in Somerset

Charles Hanbury Tracy 1778-1858 History…

Reynell, Susanna

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London addresses dataset

Susanna Reynell 10 Poland St ratebooks 1779-80 / SunFire 1782 Susanna Reynell schoolmistress Portman St, Portman Sq

Reynolds, Frederick

f 46r of Vol VII of Godwin's diary; Reynolds & yg Colman chums at Westmr. F R

see Frederick Reynolds DNB 1764-1841 where it is stated that George Colman the younger DNB 1762-1836 befriended him at Westminster school, but the F R implies that Reynolds told Godwin this himself. See Martindale, Henry

Reynolds, Richard

mr & mrs RR 24.3.1800 at Reynolds'

The GD website has a person record for Frederick Reynolds' older brother Richard Reynolds 1754? or 1757?-1812 but the above entry has not been coded to it. He attended Trinity College Cambridge and was admitted to Middle Temple 1774 and called to the bar in 1783. He married 11.3.1799 Susanna widow of Miles North of Thurland Castle, Lancs and daughter of Oliver Toulmin of Cranborne Lodge, Dorset (will PCC 1783 of Lisle St Leicester Fields?). According to Alum cantab he died in 1813 but the Lancaster Gazette of 28.11.1812 reported the death in…

Reynolds, Richard

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Richard Reynolds of Paxton nr St Neots, Hunts proposed member 10.11.1780 by John Jebb 2nded John Cartwright

His father George Reynolds archdeacon of Lincoln (son of Richard Reynolds DNB 1674-1744) married at Holborn 3.12.1724 by lic Ann Thompson of St Neots, Hunts, and died 6.6.1769 age 69 will PCC 19.7.1769 of Little Paxton, Hunts. He was adm St John's Cambridge 1742 age 15. Born at Buckden, school Lincoln (Mr Goodall). Adm Middle Temple 1746. High Sheriff of Cambs & Hunts 1776. Caleb Fleming DNB 1698-1779 received financial support from…

Reynolds, Samuel Willam

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

Samuel William Reynolds DNB 1773-1835 ratebooks 46 Poland St 1797-1803 renumbered to 47 in 1799


22.11.1809 call on Rhodes / 19.8.1817 Rodd's; adv. Rhodes

Possibly Richard Rhodes DNB 1765-1838 engraver, or William Barnes Rhodes DNB 1772-1836 writer


Rice at H(olcrof)ts 24.6.1798 / 27.6.1810 Rice calls


Rice, Spring

HCR diary 22.3.1838 "I had this morning a letter from Spring Rice directing me to make a formal offer of Aders' pictures to the National Gallery thro' Mr Sequier"

Thomas Spring Rice (DNB 1790-1866) was Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time


Richards 29.7.1798 at H Tooke's / 10.11.1802 call on Richards, 5, Brownlow St / 10.10.1806 at Fox's funeral / 23.3.1807 at Joseph Johnson's, Purser's Cross / 17.11.1809 call on Richards / 11.6.1814 again / 3.10.1814 again / 15.9.1815 again / 23.9.1819 call on T Rodd, chez Richards / 6.10.1823 at Bacon's / 15.5.1824 again / 26.12.1827 call on Dr Richards / 10.1.1828 Dr Richards calls (not in)

George Richards DNB 1767-1837 may well have been the Dr Richards of 1827/8 when he was rector of St Martins in the Fields and active in Literary Funds. He didn't get his doctorate until 1820 so…

Richards, George

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

George Richards 13 Poland St ratebooks 1777-1786 / coroners jury 1767 Geo Richards Poland St robe maker / George Richards Poland St voted 1780 Lincoln / George Richards buried 17.5.1783 St James / ? George Richards = Westminster 26.7.1752 Jane Wright

Richards, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Richards of Hambleton nr Droxford, Hants proposed member 3.5.1782 by John Cartwright 2nded James Martin

His father John Richards will PCC 25.8.1736 dated 10.8.1736 of Edmonton, Middx Esq mentioned wife Dorothy and the child with which she "is now ensient" (pregnant), brothers James and George, sister Anne, dau Dorothy, brother in law Pierce Galliard Esq, partner John Rooke and the five children of uncle Charles Richards, proved again by his son John Richards 2.3.1758 on reaching age 21. John Richards of St Stephen Coleman St bach married…

Richards, Mr

HCR diary 10.4.1822 at Aders "a large mixed party. Some strangers - a Mr Richards who married a sister of Mr Pouncefort pleased me. A well informed clear headed sensible young man"

John Richards = Swansea 25.4.1816 Frances Smith, who was baptised 20.4.1782 at St Nicholas Nottingham, daughter of Thomas Smith (will PCC 1817 Swansea) and his wife Mary dau of James Bigsby. Her brother Robert Smith changed his name to Pauncefote on inheriting an estate (see my Background Article, "3 Wives, 3 Husbands Living"). Their father Thomas Smith 1744-1817 was the nephew of Abel Smith (DNB 1717?-…


11.10.1795 walk with Holcroft & Perry, adv Sheridan & Richardson / 18.3.1796 Debretts / 5.4.1796 there / 9.1.1797 there / 30.12.1798 adv at Godwin's / 10.7.1801 mrs Richardson adv at Northcote's while Godwin sat for portrait / 24.10.1801 Godwin calls / 5.5.1803 adv Cooper from Richardson

Joseph Richardson DNB 1755-1803. Friend of Sheridan and part of the Whig circle at Debrett's bookshop. Didn't feature on Godwin's 1796 list but the name Richardson was inserted above, after Perry, and then crossed out, in the 1794 version, which would fit with Godwin meeting him again in…