A-Z of Entries

Clarke, Matilda Hill

HCR diary 6.1.1822 Mrs Basil Montagu "related to me a romantic incident in the life of Mrs Ponsford - She was a painter by profession and painted many years ago a picture of her Mrs A" (Robinson clearly means Mrs M) "and a child - it was entitled "A Widow and her Child". This picture caught the eye of a rich woman - a Mrs Clarke - who was possessed independently of her husband of £15,000 - which she was resolved he should not have. Mrs C: instantly determined to give this £15,000 to the widow - and for that purpose called on the artist Miss Smith. She told Miss S: only that she wished to…

Clarke, Miss

8.6.1799 tea E Reynolds' w. mrs Baker & miss Clarke

Perhaps an actress but a common name (see Highfill, Burnim & Langhans)

5.8.1804 Yates's & miss Clarke dine; adv. Jo(seph) G(odwin) / 17.12.1805 call on Jo(seph) G(odwin); adv. miss Clarke

Probably one of Hannah Godwin's millinery assistants, see my entry for Godwin, Hannah

20.10.1816 D Clarke dines / 21.10.1816 D Clarke sleeps / 10.11.1816 mrs & L Clarke dine / 12.12.1816 L Clarke dines / 7.1.1817 Clarkes dine / 20.3.1817 miss Collins dines & theatre, w. M(ary) J(ane) & Clarkes / 12.5.…

Clarke, Mrs

27.10.1788 at Miss Williams' / 30.3.1795 at Barbaulds', with Mrs Barwell both times

Clarke, mystic

15.1.1795 Clarke, mystic at Thelwals.

'avec lui' at the end of this day's diary entry has been coded in GD website to Thelwal but alternative readings could be Clarke mystic, or Jennings himself (as another way of saying tete a tete). Godwin's only other use of avec lui is for revising with William Nicholson, 25.12.1792, 2.11.1793, 10.1.1793

Probably Richard Clarke (Literary memoirs of living authors p99) author of various mystical works published between 1750 and 1795, was Rector of St Philip's Charleston, South Carolina in the 1750s then came to England, was curate of…

Clarke, Thomas

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

SunFire 1785 Lieut Gen Thomas Clarke 57 Poland St / Boyles Court Guide 1793 & 1794 Gen Clarke 57 Poland St / 13.11.1792 & 5.4.1793 Bedford Archives R3 1198 & 1391 letters from General Clarke, Poland St to Daniel Beaumont, Duke of Bedford's steward / Boyle's Court Guide 1799 Gen. Thomas Clarke 5 St Albans St & Godmanchester nr Huntingdon / will PCC 1799 dated 25.9.1799 General Thomas Clarke of St Alban's St, St James mentioned Joyner Becher of Wokingham, Berks (who had married Sarah Harris 1763…

Clarke, William

SWEDENBORGIANS: William Clark of Newport, Isle of Wight was at 1792-3 conference. Intellectual Repository New Series vol1 p333. Died 9.8.1824 by an attack of apoplexy in his 75th year William Clarke Esq of Shide nr Newport, I of W. His grandfather was Unitarian minister of Newport (then called Arian Baptists). In 1789 R Mather, and another, converted Clarke, Dr Maywood and a tradesman. Maywood went to America, Mr R Clarke while still in Isle of Wight continued the meetings. Mr Noble preached Clarke's funeral sermon at Methodist Chapel in Newport

His grandfather may have been the…

Clarkson of Paisley

Clarkson of Paisley calls 9.3.1799

Paisley directory 1810 John C lodging-keeper St James Pl, 1812 elected by subscribers as manager of dispensary and house of recovery. John C = Penelope Shaw 12.4.1801 Paisley Middle, John C = Janet Dalziel 14.11.1807 Paisley

Clarkson, Charles

MILL VOTERS 1802 Charles Clarkson of Hounslow


Clarkson, George & Romaine William

BONNEY DIARY 11.11.1794 saw Clarkson (and Gurney) 12.11.1794 Clarksons (and Gurney) 13.11.1794 2 Clarksons

George Clarkson and Romaine William Clarkson attorneys. Their father John Clarkson was a chinaman of Market St, St James (Westminster Coroners Jury 28.3.1770 Market St, 1774 voted Mountmorres & Mahon SunFire 1777dealer in Glass China & Earthenware, voted 1780, 1784 Fox, coroners juries 1788, voted 1802 Fox & Graham, will PCC 16.11.1802 dated 6.5.1793 mentioned his two sons as above and his dau Harriet wife of James Hodson of Hatton Garden M.D., who died 16.4.1812…

Clarkson, Robert

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Robert Clarkson 38 Poland St ratebooks 1790 / Robert Clarkson hairdresser Poland St voted 1788 Hood / Robert Clarkson Land Tax 1784 Hanway St, St Marylebone, ratebooks 1795 Wych St, St Clement Danes

Clarkson, William

Rev W Clarkson proposed member of Society for Constitutional Information 22.6.1792 by Lord Sempill 2nded John Frost

24.9.1828 London Consistory Court Elizabeth Huxtable widow of 105 Minories sister of Rev William Clarkson late of Beaumont Row, Mile End, St Dunstan, Stepney who died 9.7.1828 a bachelor intestate without parents living, took admon under £3000 / William Clarkson of Beaumont Place age 66 buried St Pancras 13.7.1828 / will PCC 2.3.1818 of William Huxtable shipwright of Spring St, Shadwell dated 6.3.1817 mentioned wife Elizabeth children Joseph, Edward & Elizabeth. I…

Clayfield, Henry

MILL VOTERS Henry Clayfield of Isleworth

Land Tax 1798-1817 Henry Clayfield rent £9 p.a. landlord Michael Thackwaite Esq / Henry Clayfield bach = St Martin i t Fields 17.2.1794 Elizabeth Hodges sp botp banns wits Jno Arnold Peter Hodges / Rosinah bapt 1800 Thomas bapt 1803 Isleworth of Henry & Elizabeth Clayfield / Henry Clayfield buried Isleworth 19.11.1805 age 38 / Henry Clayfield labourer Almondbury Yorks born Isleworth c 1797 wife Nancy in censuses of 1851, 1861, 1871 / Henry Clayfield wid = Almondbury 25.12.1837 Nancy Hinchliffe, his father Henry Clayfield Post Office…


Thale Selections page 291,  27.8.1795 N Clayton in list of names wishing to establish a Division at the Fountain, Virginia Row, Shoreditch

William Satcher of Spitalfields cordwainer took appr Nathaniel Clayton 7 yrs from 25.6.1777 premium £6
Nathaniel Clayton otp bach = Shoreditch 23.6.1794 SarahXFowkes otp sp banns wits Richard & Sarah Hughes
Sarah Mary dau of Nathaniel & Sarah Clayton of Saunders Gardens born 21.5.1795 bapt Shoreditch 21.7.1795

page 299, 3.9.1795 Clayton admitted to sitting of LCS General Committee

page 325n   13.11.1795 …

Clements, Benjamin

MILL VOTERS Benjamin Clements of Twickenham

Benjamin Clements appointed High Constable of Isleworth Hundred Middlesex Sessions 1731 / Benjamin s of Samuel Clements bricklayer bapt 6.1.1732/3 Richmond / Benjamin Clements of Isleworth gardener wid marriage licence 23.1.1736/7 Sarah Rice sp / Benjamin Clements perukemaker Twickenham took appr 1763 Edward Clark / Lloyds Evening Post 30.9.1765 nurseries at Isleworth nr the Turnpike, Smallberry Green of Benjamin Clements leaving off business / Sarah d of Benjamin & Elizabeth Clements bapt 13.11.1774 Heston / SunFire 1781, 1787, 1791…

Clendenning, Elizabeth

Mrs Clendenning 26.8.1792 at Nicholson's 'au bas' with Shield.

Elizabeth nee Arnold actress (1768-99) wife of William Clendenning (Highfill, Burnim and Langhans)


Clennell, John & Ann

write Clennel 14.9.1799 / 13.7.1806 dine at Nicholson's w. Clennel / 15.7.1806 Clennel calls (not in) / 17.7.1806 Clennel calls / 30.10.1807 call on Clennel / 2.12.1807 Clennel calls / 3.12.1807 Clennel sups / 6.12.1807 again / 7.12.1807 call on Clennel / 11.12.1807 Clennel calls / 12.12.1807 Clennel sups / 14.12.1807 Clennel calls / 19.12.1807 Clennel sups / 26.12.1807 Clennels call / 29.12.1807 again / 4.1.1808 again / 5.1.1808 Clennel calls / 9.1.1808 Clennels, T[homas] T[urner] & O[rlando] F[enwic]k dine / 12.1.1808 Clennel calls / 19.1.1808 E Topping, Clennel & F Walsh dine /…

Clewlow, James

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

James Clewlow 22 Poland St ratebooks 1777 / coroners jury 1771 James Clawlew heel maker Poland St / James Cluley of Chiswick = St James 7.4.1760 Mary Hiscock otp by lic (wits Wm Anthony, Joseph Hastings)


Cliff 24.9.1789 arrest

Clifford, Henry

Clifford 21.5.1797 at Horne Tooke's / 25.6.1797 meet / 16.6.1799 Cliffords at H Tooke's / 14.11.1799 meet Clifford / 16.2.1800 at H Tooke's / 18.5.1806 again / 11.8.1807 adv at Bow Street

Hemry Clifford DNB 1768-1813 Catholic radical lawyer active supporting Burdett in 1802 Middlesex election and in 'Old Price' theatre riots 1808. His parents were dead by 1787 and he didn't marry till 1813 so the plural at Tooke's 16.6.1799 may include a brother, perhaps Thomas Hugh Clifford his older brother


Clifton 23.4.1801 at Goldsmith's