A-Z of Entries

Siddons, Sarah

15.2.1800 Siddons at opera / 31.1.1802 H & G Siddons at Reynolds's

The plain Siddons in 1800 is uncoded in GD website, as it may have equally been Sarah Siddons DNB 1755-1831, her husband the actor William Siddons 1744-1808 or her oldest son Henry Siddons DNB 1774-1815. The G Siddons at Reynolds' in 1802 was probably George John, her younger son 1785 - 1848 (Highfill, Burnim & Langhans) with his brother Henry


Sidmouth resigns 8.7.1805

This is explained in the event tag on GD website but there is no person record for Sidmouth


21.2.1810 Sidney calls

Holdens directory 1811: George Sidney printer 1, Northumberland-st Strand (will PCC 1823) / John Sidney attorney Furnival's Inn / John Apsley Sidney attorney 98 Norton-st, Portland-pl & 2 Beaumont-st Devonshire-pl / Marlow & William Sidney, colour merchants, Star & Garter-yd Ratcliff Highway / Hon. J. S. Sidney 17 Clarges-st / Mr Daniel Sidney 12 Mercer-st Long Acre / James Sidney esq 9 Percy-st / R. C. Sidney esq 5 Mortimer-st Cavendish-sq / William Sidney esq 2 Wellclose-sq / Mr Sidney 45 Manor-pl Walworth


HCR diary 18.2.1821 "called on the Sievekings - the commencement of an acquaintance which I promise myself pleasure from. They are sensible people - he a quicker man than Aders tho' without so much attention to the arts & literature of germany - she certainly not to be compared with mrs Aders but both full of love of German literature and therefore objects of interest to me"

                      1.7.1821 "dined at Sieveking's met Dr jenckel physician"

                  22.11.1821 "went to Sievekibg - an ageeable chat with them - they want an introduction to Aders for…


Siguieras 24.4.1797

see Sequeira


Jane Silver adv at dinner 8.7.1804 (& mrs Fraser) / 9.7.1804 call on mrs Silver with M(ary) J(ane) / 14.7.1804 again / 27.9.1809 Jacob Silver calls / 1.8.1813 mrs Silver adv at Kenney's / 31.10.1813 Silvers adv at Kenney's / 26.11.1814 call on Silver / 17.12.1814 C(harles) C(lairmont) from Silver / 10.1.1815 call on Silver / 7.2.1815 Silver calls / 9.5.1815 seek Silver / 30.6.1815 again / 1.7.1815 call on Silver / 15.9.1815 seek Silver / 16.9.1815 again / 6.1.1816 again / 9.1.1816 write to Silver

Jacob son of Samuel & Mary Silver baptised 27.10.1754 St Peters Sandwich Kent.…

Simison, Richard

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Richard Simison 7 Poland St ratebooks 1793-7 / attorney Kings Bench & solicitor Chancery articled 1787 to Thomas Borne / Richard Simison bach otp = St Margaret Westminster 6.2.1791 Hannah Atkinson sp of Lambeth by lic wits Arthur Goodwin, B Goodwin, James Burford / Ann d of Richard & Hannah Simison bapt 12.1.1792 St James, Mary bapt 13.1.1793, Hannah bapt 27.5.1795, Richard bapt 24.11.1796, Margaret bapt 29.5.1798 / Mr Simison 7 Poland St agent for Yorkshire school ad in World 10.8.1793 / Oracle 28.2.1795…


Simmons 27.10.1790 at Holcroft's / 8.12.1790 again / Dr Simmons 11.7.1797 at Joseph Johnson's / 23.1.1798 Simmons there / 20.3.1798 again / 13.5.1800 dr Simmons adv at Mauman's / 17.5.1800 dr Simmons at Milton Gallery dinner / 17.2.1801 Simmons at Joseph Johnson's / 27.1.1802 3 Simmons's there / 18.6.1813 Lackingtons & Simmons's / 27.12.1823 adv Simmons of Paddington at J Taylor's

Both times at Holcroft's in 1790 with Fenwick, the second time with Bond also, no suggestion at present who this was. The four times at Joseph Johnson's and all Dr Simmons entries were probably Dr…


see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Oracle 24.5.1791 "DANCING M. Simonet 28 Poland St father of the Miss Simonets... continues private teaching and attends boarding schools" / Doane's 1794 Louis Simonet dancing master & violinist at Opera / see Highfill Burnim & Langhans for him, his wife Adelaide and three daughters Rosine, Leonora & Theresa / SunFire 1786 Louis Simonet dancing master Mount Row Lambeth / SunFire 1798 Louis Simonet 7 Duferes Pl, Broad St dancing master /  Holdens directory 1805 dancing master 29 Lower Titchfield St & SunFire 1818…


6.6.1788 at T Hollis' / 29.12.1789 Simpson, E.T. at T Hollis' / 18.2.1803 Simpson at Lea's / 9.11.1813 Jas Simpson dines / 2.12.1813 Jas Simpson calls / 4.10.1814 M(ary) J(ane) from Simpson / 5.10.1814 again / 10.4.1829 Simpson at Joshua Robinson's

For the James Simpson of 1813 consider James Simpson DNB 1781-1853 advocate and author, who shared Godwin's interest in education, though he was based mostly in Edinburgh. Otherwise I have very little substance here. Still racking my brains to what ET stood for. Lea was a contact of Godwin's brother Joseph (see Box). Nothing probable in…

Simpson, James

18.7.1796 Weybourn camp officers Simpson

James Simpson 1st Lt Royal Artillery 14.8.1794, not in Army List after 1799, will PCC 1811

Simpson, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Simpson of Leadenhall St proposed member 9.5.1794 by James Savage 2nded Thomas Wardle. Never elected as this was last meeting of SCI

Thomas son of Thomas Simpson of Kingsington Middlesex baker appr 7.7.1731 to John Horner of Merchant Taylors Co. John son of Thomas Simpson of Merchant Taylors Co deceased appr 5.5.1756 to John Horner premium £20. Will PCC 19.12.1757 of Thomas Simpson of Kensington baker dated 19.5.1752 mentioned daus Elizabeth Simpson, Martha Greyshain & Mary Hopkins, wife Elizabeth, son William. Gazetteer 15.4.1767…

Sims, Mrs

mrs Sims adv at S Elwes' 9.7.1799 / 19.10.1809 call on Sims, with Lockhart




HCR diary 29.9.1827 at the Flaxmans' "Mrs Sinclair (?) a queer sort of person - a familiar old lady who did not much please me"

                   16.4.1834 "called late on Miss Denman where were the Aders, the Sinclairs etc"

not yet identified. possibly found in Flaxman papers at British Library?


Sinclair, Charles

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Charles Sinclair proposed member 18.5.1792 by John Horne Tooke 2nded John Frost. His first recorded attendance at a London Corresponding Society meeting was on 21.6.1792

GODWIN DIARY: 12.9.1794 S, sup with, This was most likely Charles Sinclair as his was the only name beginning with S appearing earlier in that day's entry

Charles Sinclair was an illegitimate nephew of Sir John Sinclair DNB 1754-1835. Parish register of Latheron Caithness 20.1.1769 George Sinclair son to Lybster had a child baptised got out of wedlock nam'd Charles…

Sinclair, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Sinclair Esq proposed member 19.7.1782 by Edward Hall 2nded John Cartwright. Not recorded as elected but came to next two general meetings. Resigned 1.2.1788

John Sinclair DNB 1754-1835

Singer, Thomas

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Singer 28 Poland St ratebooks 1774-86 / Thomas Singer = St James 1.6.1770 Elizabeth Weller botp banns wit Atwood Martin / Daily Advertiser 4.11.1774 Wanted several French Trimming Weavers and hand workers, Thomas Singer's 7 Poland St, & 1st floor to let unfurnished / Daily Advertiser 29.4.1777 ad for lease of No 7 on east side of Poland St occ. Thomas Singer rent £38 p.a. ground rent £26.5s p.a./ Daily Advertiser 8.5.1778 lease of 28 Poland St for sale rent £38 p.a. ground rent £26.5s p.a. / Thomas Singer feather…


Sivewright 15.3.1795 at King's.

James Sivewright was a hardwareman at 206 Strand in 1790, his will PCC 1811; J & J Sivewright Lottery Office 141 Oxford st (Sun Fire 1814); Sivewright stockbroker 11 Holborn Hill (Sun Fire 1824);Frances Catherine Sivewright spinster will PCC 1829; John S, Esq, Priory, Old Windsor; Mrs S, Guildford (subscriptions 1833)

Skene, George

20.11.1796 Skenes at (Jonas) Davis's / 7.3.1797 dine at Davis's adv Skene / 18.10.1798 theatre adv Skene / 21.7.1804 again / 19.11.1805 again / 6.4.1828 adv Skene at M W S (Mary Shelley's)

George Skene A.M. was the author of Donald Bane an heroic poem published in 1796 printed for George Robinson (for whom Jonas Davis often printed), dedicated to James Duff, Earl of Fife, and based on "a manuscript at the family seat of Mr Skene of Skene, MP for Aberdeenshire in the parliament before last". That MP was George Skene (History of Parliament 1749-1825 a drunken laird and a firm adherent…

Skeys A

A Skeys calls 4.11.1797 / 20.11.1797 again

Probably a relation of Hugh Skeys whose deceased wife Fanny had been Mary Wollstonecraft's close friend. There was an Abraham Skeys merchant in Ireland alive in 1807