A-Z of Entries


18.11.1809 call on Hamilton

Coded on GD website to Samuel Hamilton printer. After the fire at his works in 1803 he seems to have moved to Shoe-lane in 1805 but by 1809 he had probably moved to Weybridge, and this call is in a string of calls on booksellers, so was probably Thomas Hamilton bookseller 37 Paternoster-row or less likely Alexander Hamilton bookseller 14 & 15 Temple-pl Blackfriars-rd

Hamilton, Archibald

7.11.1788 Archd. This must be Archibald Hamilton, either son or grandson of Archibald Hamilton (see his Person Record in GD website)

Also probably 9.9.1795 call on A H / 15.2.96 call on A Hn

Hamilton, Capt

17.7.1795 tea at Amelia Alderson's with John Walker & Capt Hamilton. adv  Dyer. Miss Alderson was perhaps staying with the Batty's but Godwin didn't mention them. An unmarried lady having four random gentlemen to tea was perhaps a bold and unusual event.

There were 3 naval captains at the time, Sir Charles Hamilton DNB 1767-1849, Charles Powell Hamilton and Thomas Hamilton; and plenty more in the Army. Boyle's 1794 had a Col H at 15 James St Westminster and another at 35 Gt Marlborough St. A letter of 1804 from a Capt Hamilton to Sir William Windham Dalling (1175-1864) about Mrs…

Hamilton, Elizabeth

16.4.1796 Hamilton, Blake, Christal, mrs Gregory & dr Crawford at miss Hayes / 12.11.1796 miss Hamilton at Hayes's

Elizabeth Hamilton DNB 1756-1815 and see Correspondence of Mary Hays p312. A friend of Mary Hays who fell out with her over the review of her first major work in the Analytical Review of October 1796 supposedly written by Hays. Godwin often dropped the miss or mrs for women, particularly authors. But the plain Hamilton on 16.4.1796 might also be the S Hamilton who according to Correspondence of Mary Hays p299 was assisting Dr George Gregory as editor of the Critical…

Hamilton, Gawen

H. senr 24.6.1804 at H Rowan's / 10.8.1804 H Rowan & father call / 2.9.1804 father at H Rowan's / 14.9.1804 H Rowan & father call

Gawen Hamilton father of Archibald Hamilton Rowan DNB 1751-1834 who died 9.4.1805. See letter Bodleian Abinger b4 f102-3

Hamilton, Misses

miss Hamilton 9.8.1800 at La Moira's (in Ireland) / 25.10.1803 miss Hamiltons at H Rowan's / 4.11.1803 miss Hamilton & Rowans dine / 7.11.1803 miss Hamiltons at H Rowan's / 14.1.1805 adv A Hamilton at Rowan's / 19.5.1805 miss Hamilton at H Rowan's / 16.6.1805 mrs Rowan, mrs Beresford & miss Hamilton call / 20.6.1805 mrs H Rowan, mrs Beresford & 2, miss Hamilton, Plowdens & Northcote at tea

Archibald Hamilton Rowan DNB 1751-1834 was born Archibald Hamilton and obliged to adopt the surname Rowan in order to receive an inheritance though his son appears to have reverted…

Hamilton, William

28.2.1794 dr Hamilton at Bell's / 9.5.1804 dr Hamilton at Joseph Johnson's / 21.9.1804 Curran & Hamilton (son ami) call / 27.9.1804 dr Hamilton at Hamilton Rowan's with Bell / 4.2.1808 Hamilton jr at Hawthorn with 2 Beresfords

William Hamilton born 1758 Strabane co. Tyrone, elected physician to London hospital 1787, Physician to Surrey Dispensary resigned by 1806 (Morning Post 27.2.1806), died 22.5.1807 of Old Broad St (Monk's Roll). Haven't found any will of his. The Hamilton, friend of Curran's, of 1804 seems likely to have been a different person, Godwin having already noted…


Hammond 20.12.1797 adv at Reveley's  / 5.1.1798 again  / 20.4.1798 Lister's, New Inn / 5.5.1798 adv at Lister's

These entries may have all referred to one person but there is nothing to link the first two at Reveley's with the next two at (Samuel) Lister's. At the latter the company was mostly attorneys (Lister, Lawson, [Richard] Wordsworth, Jos[hua Lucock] Wilkinson) so Hammond may have been Richard Hammond attorney of Gt James St, Bedford Row (with William Whitton) Law List 1800. A Richard Hammond son of John Hammond of Great Marlow, Bucks was articled 17.12.1785 to Robert…


4.1.1808 call on Hankey

This name only appears this once in Godwin Diary. The Hankeys were a major banking family in the City of London, providing several Lord Mayors. The main members still alive in 1808 were Robert (will PCC 1815), his son Augustus Robert (will PCC 1830) and his nephews Frederick and Thomson (both wills PCC 1855), William Alers who went bankrupt as a West India broker in 1831 and John Barnard. The main  bank was in Fenchurch Street. There were also less grand shopkeepers: Thomas Hankey dealer in sticks 15 Marylebone St 1784, orange merchant and cane dealer 333…

Hannam, William

11.8.1810 Guildhall; Tabart, Hannam &c / 20.8.1810 Examination of sir R(ichard) P(hillips); adv. Hannam &c / 21.8.1810 Guildhall; Tabart, Hannam &c / 9.10.1810 Baptist's Head; Tabart, Hannam &c / 12.10.1810 call on Hannam (not seen) / 5.2.1811 theatre; adv. Hannam / 1.6.1811 Hannam's clerk calls

William Hannam solicitor & general agent, for the West India islands, & actuary to the masonic society, Piazza Chambers, Covent-gdn (Holdens directory 1811) was the attorney dealing with Benjamin Tabart's bankruptcy. From the same attendees we can deduce that the…

Hansard, Ann

miss Hansard 16.10.1800 at tea at Godwin's with H G and Forsyth / 26.11.1800 at tea at Godwin's with H G / 17.10.1802 dines at Godwin's with H G and Forsyth.

Ann Hansard was bound to Hannah Godwin on 26.11.99 (IR1/38)

Hanson, Mrs

16.11.1794 mrs Hanson adv (& Powel) at Foulkes'.


Hanway, Mary Anne

4.12.1796 Hanways at mrs Robinson's / 11.12.1796 mrs Hanway at mrs Robinson's / 22.1.1797 mes Hanway, Hays & Wt at mrs Robinson's / 2.4.1797 Hanways at mrs Robinson's / 29.11.1797 Hanway at theatre / 21.2.1799 meet M E Robinson, M Hanway / 15.11.1799 seek M Robinson at Hanway's / 15.12.1799 call on Hanway

Mary Ann Vergy sp otp = Hanway Hanway otp bach by lic 26.5.1788 St Marylebone, Mary Ann Hanway of Michaels Place age 60 bur St Mary Abbots Kensington 10.9.1817. Mrs Hanway was a moderately successful novelist. Her portrait by J Cranke was exhibited at the Royal Academy 1799.…


Hardcastle 8.1.1797 at John King's

Maybe the attorney John Hardcastle, 1787 with Michael Hodgson over the Crown Office, Kings Bench Walk, Temple, 1800 at 7 Lincolns Inn New Sq, Morning Chronicle 2.3.1801 advert for creditors of his estate. In 1797 Law List there was also an attorney James Hardcastle of 21 Dean St Soho. In Godwin diary after Dennet who was also likely an attorney

See also Joseph Hardcastle DNB 1752-1819 his will PCC 1819, he married 1785 Anne dau of John Corsbie (see Barnard)


Harding 4.7.1795 at Morley's (with Eyre)

James Eyre married Charlotte Harding bapt 1762 Solihull dau of Judd H surgeon & his wife Elizabeth (nee Hunt marr at Stafford 1753). This may be one of at least 4 of her brothers. Judd Harding surgeon of Tamworth will PCC 1780.

William H bapt Tamworth 1759 s of Judd & Eliz, in 1793 Joseph H of Solihull was trustee for William H late of Calcutta now of Hampton Lucy, so living in Morley's village. 1791 Wm H attorney of Solihull. His will PCC 1822 Alveston, wife Harriet, son Wm Judd H in India, eldest bro Joseph, bro Judd, sons…


18.11.1809 call on Hardinge

In a string of calls on booksellers and directly after Triphook bookseller in St James-st, this was probably John Harding bookseller 36 St James-st (bbti)

Hardinge, George

11.7.1793 at Inchbald's. In Godwin's 1796 list (crossed out) for 1793, and in 1794 version.

Probably George Hardinge DNB 1743-1816 judge and writer. Boyle's 1792 Geo Hardinge Esq MP 34 Bedford Sq. He may also have been the later (1808-11) Hardinge in Godwin's diary but I haven't checked that yet


Hardistys 8.2.1799 at King's

Perhaps George Hardisty attorney 43 Gt Marlboro St, clerk of subpoena office 120 Chancery La 1795-1800, signed Friends to Liberty of Press 1792, will PCC 1811 dated 1786 Warwick Lane mentioned wife Ann. He married 15.1.1778 St Dunstan i t West Ann Powell of St Luke, her will PCC 1814 mentioned brother Thos Powell of Perceval St, Clerkenwell, sister Mrs Mary Powell / brother Samuel Powell & children Samuel, Elizabeth, Mary /  Mrs Lydia Powell of Wisbeach & her dau Mary Ann Powell / Edward Snowball and my friend his wife / son Edwrad Samuel…


Hardkus 27.10.1798 at John King's

Careful examination of Godwin's manuscript diary suggests this may have been Hardkers. I've found no instances of the name Hardkus in any sources but the name Hardker can be found occasionally in the north of England and in USA, possibly a variant of Hardaker. But I've not found any person of that name who might have been referred to here, in the plural.

Hardy, horloger

Hardy horloger 10.6.1801 at Keir's

If you click on this underlined name in GD website it takes you to an unidentified person record with a date of 10.6.1806, if you click on that date it takes you to the diary entry for 10.6.1801 but headed as 10.6.1806

Holdens 1811 Thomas Hardy watchmaker 14 Rosoman St Clerkenwell / John Hardy watch case gilder 3 Falcon Pl, Ray St, Clerkenwell