A-Z of Entries


23.3.1789 Matthias at Miss Williams'.

1786 subscribers to HMWilliams poems Mrs M, Miss Albinia M, Miss C M, Thomas James M Esq (see Thomas James Matthias DNB 1753/4-1835). As this one was part of a female plural, either Marianne Nicholls (nee Popple) mother of TJM or (most likely) his sister Albinia, and/or other sisters. Rev Norton Nicholls (see 16.3.1789) left a legacy to TJM (PCC wills 1807). And see Weston (26.10.1788)


Mattocks, Isabella

23.2.1796 Mattocks at mrs Inchbald's with C Kemble, H Siddons. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796 as mrs Mattocks (crossed out) but wrongly transcribed in GD website as mrs Mallocks

Isabella Mattocks DNB 1746-1826. She acted Mrs Placid in Inchbald's Every One Has his Fault and Widow Warren in Holcroft's Road to Ruin. DNB says in summer she generally joined her husband in Liverpool

Maurice, Thomas

Maurice 26.11.1794 at Parr's / 5.4.1796 at Mackintosh's / 2.4.1813 at Museum.

Thomas Maurice DNB 1754-1824 as he was Dr Parr's pupil, his anti-Jacobin politics would not have excluded him from Parr's or Mackintosh's table. At Hatton Parr dined with the local Tories; Hewerdine is another example of an enthusiastic anti-radical Godwin sometimes met. There was also Michael Maurice DNB 1766-1855 dissenting minister who was evening preacher at Hackney in 1792 and married Priscilla Hurry in 1794, but in all three contexts Godwin saw Maurice, Thomas seems more likely

Mavor, Ann

7.5.1807 dine at Philips's with mrs Mavor

The wife of William Fordyce Mavor (DNB 1758-1837) who has a person record on GD website. According to DNB her maiden name was Ann Harris. Her death was recorded in Jackson's Oxford Journal 21.9.1822.


Mawley 11.10.1794 see Morley, John


Mawman 15.4.1800 at Joseph Johnson's / 13.5.1800 call on Mauman / 2.12.1800 Mawman at Joseph Johnson's / 7.2.1801 again / 17.6.1801 again / 25.6.1801 again / 29.12.1802 again / 10.10.1806 at Fox's funeral / 17.3.1808 M calls, from Sh[ar]p, mau / 17.11.1809 call on Mawman / 4.6.1812 again / 9.6.1812 seek Mawman / 10.6.1812 call on Mawman

Joseph Mawman of York bought in 1800 the business of Charles Dilly DNB 1739-1807. His will PCC 1827 bookseller of Ludgate St. The 1808 entry could possibly be him. Godwin once spelt him with a u and had just shortened Sharp



May 3.5.1789 at Brand Hollis' / Mays 4.2.1797 at John King's with Belfast. Both May & Belfast in Godwin's 1796 list for 1797 / 28.5.1798 mrs May at King's / 7.11.1798 May at King's / 4.1.1807 adv May at King's / 1.3.1807 Mays at King's / 3.3.1807 May at King's / 8.3.1807 again / 29.5.1813 Edgworths May & Trotman call


(James) Edward May 1751-1827 History of Irish Parliament and W.A.Maguire Living Like A Lord. He married 1.9.1773 Elizabeth Bragg of St George Holborn and (by 1809 but after their children were born) Elizabeth daughter of Francis Lumley. He was…


2.5.1808 coach, w. Mayes, &c (via Cambridge to Swaffham, Norfolk)

Only time this name occurs in Godwin's Diary so I'll resist the temptation to guess, except to mention Mr Mayes, farmer of Gresham, Norfolk will PCC 1821


call on Goldsmith with McAdam 16.3.1802 / 19.3.1802 sign with Goldsmith & McAdam

The event tag on 19.3.1802 in GD website suggests this related to Godwin renegotiating his tenancy. See my Goldsmith entry for Godwin's neighbour Charles Goldsmith. John Loudoun McAdam DNB 1756-1836 roadbuilder is an unlikely possible, becoming settled in Bristol at this time. The name was surprisingly rare also in the variant McAdams, most London instances I found were paupers. William Mackadam glover of Church Row Strand voted Fox 1784. PCC 1815 George Craig MacAdam physician to Forces Malta


7.10.1808 dine at Johnson's w. Macarthur / 8.10.1808 meet McArthur

Quite likely John McArthur DNB 1755-1840 seaman and author, as authors often dined with Joseph Johnson even if he did not publish them. In Holdens 1811 Directory there were two Macarthurs (both Mr John) in the Court section: in the Trades section were a bookbinder, an innkeeper, a shoemaker and a pilot



call on McCabe 23.1.1805 / 26.1.1805 call on MacCabe / 20.2.1805 call on McCabe / 16.10.1811 McCabe calls

James McCabe gent insured 13 Primrose St on 1.11.1806. He was probably a lodger in the house of John Smith appraiser (see Smith, John at Joseph Godwin's) who was listed for that house in the rate books from 1800 to 1807. The first and third entries above were in a list of calls that included Godwin's brother Joseph, who seems to have assisted Godwin in mamaging the Primrose Street houses, and in the first case Edward Ball (see Ball), another of the tenants. McCabe was perhaps…

Mcgrain v Armstrong

K B, Mcgrain v. Armstrong 8.7.1800 / 12.7.1800 Macgray (at Curran's?)

Perhaps John Warneford Armstrong Dict Irish Biog 1770-1858 noted for his active suppression amd harsh treatment of rebels and radicals. The only possibility I could find for Mcgrain/Macgray was Dublin Trades 1797 George Magrane hat manufacturer and merchant. K B was presumably Kings Bench. Sadly I don't have easy access to Dublin newspapers which may have covered this case



McKinley 31.10.1801 at D Stuart's



McKinnen & Keenan call 25.1.1804 / 13.6.1804 McKinnen calls / 15.6.1804 call on McKinnen with M(ary) J(ane)

See Shelley & His Circle SC55. Daniel McKinnen of Binfield Villa Berks & 6 Grays Inn Sq, his will PCC 1830 mentioned his wife Rachel. He died in Connaught Terrace 31.1.1830. His son Daniel Henry DNB 1813-1884 and his eldest son William Henry died at Bpulogne in 1824 aged 18. He was perhaps the John Daniel Mackinnon son of William of Monmouth admitted Grays Inn 1784 and/or the Col. Daniel Mackinnon of 4 Hertford St voted Lamb 1820. His brother was Brigadier General…


McKitty 12.10.1799 at Curran's


mrs Mcmillan 11.5.1799 adv at S Elwes' (& Sutherland) / 7.11.1800 Mcmillan adv at theatre / 17.5.1805 call on McMillan /  20.5.1805 call on McMillan with M(ary) J(ane) / 25.5.1805 call on McMillan / 26.5.1805 call on McMillan (copy) / 2.6.1805 McMillan calls / 7.7.1805 again / 19.7.1805 adv McMillan at Philips / 2.10.1805 call on Mc Millan / 3.10.1805 again / 5.10.1805 again / 22.10.1805 again / 30.1.1806 again / 12.2.1806 again / 13.2.1806 again / 21.1.1809 again / 23.5.1809 McMillan calls / 8.7.1809 again / 10.7.1810 again / 8.6.1812 call on McMillan / 12.11.1812 write to McMillan /…


Medland 31.3.1805 at Philips

Perhaps Thomas Medland DNB 1765-1833 engraver. Or William Morton Medland whose Collection of Trials was published by Badcock in 1803


Meek 12.5.1788 at Robinson's

Melanscheg, Caspar

Melanscheg 31.5.1793 calls on Godwin. 

In Godwin Diary website not coded as Identified or Unidentified. Caspar Melanscheg fur manufacturer. "Melanscheg from Dyde's Pall Mall at no 333 opposite Somerset Place Strand" (World 26.11.87) See Dyde, Robert. "On Wed 3rd instant at his residence in Hackney of an apoplectic attack on the 22nd ult Mr Caspar Melanscheg (formerly of the Strand) in the 68th year of his age" (Morning Chronicle 18.3.1819). His will PCC 1819, his son George Melanscheg of the Strand, furrier went bankrupt 1822. Nat Arch C13/44/22 Thomas Pilbrow vs Caspar Melanscheg…

Mellish, William

28.4.1789 Mellish at Webb's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1788, and in 1794 version

Perhaps William Mellish 1764-1838 (History of Parliament) MP Gt Grimsby 1796-1806 Middlesex 1806-1820; Director of Bank of England 1792-1838; Boyle's 1792 at 21 Albemarle St; Counsel Grays Inn 1793; With brother John (d 1798) at 112 Bishopsgate St within. Other MPs Charles & Joseph Mellish