A-Z of Entries


22.4.1808 Mellon dines at Joseph Johnson's

Not likely to be actress Harriet Mellon DNB 1777?-1837 as very few women attended Johnson's dinners. But no other clues






















8.11.1803 miss Mellor & Smith dine / 22.11.1803 P(hebe) G(odwin) dines adv E Mellor / 15.12.1803 theatre, w. M(ary) J(ane), C(harles), J(ane), miss Mellor & M(arshall? or Mary?), Shylock, & Caravan / 26.12.1803 mrs Mellor & G(race) M(ary) C(ooper) dine /  23.1.1804 theatre with M(ary) J(ane), EM, M(arshall?) & children; Way to Keep Him, & Cinderella / 21.2.1804 M(arshall) dines: adv. Jo G(odwin).    EM  / 15.3.1804 Smith dines: theatre, w. Smith, M(ary) J(ane), EM & F(anny) / 5.7.1804 mrs Mellor calls (from sa fille) / 15.1.1806 EM calls

Phebe, Godwin's…

Melville, Robert

13.5.1791 Gen Melville at Miss Williams.

Robert Melville DNB 1723 -1809 colonial governor, freemason and antiquary. Boyle's 1792 Genl M 31 Brewer St


(mes) Mendez 27.5.1790 at miss Williams'

Sarah Brydges Willyams DNB d.1863 nee Sarah Mendez de Costa married Willyams, poet in 1794

Ester Mendez will PCC 1791

Moses Mendez and wife 1797 (Chancery suit C12/226/20)

David Mendez Sun F 1802 confectioner 2 Harrow St Shoreditch, 1804 merchant 2 Narrow St, Woolpack Alley, Houndsditch

Abraham de Mendez and wife, Eva de M, Matilda de M (Chancery suit C13/181/6)

Samuel Mendez 12 Red Lion St Kingsland Rd dealer & Thomas Lovett 3 York Rd Hackney broker 1827 (London Met Arch MJ/SP/1827/SEPT/077)


Mercier 16.10.1788. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1788 and in 1794 version. The 1796 list entry is not coded to the person record (Charles Andre Mercier) that the first entry in the diary is coded to.

Mercier, A

24.1.1796 A Mercier at Holcroft's / 24.7.1796 adv C & A Mercier at Holcroft's / 26.5.1799 adv Adelaide at Holcroft's / 28.6.1814 Adelaide at Kenney's / 11.9.1814 Ad Mercier at L Kenney's / 18.9.1814 Ad Mercier dines / 18.6.1823 L Kenney & A Mercier call

There may be two people here Andre Mercier and Adelaide Mercier

Mercier, B

8.5.1803 C & B Mercier adv at Holcroft's / 2.12.1804 dine at H(olcrof)ts with Mercier adv Betsy M / 4.3.1806 B Mercier at Rowan's / 3.5.1810 meet B Mercier / 25.12.1810 B Mercier at Hume's / 5.5.1811 B Mercier adv at  Hume's / 14.3.1813 B Mercier adv at Hume's

These were maybe all Elizabeth Benigna Mercier, B being either for Betsy or Benigna. See Mercier, Elizabeth


Mercier, Charles

24.7.1796 adv C & A Mercier at Holcroft's / 24.6.1799 C Mercier calls / 20.11.1801 write to Holcroft, per CM (CM not coded at all in GD website, brown text) 8.5.1803 C & B Mercier adv at Holcroft's / 3.7.1803 Cs Mercier at holcroft's / 28.8.1803 Chas Mercier calls / 5.1.1804 C Mercier invited to dine at Godwin's / 16.3.1804 C Mercier adv at theatre / 22.6.1804 Godwin calls with his wife on C Mercier / 1.4.1809 C Mercier adv at Godwin's / 30.11.1814 C Mercier calls / 1.12.1814 C Mercier calls / 2.12.1814 C Mercier calls / 11.11.1819 C Mercier calls / 17.1.1820 C Mercier calls / 16.7…

Mercier, Charlotte

2.4.1797 Charlotte Mercier at Holcroft's / 20.11.1801 write to H(olcrof)t per C M / 21.11.1802 adv Charlotte Mercier at Holcroft's / 26.12.1802 Charlotte Mercier dines at Godwin's / 10.1.1803 Charlotte adv ar Holcroft's / 4.6.1803 again / 7.8.1803 Holcrofts & Charlotte M dine / 25.10.1807 Curran calls, talk of C M / 12.10.1810 write C M / 4.11.1811 write to C M / 28.09.1812 call on C M with M(ary) J(ane) / 30.9.1812 call on C M for M J / 2.10.1812 C M calls / 7.10.1812 again / 11.10.1812 again / 13.10.1812 again / 16.10.1812 again / 18.10.1812 again / 21.10.1812 again / 23.10.1812…

Mercier, Elizabeth

8.5.1796 E Mercier at Holcroft's / 3.3.1799 L & E Mercier at Holcroft's, adv T M / 17.3.1799 E M at H(olcrof)ts / 12.5.1799 T & E Mercier at Holcroft's / 2.12.1804 at Holcrofts with Mercier adv Betsy M / 19.3.1809 E Mercier calls / 3.4.1809 E Mr adv at L(ouisa) H(olcrof)t's / 28.5.1809 E Mercier at tea & sup / 11.6.1809 E Mercier dines / 14.6.1812 E Mercier at Kenney's / 26.8.1812 E Mercier dines / 26.5.1813 E Mercier calls / 18.7.1813 E Mercier adv at Kenney's / 21.7.1813 E Mercier dines / 16.11.1813 E Mercier calls / 11.5.1814 Dowlings call (not in) / 15.6.1814 Mrs Dowling…

Mercier, Louisa

6.1.1799 LM should surely be coded on GD website to Louisa Mercier

Mercier, Theresa

3.3.1799 L & E Mercier dine at Holcroft's adv T M / 12.5.1799 T & E Mercier at Holcroft's / 18.9.1809 Mercier & mrs Ravizzotti call / 20.1.1810 mrs Ravizzotti calls / 9.5.1829 adv C Ravizzotti at L Kenney's

Theresa Mercier was a witness at Louisa Mercier's wedding to Thomas Holcroft at Chelsea St Luke on 4.3.1799 and she married Gaetano Ravizotti at St Geo Han Sq on 17.5.1800. Her first entry above the eve of Louisa Mercier's wedding. Ravizotti taught Italian and was author of a few books on that line.


Merediths 3.8.1797 at tea (with Addington, Anne Pinkerton)

The only time this name appeared in the whole diary

Mergez, Georges Nicholas

Mergez 1.4.1820

Georges Nicholas Mergez born 4.1.1772 and died 25.11.1846. Cousin of Georges Danton, he visited London in August 1792 with Recordain, (another of Danton's relations) and Francois Noel, Danton's "agent", shortly after the French Republic was declared. He appears as Merget in Godwin's dairy on 6.9.92, 13.9.92, 14.10.92, 21.10.92, 16.12.92 and 28.1.93. He was aide-de-camp of General de Beurnonville and turned over to the Austrians by Dumouriez. Then rose to be a successful general in Napoleon's army and was made a baron. After the restoration he was made a Marshal but…


3.11.1809 write to Merridew / 30.7.1810 again / 5.12.1810 again / 15.7.1811 again / 9.3.1812 again

Probably Nathaniel Merridew 1763-1823 bookseller pf Coventry (bbti)

Merry, Anne

23.7.1796 call on mrs Merry

Anne Brunton 1769-1808 see Robert Merry DNB 1755-1798 who married her 26.8.1791 and see her father John Brunton DNB 1741-1822. Robert Merry had been arrested fro debt on 8.7.1796 while Godwin was his guest, Godwin dined at the Blackamoor on 12.7.1796 with Merry's so it looks as though Robert Merry had already been released by then or was under a permissive custody, unless the plural implied some other relation of Merry's. The article on Ann Wignell (mrs Merry's later married name) in Highfill, Burnim and Langhans states that she had no children by Merry,…

Merry, Robert

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Robert Merry Esq of Osbourne's Hotel, Adelphi proposed member 3.6.1791 by John Horne Tooke 2nded Jeremiah Batley

GODWIN DIARY: 13.6.1796 call on Inchbald with My

Robert Merry DNB 1755-1798. Since he was named in full both before and after this on 13.6.1796, this My was certainly Robert Merry

LCS: attended its 3rd meeting at the Bell, 8.2.1792 (Thale p7note10)


Merton 27.8.1804 / 1.4.1805 Merton

Thiese entries refer to the location of James Perry's house near Wimbledon where he also owned mills


call on Metcalfe 2.10.1804

Thomas Metcalfe Land Tax 1804 Primrose Street. See Gourbon

Meux, Richard

GODWIN DIARY: 24.10.1796 Meux at Carlisle's lecture /  2.11.1796 again

Richard Meux DNB 1734-1813 his will PCC 1813 Anthony Carlisle was one of the witnesses. Or one of his sons Henry 1770-1841 /  Richard born 1768 / Thomas born 1772

CRABB ROBINSON DIARY: 10.12.1820 Mrs Basil Montagu's gossip "She knows too that Mrs Aders has visited at Mr Meux's when a woman of infamous character was there"