A-Z of Entries


11.2.1796 at Lauderdale's O'Byrne / 3.3.1796 at Col Barry's Byrne / 7.11.1803 at H Rowan's O Byrne / 3.2.1804 again / 15.11.1804 again / 14.12.1808 call on Byrne / 24.12.1812 write to N Byrne.   In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796

For the first two entries above perhaps Capt Gregory O'Byrne of 15th dragoons, Irish gamester 1779 (Walpole Correspondence 25:12) of 84 Pall Mall 1792 of 31 Clarges St 1799, in Paris 1802 and seized at English Customs for bringing back wine (see Morning Post 29.12.1801, 21.4.1802, 13.12.1802). Clearly N Byrne of 1812 was not him but was probably Nicholas Byrne…


SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Hamilton O'Hara original member 1780

GODWIN DIARY: O'Hara 30.1.1805 at H Rowan's / 8.10.1806 meet O'Hara (with Curran) / 20.9.1808 dine at O'Hara's (with Curran) / 26.9.1808 O'Hara calls / 5.10.1808 call on O'Hara / 15.9.1810 O'Hara calls / 29.11.1810 call on O'Hara / 4.6.1811 O'Hara calls

Quite likely Charles O'Hara 1746-1822 M P for Sligoshire from 1776. In 1811 his London address was Limmer's Hotel, Conduit-st. Opposed the Union but retained his seat, he was rather nervously in opposition to the government. See History of…

O'Hara, Charles

20.9.1808 dine at O'Hara's, w. Curran, Wolcot, Lane, Hutchins & R(ichard) C(urran)

Quite likely Charles O'Hara 1746-1822 M P for Sligoshire from 1801. In 1811 his London address was Limmer's Hotel, Conduit-st. He had certainly been at Westminster on 24.5.1808 (see History of Parliament). He was rather nervously in opposition to the government


at Gerrald's (Newgate) sees Oneil (could have been visitor or inmate)


tea at O'Reily's 16.7.1800 (in Ireland) / 17.8.1800 O'Reilly at (Robert) Darwin's (in Shrewsbury) / 25.9.1800 O Reily at mrs Plunket's (in London) / 28.9.1800 meet O'Reily

Some suggestions. In Edward O'Reilly Dict Irish Biog 1765-1830 his brother Andrew died 1862, United Irishman & Paris correspondent of the Times. As Andrew Eugene O'Reilly of 17 Rue Lepelethere Paris he was witness in 1838 to the will of Lewis Goldsmith DNB 1763/4-1846. Richard Bray O'Reilly was manager of the Pantheon, London.  Dublin Trades 1797 John O'Reilly merchant, Hugh George O'Reilly brewer & 5…


17.2.1796 O'Ryan at King's

John O'Ryan MD Edinburgh 1791 / 1793 MD St Augustine's Pl Bristol / Holden's 1811 of Waterford ireland / Paris 1818, York 1820 will PCC 1823 MRCP, retired RN surgeon of Paris mentions Hannah Sarah Richardson of Spondon Derby / will PCC 1942 Mary O'Ryan of Brussels

Thomas O'Ryan 1793 merchant 7 Trinity St Bristol / 1803 bankrupt

Thomas O'Ryan London 1796 subscr to Jones's Book-keeping, Land Tax tenant New Rd West, St Geo in the East / bur 18.10.1798 St Leonard Shoreditch age 33 of Gardners Row

Oakley, Doctor

dr Oakley 21.2.1797 at (Joseph) Johnson's / 14.3.1797 Oakley at Johnson's / 16.3.1797 Oakley calls / 30.3.1797 Oakley & Dyson dine

I have found no reference to any Doctor Oakley at this period. The only medical Oakley I found was Edward Oakley surgeon of Wimborne Minster Dorset will PCC 1818 but nothing in his will to suggest any connection with London literary circles


Odell at H Tooke's 29.7.1798 / 14.3.1814 call on Odel

Probably Bennet Odell gold laceman who voted Fox & Graham 1802 of Mill St,  Sheridan & Paull 1806 of Pall Mall, Romilly 1818 of Bond St, and died at Brompton in his 65th year, buried 16.3.1839 Holy Trinity Brompton, of Little Chelsea


call on Ogbourne 20.12.1802 with Northcote / 3.2.1803 call on / 21.2.1803 calls / 7.3.1803 again / 12.3.1803 calls (plate)

Probably John Ogborne DNB 1755-1837

Amendments to Oxford DNB

JOHN OGBORNE 1755-1837
CURRENT TEXT "Ogborne's marriage to Elizabeth Jackson (1763/4-1853) [see Ogborne, Elizabeth] probably took place around 1790 at the dissenting Tottenham Court Road Chapel."
SUGGESTED CHANGE <Ogborne married Elizabeth Jackson (1763/4-1853) at St Pancras on 20 March 1790. One of the witnesses was the engraver Robert Mitchell Meadows, who in 1793…


Ogilvie 25.9.1800 at mrs Plunket's

Ogilvie or Ogilvy was a common name but mainly Scottish, as mrs Plunket's gathering was probably mainly Irish this could have been William Ogilvie Dict Irish Biog 1740-1832. William Ogilvie DNB 1736-1819 who wrote to Godwin 28.7.1793 (Bodleian Abinger c2 f26) and whose book (te 0263 in GD website) Godwin had read on 13.11.1792 and 14.11.1792, he also read on 28.11.1792 and 12.12.1792 but these have not been coded to that text on GD website. (He was not likely to have been the Ogilvie at Plunket's)


18.11.1809 call on Ogle / 22.6.1816 again / 20.3.1822 again / 8.10.1827 again

The first entry above was in a string of booksellers and was very likely Robert Ogle bookseller 295 High Holborn (bbti). The other three calls were spaced out over a few years and could have been the same person but not certainly

Oldfield, Thomas Hinton Burley

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Thomas Hinton Burley Oldfield proposed member 15.2.1782 by John Jebb 2nded Thomas Brand Hollis. See Amendments to Oxford DNB below

GODWIN DIARY: Fell & Oldfield call (not in) 10.9.1798 / 22.9.1799 dine at Fell's with Oldfield, Loveridge &c In Godwin's 1796 list for 1799 / 16.12.1808 Oldfields call (not in) / 24.12.1808 mrs Oldfield, 2 sons & Petman dine / 31.12.1808 Oldfields call (not in) / 2.1.1809 Oldfields call / 25.1.1809 mrs Oldfield calls / 2.2.1813 again

The first two entries, both associated with Fell, must be T H B…


14.7.1807 accompany T(homas) T(urner) to Oliver / 20.7.1807 meet Oliver at Taylor's

Oliver was a common surname but these two were possibles because one was an attorney and the other a near neighbour of Godwin's shop

Samuel Oliver attorney 23 Hatton Garden (Holden's 1811 directory). Articled 1801 to Robert Long attorney of Symonds Inn, son of Matthew Oliver of Holborn, draper. 

George Oliver 3 Skinner-st Snow-hill linendraper (P O directory 1810 & SunFire 1803 to 1815). His will PCC 11.2.1833 of 3 Skinner-st wife Ann


Olivier 30.1.1801 at maj. White's



25.6.1808 Omer calls

John Omer grocer Butt-la ran circulating library in Deptford 1805 / Omer printer 10 Crane-ct, Fleet-st, partner John Townsend 1808 / John Omer bookseller Chatham, Kent 1823 (bbti) / Jas Omer ornament glass cutter 13 Lower-st, Islington / James Omer glass cutter, 12 Pitfield-st, Hoxton / Wm. Omer umbrella maker, 5 Jerusalem-passage, Clerkenwell

Opie, John

21.11.1795 O at King's / 17,5.1800 dine at Milton Gallery with Opie; sup at Hoare's with O

John Opie DNB1761-1807 must surely have been the O at Hoare's in 1800 but GD website has it underlined. By the same token the Reynolds who supped at Hoare's was probably Samuel William the engraver rather than Frederick as the GD website has coded it. Read the whole entry for that day if you don't follow me. The O at King's 21.11.1795 was possibly also Opie who was there on 3.12.1795

Oriell, Thomas

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Oriell 18 Poland St ratebooks 1790-1800 / SunFire 18 Poland St 1791 Thomas Oriell tailor, 1819, 1821 & 1825 Thomas Oriel(l) senior & junior tailors / Thomas Oriel tailor Poland St voted Fox & Tooke 1796, Hood & Paull 1806, Maxwell 1818 / Thomas Oriel = St James 1.8.1790 Mary Spencer botp by Archbishop's lic wit Abrm Walker, their children Catherine bapt 9.9.1794, Francis Henry bapt 7.3.1796, Mary Ann born 13.2.1797 bapt 30.9.1803 / Thomas Oriel taylor took appr John Hodges 1799 / Thomas…


10.6.1808 dine at Johnson's, w. Ormondys

Only instance in Godwin's diary. Ormondy or more commonly Ormandy mostly found in NW of England and in Dublin. John Ormandy stationer of Liverpool will PCC 1842 mentioned wife Cathetrine. As Johnson's family came from Liverpool area this was likely a relative by marriage or business associate


Orr 18.7.1800 at Drennan's



Otley 2.1.1790 at Holcroft's & 31.3.1790, 1.9.1790, 5.4.1791, 7.7.1791 there; 5.11.1791 at his; 6.7.1792 at Holcroft's; 11.11.1815 at Knowles'; 30.6.1834 Godwin calls on

Otley appeared 7 times between 1790 and 1792 always with Holcroft and mostly with known musicians (Clementi, Shield, Bosse). On 6.7.1792 Godwin listed 8 guests at Holcroft's and added 'quartets' - all the other 7 can be shown to be professional or amateur musicians which suggests Otley was a musician too

Henry Otley shoemaker of Cranbourn Alley will PCC 1771 widow Elizabeth; 1773 Henry Otley appr to…