A-Z of Entries

Robinson, Pollingrove


Pollingrove Robinson, Esq was the author of books on art, music and astronomy. In 1790 he subscribed to Poems by Mr Fenton giving his address as Inner Temple. His name is not found in Inner Temple admission lists or those of any other Inns of Court. His books were ridiculed in the reviews. Godwin and Holcroft dined at his on 2.11.1788, (when he was called Pol Robinson) then he dined at Holcroft's on 3.12.1788 then on 30.1.1789 Godwin calls on P.Robinson. P Robinson also appeared in Godwin's 1796 list for 1788

Robinson, Robert

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Rev Robert Robinson of Cambridge proposed Honorary member 13.9.1782 by Joseph Brown 2nded John jebb

Robert Robinson DNB 1735-1790. His "Ecclesiastical Researches" subscribed to by many SCI members

Robinson, surgeon

call on Robinson, surgeon with M(ary) J(ane) 16.9.1805

Perhaps Arthur Robinson surgeon of 31 Doughty St Guildford St  (Holdens 1805 and Land Tax 1803, 1813) He at some point obtained an M D (Jacksons Oxford Journal 26.11.1825), his will PCC 1823 of Broadwater, Sussex. One other surgeon in Holdens 1805 was Henry Robinson of 13 Cooper's Row Tower Hill, and there was a Thomas Robinson apothecary of 41 Duke St Grosvenor Sq



write to Robson 16.9.1801 / 24.12.1801 write to Alex Robson / 1.1.1802 write to Robson

Maybe William Robson 1744-1824 of Newcastle. See my entry for Clennell, John & Ann


Robson, Mrs

HCR diary 9.4.1839 at Mrs Robson's "Lady Pocock I had seen at the Aders"

Robson, William

AMENDMENTS TO OXFORD DNB unfinished entry not yet sent to ODNB

William Robson (1785/6-1863) author and translator and William James Robson (b.1822? d. in or after 1862) swindler

I've put these two together as (unbeknownst to the ODNB) they were father and son.

William Robson was baptised 8.11.1786 St Andrew Holborn son of William and Mary Robson. His grandfather, Adam Robson was a gardener and seedsman, and member of the Leathersellers Company who left his business to a younger son, John. Their wills (Adam PCC 30.12.1797 dated 20.3.…

Rodbard, Mrs

9.3.1796 at Newton's

Rodburgh, Mrs

mrs Rodburgh 28.5.1797 at (Thomas) Knight's

Spelt Rodburgh or Rodborough seems to be very rare name. Rodber is much commoner particularly in Dorset/Somerset area. Thomas Rodber 1756-1834 was a minor celebrity bapt 2.11.1756 Sherborne, Dorset son of Mr Thomas R & Rebecca (Thos R sr married Rebecca Napper of Sherborne by lic 8.1.1753 at Stock Garland, Thomas Rodber of Sherborne died 1766). He married Catherine Pemberton 31.3.1778 by lic at Sherborne and their son Thomas s of Thomas (mercer & draper) & Catherine was baptised there 11.5.1779 and their daughter Caterine…


Roebuck 20.4.1789 at Brand Hollis'

John Roebuck DNB 1718-94 seems likely


Rogendorf 8.10.1798 at John King's


Rogers, Frederick Leman

8.3.1795 sir F Rogers at Foulkes'. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795, inserted above.

Sir Frederick Leman Rogers of Blackford, Devon. (History of Parliament) 1780 Plymouth election. His will PCC 1798

Rogers, George

Rogers 10.2.1795 at King's & 22.3.1795, 3.9.1795, 25.12.1795, 2.2.1796, 25.3.1796, 8.4.1796, 16.5.1796, 23.3.1797, 2.5.1797, 28.2.1798, 8.10.1798, 15.10.1798, 27.10.1798, 7.11.1798, 27.5.1799, 26.10.1799, 17.11.1799, 5.1.1800, 16.3.1800 all at King's. G Rogers in 1796 list.

George Rogers, of Audley St 1777 agent for HM ship Porcupine (Sun Fire), voted 1784 Hood & Wray, 1788 Hood. 25.9.1794 comptroller of the Treasurer's account (Nat Arch ADM359/14/194/84).19.10.1800 he wrote letter to Home Office recommending John King as a magistrate (Nat Arch H) 42/52/50). Derby Mercury 18…

Rogers, Samuel

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Samuel Rogers proposed member 11.5.1792  withdrawn

Samuel Rogers DNB 1763-1855

Rogers, Thomas

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Thomas Rogers original member 1780

GODWIN DIARY: In Godwin's 1796 list for 1777 Tho Rogers. Under 1778 in 1794 version

Thomas Rogers 1734/5-1793 in historyofparliamentonline 1754-1790 and in his son Samuel Rogers DNB 1763-1855

Rogers, Thomas Linton

Rogers cordonnier (= shoemaker) 22.8.1802 at Horne Tooke's

Thomas Linton Rogers shoemaker 265 Oxford St voted Fox 1780, 1784 Hood 1788. 13 to 15.1.1790 at Middlesex Sessions Clerkenwell Green Edward Widdows salesman of Oxford St quitclaimed action against Thomas Linton Rogers for an assault and Thomas Linton Rogers quitclaimed action against Thomas Price taylor of Welbeck St Cavendish Sq for sending a challenge to fight a duel and for an assault, Isaac Fawcett (qv) witnessed the documents. Thomas Linton Rogers steward of Friends of Parliamentary Reform (Morning Post 15.5.1797).…


HCR diary 20.3.1828 "young Rolfe son of Lucy Rolfe mt cousin formerly Lucy Crabb"

                    24.6.1828 "dined with Rolfe - no one there but Mrs Dalton and Collier"

Thomas Rolfe = Lucy Crabb, bapt 1776 dau of Zachariah Crabb, brother of Henry Crabb Robinson's mother Jemima, and Elizabeth (née Jolly). Thomas Rolfe will PCC 1841 of Rayne, Essex



19.10.1807 write to Rolfe / 26.10.1807 Rolfe calls / 24.11.1821 Rolfe senr calls (not seen) ? 24.4.1822 Rolfe calls on Hayward (not seen) / 29.4.1822 Rolfe at Hayward's & Rosser's


Morn Post 29.9.1807 William Edmund Rolfe 1, Skinner-st, Snow-hill licensed to sell lottery tickets in shares (some of the prizes were houses in Skinner-st, Snow-hill). SunFire 1815 William Edmond Rolfe, builder 2 Palmers-terr Islington & Picket-st Strand (also insured houses in Skinner-st, Snow-hill). He was born 11.6.1785 and baptised at Haringey 10.7.1785 son of William & Ann. He was…

Rollestone, Lancelot

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Lancelot Rollestone of Notts proposed member 28.7.1780 by George Walker 2nded John Jebb. Resigned 16.4.1784

Baptised 17.1.1737 at Aston on Trent Derbyshire son of Rev John Rollestone and his wife Dorothy nee Burdett (married 12.1.1736 at Foremark, Derbyshire). Subscr 1778 to John Whitehurst Inquiry into...Formation of the Earth. Sheriff of Notts 1781. London Eve Post 29.10.1782 Notts associator with John Cartwright. Subscr 1787 to Jebb's Works. Admon PCYork 1802 of Watnall, Notts. Died unmarried (Burke's Landed Gentry). Derby Mercury 29.4.1802…

Romilly, Samuel

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Samuel Romilly of Grays Inn proposed member 7.11.1783 by John Baynes 2nded John Jebb

Samuel Romilly DNB 1757-1818


Rose 26.2.1797 Holcroft's / 22.8.1797 at (Joseph) Johnson's / 27.2.1798 again / 25.2.1800 again / 20.5.1800 again / 29.8.1818 steam boat for Southend with (mrs Godwin) Thi Rose & Susan (fore cabin)

Rose entries at Holcroft's and Johnson's may be to Samuel Rose DNB 1767-1804