A-Z of Entries

Brown, Edward

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 6 Castle St East Land Tax 1784-1792 Edward Brown / Sun Fire 1794 Catherine Brown widow 4 & 6 Castle St East

Middlesex sessions 1791 (London Lives). On 3.1.1791 William Smith coachmaker of Margaret St, Marylebone and James Smith of Marshall St Carnaby Market fruiterer bailed Edward Brown of Castle St East who had been arrested as reputed father of Catherine Chittenden's child not yet born as declared by her on 29.12.1790 and on 26.10.1791 the overseers of the poor for Marylebone swore Edward Brown had…

Brown, Elizabeth

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 11 Berners Street Land Tax 1780 Mrs Sirs 1782-1784 Elizabeth Brown 1785-1790 data missing 1791-1807 John Diolott Harris's List 1793 Mrs Chish-lme

On 24.4.1790 Elizabeth Brown was a witness at the trial of John Lott and Isabella Williams. She kept a lodging house in Castle St Marylebone and the defendants had lodged in her house for a fortnight when she found some items down the toilet which were said to have been taken from the Globe Inn in Pall Mall kept by Robert Hayday, where the defendants had been…

Brown, Ford

Ford Brown dines 25.6.1812

Brother of William Cullen Brown (see Brown) and father of Ford Madox Brown DNB 1821-1893. His will PCC 1842 purser Royal Navy, of Paris. He married Caroline Madox (d 1839) on 18.4.1815 at Greenwich

Brown, Harriet

HCR diary 14.4.1820 Mrs Brown wife of Ipswich architect "very agreeable young woman - sensible without pretension, frank and easy without obtrusive egotism, respectful without obsequiousness. She brought her two little girls with her and was no restraint on our conversation"

William Brown architect of Ipswich 1778-1851 (Colvin). His father was Crispin Brown shoemaker of Mendham, Suffolk. He married Harriet Jermyn at Ipswich in 1810, they baptised children there (Harriet Jermyn 1813, Marianne Layton 1815, Isabella 1816, Ellen 1818, William 1820, Margaret Latitia 1823, Rose Emma 1826…

Brown, John

John Brown of Golston proposed Socy for Const Info 8.6.1784 by William Middleton 2nded John Redman.

Identification only from the place name Golston, probably Galston in Ayrshire where John Brown (1729-1802) had Llanfine House built in 1769. He was a successful textile manufacturer and banker of Glasgow, son of Nicol Brown (d.1739) and Marion Campbell. He married Margaret Brown and Raeburn's portrait of her 1798/9 is in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. His will PCC 1803 of Waterhaughs. Univ of Glasgow have some relevant manuscripts

Brown, Joseph

Joseph Brown of Gracechurch Street proposed Socy for Const Info 5.4.1782 by John Horne Tooke 2nded Edward Hall.

Listed in directories 1778-1783 as a wholesale mercer of Gracechurch St, declared bankrupt 6.1.1783 as merchant of Gracechurch St, certificate 22.3.1783 final dividend 1791. Hard to track because there were so many Joseph Browns but he might have been the JB mercer at 370 Oxford St SunFire 1794, 1800 and/or JB silk mercer, partner George Hubbard, 14 Henrietta St Covt Gdn SunFire 1814 to 1823 and 234 Regent St from 1825

Brown, Lady

la. Brown 25.9.1800 at mrs Plunket's

Lady Charlotte Brown, eldest dau of Earl of Kenmare = May 1802 George Goold, Old Court, Cork / Margaret (nee Lorinan) = c1792 John Edmond Browne 1748-1835 created Baronet 1797, she died 1843 will PCC 1844 of Holles St Dublin / Marion nee Henderson = 1798 Sir James Brown Brown. These three seem the only possibles from Burke's Peerage & lists of knights, the last was Scottish so less likely as this was probably a mainly Irish gathering

Brown, Mrs

HCR diary 9.7.1823 Miss Hays living at Vanbrugh Castle, Greenwich where a Mrs Browne keeps a school

               21.12.1823 in Greenwich "at Mr Brown's where I dined by invitation with Miss Hays - rather a dull but not an unpleasant afternoon. Mrs B: is apparently an amiable woman - both Mrs Hays and Mrs Aders think highly of her as a schoolmistress. The husband seems a mighty insignificant man - his occupation is keeping his wife's accounts - but they are attached like lovers to each other - Miss Tuck, Mrs B's sister is a worthy woman too...there are two sons....the elder...a…

Brown, Thomas

Thomas Brown of Hounslow

Land Tax Lampton, Heston 1794 and 1804 TB £2 pa prop John Rogers. George son of TB & Ann bapt Heston 17.10.1773 Thomas son of TB & Ann bapt Heston 6.7.1777 William son of TB & Ann bapt Heston 20.6.1790 TB widow otp = 18.1.1807 Heston by banns Elizabeth Anderson wid otp witness Robert Brown

Brown, William

Wm Brown of Isleworth

WB = 28.8.1808 Isleworth Esther James / WB infant smallpox bur 13.8.1810 Isleworth W Thos B infant bur 18.9.1810 there / WB bach otp = 19.1.1811 Isleworth Frances Gover sp otp / Ann d of WB labourer & Margaret bapt 13.2.1814 Isleworth / Wm Crown Brown s of WB discharged soldier & Louisa bapt 27.5.1821 Isleworth / Wm John Brown s of WB market gardener & Jane bapt 7.9.1823 Isleworth

Browne, Isaac Hawkins

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1787 I H Browne, also in 1794 version. The GD website transcription has T H Browne, but look closely

Isaac Hawkins Browne (History of Parliament 1745-1818). Comes in a string of MPs in 1796 list, Beaufoy (Sir Watkin Lewes 1794 version only) Wilberforce IHBrowne Lord R Spencer Sheridan Walwyn

Browne, Stephen Weever

S W Brown 3.12.1797 at Holcroft's

Stephen Weever Browne see Correspondence of Mary Hays. Adm Pembroke college Cambr 1785 son of William of Swaffham. Died 13.1.1832 buried 29.1.1832 St Andrews Holborn age 63 of Featherstone Bldgs


10.11.1808 Brownjohn calls

Only instance in Godwin's diary. Quite likely local tradesman William Brownjohn smith of 15 Hosier-la, buried in vestry vault St Sepulchre's 1811 age 48


31.7.1789 at Miss Williams' / 9.8.1799 at Ralph Kirkley's

Bruhl, Hans Maurice, Count de

Bruhl 27.5.1799 at John King's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1799 / 21.6.1799 again / 17.11.1799 again / 26.3.1800 again

1797 Count de Bruhl box 86 Kings Theatre Haymarket. Hans Maurice Count de Bruhl late minister from the court of Dresden his will PCC 1809 of 33 Old Burlington St mentioned his son George (will PCC 1855) his dau Mrs Scott, his wife Mary (will PCC 1811 her late father Thomas Chowne, her cousin General Tilson) nephew Henry Louis Count de Bruhl in Germany, astronomical instruments to Earl of Egremont, and to Thomas Mudge those made by his father, observatory at Harefield…

Brunton, Richard

1.7.1796 Mail with Merry & RB / 2.7.1796 dine at Bracon with Merry's, Louisa Brunton & Richard enfant / 23.7.1796 call on mrs Merry adv Richard & Sophia

The DNB article on John Brunton 1741-1822 gives the dates of his youngest son Richard as 1789-1859, but his death was reported in newspapers as occurring on 28.7.1846, one report said in his 58th year and the more detailed one said in his 56th year. His sister Sophia was born 19.6.1789 and baptised 9.8.1789 at St Peter Mancroft, Norwich, so his more likely year of birth was 1791, which would make him about 5 years old…

Brunton, Sophia

23.7.1796 call on mrs Merry adv Richard & Sophia

see Brunton, Richard

Bryan, Michael

2.6.1794 at Bryan's with Holcroft / 26.5.1796 Bryan's Galley with Holcroft.

Galley should be Gallery and this was Michael Bryan DNB 1757-1821 picture dealer. Farington diary p352 married a sister of Lord Shrewsbury (Lady Juliana Talbot 1759-1802) p498 gallery in suite of rooms belonging formerly to Cosway & built by Astley (Saville Row) p500 Newcastle man, once on stage, went abroad as rider to merchant, met wife in Pays Bas

Bryant, William

9.2.1794 at Tooke's.

Likely William Bryant of 20 Gt George St Westminster who was proposed Socy for Const Info 19.10.1792 by John Horne Tooke 2nded John Frost.

A William Bryant of Bermondsey voted for Mawbey 1775. WB probably son of WB of Reigate (will PCC 1788) and his first wife Charlotte (nee Cooke), was born abot 1760, apprenticed to Francis Vincent attorney of Southwark 1778, WB attorney 11 Staples Inn 1784, became clerk of papers and day rules in Kings Bench prison but was removed from this post in Jan 1794 for non-residence. WB bach of St Andrew Holborn married by…

Bryer, Ann

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

5 Poland St ratebooks Ann Bryer 1782-95. The will of Henry Bryer printseller of St Martins Lane dated 19.9.1778 and proved 3.11.1778 mentioned his wife Ann and her uncle Thomas Pease of Ingatestone Hall, Essex. Henry Bryer married Ann Harper 31.12.1766 St Clement Danes. Henry Bryer was declared bankrupt in 1770. Their 4 daughters mentioned in his will were Elizabeth (bapt St Michael Cornhill 1768), Carolina (bapt Acton 1771), Philadelphia Catherina (bapt St Pancras 1774) and Catherine Georgia (bapt St Michael…