A-Z of Entries

Fytche, Lewis Disney

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Lewis Disney Fytche of Danbury Place, Essex original member 1780

Burke's Commoners born Lewis Disney 9.10.1738 son of John Disney of Lincoln (see his brother John Disney DNB 1746-1816), married 18.9.1775 Elizabeth dau of William Fytche governor of Bengal (will PCC 1754) added name Fytche by sign manual 27.9.1775, will PCC 1777 of her uncle Thomas Fytche of Danbury Place. Voted 1774 & 1780 in Nottingham on freehold at Flintham, voted 1775 in Warwickshire on freehold at Polesworth. Signatory 1780 with Thomas Brand Hollis calling for Essex…


30.7.1795 Gadagne's at John King's / 10.8.1795 / 3.9.1795 /16.9.1795 / 21.10.1795 / 25.12.1795 / 18.3.1796 / 4.4.1796 Gadagne / 23.3.1797 Gadagnes / all these at King's / 8.10.1798 meet Gadagne (after King's) / 21.2.1799 meet Gadagne at theatre. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795

C H A Gallean duc de Gadagne was a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1763. No doubt French emigres of that family, likely to be impoverished if regulars of John King's

Gale (& Curtis)

23.9.1809 call on Gale / 16.11.1809 call on Gale & Curtis / 11.7.1810 again / 25.7.1810 Curtis (bookseller) calls / 30.11.1812 call on Curtis, Gale & C / 30.12.1812 call on Gale & C / 23.4.1813 call on Gale & Cs / 1.12.1813 M(arshall) from Gale & Curtis

Gale & Curtis booksellers 23 Paternoster-row 1809 to 1817 (bbti). From 1814 Gale Curtis & Fenner. Case in Chancery 1817 Oxford University v. John Gale & Rest Fenner (Nat Arch C13/2775/57)

Galliard, David

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Ratebooks 3 Poland St 1792 David Gallier 1795 Ann Galliard. Jean David Galliard craim maker license 23.7.1777 married St James 25.7.1777 Ann Hilditch sp botp. Children Catherine Elizabeth bapt 1779, Charles John bapt 1781, John David bapt 25.1.1783 St James. Bailey's Directory 1784 & 1785 David Galliard crayon maker 227 Piccadilly. Ann Galiard bur Nantwich Cheshire 30.12.1826 age 74. John Galliard solicitor Nantwich, Cheshire wills 1824. John Baptist Galliard Land Tax 1806-16 Gerrard St Soho

Galloway, Alexander

Thomas Galloway bach = (by banns) All Hallows London Wall 26.6.1775 Ann Watson sp. wits John & Margaret Witherspoon. Their children Alexander born 18.3.1776 bapt 14.4.1776 St Edmund Lombard St, Janet born 24.10.1777 bapt 18.11.1777 St Edmund Lombard St, John bapt 13.5.1779 All Hallows London Wall, Thomas bapt 9.1.1785 All Hallows London Wall.

Alexander Galloway first appeared in LCS records (according to Thale) at meeting of Divs 6 and 11 at The Parrott (in Green Harbour Court, Old Bailey) on 30.9.1794. Criminal register 28.4.1798 Alexr Galloway age 31 5ft 7ins fair complexion,…


Galt calls 3.2.1805 / 31.8.1819 Galt adv at supper / 16.1.1832 Galt, Hogg & A Cunningham invited to Picken's / 19.2.1832 Galt at Pickergil's

Probably John Galt DNB 1779-1839. According to the DNB he arrived in London in June 1804 with "a pile of letters of introduction" which would account for his visit to Godwin in 1805. Thomas Carlyle DNB 1795-1881 met Galt, Hogg, & A Cunningham at a literary party in London in January 1832 (Letters of Thomas & Jane Walsh Carlyle)

Galway, Viscount

14.10.1795 Galway adv at Montagu's In Godwin's 1796 list, crossed out, and wrongly transcribed in GD website as Godwin

Robert Monckton Arundell,4th Viscount Galway born 4.7.1752 married 1.3.1779 Elizabeth Mathew d.18012ndly 24.5.1803 Bridget (neeMilnes) (History of Parliament) MP for York 1783-90 joined Whig Club 12.11.1788, 1792 "drunk in Den Haag, lives in streets,quarrels with lower people, pulled a Jew by the beard, want of money".1794 his uncle Edward Monckton said he "drinks no more than half a pint of wine a day"


see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Elizabeth Gambarini 9 Poland St ratebooks 1774 / Elizabeth dau of Caroli Gambarini nobili Lucensis & Joanna Stradiotti nobili Dalmati bapt 1.11.1730 St Marylebone / see Highfill, Burnim & Langhans under De Gambarini / 1748 Lessons on the Harpsichord by Elizabeth Gambarini published with a portrait of her painted and engraved by Nathaniel Hone, in her benefit that year she sang and played her own composition on the organ. Benefits in 1752, 1760 and sale of her late father's pictures 1762 / Elizabeth Gambarini…


23.6.1789 Garbet's at T Hollis' and Garbet jr 24.8.1790 there.

Timothy Hollis's will (date 13.8.1774) mentions Elizabeth wife of Francis Garbett of Knill, Herefordshire, son of 'my old friend Samuel Garbett of Birmingham' and his last codicil (date 15.2.1790) mentions Francis Garbett's children John aged 20 of Edinburgh, Ann 17, Mary 16 and Sophia 15 at Hereford. Samuel Garbett was the ironmaster (DNB 1717-1803)


15.8.1795 mes Gardners at King's / 4.4.1796 Gardners there / 29.12.1799 Gardners  at Lanesborough's. mrs Gardner in Godwin's 1796 list for 1799 / 5.1.1800 4 Gardners at King's / 19.1.1800 Gardiners at Lanesborough's / 26.1.1800 adv Gardners at King's / 9.2.1800 Gardners, Cn Gardner at King's /  17.4.1800 Gardner adv at Northcote's (& Bourgeois) / 3.5.1800 Gardners adv at Bedford House

The next Gardner entry was 1811. For Gardner at Northcote's consider David Gardner DNB 1750-1805 painter in crayons. Cn Gardner at King's may have meant Captain Gardner, see work notes below. Alan…

Garibaldi, Stephen

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Stephen Garibaldi ratebooks 9 Poland St 1787-9 / Highfill,Burnim & Langhans. He played bass viol and died 1790 at Calais . There were two "Covent Garden ladies" at this address in 1790 according to Harris's List so it's not clear whether he would have been their landlord


Garlick 24.3.1801 at Joseph Johnson's

Garnham, Robert Edward

1.4.1796 Amelia Alderson & Garnham call on Godwin

In Amelia Opie (nee Alderson)'s DNB entry a letter from her to Robert Garnham in Henry Crabb Robinson's papers dated 1800 is quoted. He was the son of the master of Bury St Edmund's school, went to Trinity College Cambridge and died 1802 aged 50, will PCC 1802. 5 of his works are in Eighteenth Century Online


Garrard 9.1.1801 at Northcote's

Quite likely George Garrard DNB 1760-1826 animal painter (his will PCC 1827 Queen's Bldgs Brompton)


Garret 12.8.1800 on boat from Dublin / 8.7.1831 Almeyda Garret at (Joshua) Robinson's / 1.8.1831 Almeyda Garrets at Mary Shelley's

Garrow, William

5.11.1790 Garrow at Rev Socy.

William Garrow DNB 1760-1840

Garthshore, Maxwell

5.1.1789 Garthshore at B Hollis'. 9.5.1790 and 23.5.1790 at Paradise's

Maxwell Garthshore DNB 1732-1812. He is also mentioned in Godwin's letters (Abinger c.7 f54). Less likely that any of these refer to his son William, who had probably set out on a tour of Europe by then



Garver 3.3.1802 at Joseph Johnson's

A rare name and when it turns up it is often a mistranscription, e.g. of Guiver. The only instances I have found were John Garver, constable of Hackney in 1818, and Nicholas Garver grocer of Boston Massachusetts 1823. Possibly a German visitor called Garve


call on (Gascoyne) 4.3.1803 / 5.3.1803 call on Gascoyne / 23.2.1810 dine at Johnson, w. 2 Gascoynes

The first call was for some reason in brackets (after a call on Perry) and was marked n for "not in" or similar. The next day Godwin made the call successfully. Possibly Thomas Gascoigne 1745-1810. He had been a Whig MP and was a member of the Society of Antiquaries from 1788. He may have been the Col. Gascoyne with a town address at 13 Tavistock Sq (Boyle's 1800) but that may have been Joseph Gascoyne of Tavistock Sq will PCC 1830. It's also possible he was no longer well by 1803 or…

Gash, Richard

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Richard Gash 27 Poland St ratebooks 1800 / Richard Gash = St Anne Soho 9.8.1791 Elizabeth Baggarley botp banns / Richard Gash coachmaker Poland St voted Paull 1806 / London Met Arch BRA747/62 lease William Stone of Villiers St Strand merchant to Richard Gash 8.5.1809 yard in Horseferry Rd, Westminster and lofts, counting house and warehouse now erecting there for carrying on the trade of coachmaker, £155 p.a.