A-Z of Entries

Dehany, Philip

SOCI9ETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION:  Philip Dehany Esq of Kempshot nr Basingstoke proposed 1.2.1782 by John Jebb 2nded Richard Brocklesby

Born c. 1720 son of David Dehany merchant of Bristol and planter in Jamaica by Mary dau of Matthew Gregory, Westminster School (Alum Cant, History of Parliament) / will PCC 1754 of David Dehany / Philip Dehany Esq subscr 1754 to The Christian Calling by J Winstanley 1756 to The Sporting Calendar / Lloyd's Evening Post 10.4.1758 Philip Dehany Esq married Miss Ida Hooper, niece to Richard Salter, Esq / 1759 dau born at Hungerford Park, Berks /…

Delacour, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION:  William Delacour of Crutched Friars proposed 16.11.1792 by John Farnell Tuffin 2nded Sharp

William Delacour & Mary Reynolds sp of London Wall married 17.11.1752 at St Geo Mayfair ("clandestine" marriages) / Mary bapt 17.1.1755 St Ann Manchester dau of William & Mary Delacour / Morning Chronicle 25.6.1782 partnership dissolved between Mary Doudeuil widow, William Hottot & William De La Cour merchants 108 Fenchurch St, London Gazette 19.4.1783 same partners bankrupt 6.9.1783 William De La Cour got certificate / Public Advertiser 17.…


dine at Delane's 11.7.1800 / 17.7.1800 Delane at Curran's

Perhaps Solomon Delane DNB 1727-1812 landscape painter


mrs Delany 22.6.1799 at Mrs Fancourt's / 7.11.1803 Delany at H Rowan's


Delaval 19.7.1794 at Holcroft's

Delight, Ezekiel

Ezekiel Delight 25 New Bridge St joined 5.5.1794 "unnumbered division" (QV)

His grandfather Ezekiel Delight cordwainer of Norwich married 29.3.1737 Sarah Greenwood at Norwich Cathedral. He married 2ndly at St George Tombland Norwich 22.4.1747 Sarah Ebden sp otp. His will PCC 19.10.1797 of St Peter Mancroft Norwich mentioned wife Sarah, sons Ezekiel & William, dau Watts, sister Watts, dau Elizabeth. He was buried 3.4.1797 age 84. His widow Sarah will PCC 10.2.1806 died 27.10.1805 age 90 Norwich Unitarian.

His father Ezekiel Delight bach otp age 27 =  St Geo Hanover Sq 27 .…


23.6.1810 Dell calls / 9.7.1810 call, w. M(ary) J(ane), on Dell

No clues


14.2.1796 miss Deval at Holcroft's with miss Tucker / 28.3.1797 Delvalle at Fenwick's with Tucker / 24.4.1797 Delvalle at miss Tucker's with Fenwicks, Sigueiras / 21.4.1815 Lovewel calls, call on DelValle

will PCC Abraham Delvalle 1785 tobacco merchant St Luke / Isaac Delvalle of Fenchurch St bankrupt 1788 / 2.9.1789 Isaac Delvalle surrendered place of Jew broker at Guildhall and Isaac Sequira jr admitted in his stead / 1792 Joseph & Abraham delvalle end partnership with Rebecca Delvalle / 1792 Joseph & Abraham Delvalle of Featherstone St, City Rd tobacconists bankrupt /…

Demeza, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION;  William Demeza of Whitechapel proposed 14.3.1783 by John Satchell 2nded Edward Hall

Though the name was Portuguese Jewish this family must have gone native / Solomon Demeza = St James Clerkenwell 1.9.1734 Ann Hale botp banns / Isaac bapt Stepney 1737 of Solomon & Ann / will PCC 1771 of Solomon Demeza dated 16.6.1769 mentioned wife Ann sons William Hale & Isaac / William Hale Demeza = Bromley, Kent 31.12.1772 Susannah Ellis / their children bapt Whitechapel William 1773, John 1776, Sarah 1781, Richard 1782 (bur 1783 Bromley), George…


call on Denew 7.10.1800

John Denew 1790 engraver & printer 109 Wardour St Soho / Richard Denew clerk to auctioneer George Squibb 1780, his partner by 1786 of Charles St, Berkeley Sq still there 1818, James Denew auctioneer 30 Charles St Berkeley Sq 1811 his will PCC 1853, Richard Denew 2 Derby Pl, Mayfair 1811


Denham 27.4.1800 at Mary Robinson's / 11.6.1800 again / 15.8.1813 write to Denham / 19.8.1813 call with Shelley on Phipps & Denham / 8.7.1816 Denham at Poole's


HCR diary 15.4.1818 at Flaxman's "Miss Denman had made a kaleidoscope"

I've noted over 50 references between 1818 and 1846 to Miss Denman or the Miss Denmans in HCR diary. Miss Denman is also mentioned in Mrs Aders' letters to Crabb Robinson of 10.1.1830 and 5.9.1842 and there is a letter from Mrs Aders to Miss Denman dated 17.12.1842 all at Dr Williams Library.. See also my entry for Mary Ann Flaxman

HCR diary 21.2.1820 "called at Flaxman's and left my card -I was not admitted - he has seen no-one since Mrs F:s death"

                    8.12.1826 Robinson read…


(Denn) 21.5.1801 at Nicholson's

See Ellis,Henry for the speculation that the five names in brackets at Nicholson's were his school pupils


Dennet 8.1.1797 at John King's / 2.12.1807 call on Dennet / 3.12.1807 again / 4.12.1807 again / 5.12.1807 again / 9.12.1807 again / 22.12.1807 call on mrs Dennet / 26.7.1811 call on Dennet / 17.8.1811 again / 19.8.1811 again / 23.8.1811 again / 26.8.1811 again / 27.8.1811 again / 7.9.1811 clerk from Dennet calls / 26.8.1816 call on Dennet / 4.11.1816 call on Dennet (Tatham) / 8.7.1817 call on Dennet, bond

Jonathan & Robert Dennett with William Greaves and Henry Townley Ward, attorneys 2 Henrietta-st Covent Garden from 1789 or earlier. Jonathan Dennett of Lincolns Inn will PCC 21…

Dennis, John

Dennis 6.6.1794 calls / 20.6.1794 call on / 17.8.1794 calls (& Ritson) / 26.10.1794 calls (& Ritson) / 23.2.1795 call on / 6.5.1795 at Holcroft's / 22.5.1796 calls / 14.3.1797 meet / 14.4.1798 meet.

Perhaps John Dennis bookseller (Maxted) moved from Fleet Street to 6, Middle Row Holborn in 1791, issued catalogues usually as John Denis, specialised in Calvinist and Mystical Divinity, Astrology and Magic, died 23.8.1798. He or his father one of two outlets for Swedenborg's works in 1781 (newspaper ads)

Dennis, John

21.7.1809 dine at Johnson's, w. Dennis &c / 22.9.1809 again / 6.10.1809 again / 7.10.1809 dine at Dennis's, w. Johnson, Fuseli, Bonnycastle & Lockhart / 27.10.1809 dine at Johnson's : meet Dennis / 19.1.1810 dine at St P's, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Dennis, Knowles &c / 22.12.1812 theatre; adv. Bonnycastle, Knowles, Denis & OBrien / 11.7.1823 dine at Hume's; adv. miss Hay & miss Denis

Perhaps John Dennis 1779-1864 father of George Dennis DNB 1814-1898 archaeologist. John Dennis was "of the Excise Office" (SunFire 1807) and was Receiver General of Excise by 1845.…

Dennis, Mary

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Mary Dennis 22 Poland St ratebooks 1785-7 / Mary Dennis bur St James 15.1.1789 adult poor

Dennys, Nicholas

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION:  Nicholas Dennys of Tiverton Devon proposed 25.4.1783 Jeremiah Batley 2nded James West

Nicholas Dennys, jun of Lyons Inn = 29.5.1747 Elizabeth dau of John Belfield of Lyons Inn / Nicholas bapt 19.9.1752 Richmond Surrey of Nicholas & Eliz / London Chronicle 15.12.1757 yesterday died at his chambers in Lyons Inn, Nicholas Dennys Esq, his will PCC 1758 / Nicholas Dennys = (1778?)  Lucy dau of William Lardner (will PCC 1770 surgeon of Wandsworth) she was bapt 24.12.1754 Wandsworth of William & Lucy / Nicholas bapt 21.3.1780 Lucy bapt 24.10…

Dent, John

MILL VOTERS 1802:  John Dent of Richmond

John Dent = Southwark 20.4.1786 Martha Ann Cooper (from Ancestry user-submitted tree) / John Robert 4.3.1787 William 28.12.1788 Thomas 27.11.1791 Charlotte 23.2.1794 Jane Ann 11.10.1795 Thomas 20.7.1800 Martha 29.1.1804 all bapt Richmond of John & Martha Dent / Land Tax 1803 John Dent house behind Artichoke / 1817 John Dent of Richmond labourer & John Dent junior of 5 Edward St, Broad St, Golden Sq bricklayer took admon of son William Dent died a bachelor in Bengal since 1808  / 1819 Land Tax Richmond John Dent Artichoke Lane / John…

Derby, Earl of (Edward Stanley)

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796 but not coded to his person record in GD website

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION:  Earl of Derby proposed 24.11.1782 by Edward Hall 2nded Samuel Shore

Edward Smith Stanley DNB 1752-1834