A-Z of Entries

Felton, Samuel

5.1.1789 Felton at B. Hollis' / 20.4.1789 again / 2.3.1792 again / 6.4.1795 Felton at John King's / 10.6.1815 call on Felton

Samuel Felton died 1802 (PCC wills). Fellow of Royal Society, Fellow of Society of Antiquaries, member of Society for Encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce. Subscribed 1787 to works of John Jebb, lived at Charlotte St 1786-93, Carburton St 1794-1802. Mentioned in the wills of Timothy Hollis and Thomas Brand Hollis. He wrote some works on art and gardening. May have been the Felton at King's, but obviously not the call of 1815


Fenn 23.4.1797 adv at Holcrofts & Amelia Alderson / 13.4.1829 call on Fenn / 9.8.1834 Fenn's &c for Swift / 29.8.1834 call on Fenn

Fenwick, Eliza

GODWIN DIARY: them 16.7.1799 & 15.10.1800 underlined in GD website, should be coded to John & Eliza Fenwick / 22.7.1805 meet EE & O Fks probably meant Eliza and her daughter Eliza and son Orlando

The birth record of Orlando Fenwick in 1798 (Nat Arch RG4/4661 and RG5/36) stated his maternal grandparents were Peter and Elizabeth Jaco. The will of Peter Jaco, hosier of St Leonard's Shoreditch (Nat Arch PROB11/1080) proved in 1781 mentioned his wife Elizabeth, daughter Elizabeth, father Nicholas, older brother Benjamin, sister Mary Wallis, brother Thomas and niece Honor.…

Fenwick, Eliza Anne

call on E Fenwick (Elise) 17.7.1797 / 12.6.1802 E & E Fenwicks at tea / 8.11.1807 F[enwic]k dines adv EF jr

Perhaps a reference to Eliza Anne daughter of John and Elizabeth Fenwick. Followed by Pidcock's, Exeter Change, the two other occasions when Godwin visited Pidcock's menagerie were with children, see Pidcock, Gilbert. For her later appearances see her person record in GD website and see Rutherford, William on this site. The 1801 entry above has the first E unidentified in GD website, but this was probably a way of noting mother and daughter without father

Fenwick, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Fenwick of Walworth proposed 5.10.1792 by Thomas Symmons 2nded Joyce (Jeremiah of Joshua). SCI tract distribution list 6.7.1792 (before he became member) Mr John Fenwick, 7 Apollo Bldgs, East La, Walworth

See Fenwick, Eliza / Fenwick, Thomas James / Vaughan, Priscilla in this website


Fenwick, Thomas James

Brother of John Fenwick. The bankruptcy announcement in the London Gazette of 1803 said Thomas James Fenwick, linen draper of Penzance. Thomas James Fenwick, tailor and slop-seller of Fore St, St Anne Limehouse, appeared in 1825 and 1829 in Old Bailey proceedings (oldbaileyonline, t18250519-55 & t18290115-42). John Fenwick, abode Limehouse age 65 yrs was buried at St Anne Limehouse on 21.12.1823, shortly after Godwin noted his death. Thomas James Fenwick clothier and taylor of Gravesend died in 1850, (his will Nat Arch PROB11/2117), his family were at Gravesend in 1841 and subsequent…


SWEDENBORGIANS: John Ferguson one of 77 signatories to New Chuch 7.12.1788. New Jerusalem Chapel bapt 25.12.1788 John Ferguson. bapt 31.7.1796 Mary Ann Ferguson born 28.10.1769 London of James & Mary Ann Rager.

James son of Nathaniel Rager weaver of Ch Ch Spitalfields appr 1754 to John Hardy of Clockmakers Coy. James Rager bach = St Clement Danes 27.10.1767 Mary Delehoy widow. Mary Ann dau of James & Mary Rager bapt 26.10.1769 St Sepulchre, London. SunFire 1780 James Rager victualler, Printing House Lane, Blackfriars, London. John Ferguson wid = Greenwich 9.5.1794 Mary Ann…


15.5.1806 Serjeant's Inn w. Few & Springsguth

See Springsguth, Matthew Clix for his marriage in 1802 to Ann Frances Few. Charles son of John Few cornfactor of Theobalds Road was articled 1793 to James Meddowcroft. SunFire 1803 Few & Co chinamen 69 High Holborn./  SunFire 1818 John Few 25 Denton St, St Pancras, gent / SunFire 1822 Charles Few solicitor 3 Henrietta St, Covent Garden. Charles bapt 1778, Ann bapt 1779 Holborn of John & Catherine Few. Springsguth had married a solicitor's sister

Fickner, Edward

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Edward Fickner of Richmond


Field 17.2.1799 at Holcroft's / 9.8.1804 miss Field at Lamb's /27.4.1808 call on Field, Annuity Office / 12.10.1811 at Collier's / 8.11.1817 at Lamb's / 14.2.1818 at Telford's with Lamb / 3.5.1820 Stanley, with Field calls / 6.1.1821 Field to MJ (mrs Godwin) / 8.11.1826 at Uwins'

Henry Field DNB 1755-1837 was very likely the Annuity Office Field in 1808. His son Barron Field DNB 1786-1846 was the Field most closely linked to Charles Lamb so is the most probable candidate for all the Fields from 1811 on. Henry Field's eldest daughter Esther was born 1792 so could have been at Lamb's…

Field, Barron

HCR diary 8.1.1828 walked with B Field to Mrs Blake, shortly after the death of William Blake (DNB 1757-1827) "We found that the Job is Linnell's property and the print of Chaucer's pilgrimage hers - Therefore Field bought a proof and I two prints at 2 and a half guineas each - I mean one for Lamb"

Barron Field (DNB 1786-1846)

Field, Thomas

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Thomas Field of Brentford End

According to an Ancestry user-submitted tree Thomas Field = Isleworth 4.5.1779 Elizabeth Rose but I couldn't find the source / Thomas son of Thomas & Elizabeth Field bapt 27.9.1789 Isleworth / Thomas X Field wid = Ealing 8.7.1798 Elizabeth X Leroch wid botp banns / Thomas Field bur 1.2.1813 Isleworth age 58 of Brentford End

Fievee, Ad

Ad. Fievee dines 20.5.1802 / 24.6.1802 E Christie dines; adv A Fievee & anonyme

The editorial notes of Joseph Fievee's person record on the GD website say he was accompanied by his son on his visit to England in 1802. His son was born about 1790. Adolphe Joseph Theodore Louis Fievee was an artist in France in the late 1840s and an author in the 1860s and 1870s. Perhaps more likely this was a grandson but the names Joseph and Theodore are suggestive of Joseph Fievee and his partner Theodore Leclerq

Figaro & mrs Smith

theatre, 2/3 Figaro & mrs Smith 19.6.1823

The event tag on the GD website which usually identifies the play is blank. On that date The Marriage of Figaro, and Mrs Smith or the Wife and the Widow were showing at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket. The latter one-act play performed 23 times "seems not to have been printed" (The English Stage IX 207)

Finbor, John

John Finbor 109 St John St joined 5.5.1794 the "unnumbered division" (QV)

Not sure if I read the handwriting of his name right, but I could find nothing about anyone of that name (or of any similar name associated with St John St)


Finchs 9.10.1803 at Lofft's / 12.2.1804 (Loffts &) 2 Finchs dine / 19.2.1804 miss Finch & Loffts at H(olcrof)t's / 9.12.1805 call on J(ohn) G(odwin), Jo(seph) G(odwin) & Finch / 12.12.1805 write to Finch & P(hilip) H(ull) G(odwin) / 7.5.1808 Chas Finch at Lofft's / 9.5.1808 escort CF to Bury, with SL / 23.9.1812 Finches at Jeffery's (in Salisbury) / 12.6.1824 Finch calls, call on Jo G / 15.6.1824 Finch fr. Newman calls

Probably there were three sets of Finch here, that of 1812 in Salisbury, that of the two 1805 entries and the two 1824 entries all connected to Godwin…

Finch, Daniel

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Daniel Finch of Twickenham

Daniel Finch bur 21.6.1820 Twickenham age 78 from the workhouse. Daniel Finch bapt  4.6.1742 Baldock, Herts. Daniel Finch = Ealing 14.2.1762 Hannah Blake botp banns. Anne bapt 9.7.1765, Joseph bapt 22.6.1768, Mary bapt 5.12.1773, all at Twickenham of Daniel & Hannah Finch. Hannah Finch bur 23.3.1788 Twickenham. Daniel Finch CORDWAINER of Twickenham took appr 7.7.1791 for 7 yrs Jno Mortemore premium £4. Mary Finch bur 14.(3?).1801 Twickenham

Finch, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Finch of Clements Lane proposed 26.4.1792 by Samuel Vaughan 2nded Edward Bridgen

John Finch ironmonger of 9 Clements Lane directories 1741-1785. May have been son or relation of John Finch ironmonger of Dudley, Worcs (PCC 1759 mentioned son John) whose wife Jane was the sister of Samuel Shore (QV*), they were married at Sheffield 20.9.1732..John Finch of Clements Lane ironmonger PCC 1785 mentioned wife Susannah, sons John, William & George, daus Susannah, Sarah & Fanny dated 14.5.1785. He was buried 7.9.1785 St Clement Eastcheap.…

Finch, John & Elizabeth

SWEDENBORGIANS: New Jerusalem Chapel bapt 22.12.1793 John Finch & Elizabeth Finch

Finch, William

MILL VOTERS 1802:  William Finch of Richmond

William Finch bur 16.5.1825 Richmond age 73 of Union Court / Daniel Parker wheelwright of Wimbledon took appr 1797 William Finch