A-Z of Entries

Fingal, Lord

L Fingal 17.8.1800 at (Robert) Darwin's, Shrewsbury

Arthur James Plunkett Dict Irish Biog 1759-1836 8th Earl of Fingall (and see Burke's Peerage)

Firth, William

28.6.1794 at Alderson's / 15.7.1794 again / at Martineau's 10.12.1794 / at Batty's ? or at Jo Godwin's 9.4.1795 / 22.4.1795 at Holcroft's / 7.5.1795 at his / 12.5.1795 at King's / 29.10.1796 at theatre / 29.4.1799 at RA exhibition / 12.5.1799 at Opie's / 7.10.1803 Norwich sheriffs.

William Firth baptised St George Colegate Norwich 10.8.1768 son of William & Elizabeth, admitted Lincolns Inn 16.11.1792 son of William F of Norwich, deceased. Member of Norwich Socy for Const Inf, "a considerable manufacturer" (Trials for Treason & Sedition 6.196). Member of Tusculan Society (…


SWEDENBORGIANS: New Jerusalem Chapel bapt 9.12.1798 Sophia-Ann Fisher born 5.2.1790 William Bonington Fisher born 21.4.1794 & Laurence Tuck Fisher born 9.5.1796 all of William & Sarah Fisher of 6 Red Lion St Clerkenwell. Jane of William & Sarah Fisher born 1.1.1799 bapt 17.2.1799

William Fisher lapidary Union Ct Holborn took appr 1794 Jno Clifft. Bapt St John Clerkenwell 4.5.1790 Sophia Ann 24.8.1794 William Bonnington 31.7.1796 Laurence Tuck all of William & Sarah Fisher. George Exelby watch jeweller 6 Red Lion St Clerkenwell, 1790 Bailey's directory. (Red Lion St…

Fisher, Joseph

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Joseph Fisher of Twickenham

Joseph Fisher bur 15.6.1817 Twickenham age 68. Joseph Fisher COOPER of Heston took appr 1781 Edward Chandler Wheedon. Maria bapt 12.8.1781, Robert bapt 9.3.1788 both at Heston of Joseph & Elizabeth Fisher. Joseph Fisher cooper of Twickenham took appr 1793 Reuben Hemsworth. Land Tax 1805 Twickenham Joseph Fisher landlord Mrs Weeks rent £1.5s. Robert Fisher = St Marylebone 28.9.1819 Martha Durham botp. 1841 census London Rd Twickenham Robert Fisher age 50 cooper Martha age 40 (& seven children). 1851 census Robert Fisher age 64…


15.10.1799 meet Fitzgerald (ex PS) / 25.9.1800 ma. Fitzgerald at mrs Plunket's / 14.2.1802 Fitzgerald at John King's / 22.5.1804 3 Fitzgeralds at H Rowan's / 27.9.1804 Fitzgerald at H Rowan's / 11.3.1805 Fitzgerald calls (& mrs Rowan) / 15.3.1805 at H Rowan's / 21.5.1805 again / 4.8.1805 calls (& H Rowan) / 1.3.1816 dine at Curran's. Conference; Fitzgerald, pp.20 / 20.10.1817 Fitzgerald calls (not in) / 21.10.1817 again / 22.10.1817 again / 23.10.1817 calls / 24.10.1817 again / 25.10.1817 again / 27.10.1817 dines / 28.10.1817 calls, & W Curran / 4.11.1817 at Curran's funeral /…

Fitzgerald, Edward

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Lord Edward Fitzgerald proposed 28.9.1792 by John Horne Tooke 2nded Charles Frederick Walsh

Edward Fitzgerald DNB 1763-1798

Fitzgerald, Keane

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

Keane Fitzgerald 48 Poland St ratebooks 1777-1783 / letter to Keane Fitzgerald at Royal Society dated 1724 RS/PP11/MM.4.58 but this date may be an error as there was no earlier Keane Fitzgerald in FRS list / he married 19.7.1746 at Oxford Chapel, Vere St, Mary Joye / 1748 London Metr Archives HB/D/138 HM Bailiff & Collector for Bailiwick of St James in the Fields / Fellow of Royal Society 1756 / Royal Society 1757 experiment with distilled salt water in steam engines, 1760 metalline thermometer, and many…

Fitzgerald, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Fitzgerald Esq of the Temple proposed 15.4.1791 by John Frost 2nded John Lodge Batley

William Fitzgerald, eldest son of Charles Fitzgerald of Ballyroan, Queens Co, Ireland who was admitted at the Middle Temple 10.8.1780. World 31.1.1791 William Fitzgerald Esq of Pump Ct, Middle Temple, on committee of Univrsal Dispensary. Law List 1792-8 counsel for Northern Circuit at Pump Ct, Middle Temple. Possibly member of Philomath Society, see Fitzgerald in Godwin Diary dataset. Old Bailey 8.12.1794 William Fitzgerald Esq master of the pleasure…


ventriloquist Fitzjames 25.4.1803 at Dulau's Library

Ventriloquist who appeared in newspaper ads & articles Jan to July 1803 along with Mr Volange, article of 10.6.1803 said he was thinking of going to Russia

Fitzpatrick, Jeremiah,

2.8.1796 call on sir Jerome Fitzpatrick, adv &c

Jeremiah Fitzpatrick DNB c1740-1810

Fitzpatrick, Richard

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION:  Richard Fitzpatrick proposed 11.8.1780 by Richard Brinsley Sheridan 2nded John Jebb

Richard Fitzpatrick DNB 1748-1813 and historyofparliamentonline. . Whig Club 1784 Grosvenor Place

Fitzroy, Warren

29.4.1794 see Fitzroy at Gerald's (Newgate).

Hon Warren Fitzroy 1768-1806 son of Charles Fitzroy, 1st Baron Southampton (PCC 1797) and his wife Anne (PCC 1807). 1783 at Glasgow pupil of Hugh Macleod who accused John Anderson of persecuting him. Imprisoned for debt 6.2.1794. Married 11.2.1794 Maria Theresa Josepha D'Isaac daughter of Andrew D'Isaac of Bonn.  Charged 31.3.1794 with conspiracy to escape Kings Bench prison with Comte de Gelin and Louis de Roscaut. Prisoner description: 5ft 11ins, dark eyes, black hair, black complexion, age 28, born West Horsley nr Guildford. Died at…


John Flather has a person record in GD website and all Flather and Flathers entries are coded to it except 22.2.1807 and 5.1.1809 both Jas Flather and 25.8.1810 Flather senr. 1.5.1809 RA Exhibition; Jno. Flr should be added to John Flather's person record.

Flather senior was probably the father, Thomas Flather who was buried at St Botolph Aldersgate 28.5.1815 age 67 from Duke-st. His will PCC 8.8.1815 dated 18.12.1814 tin plate worker mentioned his daughter Elizabeth his wife Elizabeth his three sons Thomas, James and John, and his friend John Bentley esq of Highbury-house. He…

Flaxman, John


JOHN FLAXMAN (1755-1826)
CURRENT TEXT "his marriage in 1782 to Ann Denman"
SUGGESTED CHANGE <his marriage at St Anne's Soho on 6th June 1781 to Ann Denman>

January 2015 the DNB has adopted my suggested change but not credited me in the references

SWEDENBORGIANS: Flaxman was one of the attenders at the Theosophical Society from 1783 mentioned in William White's Emanuel Swedenborg vol 2 p599-600. The DNB article doesn't mention his connection to Swedenborg except by footnote reference to his correspondence at Swedenborg…

Flaxman, Mary Ann

HCR diary 20.6.1818 "a call on Miss Flaxman"

                    24.2.1820 "at Flaxman's - I saw only Miss Fl: and Miss Denman"

                 13.12.1820 "went to Flaxman's with Aders"

                 20.12.1820 "at Aders. The Flaxmans there - by this introduction I have highly pleased the Aders. The more so as I fear after all MrsA: is not a visitable person and I fear too that she is aware of it. I am under some apprehension that if Flaxman should ever happen to know the history of Mrs A life that he may not chuse to keep up the acquaintance. He may possibly be…


SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Fletcher of 7 New Sq, Lincolns Inn proposed 28.3.1794 by John Augustus Bonney 2nded John Horne Tooke

ChristChurch Oxford 1784 age 16 son of Thos Fletcher of Aston (Birmingham), adm Lincolns Inn 16.5.1785. Listed among crown witnesses for Hardy's trial 1794 as William Fletcher of Lincolns Inn barrister at law but he never appeared in list of counsel in English Law Lists. Alum Ox notes him as barrister Lincolns Inn 1794. Perhaps William son of Thomas & Sarah Fletcher bapt 17.11.1767 St Philip Birmingham. William Fletcher of Erdington…

Fletcher, James

SWEDENBORGIANS: New Jerusalem Chapel James Fletcher bapt 19.6.1791 born 7.2.1755 of William & Elizabeth

Fletcher, John

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 11 Castle Street East Land Tax 1791-1796 John Fletcher Land Tax 7 Markett Place (Oxford Market) 1800-1803 John Fletcher

Will PCC of John Fletcher of Little Castle St greengrocer dated 9.8.1787 wits Wm Cross cheesemonger Castle St (QV*), G Hartforth (QV*). His widow Sarah proved 18.2.1789 / burs St Marylebone John Fletcher (adult) 26.7.1788, 8.2.1789. The following are just possibles for JF or his possible son of same name. John Fletcher gent bach otp = 7.1.1763 St Andrew Holborn by lic Sarah Bayes sp otp /…


Flindt calls 7.9.1805

Perhaps Capt Peter Flindt. Hull Packet 19.5.1801& 26.5.1801 The Rostock hoy Anna Dorothea Capt Peter Flindt for Bremen is now loading and will sail the 28th instant, Daniel Boileau High St. Trewmans Exeter Flying Post 4.6.1807 430 bales of Spanish wools to be sold at Bordeaux cargo of Economie of Hamburg capt Flindt wrecked. Gustavus Flindt naturalised by Act of Parliament 1805 bankrupt of Old Broad St 1821 (Nat Arch B3/1721). George Flindt & Co merchants London Morning Post 10.12.1807 Caledonian Mercury 24.2.1812 & 29.2.1812 The Russian ship…


Flint 7.3.1805 adv at Philips' / 29.6.1805 Flint's / 19.6.1806 call on Flint / 21.6.1806 again / 8.10.1808 Flint calls / 3.1.1809 Flint adv at Morgan, stationer

William Flint printer Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey 1801-1821(British Book Trades Index). He was bankrupt in 1819 and was perhaps the William Flint gent of Highbury Vale will PCC 1832 died 1.4.1832 age 71