A-Z of Entries


2.10.1804 call on Luntley with E(verina) W(ollstonecraft) & on Thurgar, Smith, Gourbon, Bailey & Metcalfe

Lewis Gourbon 15 Primrose St Land Tax 1805, 1807. Lewis Frederick son of James & Mary Gourbon bapt 3.7.1774 St Geo Bloomsbury, married 1796 at Chapel Royal Savoy Ann Dawes. Ann Gourbon of Chiswell St buried Bunhill Fields 12.12.1811 age 39, Lewis Gourbon of Lower George St buried St Luke Chelsea 3.6.1832 age 57. Although Smith and Metcalfe were out, the last four calls were all names of Primrose Street tenants, nos 13, 15, 16 & 19 (numbers not given in Land Tax…


Dr Gower 9.11.1802 adv at Smith, Newman St / 12.12.1804 Gower & workmen adv at 12 Primrose St / 13.8.1834 miss Gower at M(ary) W S(helley)'s

Dr Charles Gower matric Oriel College Oxford 1783 age 19, physician to Middlesex Hospital 1800, Holden's 1811 17 Old Burlington St, Morning Post 6.2.1821 sale of his library, buried 2.4.1822 St Dunstan i t West, of Carey St, from Serle's Coffee House. Monk's Roll implies he was not financially successful as a doctor. John Timbs, Clubs & Club Life in London said he was a member of Wittanegemot Club in Chapter Coffee House. Smith of…


21.4.1789 at Brand Hollis' / 21.4.1795 at Anderson's / 24.1.1802 mrs Graham at Nicholson's / 3.10.1802 Graham calls / 8.10.1802 adv at museum / 19.11 1802 dines / 30.11.1806 call on Graham, with Wroughton / 8.3.1807 again / 4.10.1807 Grahams at North's / 17.12.1807 Graham at D(rury) L(ane)  / 18.12.1807 Graham & Wroughton adv at theatre / 21.12.1807 call o Wroughton & Grahm T R D L / 13.8.1808 Graham calls / 16.8.1808 adv at supper / 18.8.1808 meet Graham / 19.8.1808 calls / 19.7.1810 Graham of Berwk calls / 21.8.1811 M(ary) J(ane) calls on Graham / 24.9.1811 seek Graham / 25.9.…

Granard, Lady

la. Granard 21.6.1799 at John King's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1799 / 17.11.1799 lady Granard at King's / 29.12.1799 Granard at King's / 5.1.1800 again / 19.1.1800 at Lanesborough's / 21.1.1800 at King's / 26.1.1800 again / 26.3.1800 again / 8.7.1800 Granard calls (in Ireland) / 12.7.1800 Granard dines (in Ireland, presumably at Curran's) / 9.8.1800 la Granard at la Moira's (in Ireland)

George Forbes 1760-1837 6th Earl Granard (his will PCC 1837 general, died at Paris, his stepmother (d.1820) married Rev Samuel Little) married 10.5.1779 Lady Selina Frances Rawdon, 4th dau of John…


Grange 1.7.1800 on Holyhead coach / 6.7.1800 3 Granges call (in Ireland)

see Batley


In 1794 version of 1796 list for 1784, left out of 1796 list / 17.1.1794 at Palmer's (on hulks in Woolwich) / 31.1.1796 miss Grant at Perry's (with Porson) / 26.2.1799 Grant at Mrs Robinson's with Bird / 17.1.1818 Grant calls

James Grant LL D Rector of St Leonards Shoreditch (Literary Memoirs of Living Authors p 222) supposed to have been concerned in conducting the English Review. Published sermon 1774 vicar of Kempston Beds, Lecturer of St Leonards Shoreditch. Perhaps the 1784 Grant

Alexander Grant was dismissed from his function as an honorary member of the SCI …

Grattan, Henry

G sleeps 12.7.1800

Though there were two Gs (Grattan & Granard), as well as Godwin, among Curran's dinner guests, I reckon it was Grattan who stayed the night


Gravel calls 9.8.1805 / 17.8.1805 call on Gravel / 7.2.1810 call on Gravel

Holden's 1802 James Gravel copperplate printer 4 Red Lion Court Fleet St. Note that Godwin called (with Dawe) on two other copperplate printers (Jones & Lahee) in the next three days after Gravel's call, but they appeared in the diary only that once, and then a few days after Godwin called on Gravel he began a series of six calls on Wilks (qv), ending in call on Wilks (copy) two weeks later


Graves's exhibition, w. Chandler 17.5.1798 / 24.1.1809 Grave; newspapers / 25.4.1809 Graves calls / 17.5.1809 Graves adv at theatre / 7.9.1809 seek Zoust; at Richardson's, Woodburn's, Colnaghi's, Tain's & Grave's / 31.10.1811 call on Graves / 1.11.1811 Graves calls (not in) / 17.11.1811 Graves dines / 24.12.1811 Graves calls / 17.9.1821 R Grave calls, engraver / 20.9.1821 R Grave au soir / 27.9.1821 R Grave calls / 17.10.1821 R Grave adv at dinner / 21.10.1821 call w. M J on R Grave / 25.10.1821 Grave calls / 29.10 again / 2.11.1821 adv Grave (at dinner? or at Northcote's?) / 8.11.1821…

Graves, William

addresses on flyleaf of vol xv of Godwin's diary: W Graves 16 Walbrook / 25.4.1809 Graves calls / 17.5.1809 theatre; adv. Graves / 7.9.1809 seek Zoust, at Grave's &c, w. M(ary) J(ane) / 31.10.1811 call on Graves / 1.11.1811 Graves calls (not seen) / 17.11.1811 Burr, A Curran, Biggs & Graves dine / 24.12.1811 Graves calls

Shortly before Aaron Burr had to leave England in April 1809, Godwin wrote a number of names and addresses in the flyleaf of his diary vol 15 he'd begun in February (where they are transcribed on GD website but not coded). Four of them Godwin noted in his…


mrs Gray 15.9.1799 at Nicholson's / 10.8.1802 call on Gray & Planta / 16.9.1803 call on Ellis, British Museum, adv Gray / 26.6.1805 call on Ellis (not in) adv Gray / 6.8.1805 call on Dr Gray & H Ellis / 22.4.1813 Gray at Surrey Institution / 22.4.1816 mr & mrs Gray & Clarinda at Ainslie's (in Edinburgh) / 24.4.1816 (in Edinburgh) Gray dines / 5.4.1834 letter to Gray

Edward Whitaker Gray MD, DNB 1748-1806 was keeper of the natural history collection at the British Museum from 1791to 1806 and was probably the Gray of 1802 to 1805 above. Frances (nee Wade) 1738-1801 in…

Gray, James

1.9.1790 Gray at Holcroft's / 19.2.1792, 22.9.1793, 20.9.1795 and 27.12.1795 there/ 4.2.1792 and 29.9.1793 at Shield's /at Hardy's trial 1.11.1794 / at Mackintosh's 2.3.1795, all these with Perry present too, and in Godwin's 1796 list for 1787 next to Perry; also calls, meetings &c on 2.2.1792, 17.1.1793, 4.3.1793, 13.11.1793, 28.2.1794, 11.7.1794, 24.8.1794, 15.10.1794, 22.10.1794, 23.10.1794, 26.10.1794, 11.11.1794, 16.11.1794, 23.11.1794, 17.12.1794 (not even coded as unidentified in GD website), 17.3.1795, 1.4.1795, 2.5.1795, 6.5.1795, 7.5.1795, 7.8.1795. Grays on 1.5.1797 at…


10.11.1808 Greated calls

Only instance in Godwin's diary. Quite likely local tradesman Joseph Greated carpenter 15 Turnagain-la, Snow Hill, SunFire 1792, Holdens 1811 auctioneer & appraiser 63 Skinner-st, Snow-hill.  The will PCC 1818 of Joseph Greated builder of Holborn left a property in Snow Hill to his son Joseph Greated and one of the witnesses was John Newsom, 63 Snow-hill

Greatheed, Bertie

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795 but this entry is not coded to his person record

Greatheed, Bertie jr

R G at Greatheed's 6.7.1795

This could be Bertie Greatheed's son Bertie, then about 14 and destined to die at 23. Perhaps Godwin assumed the name was short for Robert, while it was actually a surname being used as a christian name, a very common practice in those days, See Bertie Greatheed DNB 1759-1826

Grece, George

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

George Grece 27 Poland St ratebooks 1788-9 / World 15.10.1788 ad for George Grece taylor and lady's habit maker 27 Poland St son of George Grece formerly of Pall Mall, taylor / Old Bailey 5.4.1769 Mr Grece, taylor in North Alley, York Bldgs, Hanoverian, his servant Christopher Copage / George Grace tailor Pall Mall voted Percy & Clinton 1774 / West Sussex Record Office PHA/8048 & 9374 George Grece tailor to 3rd Earl of Egremont / (SunFire 1787 George Grose taylor Dean St Soho) / 5.5.1789 George Greece Westminster…

Green (Norwich)

Greens 6.9.1805 at Barnard's / 8.9.1805 mrs Green calls

The will PCC 1800 of Elizabeth Greene widow of Norwich mentioned John Greene Baseley (see my entry for Baseley) without saying what their relationship was. She gave her birth date as 23.9.1726. She also mentioned John Hooke Greene (died 1.9.1838 age 82 will PCC 1838), Elizabeth Greene, Harriet Ann Boyd and Charlotte Hemming (will PCC 1817) children of Rev John Greene rector of Hunworth & Stody (instituted there 1761, perhaps John Greene will PCC 1786 clerk of Norwich Cathedral?). These were the only Greens I've found…

Green, Joseph

Joseph Green Esq of New Basinghall St proposed Society for Constitutional Information 8.6.1787 by Thomas Brand Holis 2nded Batley (Jeremiah or his son John Lodge?)

Joseph Green Esq of New Basinghall St, Royal Humane Society list of directors (reports for 1785 & 1786), subscribed to Meilan's translation of Fenelon's Telemachus 1794, Philanthropic Society of London life member 1796, Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, 1796, 1797, Boyle's City Guide 1797 Joseph Green 1, New Basinghall St & Hornsey

apparently to be distinguished from the…

Green, Joseph Henry

HCR diary 10.6.1824 at Gillman's Highgate (where Coleridge lived) "there we found a large party - Mr & Mrs Green, the Aders" &c &c

                    11.5.1825 "I dined with Green - Lincolns Inn Fields - a large party - Mrs Aders" &c &c

                      8.6.1826 dinner party at Aders "the Greens" &c

                   30.4.1829 "called on Aders. I was alarmed by finding the knocker tied and I found she had been very ill even dangerously - but she was thought then out of danger - Green thinks there has been an attack on the brain - Dr Lee…

Green, Miss

miss Green calls 28.12.1802 (& mrs Napier) / 11.3.1804 Napiers at dinner adv miss Green & Lambs / 29.3.1804 miss Green adv at miss Walsh / 25.2.1805 calls / 9.4.1805 dines / 2.2.1806 call on A Green (for M[ary] J[ane] / 29.3.1806 theatre w. M[ary} J[ane], A Green / 5.7.1806 A Green dines : Walsh's / 17.3.1814 calls (not in)

Presumably a good friend or relative of the Napiers and/or miss Walsh their relative (see Napier & Walsh). A Green is likely the same person