A-Z of Entries


Henault, &c  28.5.1801

This should be coded in GD website to te1247 the text Godwin also ead the next day


Henderson 27.2.1791 at Fenwick's

John H merchant Mitre Court Milk St 1780-91

John H jeweller 21 Cornhill 1780-91

J H signed declaration of Friends to Liberty of Press 1792

Anthony H special pleader 8 Fig Tree Court Inner Temple Law List 1793

Thomas H attorney Staples Inn Law List 1798

H Esq 82 Newman St Boyle's 1792; & Alex H Esq 4 Adelphi Terr, John H FSA 1794 there; Col H Lower Grosvenor Pl; H Esq 20 Hart St Bloomsbury

William H dealer in eggs (Trials for Treason & Sedition) witness known Thomas Hardy nearly 20 yrs

Henderson, Dr

HCR diary 5.11.1824 Dr Henderson at Athenaeum Club

                   26.4.1839 at sale of Aders' pictures "there attended the sale"...."and no-one else I know except Dr Henderson"

Probably Alexander Farquharson Henderson (DNB 1779/80-1863)

Henderson, George

George Henderson, Cornhill joined "unnumbered division" (QV) 26.2.1794. I've not been able to identify him further. Cornhill was close to Bishopsgate near where the first members of that division lived.

Henley, Isaac

3.11.1791 Henley calls/4.11.1791 call on / 25.1.1792 dine at Mr Henley's nr Angel Edmonton / 27.4.1792 again, with his son and Mr Rahl / 16.3.1793 dine at Henley's / 9.4.1793 calls / 12.8.1794 dine at his / 31.12.1799 at Joseph Johnson's. In Godwin's 1796 list / 3.1.1800 meet / 15.4.1800 at Joseph Johnson's / 26.6.1800 meet / 20.9.1800 again / 30.3.1802 call on mrs Henley, Watling Street / 4.8.1802 adv at Philips / 13.5.1803 meet / 15.6.1803 at Joseph Johnson's / 21.6.1803 meet / 27.7.1803 at Joseph Johnson's / 7.9.1803 again / 10.2.1804 John Henley calls / 6.7.1804 meet rev. Henley / 24.…


Henly 5.6.1797

Clearly the place Henley-in-Arden


(Henry) 31.3.1800 at S Cuxson's  / 15.4.1800 at Joseph Johnson's / 13.6.1801 L Henry at Lansdown's / 23.3.1802 Henry at Davy's / 1.8.1804 Henry at Joseph Johnson's. In Godwin's 1796 list Henry of Manchester / 21.11.1804 again / 9.12.1806 capt Henry at Johnson's / 22.2.1810 Henry & C Hopwood dine / 30.12.1810 Henry dines / 17.2.1811 again / 14.5.1820 Harwood H(olcrof)t dines adv Henry / 3.6.1820 mrs Pilcher & Henry call / 4.6.1820 mrs Pilcher & Henry sup / 14.12.1828 dine at Robinson's with Henry, adv Harold

Some of the above Henry entries may have referred to a christian…


Henshaws 3.7.1801 at Lamb's

Letters of Charles & Mary Lamb. 13.11.1810 to Dorothy Wordsworth. William Henshaw died yesterday aged 56. His father the gunsmith outlived him. ( Wm H sr was Lamb's godfather). William son of William & Elizabeth Henshaw of King St bapt 23.11.1755 St Botolph Aldgate. Wm H gunmaker Strand opp. Norfolk St 1763, 279 Strand 1783, 181 Strand 1784-90. Holdens 1611 Wm H & Wm H jr 4 Pratt St, Camden Town. Wm H bur St James Picc'y 15.11.1810. Wm H sr died 28.7.1822 of Bexley, Kent age 99 bur St John Wapping 5.8.1822 will PCC 1822


3.5.1795 at Tooke's (& Kennedy) / 30.5.1797 Hepburn & Kennedy call / 9.9.1807 seek Hepburn

According to St Clair and GD website this was John Hepburn of Barfoot Haddington who later offered Godwin his landed property near Edinburgh as security for loans (1812). This seems probable for all entries coded to him on GD website from 1811 on, but I'm less sure about the three earlier entries above. John Hepburn farmer of Barefoot was certainly an enthusiastic radical who was prosecuted for a riot in Edinburgh on the day Maurice Margarot was to come to trial (Lloyds Evening Poast…

Hepburn, John

John Hepbourn of Long Lane, Southwark proposed Society for Constitutional Information 10.9.1784 by Michael Pearson 2nded John Satchell

John Hepburn bach of St Mary Mag Bermondsey = All Hallows Staining 5.10.1786 Mary Wilkinson otp sp consent of father Robert Wilkinson by lic wits Mary Ann Davis, Abm & Eliz Wilkinson, Joseph Gutteridge / children of John Hepburn of Long Lane, Southwark & Mary dau of George Wilkinson registered Dr Williams' Library, John born 23.1.1789, Sarah born 17.8.1790, Rebecca born 3.9.1791, Thomas born 17.2.1798, Eliza born 24.1.1800, Emma born 6.9.1804…


Hereford 23.4.1793 at the theatre

Boyle's 1792 Lord Viscount Hereford 7 Chandois St / Lady Hereford 8 Chandois St Cavendish Sq / Lady Hereford 17 Portland Place / Bishop of Hereford 1 Chesterfield St



Herolet 9.10.1798 at Joseph Johnson's

GD website transcribed Hewlet wrongly, see Hewlett, John


Heron 28.10.1803 at Lamb's / 22.2.1805 Heron adv at Philips / 27.2.1805 Heron (Peltier) adv at Philips / 18.9.1806 meet Perry & Heron

Robert Heron DNB 1764-1807. Editor of Globe, British Press, parliamentary reporter, The Fame 1806. Not sure what his connection with Peltier (qv) and Richard Phillips DNB 1767-1849 was. The GD website has omitted the word Perry from its transcription of the 1806 entry above


24.10.1809 Heseltine calls

Perhaps William Heseltine printer Hand-court Upper Thames-st (Holdens directory 1811, & bbti 1809 & 1810)

Heslop, H

H Heslop & J Calvert 16.4.1800 at Mary Robinson's / 11.6.1800 Heslop & Calvt at Mary Robinson's

Most of Mary Robinson's guests were male but Godwin often used initials for females even where (as here) there was no need for initials in order to distinguish people with the same surname. No other Heslops or Calverts appeared in Godwin's diary and both times they appeared they were together. The only H Heslop in PCC wills was Hannah Heslop widow of Aldersgate St 1824, see work notes below.

Heslop, John

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

John Heslop 25 Poland St ratebooks 1782-1800 poor // most of the following probably belonged to a different John Heslop who happened to move to Oxford St at the time the first vanished from Poland St ratebooks (have found nothing about the first) / John Heslop Oxford St ratebooks1800-8, 1811 executors / John Heslop painter & glazier Oxford St voted Paull 1806 / John Heslop will London Consistory mentioned late wife buried in St James New Ground, John Pringle upholsterer of Wardour St, brother Robert Heslop, children John,…


Hesse 13.1.1804 at Foulkes's


Obadiah Legrew bapt 22.8.1781 Wheeler Chapel Spialfields of Obadiah, weaver of Steward st, Old Artillery Ground & Martha, admitted Inner Temple 12.1.1792 changed surname (Whitehall Evening Post 12.7.1794) to that of his grandfather Solomon Hesse (will PCC 1795 weaver of Norton Folgate). His will PCC 1837 dated 29.4.1834 mentioned his wife Margaret (nee Brooks?) and by a codicil dtaed 20.4.1835 he annulled a legacy to Mrs Josette Hughes because she had married an MP De Lacy Evans whose political principles he thought subversive

Hessey, James Augustus (& Taylor)

16.11.1809 call on Taylor & Hessey / 12.6.1819 call on Hessey / 16.10.1825 sup at Lamb's; adv. Hessey

John Taylor & James Augustus Hessey booksellers 93 Fleet-st 1806 to 1825 (bbti). Published Keats. Hessey was father of James Augustus Hessey DNB 1814-1892. John Taylor died 1853 (bbti).


16.9.1806 Curran & Hetherington call

No clear identification. The only instance of this name in Godwin's diary. The format above does not mean he called with Curran, though he may have done. Andrew Hetherington & John Mackie wholesale perfumers of 40 Drury Lane went bankrupt and dissolved their partnership in October 1806. An Andrew Hetherington was buried 2.3.1814 at St James Westminster age 35 from Cumberland St, St Pancras. A William Hetherington of 31 Skinner's St, Somers Town was one of the spectators crushed to death at the Old Bailey in the crowd witnessing a hanging…

Heusler, Dr

HCR diary 14.11.1827 "dined afterward at Aders -Dr Wurm and Dr Heusler were there"

                   25.12.1827 Christmas dinner at Aders "Heusler and Peiper were there - H: is so very shy and quiet I can make nothing of him, and only give him credit for learning and talents"

                     24.4.1828 "Scargil, Dr Heusler and Beldam breakfasted with me" "H: who is soon to leave the country. He is an excellent man, I believe, though dull and somewhat tiresome"

Marquardt II p115-6 "a young Swiss lawyer, whom I have scarcely seen". Also in HCR diary 14.12.1827, 23.2…