A-Z of Entries


Hutchins dines 24.9.1804 & Curran & Hazlitt / 28.9.1804 Hutchins calls & Curran & Hazlitt / 8.12.1804 Hutchins adv at theatre / 16.12.1804 Hutchins calls / 19.5.1805 meet Hutchins / 16.6.1805 dines / 17.6.1805 meet / 4.10.1805 adv at Pope's (& mrs Waring) calls (& Curran) / 2.1.1807 calls (& Curran) / 15.1.1807 adv at Curran's / 2.10.1807 call on Hutchins with Curran / 26.1.1808 write to / 30.1.1808 letter from / 3.3.1808 meet, talk of / 22.4.1808 adv at  Curran's / 26.4.1808 meet / 20.9.1808 at O"Hara's (& Curran) / 20.10.1809 at Curran's / 19.4.1810 adv at…

Hutchins, John

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Jno Hutchins 12 Batemans Buildings ratebooks 1777-1788 (note 1788 moved to Church St Soho) / John Hutchins Batemans Buildings gent voted 1780 Fox & Rodney 1784 Fox / John Hutchins bur 16.10.1803 St Anne Soho age 40 of Greek St fever

a common name but the two votes distinguish him from several other Westminster householders of that name who also voted then. see work notes below



9.11.1794 at Foulkes' / 28.12.1794 again /  29.8.1795 again / 7.9.1795 again / 29.9.1795 again / 3.1.1796 at Holcroft's with Foulkes /  29.1.1796 at Foulkes' / 4.2.1796 again /  8.5.1796 again / 1.1.1800 4 Hutchinsons at O Fancourt's / 6.1.1800 4 Hs at O Fancourt's / 14.8.1800 Hutchinson & Sir Richard (adv at Kernioga, an inn in North Wales) / 31.3.1809 mrs Hutchinson at Hume's / 9.10.1809 call on Hutchinson / 10.10.1809 Hutchinson calls / 12.10.1809 again / 3.3.1811 mrs Hutchinson at Hume's / 20.10.1811 again / 12.7.1812 again / 23.10.1825 Hutchinsons at Rowbotham's / 26.6.1832…

Hutchinson, Mrs

HCR diary 17.7.1841 Mrs Ley, Mrs Aders' daughter "has however introduced her mother to a good wealthy woman a Mrs Hutchinson of Stepney who will probably patronise Mrs A:, while she casts off Mrs Ley"

The will PCC 1857 of Susanna Beverley Hutchinson of ChesterTerrace, Green St, Bethnal Green dated 27.3.1856 left all to Mrs Mary Ann Joyce now living with me, wife of my nephew William Joyce, who proved the will. She died on 9.12.1856 aged 74 according to the newspaper and aged 69 according to the burial record at Stepney. John Davison Hutchinson widower had married at Lambeth on 10.11…


HCR diary 10.2.1828 Caroline Hutchison's consumption. Mrs T: R: sleeps with her sister

                      2.8.1828 at Bury at his brother's family "Mrs T: R: had undergone considerable agitation from the arrival of her brother and sister a week before and this had produced a premature delivery of a dead boy. She is however now doing well"

                  29.11.1828 Dined with Hutchison -"Poor Mrs H: was full of her loss and talked all dinner time about Caroline and Robert"

                      7.5.1829 Hutchison (shorthand passage)

Alexander Hutchison bach…

Huthwaite, William

William Huthwaite alderman of Nottingham proposed Society for Constitutional Information 6.4.1781 by John Cartwright 2nded Snowden White

William Huthwaite (Manchester School register 1763-1824 merchant & scholar of Nottingham). His son Edward Huthwaite (DNB 1793-1873). Baileys 1784 William Huthwaite, woollen draper Nottingham, Cornelius Huthwaite, ironmonger Nottingham, John Huthwaite wine merchant Nottingham. William Huthwaite mayor of Nottingham 1792. Derby Mercury 27.10.1824 died 17.10.1824 of Poplar Place, Nottingham in 61st year, left widow and eight children. (Nat Arch IR…

Hutton, Catherine

19.1.1808 Mrs Hutton calls

This was the only instance of the name Hutton in Godwin's diary, so it's hard to make any definite identity, but I think it was quite probably Catherine Hutton DNB 1756-1846. She was unmarried but aged 52 so it would be normal if a little old fashioned for Godwin to call her Mrs Hutton. Her novels had not yet been published. Read her DNB article and judge for yourself. There may be among her letters and diaries at Birmingham something which could confirm or deny my guess


Hyder 31.5.1795 at Foulkes'

Ideson, Luke

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

SunFire 1790 Luke Ideson gent 49 Poland St. He doesn't appear in ratebooks as the leaseholder was the parish of St James and Ideson was the parish clerk . He may have been the Luke son of Robert Ideson bapt 1739 Burnsall Yorks. If so his father came to London soon after, as Inman son of Robert & Hannah Ideson was bapt St James 1747, Robert Ideson = Esther Braithwaite 17.10.1754 St Paul Covt Gdn, Robert Ideson buried 21.1.1756 Westminster. There was also a John & Elizabeth Ideson in St James parish as early…

Iliff, Edward Henry

Iliff (at Philomaths?) 3.10.1794 / Hubbard's 17.1.1795 / Powel's 17.3.1795 / 9.2.1796 meets / 12.2.1796 calls.

Edward Henry Iliff was baptised 18.4.1766 at St Clement Danes son of Thomas Iliff of Lincoln College, Oxford, curate of St Clement Danes, librarian of Westminster Abbey, and his wife Frances. Thomas Iliff of St Clement Danes = Mancetter, Warwicks 26.10.1763 Frances Needham otp by lic wits Francesca Stratford, Susanna Waldron. Thomas Iliff's will was proved 1803 formerly of Devereux Court, Strand and late of Dean's Yard, Westminster and mentioned his wife Frances, his…


see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Imhose & Co artificial florist 38 Poland St 1790 Wakefield's directory / John Imhose from St Clements age 7 bur 4.4.1799 St Paul Covt Gdn / Edward Frederick Imhose engraver Lambeth 1849

Incledon, Charles

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796 (crossed out) but not coded in GD website to his person record


25.2.1792 read Independence.

Not coded to anything. Must mean Charles Churchill's poem of that name (te0085)



Ingersol calls 9.8.1802 / 10.8.1802 dines

Bodleian Abinger c7 f128 was his letter of introduction to Godwin. Charles Jared Ingersoll Amer Nat Biog born 3.10.1782 died 14.5.1862

Ireland, Samuel

15.2.1796 Ireland's with Merry

Samuel Ireland DNB (d.1800). The Skakespear forgeries to which his son later confessed had been on show at his house at 8 Norfolk St Strand for a year, but evidence was beginning to mount against them


see Erving

Irving, Edward

HCR diary 10.6.1824 with Coleridge and large party at the Gillmans in Highgate

Edward Irving (DNB 1792-1834)


19.2.1794 una Italiana at Richard Johnson's / 2.11.1795 una Ita there

GD website has the second entry transcribed as una H?. "An Italian lady"

J H, advertiser

19.5.1808 call on R Taylor; adv. J H, advertiser / 23.6.1808 Advertising calls

Unusual for Godwin to just use initials for someone he doesn't already know, as the description of his trade suggests, but advertiser may not have been a trade, but someone inserting a small ad in a newspaper, where people often used just initials.There was a James Hall at Johnson's on 4.8.1807 (see my entry for Hall). John Hunt DNB 1775-1848 (who has a person record on GD website) had just launched the Examiner. In Holdens 1805 Directory there were two "newsmen" with the initials J H ; J Harmer of John…


J.H. 30.11.1790 at Timothy Hollis'

clearly John Hollis