A-Z of Entries


Taygart 25.9.1800 at mrs Plunket's / 28.9.1800 call on Tegart (at Wimbledon) / 6.10.1800 Tegart at theatre (& Curran) / 18.10.1803 call on Tegart, Curran expected / 22.10.1803 Tegart adv at Curran's / 3.11.1806 at theatre / 3.5.1813 at Curran's / 12.7.1815 call on / 8.9.1815 meet / 9.10.1917 at Curran's / 11.10.1817 again / 12.10.1817 again / 15.10.1817 again / 4.11.1817 at Curran's funeral / 12.9.1818 steamboat for Southend / 8.10.1818 at theatre / 22.4.1820 again / 27.8.1820 meet / 18.5.1824 call on

Clearly a friend of Curran's, probably pronounced Taygart. Arthur Tegart…


Terry 16.7.1800 at Reeves's / 20.7.1800 at Webb's

Tobin, (Ireland)

Tobins 3.8.1800 at (Castle) Brown's

GD website has coded this entry to John Tobin DNB 1770-1834 but there's no reason to think he was in Ireland in 1800 if ever and the name was fairly common in Ireland. See work notes below


Toler 5.8.1800 (at Wallace's trial, Carlow)

John Toler DNB 1745-1831. Government lawyer, pro-union, "ferocious" against rebels