A-Z of Entries

Marshal, S

S Marshal 12.8.1800 on boat from Dublin / 13.8.1800 on mail coach

Irish marriages Samuel T Marshall of Timolin Limerick = Nov 1798 dau of late Garret Fitzgerald of Shannon Grove / will PCC 1823 Samuel Marshall serjeant at law & HMJustice for Cheshire, Flint, Denbigh & Montgomery

Marshall, H

8.11.1821 H M & Rosser sup / 28.12.1821 H Marshal & H(arwoo)d H(olcrof)t sup / 7.2.1822 H Marshal at tea / 28.2.1822 H M sups / 13.3.1822 again / 27.5.1822 again / 5.6.1822 Hudson sups: adv. H M / 10.6.1822 P(eter) P(ilcher) & H M at tea / 3.8.1822 H M sups / 23.8.1822 again / 24.10.1822 H M & H(arwoo)d H(olcrof)t sup / 5.12 H M sups / 9.12.1822 M(arshall), & H M, & M(ary) Lamb call / 17.1.1823 Hudsons & H M at tea / 25.3.1823 Lambs & H M sup / 18.4.1823 Kenney & H M sup / 5.5.1823 H M sups / 12.5.1823 theatre, w. M(ary) J(ane), W(illiam), & H M / 28…

Marshall, James

23.8.1792 Mr Marshal's was possibly James Marshall, the GD website editors have left it uncoded presumably because this is the only time out of nearly 1200 entries Godwin referred to him this way. Perhaps it meant his father, if he had one living

19.3.1795 Ms must mean James Marshall's but not coded in GD website / 22.6.1796 dine at Ms, Ml at Coal-hole / 10.5.1800 them underlined in GD website very likely referred to James Marshall & Sarah Elwes / 12.11.1801 them underlined in…

Marshall, John

30.12.1795 Marshal at Newton's. In 1796 list for 1795 General Marshal

John Marshall American National Biography 24.9.1755 - 6.7.1835. Of Virginia. Joint envoy to France from US 7.6.1797, See Star newspaper 15.5.1798. His secretary Major Rutledge (see Rutledge, John). Wrongly coded in GD website to James Marshall, Godwin's close friend. See also Hull, William another American general at Newton's

Marshall, John

30.7.1810 write to Marshal /10.11.1810 write to March/ 4.1.1811 write to Marshal

Probably John Marshall bookseller of Newcastle upon Tyne and Gateshead from 1801 to 1831 (bbti)

Marshall, Mrs

3.4.1796 Smith breakfasts, adv M M / 24.8.1803 theatre with MJ (mrs Godwin) and MAM / 5.9.1803 MAM dines adv L Knapp / 14.7.1804 call with MJ on M A Marshal (not in) / 23.8.1804 meet LK & MAM / 8.10.1804 meet MAM & L Knapp / 21.12.1804 meet L Knapp & M Ml / 18.6.1806 at Mrs Cooper's adv L Knapp & M A Marshal / 19.6.1806 meet LK & MAM / 11.10.1807 MM & MJ at Brille / 21.12.1808 L Knapp & MAM call / 23.9.1808 M, MAM, LK, mrs Toke & Franklin call / 2.1.1811 theatre adv Mrs M, M & C(ooper) / 9.3.1812 theatre with MM

James Marshall's family I am still…


Sally Martin 27.3.1795 at Gerald's // Martin's Exhibition with Nicholson's 13.8.1799 // 20.4.1800 Martins at Mary Robinson's / 6.5.1800 mrs Martin at Mary Robinson's / 19.5.1800 Martins at Mary Robinson's // 9.8.1804 Martins & miss Field at Lamb's / 10.2.1805 Lambs, Hazlitt & miss Martin at Godwin's / 8.6.1806 again / 18.6.1806 Martins at Lamb's / 27.7.1806 Lambs & L Martin sup / 17.1.1807 L Martin at Hazlitt's / 24.6.1807 3 Martins at Lamb's / 20.7.1809 L Mn at Lamb's / 4.11.1809 Lambs & L Martin sup / 4.11.1809 L Martin at M Lamb's / 10.7.1810 Martin calls

For the…

Martin of Galway

Martin of Galway 13.1.1802 at Wycombe's with Curran. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1802 / 10.7.1810 Martin calls

Pretty clearly Richard Martin Hist of Parl 1754-1834, though no reason to think he was the caller of 1810 (see also Martin). On my way to identifying him I came across Nicholas Martin of Ross, Galway died 1811 (Burke's Irish Families) who may have been the Nicholas Martin Esq who stood in the pillory opposite the Royal Exchange Dublin, pursuant to his sentence (Morning Post 20.10.1803) which must have been in connection with the 1803 rebellion, but I could reach no Dublin…

Martin, Simon

Martin 28.6.1794 at Alderson's.

Probably the banker Simon Martin born 13.4.1774 St Clements Norwich son of William & Elizabeth, died 20.1.1839 in his 64th year of the firm of Gurney, Birbeck & Martin bankers of Norwich. He married Hannah elder daughter of Mr Thomas Ransome of Norwich on 20.12.1809, his eldest daughter Emma died 25.8.1825 in her 13th year at Nathropp's Cottage. His will was PCC 1839, his youngest son Simon married in 1840 and his daughter Hannah married in 1841 (Norwich papers)

Subscribed 1786 to Astronomy of Comets by Bligh Hancock, 1830 to Synoptical…

Martindale, Henry

f 46r of Vol VII of Godwin's diary: £25 per night, Martindale to mrs Strutt or Lady Bucks. F R

See Oracle 13.3.1797 where Lady Buckinghamshire (see Albinia nee Bertie 1737/8-1816 in her husband George Hobart DNB 1731-1804) & Mrs Sturt (probably will PCC 1808 widow of Humphrey Sturt 1725? - 1786 History of Parliament and later mother-in-law of Augustus Butler Danvers) were fined £50 each for playing Faro and Henry Martindale was fined £200 for keeping the Faro table. The Faro bank was stolen 30.1.1797 and servants were dismissed who then laid information against their former…

Martineau, Peter Finch

10.12.1794 at Martineau's / 23.12.1794 call on Martineau / 2.10.1795 Martineau at Montagu's.

Probably Peter Finch Martineau 1755-1848, (3rd son of David Martineau surgeon of Norwich) who with his brothers David and John had a brewery at King's Arms Stairs, Lambeth in 1789 and at Stamford St, Southwark in 1792. He was on the Revolution Society commitee in 1789 with Lambeth as his address, in the list of the Unitarian Society 1791 at Stamford St, and had a house in Brompton by 1800. He had married Catherine, sister of Charles Marsh at Norwich in 1784. Note that Marsh called on Godwin…

Martyr, Mrs

mrs Martyr 9.12.1801 see Kelly


16.7.1796 event tag: the comment in the GD website suggests that this "Mary chez elle" clearly referred to Mary Wollstonecraft, who was a hundred miles away. Possibly Godwin put an entry for 1797 in the wrong year when writing up his diary, but since he never called Mary Wollstonecraft "Mary" anywhere else in the diary, nor did his letters address her as Mary, it seems quite possible that this referred to another Mary. Godwin had supped that night at W. Tooke Harwood's not far from his mother's house at Dalling, possibly at Melton Constable where at one point Harwood lived with his friends…


2.11.1796 Masclai adv at Perry's

No sign of surname spelt like this in any nationality


Massygar 25.5.1800

Nearest name I can find to this entry was the Swiss name Massuger (with umlaut on u). Jacob Massuger died 3.9.1821 at Antwerp Belgium was born 1787 Vallendas Suisse s of Benoit Massuger & Menga Pfester

Masters, Martin Kedgwin

Masters 3.12.1792 dines

Martin Kedgwin Masters was baptised at Maidstone in 1770 son of Martin & Elizabeth Masters. His son Martin Chamberlain Masters by Anne was born at Watford 26.9.1805, and on 29.9.1823 he married Mary Ann Priest at St Mary Lambeth. His eldest daughter Ann died 9.10.1868 at Great Malvern. See Godwin Diary website Person Record. 3.1.1819 mrs Masters may have been his first wife.

Mathews, William

10.12.1794 Matthews at Thelwal's / 2.2.1795 again / 7.5.1794 at Firth's (with Thelwal) / 15.8.1794 calls / 6.2.1796 again / 21.4.1796 Tobin's / 20.6.1796 Stoddart's / 29.7.1796 Montagu's (with Tobin) / 6.7.1797 adv at Tobin's / 23.2.1799 at Mackintosh's lecture / 7.6.1799 at Ranelagh / 28.12.1799 adv at Tobin's.

Probably William 1769-1801 son of James Mathews bookseller and medicine vendor of the Strand and brother of actor Charles DNB 1776-1835. At Cambridge BA 1791 where he was Wordsworth's most intimate friend, admitted Middle Temple 1793, called to bar 1796, parliamentary…


Maton 24.5.1799 at Carlisle's / 23.6.1801 at Tobin's

William George Maton DNB 1774-1835. Began medical studies at Westminster Hospital 1797, FRS 1800, MD 1801


Matthew 8.1.1797 at John King's and in 1796 list for 1797 / 21.2.1799 Matthew adv at theatre

One of the three Mathew brothers, immortalised by Cruikshank as the three Mr Wiggins's, probably the eldest Francis James 1768-1833 styled Viscount Mathew (as son of Earl of Landaff), MP for Tipperary, Whig sympathies, married 10.7.1797 Gertrude Cecilia daughter & coheiress of John Latouche, (her cousin Elizabeth (died 1788) had married Robert Butler 3rd Earl of Lanesborough, the eldest son of John King's wife Lady Lanesborough) See History of Parliament. Or his brother Hon Montague…


2.10.1809 Matthews calls / 28.12.1809 call on Mathews (adv. Young) / 31.12.1809 Listons &c dine; invité Mathews / 18.4.1810 call on Mathews (not seen) / 15.11.1810 dine at Cooper's, w. Incledon, Bellamy, Matthews, Fawcett, Swartwout / 2.12.1810 Cooper &c dine; invités Mathews, Swartwout / 27.12.1810 dine at Cooper's, w. Mathews / 23.11.1813 dine at Poole's, w. Matthews / 2.5.1818 Mathews at Home / 15.4.1819 Matthews at Home / 7.5.1821 Exhibition, adv. Matthews / 13.12.1824 Matthews calls / 7.4.1825 Matthews, Memorandums

All of the above except the two spelt Matthews have…