A-Z of Entries

Smirke, Robert

7.12.1795 call on Sme with Holcroft (not at home) / 3.1.1796 Sm breakfasts / 22.5.1812 call on Sme (not in)

Robert Smirke DNB 1753-1845, in the GD website under person record for plain Smirke, because of his "large family of artists". But in 1795 his father was dead and his eldest child just 17. Given his known radical sympathies he is the obvious candidate for the 1795 entries and the abbreviated entries above fit the pattern of Godwin's contacts with him

Smirnove, James

18.4.1790 Russian chaplain at Paradise's and Smirnhoff 31.3.1793 there.

James Smirnove d. 8.5.1840 (newspapers) in his 85th year, chaplain of Russian Legation, officiated at Greek Orthodox church Welbeck St and was Lucy Paradise's chaplain (Shepperson), his will PCC 1840. Boyle's 1792 Rev James Smirnove 47 Upper Marylebone St

Smith (at Warwick)

Smith 2.7.1795 at Lambe's & 4.7.1795 miss Smiths at Morley's

May be Lilley Smith grocer of Warwick, his will PCC 1803 wife Susanna, daughter Sarah married William Dwarris, daughter Ann married Thomas Ellis, dau Elizabeth Smith, late sister Mary Smith, son William Lilley Smith, grandson Henry Lilley Smith dated 8.1.1802. 1792 High St Warwick voted Villiers (pro govt).

John Bohun Smith attorney of Warwick 1784

Smith (Gower St)

Smith (Gower St) sups 7.12.1832

Smith (Stockwell)

Smiths (Stockwell) 22.11.1800 at Carlisle's

Thomas Woodrouffe Smith of Stockwell Park will PCC 1811, merchant 29 Gt St Helen's 1786-99, (Standard 11.4.1839) his widow Ann died at Clapham aged 72. see Coleridge's Letters

Smith at Cooke's

Cooke's with Gent, miss Tucker & Smith 6.9.1829

Smith C

C Smith 2.5.1797 at John King's

The GD website has coded this entry to Charlotte Smith, but her position in the sequence of Godwin's 1796 list for 1797, after Bage (met 14.6.1797) and G Fordyce (met 7.7.1797), suggests that her taking tea at Godwin's on 13.7.1797 was their first meeting. The 1796 list also put sir Robert Smyth and Carrington Smith in that order immediately before Bage, and the diary noted them both at Joseph Johnson's on 9.5.1797, a week after the C Smith entry above. So it may have been Carrington Smith or some other C Smith at King's (see Smith, Carew).

Smith near Guildford

20.8.1788 Godwin dined at Smith's in or near Guildford

Smith of Philadelphia

Smith of Philadelphia 27.10.1801 calls. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1801 / 1.1.1802 T P Smith (Philadelphia) calls / 3.1.1802 T P Smith calls

Sketch of the Revolutions in Chemistry by T Smith Philadelphia 1798. Two papers in Trans Amer Socy vol.4 431, 445 (Allibone). Philadelphia census 1800 North Ward no.661 Thomas Smith chymist. Philadelphia death certificates Thomas Smith died 31.3.1809 age 62 / Thomas Smith born Ireland died Feb 1810 age 55

Smith of Sunday Review

13.8.1810 Smith of Sun. Rev. calls / 15.8.1810 Smith, S R, calls

Courier 5.5.1815 Sunday Review to be sold, apply to Charles Smith mapseller 172 Strand (bbti). In the Morning Chronicle of 6.5.1815 the Sunday Review, its copyright and printing materials, were advertised for sale, applications to Mr Charles Smith, mapseller 172 Strand. It was probably bought by Matthew Davenport Hill DNB 1792-1872 and/or his friends. Charles Smith the mapseller or his son will PCC 1855. See my entry for John Morton, whose wife was Katharine daughter of Colquhoun Smith, printer, and executor of her…

Smith, artist

Betterton's au soir with Jo(seph) G(odwin) & Smith, artist 26.10.1817

Not looked into this yet, this was the only Betterton in Godwin's diary so he was probably a contact of Godwin's brother Joseph

Smith, Canon

canon Smith at tea; 1.10.1803 adv miss Linnee Smith / 8.9.1805 miss Smith calls / both at Norwich

William Linney Smith son of Thomas & Mary Smith, (King's) Lynn, Norfolk bapt 19.2.1793. He died Lynn 1858. Margaret Linney Smith (born 1808) married Mark Ward at St Margaret's Lynn 8.5.1831. Neither of those could have been the Miss Linnee Smith Godwin met but it's the nearest I've found to that name. It was maybe derived from the town name and then pronounced as if French. The celebrated Sydney Smith DNB 1771-1846 didn't become a Canon until 1831. Minor canons could be quite poorly…

Smith, Carew

Carew Smith 1.7.1800 on wherry to Dublin

Morning Post 19.10.1793 died at Castle-connel co Limerick, Carew Smith formerly a Capt in 16th foot / Morning Post 12.8.1809 on 9.8.1809 at Ealing Carew Smith son of Rev Dr Smith of Molesworth St Dublin = Caroline youngest dau of William Knox Esq of Great Ealing / Morning Post 5.2.1819 Carew Smith agent (& cousin) of T W Grady who petitioned against Wyndham Quin

Smith, Charlotte

30.3.1795 (mes) Smith at Barbauld's = Charlotte Smith? Though Godwin didn't put her in 1796 list until 1797 when he began a regular friendship with her, he may have overlooked this encounter, or of course it could be any number of other female Smiths

W, G, C & H(olcrof)t at Cha Smith's 24.7.1798 / dine at C Smith's, theatre adv C S 5.12.1798 / call on C S (not in) 27.2.1799 /  tea C Smith's w. Charles 6.4.1799 / W S adv at Cha Smith's 19.3.1799 / tea C Sm's w. Charles 11.7.1799 / sup at C Smith's w. Geo 11.4.1800 / 4.1.1802 call on C Smith (adv C & Ht) / tea C Smith…

Smith, Christopher

sheriff Smith at Philips' 14.12.1807

Christopher Smith Hist of Parl 1749-1835 was elected sheriff of London along with Richard Phillips in 1807 (Morning Chronicle 29.9.1807)

Smith, Clara

Clara Smith 27.4.1807 at tea

I haven't discovered who this was. See work notes below

Smith, Edward

31.10.1810 call on Montagu; adv. Edw. Smith

See my entries for Smith, John Raphael and for Topping for E Smith on 30.4.1804 and 23.1.1809. There was also E Smith sleeps on 1.10.1811 probably associated with M Smith who first called that day then four times more up to 4.11.1811 which was ppc (leavetaking). Edw Smith could have been any of the E Smith entries but my guess tells me he was not. Otherwise Edward Smith appeared nowhere else in Godwin's diary. Some possibles below

Edward Smith Esq of Oak Lodge Southgate died 1818 aged 64. He had married in 1780 at Ramsgate, Sarah,…

Smith, Edward

Edw Smith 31.10.1810 adv at Montagu's

Smith, farmer

21.7.1794 mrs Smith at Fawcett's, 9.7.1795 Fawcett's, Hedge Grove: see Wilson, Smith &c, 29.5.1796 Fawcet's; adv. Smith, farmer, 7.5.1799 dine at Fawcett's; adv miss Wilshen: call on Smith; adv Beswick

Between the 1794 entry above and the next one, in 1795, Joseph Fawcett had moved from Walthamstow to Hedge Grove near Edgware. Smith at Hedge Grove was identified the second time there as a farmer, perhaps because Godwin had already noted another Smith in that day's entry. The Wilson of 1795 may be a misspelling of Wilshen as in 1799. The Willshins were farmers and shopkeepers in…

Smith, Frederick

call on Fred Smith 13.9.1815 (not in) F Smith calls

No idea yet who this was but it may emerge later