A-Z of Entries

Christian & Hope

5.1.1810 call on Christian / 5.5.1810 write to Withers, Holt: call on Christian (Hope) / 6.5.1810 write to Withers, Holt /  7.5.1810 call on Hope, D C, w. Jo(seph) G(odwin) & T(homas) T(urner) / 8.5.1810 D C, w. T(homas) T(urner) / 9.5.1810 write to Withers, Holt / 14.5.1810 write to Withers, w. administrations

John Giles Christian proctor & notary 19 Great Knightrider-st, Doctors Commons (Holdens directory 1811) and Richard Hope 9 Great Knightrider-st, Doctors Commons (Post Office directory 1819). Christian's wife died age 57 in 1815 at Smallberry-green, nr Hounslow and he…

Christie, E

see E Christie 8.6.1799 / 17.3.1800 meet E Christie / 26.3.1800 call on E Christie / 5.6.1800 call on Christie (incog) & Colman (do) / 19.6.1800 E Christie calls / 20.2.1801 meet E Christie24 / 5.4.1801 call on R Christie / 16.6.1801 call on E Christie / 25.6.1801 call on E Christie...dine at Johnson's, with Christie / 20.6.1802 E Christie calls / 24.6.1802 E Christie dines / 28.6.1802 call on E Christie / 25.4.1803 E Christie adv at Fitzjames, (ventriloquist at Dulau's Library)

Perhaps Edward Christie baptised 1783 son of James Christie DNB 1730-1803 auctioneer and…

Christie, Miss

miss Christie 13.2.1794 at Mackintosh's /  16.2.1794 again (both times with Bell) / 28.2.1794 at Bell's

possibly a sister of Thomas Christie DNB 1761-96 son of Alexander C of Montrose & his wife Katherine nee Speid. He married Rebecca Thomson in 1792. He signed the declaration of Friends to Liberty of Press 1792. He was perhaps the Mr Christie who was proposed SCI 20.4.1792 by Frost 2nded Lockhart, and the Mr Christie of Devonshire Sq who sent £50 to the French 23.2.1793 (Thale). His sisters according to baptism records were Margaret 1765, Katherine 1767, Jean 1769 and Agnes…

Christie, Thomas

Mr Christie proposed Society for Constitutional Information 20.4.1792 by John Frost 2nded John Lockhart

This seems likely to have been Thomas Christie (DNB 1761-1796) but since there was no surname or address entered in the minutes it's hard to be sure

GODWIN DIARY Christie 22.3.1795 at John King's / 30.12.1795 at Newton's / 15.4.1796 adv at Wolstonecraft's / 23.4.1796 call on, w. Imlay / 5.6.1800 call on Christie (incog) & Colman (do) / 9.9.1801 adv Mr Christie at Lamb's

The first four entries above have been coded to Thomas Christie (DNB 1761-1796) in GD website…


dr Christy 18.1.1801 at Lamb's / 26.1.1801 Christy at Lamb's / 12.2.1801 again / 3.7.1801 Christys at Lamb's / 9.9.1801 mr Christie at Lamb's / 15.3.1819 Christy at Booth's / 2.6.1820 again

Dougal Christy (Letters of Charles & Mary Lamb says died1857 but will PCC 1837 Dougal Christie of Montagu Square, Middlesex) and his brother, see Lamb's letter to Godwin of 29.6.1801. Married 17.12.1813 Mary (Crozier?) nephew John McGowan


24.4.1796 Chubb at Mrs Robinson's

All the Chubbs in PCC wills were of Salisbury. Lawrence C PCC 1797 his dau Ann wife of Thomas Roles her will PCC 1829 his sister Susanna spinster her will 1829, will PCC 1815 Thomas C, 1844 Alexander, 1845 Latitia widow

Churchill, Thomas Otton

Churchill 17.2.1801 at Joseph Johnson's / 9.12.1803 at Philips's / 19.9.1804 at Johnson's / 21.11.1804 again / 23.6.1807 again / 29.12.1809 at Johnson's funeral / 11.5.1824 Ld Cha Churchil at theatre

Otton 3.10.1791 tea at Godwin's with Holcroft / 30.11.1791 calls / 2.12.1791 calls (talk of Moses) / 25.10.1792 call on / 17.5.1793 tea at his / 17.6.1793 calls / 2.7.1793 calls, talk of property / 23.9.1793 calls / 25.12.1793…

Clairmont, Charles

CC 28.5.1801 at Sadler's Wells / 11.6.1803 wet docks & beasts in tower with C C / 30.6.1803 C C / 27.8.1803 C C at Lamb's / 21.4.1804 C C / 17.12.1807 theatre, w. T(homas) T(urner), F(anny), C(harles) & M(ary)

Careful study will convince you that these all referred to Charles Clairmont (born 1795) who was usually noted as C when with several other children all with a single initial. The GD website has left them uncoded, even though it has coded later examples of C C to him. One C C that wasn't him was 23.2.1804 Golden Cross C C where Godwin and his brother Joseph boarded the…

Clark, Richard

7.7.1807 accompany T(homas) T(urner) to Clark / 29.10.1897 call on Clark / 11.1.1809 call on Clark, chamberlain; adv.Walker / 12.4.1813 call on Clark, chamberlain

Richard Clark, chamberlain of London (DNB 1739-1831) was presumably the last two entries above, and may have also been the first two (if not, I regard them as too hard to identify because the name is so common).

19.7.1811 M(ary) J(ane) calls on Eves, Davison, Macmillan, Pheney, Clarke & Butterworth / 4.4.1816 call on Clarke & Boyd, Middleton & Jo(seph) G(odwin) / 14.12.1822 call on Purland, Clarke &…


18.6.1796 3 Clarkes at Tooke's / 12.11.1797 Clarke at Tooke's / 26.6.1798 Clarke calls (not in) / 13.7.1798 Clarke, Fell & M(arshall) at tea /  2.9.1802 Clarke calls   

See also Clarke, Mrs (work notes) / Clarke, Dr John / Clarke mystic for earlier entries of this name. The two entries at Tooke's had no other guest in common. In DNB sympathies with radical politics are noted for John Clarke 1757-1820 schoolmaster and Adam Clarke 1762-1832 Methodist and scholar. The last three could have been Dr John Clarke, or the Clarke at Tooke's, or another

Clarke, Charles Cowden

16.2.1817 dine at L Hunt's, w. Shelleys, Hazlits & B Montagu; adv. Colson, Gatty & Clarke / 15.11.1823 sup at Lamb's, w. Novellos, C Clarke / 1.6.1824 sup at Lamb's, w. Novellos, Holmes, Clark / 26.10.1828  call on L Hunt; adv. miss Kent, Novello & Clarkes

These entries are likely to have been Charles Cowden Clarke (DNB 1787-1877) particularly the last three, where Novellos were present, and after Clarkes's marriage to Mary Novello on 5.7.1828 Novellos & Clarke became Novello & Clarkes. Note the spelling Clark in 1824 demonstrating  that Godwin's spelling with or…

Clarke, Dr John

2.3.1794 dr Clarke (talked of at Holcroft's with Ritson) / 5.9.1797 Clarke in the afternoon (when Wollstonecraft ill) / 12.2.1798 Fordyce's with Clarke, Carlisle, Johnson, Stewart

John Clarke DNB 1761-1815 physician and midwife. Friend of Matthew Baillie. Of Queen St, Golden Sq, St James voted Fox 1790. Married April 1789. will PCC 1815. 5.9.1797 this entry was made without the usual "calls" or "call on" but Fordyce was both a physician and a friend of Mary Wollstonecraft's and Clarke was a midwife of high reputation. The dinner at Fordyce's on 12.2.1798 then included three doctors…

Clarke, Hewson

8.2.1806 Hewson Clarke callsn

Very likely Hewson Clarke (DNB 1787 - in or after 1845) who at age 18 had come down from Gateshead  to Cambridge University, but was more interested in literature than study and it's perhaps a shame that Godwin missed or refused the call and never recorded the name again. There is a burial record at St Dunstan in the West, London on 21.5.1817 for a Hewson Clarke age 29 from Serle's Place, which accords well with his birthdate and with  the reports of R Welford and E Mackenzie, (which are contradicted by works and letters published in his name…

Clarke, Joseph

1.4.1822 Rosser & Joseph Clarke at tea / 24.7.1822 write to Joseph Clarke

not researched

Clarke, Joseph (Norwich)

sheriff Clarke 7.10.1803 at Norwich

See Bury & Norwich Post 7.9.1803 and 14.9.1803 Edward Rigby & Joseph Clarke sheriffs. Clarke was a wholesale linendraper and a director of the Norwich Insurance Company from 1809 (newspaper ads). A Joseph Clarke of Norwich subscr 1782 to Hancock's Doctrine of Eclipses. A Joseph Clarke haberdasher, hosier & hatter took apprentices in 1784 and 1790. With his wife Elizabeth (nee Bell) he baptised 3 children at St Andrews Norwich 1786 to 1789, and in 1802 Joseph Clarke merchant of Norwich voted for Fellowes and Smith against Windham &…

Clarke, Miss

8.6.1799 tea E Reynolds' w. mrs Baker & miss Clarke

Perhaps an actress but a common name (see Highfill, Burnim & Langhans)

5.8.1804 Yates's & miss Clarke dine; adv. Jo(seph) G(odwin) / 17.12.1805 call on Jo(seph) G(odwin); adv. miss Clarke

Probably one of Hannah Godwin's millinery assistants, see my entry for Godwin, Hannah

20.10.1816 D Clarke dines / 21.10.1816 D Clarke sleeps / 10.11.1816 mrs & L Clarke dine / 12.12.1816 L Clarke dines / 7.1.1817 Clarkes dine / 20.3.1817 miss Collins dines & theatre, w. M(ary) J(ane) & Clarkes / 12.5.…

Clarke, Mrs

27.10.1788 at Miss Williams' / 30.3.1795 at Barbaulds', with Mrs Barwell both times

Clarke, mystic

15.1.1795 Clarke, mystic at Thelwals.

'avec lui' at the end of this day's diary entry has been coded in GD website to Thelwal but alternative readings could be Clarke mystic, or Jennings himself (as another way of saying tete a tete). Godwin's only other use of avec lui is for revising with William Nicholson, 25.12.1792, 2.11.1793, 10.1.1793

Probably Richard Clarke (Literary memoirs of living authors p99) author of various mystical works published between 1750 and 1795, was Rector of St Philip's Charleston, South Carolina in the 1750s then came to England, was curate of…

Clarkson of Paisley

Clarkson of Paisley calls 9.3.1799

Paisley directory 1810 John C lodging-keeper St James Pl, 1812 elected by subscribers as manager of dispensary and house of recovery. John C = Penelope Shaw 12.4.1801 Paisley Middle, John C = Janet Dalziel 14.11.1807 Paisley

Clendenning, Elizabeth

Mrs Clendenning 26.8.1792 at Nicholson's 'au bas' with Shield.

Elizabeth nee Arnold actress (1768-99) wife of William Clendenning (Highfill, Burnim and Langhans)