A-Z of Entries


1.2.1808 Advertisement, shopman; Hughes &c. / 12.10.1816 coach, w. Hughes (Bath to London) / 3.12.1818 call on Hughes / 17.12.1824 meet, at Keane's, Hughes / 18.9.1827 meet Hughes, Maidstone

Only the last of these five probably different randoms gives any clue. PCC wills for Hughes of Maidstone: Thomas, farmer 1842 / James, milkman 1843 / Charles, gentleman 1848 / William, confectioner 1849

Hughes, Maria

M Hughes 5.7.1800 talk of at Curran's / 4.10.1805 call with Curran on Dawe & Pope; adv Hutchins & mrs Waring: Curran & Hutchins call / 17.9.1806 meet Curran & Waring's / 20.10.1806 Warings at Curran's / 20.10.1807 Curran (& Warings) adv at theatre / 19.4.1810 Hutchins & Waring at Curran's / 29.11.1816 Curran & Waring jr at Meyler's / 4.3.1817 Meyler & Waring jr at Curran's / 5.5.1819 Scott Waring dies

Maria Hughes 1761-1812 Irish actress in Joseph George Holman 1764-1817 (Highfill, Burnim & Langhans). She had children by Holman and claimed to be…

Hull, William

31.7.1795 general Hull at John Frank Newton's

There were no generals named Hull in the British forces at that time but the American general William Hull 1753-1825 (American National Biography) according to one report visited Europe about then. He lived at Newton, Massachusetts where he built a brewery in 1799 run by an English brewer, Newton the town may have had connections with John Frank Newton'sfamily. Another American general was at Newton's on 30.12.1795 (see Marshall, John)

Hume, (Ireland)

Hume 3.8.1800 at (Castle) Brown's

GD website has coded this to Joseph Hume DNB 1767-1844 but there's no reason to think he was in Ireland in 1800. Perhaps Gustavus Hume Dict Irish Biog 1732-1812 surgeon or his sons Thomas MD 1769-1850, Arthur, Gustavus & Travers. Sub 1798 to D R O'Conor Travers Hume DD Glebe Hill, Ardee, co. Louth. Rev Travers Hume = Oct 1787 Miss Balaguirere in Merrion Sq Dublin / Dublin Trades 1797 Arthur Hume agent Dublin Castle

Hume, Joseph

Joseph Hume DNB 1767-1844. Mentioned 540 times in Godwin's diary, only exceeded by Godwin's second wife, his two children, James Marshall, Thomas Holcroft, Charles Lamb, Thomas Turner, David Booth and John Fenwick. The DNB knows very little about him and most of their article concerns a practical joke he and Lamb played on William Hazlitt. He was born 9.4.1764 in Bishopsgate Street, London son of John Hume and Sarah Weatherly, who had been married on 14.3.1758 at St Augustine Watling St, London as bachelor and spinster. The births of their three children John, Ann and Joseph were…


Humphreys 3.3.1800 at Northcote's / 28.4.1800 Humfries at RA exhibition (GD website has transcribed it wrongly as Humfires) / 20.9.1801 Humphreys at H Tooke's / 29.11.1801 Humphreys's at H Tooke's / 28.2.1802 Humphries at H Tooke's / 15.4.1804 again / 13.12.1804 call on Humfries / 18.5.1806 Humphries at Tooke's / 3.1.1807 Humphries at Northcote's / 13.10.1834 meet Humphries / 26.11.1834 call on Humphries

James Humphreys DNB 1768-1830 said in DNB to have been a friend of Horne Tooke, was perhaps all 5 entries at Tooke's, despite a change of spelling, and may have also been the two at…


18.1.1792 Huniades.

John Huniades was a Hungarian general who defeated the Turks and died in 1456. Godwin mentioned him in St Leon. By the time he wrote St Leon he was reading the 12 volume 1797 edition of Gibbon's Decline and Fall (te0884) but Gibbon was the most likely source of information on Huniades so he may have referred to an earlier edition at this point

Hunt, Arabella

Arabella Hunt 30.1.1799 at Ralph Fell's

Hunt, Mrs

mrs Hunt 6.4.1797 at mrs Inchbald's

Possibly Catherine wife of Capt Hunt (see Hunt, Nehemiah Augustus)

Hunt, Nehemiah Augustus

capt Hunt 24.2.1797 adv at Northcote's

Farington's diary v X p3584 (1809) Captain Hunt formerly in Marines, landscape artist, lived Ridgway, Devon, now has military office in Plymouth, Exhibited RA 1789, 1805, 1811. His will PCC 1818 Nehemiah Augustus Hunt of Plympton St Mary. (in context at the artist James Northcote's)


17.9.1794 Hunters at Hazlitt's & 10.12.1794 at Thelwals with Hazlits, 15.12.1794 Hunter at Hazlits, 31.1.1795 at Powels. The brothers Archibald & Joseph Hunter both signed the Declaration of the Friends to the Liberty of the Press 1792 and both joined the London Corresponding Socy (see Thale; and Trials for Treason & Sedition vols 4 & 5). Archibald was a witness at Thomas Hardy's trial. He was in Hardy's division of the LCS and said he was introduced to it by his brother Joseph. He lived in Greek Street with his wife Sarah and voted for Fox in 1796. Joseph was a perfumer/…

Hunter, Anne

16.3.1789 Hunter at Miss Williams' and 11.3.1791 (where it is wrongly coded to her husband John) as the 'Mes' makes it clear it was female both times. Anne Hunter DNB 1742/3-1821. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1791 and in the 1794 version as mrs J Hunter, which suggests that the 1789 entry might have been her daughter Agnes. The 1796 list entry has not been coded to her person record on the GD website

Hunter, Dr

dr Hunter 20.3.1798 at (Joseph) Johnson's / 22.4.1798 Rd Hunter adv at Godwin's / 18.12.1798 Hunter at (Joseph) Johnson's / 6.8.1799 again / 1.4.1801 again / 28.12.1801 call on Hunter / 14.1.1806 Hunter adv at Godwin's

There are 5 entries in the DNB for Doctor Hunters in 1798, but Alexander H 1729?-1809, Andrew H 1744-1809 and John H 1745-1837 were more likely to have been found in their respective professional spheres of York, Edinburgh and St Andrews. John Hunter DNB 1754-1809 physician worked in London and the first edition of his Diseases of the Army in Jamaica had been…

Hunter, Mrs

6.7.1806 Mrs Hunter at Joseph Johnson's

Perhaps the wife of Joseph Johnson's step-nephew Rowland Hunter, or possibly Hunter's mother Elizabeth née Gaskell who died in 1815. Rowland Hunter bach = St Gregory by St Pauls 3.7.1802 Ann Bellworth wid of St James Westminster. Hunter was her third husband and probably ten or more years her junior. John Bellworth wid = St Geo Han Sq 3.12.1799 Ann Kent wid by lic. She had three children by her first husband Thomas Kent, the eldest of whom, Mary Ann, married the poet and essayist Leigh Hunt (DNB 1784-1959). According to the Leigh Hunt…

Hurst, Miss

miss Hurst 16.11.1794 at Foulkes'


23.6.1810 call on Husband

Some possibles

Matthew Husband of St Sepulchre currier will PCC 1825 of Cow-lane partner with Richard Sims, natural son Matthew Thomas Husband / Thomas Husband haberdasher, linen draper 67 Newgate-st SunFire 1809, 1812 / Richard Husband of Army Pay Office, Whitehall, SunFire 1814


Hussey 24.5.1799 at Carlisle's / 9.1.1802 meet Hussey

Possibly Thomas Hussey DNB 1746-1803 Catholic bishop in Ireland. He was away from Ireland 1797 to 1802 and was sometimes in London as well as in Spain and Berlin. Some other Husseys were William Hussey will PCC 1822 MD of Canterbury dated 26.3.1807 about to sail for Cape of Good Hope mentioned brother Phineas / William Hussey will PCC 1832 barrister Inner Temple 1800, St Edmund Hall Oxford 1790 age 15 son of Wm of Westminster mentioned wife Charlotte (nee Peckham) who survived him / James Hussey will PCC 1826 asst surgeon RN…


Hutchins dines 24.9.1804 & Curran & Hazlitt / 28.9.1804 Hutchins calls & Curran & Hazlitt / 8.12.1804 Hutchins adv at theatre / 16.12.1804 Hutchins calls / 19.5.1805 meet Hutchins / 16.6.1805 dines / 17.6.1805 meet / 4.10.1805 adv at Pope's (& mrs Waring) calls (& Curran) / 2.1.1807 calls (& Curran) / 15.1.1807 adv at Curran's / 2.10.1807 call on Hutchins with Curran / 26.1.1808 write to / 30.1.1808 letter from / 3.3.1808 meet, talk of / 22.4.1808 adv at  Curran's / 26.4.1808 meet / 20.9.1808 at O"Hara's (& Curran) / 20.10.1809 at Curran's / 19.4.1810 adv at…


9.11.1794 at Foulkes' / 28.12.1794 again /  29.8.1795 again / 7.9.1795 again / 29.9.1795 again / 3.1.1796 at Holcroft's with Foulkes /  29.1.1796 at Foulkes' / 4.2.1796 again /  8.5.1796 again / 1.1.1800 4 Hutchinsons at O Fancourt's / 6.1.1800 4 Hs at O Fancourt's / 14.8.1800 Hutchinson & Sir Richard (adv at Kernioga, an inn in North Wales) / 31.3.1809 mrs Hutchinson at Hume's / 9.10.1809 call on Hutchinson / 10.10.1809 Hutchinson calls / 12.10.1809 again / 3.3.1811 mrs Hutchinson at Hume's / 20.10.1811 again / 12.7.1812 again / 23.10.1825 Hutchinsons at Rowbotham's / 26.6.1832…

Hutton, Catherine

19.1.1808 Mrs Hutton calls

This was the only instance of the name Hutton in Godwin's diary, so it's hard to make any definite identity, but I think it was quite probably Catherine Hutton DNB 1756-1846. She was unmarried but aged 52 so it would be normal if a little old fashioned for Godwin to call her Mrs Hutton. Her novels had not yet been published. Read her DNB article and judge for yourself. There may be among her letters and diaries at Birmingham something which could confirm or deny my guess