A-Z of Entries

Powell, Jane

14.11.1807 write to H Siddons & mrs Powel / 2.12.1807 mrs Powel calls / 2.6.1808 Exhibition; adv. mrs Powel

Jane Powell (DNB 1761-1831) played the Countess Orsini in Godwin's play Faulkener at Drury Lane on 16.12.1807. Over the month between 14.11.1807 and the opening night Godwin saw three other of the principal actors in his play, Mr & Mrs Siddons, and Mr Elliston


Prado 25.6.1801 adv at Northcote's / 14.10.1801 Prado's nephew at Hoare's / 9.7.1805 Prado at Northcote's

Abraham Prado Billiter Sq 1774 will PCC 1782 Twickenham widow Esther will PCC 1788 Twickenham / Joseph de Prado merchant 1790 New Court Throgmorton St / Josue de Prado merchant 1791 10 Lothbury will PCC 1814 Newington Butts / Samuel Prado Land Tax Twickenham 1789, Socy for Improving Naval Architecture 1792, Robert St Adelphi 1798, 28 Grafton St 1811, will PCC 1839. There were also many PCC wills for Prado and de Prado of Amsterdam



Jas Pratt calls 25.1.1803 / 3.9.1804 Pratt (taylor) calls / 15.8.1813 call on Pratt, Islington

The two last entries above are coded in the GD website to Samuel Jackson Pratt DNB 1749-1814. There is nothing to suggest he was ever a tailor and he died in Birmingham in 1814, and there is nothing to suggest he was living in Islington in 1813.

The first entry was clearly the James Pratt who wrote to Godwin on 27.8.1804 from 10 Howard St ,Strand (Bodleian Abinger c8 f93) saying that he had called a year and a half ago. He had plans for a school and hospital in London for the…

Pratt, Edward Roger

18.7.1796 Pratts at J Astley's

Blanch Astley sister of Sir Edward Astley married Edward Pratt in 1751, his will PCC 1784 of East Dereham, her will PCC1804, their son Edward Roger Pratt PCC 1838 of Ryston, Norfolk. He married Pleasance dau and heiress of Samuel Browne, mayor of King's Lynn. Ryston or Riston is a deserted village and Riston hall cannot be found in present-day searches

Pratt, Samuel Jackson

In Godwin's 1796 list near end of 1796 but not coded to his person record in GD website. For Pratts 15.7.1796 at Astleys in Norfolk, wrongly coded to him, see Pratt, Edward Rogers. For Pratt 3.9.1804 and 15.8.1813 both probably wrongly coded to him, see my entry Pratt. Samuel Jackson Pratt was in the Kings Bench prison from 24.4.1799 to 13.9.1799 at the suit of John Comerford and Hanway Hanway (qv)


9.5.1809 Prattent calls / 10.5.1809 again / 17.5.1809 again

Thomas Prattent engraver 48 Cloth Fair, Smithfield (bbti). He took as apprentice 1786 engraver of St Bartholomew the Great Joseph Crane premium 12gns. He married by licence 1787 Ann Graves. There was a T Prattent prisoner for debt in the Marshalsea 1804. He advertised an engraving of Daniel's Life Preserver (Public Ledger 15.11.1806). It was probably him that died in 1841 at Clerkenwell Close age 77, and his widow Ann who died 1846 in Jerusalem Court Clerkenwell age 82


Prescot 21.3.1802 at King's / 4.4.1802 again / 9.12.1809 call on Prescot

The 1802 entries at King's must have been Thomas Leveson Prescott who was involved in John King's Portland Bank scandal, (see also Lathorp / Rogers, George / & Davis, William). A Lieutenant RN 1797, he married 10.4.1802 at St Marylebone Louisa Carter of St Giles Cripplegate (see Carter). The scandal came out directly after his marriage, see Morning Post 1.5.1802 for his disclaimer. His will PCC 1849, half pay Captain RN of 105 Marina St, St Leonards, Sussex dated 11.3.1843 left all to Mary Anne Prescott…

Prescott, Rachel

write to R Prescot 17.4.1799

Rachel Prescott of Blackburn, Lancs dated her first letter to Godwin 10.3.1799 (Abinger c4 f88-9), her second letter 12.4.1799 (c4 f100-3). Godwin's reply (c22 f107-10)

See Harriet Guest, 'Unbounded Attachment' for details of her life. There is a will at Chester of Rachel Prescott spinster of Bedford Cheshire March 1825


5.3.1791 at Timothy Hollis /  18.9.1796 at Horne Tooke's

Isaac Preston admitted Lincolns inn 1769, eldest son by 2nd wife of Isaac Preston deceased (will PCC 1768) of Beeston St Laurence Norfolk; subscr to Jebb's Works 1787, Law List 1793 counsel Norfolk circuit, recorder of Lynn, died 6.5.1796, will PCC 1796. Likely the Hollis entry in 1791 but cannot be the Tooke's entry as he was dead.

Just possibles are William Preston DNB 1750-1807 dramatist lived Dublin, Thomas Preston DNB 1774-1850 for the Tooke's entry & William Preston DNB 1742-1818 freemason


Preston, Richard

Mr Preston of Jerico 20.8.1792 at Brand Hollis'.

A near neighbour of Hollis in Essex, the will (PCC 1802) of Richard Preston of Jericho House, Blackmore Essex specified his epitaph "formerly eminent mercer behind St Clements London began with £13 7s 6d" and an executor was his friend Dr William Garthshore of St Martins Lane. Also mentioned brother Capt Achilles Preston, Mrs Dubourgh his late sister's mantua maker, nephew Richard Preston Prichard, and grandnephew Christopher son of John Preston formerly of St Clements mercer


Prevot at Philips'2.4.1802 / 30.5.1805 Mde Prevot at tea / 1.7.1805 again / 11.7.1805 Me Prevost calls

Rev Francis Prevost along with Francis William Blagdon DNB 1777-1819 published Mooriana in 1803 but the publisher was Crosby not Phillips. Prevost's dedication to John Julius Angerstein DNB 1732-1823 suggests he may have been tutor to Angerstein's son John (Hist of Parl 1774-1858). The Rev Francis Prevost was buried at Fulham 28.8.1810 and Gents Mag 80/2 p388 said he was minister of the French Conformist chapel in Dean St Soho. I have found no details of his wife or family. Ann…


3.6.1796 Price adv at E Mansel's / 21.1.1801 adv at liberate Walker / 12.4.1802 adv at T C Rickman / 2.5.1811 Price calls / 3.5.1811 again / 25.5.1811 again / 23.12.1811 sir C Price at Wardmote / 31.12.1813 call on Price / 3.1.1814 again / 7.1.1814 again / 12.1.1814 again / 13.1.1814 again / 14.1.1814 again / 18.1.1814 again / 22.1.1814 seek Price / 24.1.1814 call on Price / 29.1.1814 again / 27.12.1814 clerk from Ralph Price calls / 4.1.1815 call on Ralph Price / 10.4.1815 message from R Price / 20.4.1815 mrs & miss Price at tea / 14.2.1818 Price at Telford's / 4.11.1820 write to R…

Price, Richard

GODWIN DIARY: In Godwin's 1796 list for 1777. Under 1778 in 1794 version. Person record in GD website but 1796 list entry not coded to it.

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Rev Dr Richard Price original member 1780

Richard Price DNB 1723-1791

Primate of England

25.2.1789 P of E surely referred to the Primate of England



miss Prince 28.3.1795 at Adams'.

This was probably but not certainly at Joseph Adams DNB 1755/7 - 1818 who at this point was an apothecary probably still of Basinghall St. Identifying any of his guests might identify the others, Newdicks, Hinckley, Atkins's see my entries for them



11.1.1809 call on J Taylor : meet mrs Beresford & Perry. adv. Proby / 30.5.1818 call on J Taylor; adv. Proby / 11.7.1818 call on J Taylor; adv. Smith & Proby

The only three times Proby appeared in Godwin's diary, (except in 1798 when Godwin read a book by William C Proby comparing Godwin's philosophy with that of Lycurgus of Sparta), and all at (or near in the first case) John Taylor's. Possibly the author William C Proby about whom I know nothing, possibly John Proby, Lord Proby 1780-1855 History of Parliament. John Taylor DNB 1757-1832. Records of My Life


19.7.1808 call on Philips; adv. prophet

Samuel Best DNB 1737/8-1825 / Richard Brothers DNB 1757-1824 / Joanna Southcott DNB 1750-1814 / are all possibles but no doubt there were minor prophets who didn't make the DNB

Prowitt, Edward

Prowit &c call 27.6.1798

Rev Edward Prowitt (Dissenting Academies Online database) Gents Mag 1802 pt 2 p877 died at Catterick Bridge 3.7.1802 taken ill on a journey age 42. Came to Bristol Baptist Academy 1780-3 from Leicester, Harvey Lane, married Anna Maria Howe at Bristol 26.5.1783, Minister at Oxford 1783-7 at Pardon Bank, Newcastle upon Tyne unitarian baptist church 1787-99 then to Fleet, Lincolnshire. Assistant to William Turner DNB 1761-1859. 1792 subscr to Robert Robinson. Schoolmaster Newcastle 1801. Daughter Elizabeth born Oxford c1786 died 1868, daughter Anna Maria…

Purkiss, Samuel

Purkis 3.1.1800 at Coleridge's / 26.1.1802 again / 22.3.1816 at Hardwick's

Samuel Purkis tanner of Brentford (Sun Fire 1781) his will PCC 1782. See Letters of STColeridge, he was a friend of Coleridge's friend Thomas Poole.

Pye, Henry Anthony

Pye 25.6.1795 at Kenilworth book club

May be Rev Henry Anthony Pye son of Anthony of St Andrew Holborn & Anna Maria, matric Merton Oxford 1786 age 16, 1793 rector of Lapworth (between Warwick & Kenilworth) married 4.1.1794 St Marylebone Ursula Wilkinson, will PCC 1839