A-Z of Entries

Perry, John George

Perry patissier 18.8.1793 at Horne Tooke's and 23.11.94 at Newgate.

John George Perry confectioner 158 Oxford St with John Tupp (Sun Fire insurance 1792) his will PCC 1802. His son John George Perry, surgeon was born 1802, the year his father died, and baptised May 1802 at St Marylebone, son of John George & Charlotte

Perry, Sampson

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Capt Perry of Salisbury St, Adelphi proposed member 27.4.1792 by Robert Merry 2nded John Williams

Sampson Perry (DNB 1747-1823?) which is vague about his family details. (See Lorraine Millard's thesis Univ Queensland 2015 by a google search on Sampson Perry. She mentions Duncan van Reisjwoud as her source for genealogical information). He was probably the Sampson Perry son of John & Mary bapt 30.12.1748 at Deritend Warwicks.He joined Lodge no 14 of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons on 2.12.1772 and declined on 24.6.1774. He voted as a…

Pester, P

P Pester dines 11.3.1804 (& Napiers)

Probably Peggy  wife of Emanuel Pester who died 23.6.1821 at Preston (nr Yeovil) Somerset. Their son John was baptised at Odcombe (nr Yeovil) 1778 and was in India 1801-1805 and 1813-1825 (Bengal officers), he married in 1811, at Montacute Somerset, Elizabeth dau of Rev William Phelips. The Napier (qv) family came from Tintinhull near Yeovil


16.2.1808 Peto calls / 21.11.1812 again / 23.11.1812 again / 18.11.1813 again

Possibly Henry Peto DNB 1774-1830 builder and contractor. The two calls in 1812 coincide with mentions of the (Sun) Fire Office, though not clearly linked to them. Godwin is in Fire Office records for Skinner Street 14.12.1812


17.1.1806 tea at Rowan's w. Petries / 4.3.1806 Rowan's w. Petrie & many

Holdens directory 1811

Henry Petrie esq Brixton-villa Surrey (will PCC 18.4.1842)
Martin Petrie esq of 13 Bearbinder-la (will PCC 6.4.1805)
Robt Petrie esq of 13 Bearbinder-la
William Petrie 17 Queen Ann-st Cavendish-sq & Elm-cottage Old Windsor
John Petrie broker 21 Walbrook

will PCC 16.7.1828 of John Petrie of Marylebone:
will PCC 31.10.1835 of William Petrie merchant of London
will PCC 26.4.1826 of William Petrie of Calcutta

Pettit, John

According to the records of Ann Smith's trial for adultery 13.3.1780 (London Met Arch DL/C/ & DL/C/), John Pettit was 17 and had been apprenticed to J R Smith for about a year. He stayed in contact with Ann Smith after J R Smith had banished her from his house. See Background Articles 3 Husbands, 3 Wives Living on this website. Brandes' Catalogue vol 2 p 56 listed a stipple of George Prince of Wales engraved by John Pettit in 1784 18"x7" (J R Smith's catalogue of 1798 listed a 3" circular stipple of the Prince of Wales after Gainsborough engraved by William Ward c.1784/5). BMSatires…


24.12.1808 mrs Oldfield, 2 sons & Petman dine / 30.10.1811 Petman calls / 31.10.1811 Boinville & Petman dine

Clarissa Indiana Oldfield ran a school in Margate where the Oldfields lived from before 1798 till around 1808. See my entry for Oldfield, Thomas Hinton Burley. A promissory note dated 31.12.1808 (maybe in Abinger but in Shelley & his Circle SC 94) for £13 6s to Mes Oldfield & Pettman was endorsed C J Oldfield which given identical capitals for I and J fits Mrs Oldfield's initials. Pettman was a strongly local name in Sandwich, Whitstable, Chatham area of Kent…

Peysonnel, Charles

20.11.1789 Peysonnel talk of with Robinson.

Probably Charles Peysonnel 1727-90 French consul in Smyrna and colleague of Condorcet as writer (though others of his family also enjoyed some fame)

Pfeffel, Friedrich

HCR diary 25.1.1832 Aders' thé dansant at Willis' Rooms, fancy dresses "the best sight by far was Pfeffel as Bunaparte - Tho' I never saw the original but in prints and pictures, yet it seemed to me a miniature to the life"

                     6.6.1832 "went to Aders - I had a disagreeable task imposed on me which put me out of humour - to show Pfeffel snr. the Courts - an ignorant and insignificant man whose conversation affordd no return for the trouble"

                  15.2.1833 call on Aders in Norfolk St "Pfeffel is returned - in the house is now Mrs Aders' niece whom…

Phelps, Robert William

Joseph Phelps bach otp = St Katherine by the Tower 4.12.1768 Susannah Russell sp otp by banns
Robert William s of Joseph & Susanna Phelps bapt 10.12.1768 St Katherine by the Tower
Mary d of same bapt 10.12.1771 there / Sarah d of same bapt 14.11.1773 there / George Russell s of same bapt 11.7.1776 there / Joseph s of same bapt 24.1.1779 there
SunFire 1792 Robert William Phelps 82 Parsons St, Ratcliff Highway stationer book seller & binder
British Book Trades Index Richard William Phelps stationer 24 Angel St, St Martins le Grand 1795-1802
24.11.1795 (…


11.10.1810 call on Dawe; adv. White, Wilson & Philip / 1.7.1830 dine at Judkin's, w. Wilson & Philip / 13.11.1831 T(homas) T(urner) & Philip jr au soir

For the five other uses of Philip (without a surname and non-fictional) in Godwin's diary, see my entry for Taylor, Philip. The 1810 entry above could refer to George Dawe's father Philp Dawe DNB, see my entry for Dawe, Philip in Amendments to DNB dataset with his possible dates 1748-1819. The combination of Wilson & Philip in 1810 and 1830 may have been coincidental as the two entries were twenty years apart.…

Philips, grocer

Philips grocer calls 22.3.1804

There were seven grocers called Phillips in London listed in Holden's 1811 directory, and one greengrocer. Perhaps the most likely (because the nearest to Godwin) was Robert Phillips grocer & tea dealer of 13 Somes Place, Somers Town

Philips, Mrs

6.11.1795 mrs Philips adv at Inchbald's / 3.4.1801 Philips calls adv mrs P

The 1801 entry was surely the wife of Richard Phillips DNB 1767-1840. Mrs Philips at Mrs Inchbald's could just possibly be her too, as her husband moved to London in 1795, but Godwin didn't meet him till he called on 28.12.1795


28.12.1795 Philips (Leic) calls / 16.4.1796 Philips calls / 9.3.1800 meet R Philips / 7.3.1802 Phs calls

14.3.1797 adv Stephens & Philips at Joseph Johnson's / 11.7.1797 adv Stephens & Philips at Joseph Johnson's

19.4.1797 Philips at theatre / 14.11.1798 at theatre / 2.3.1799 at theatre

18.12.1797 at Chandler's / 15.1.1798 adv at Chandler's / 16.2.1798 at Chandler's / 19.2.1798 adv at Chandler's / 25.2.1798 Chandler & Philips call / 26.2.1798 at Chandler's / 19.3.1798 adv at Chandler's / 22.3.1798 Chandler & Philips at tea at Godwin's / 28.4.1798…

Phillips, E

Philips calls: E Philips dines 20.7.1803 / 23.4.1808 call on La. Philips / 30.1.1815 again / 3.10.1819 again / 7.4.1820 again

Richard Phillips DNB 1767-1840 had married Elizabeth Griffiths in 1796. They had a daughter Eliza born 1797 and another Emily born 1800. In theory E Philkips could have been mother or either daughter but my guess would be the 6 year old daughter, particularly if the Godwin girls were all at home. Richard Philips was knighted on 30.3.1808 and Godwin consistently used La. for Lady

Phillips, George

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION:   George Phillips Esq of Manchester proposed member 6.6.1788 by Richard Sharp 2nded John Lodge Batley

A pair with Peter Poulett (QV*) who was proposed by the same two members on the same day.  SunFire 1792 John Phillips, George Phillips, Charles Wood (will PCC 1798), Peter Atherton (will PCC 1800) & George Lee cotton spinners Manchester. See Cobbett's Weekly 25.12.1824 "A silly and impudent fellow of the name of PHILLIPs" &c. This was not necessarily him

Phillips, John


John Phillips of Fenchurch St proposed member 23.5.1783 by Joseph Brown 2nded Watkin Lewes

John Phillips age 25 bach of Stepney = St Marylebone 22.11.1774 Ann Drew age 24 sp otp by lic. SunFire 1777 John Phillips upholder 55 Fenchurch St. Law List 1782 in list of auctioneers, 1792 Sheriff of London's broker. SunFire 1788 Thomas Drew 134 Fenchurch St, occupier John Phillips upholder. Deputy member of Common Council London 1811. His will PCC 17.12.1817 dated 22.12.1803 of Fenchurch St upholder mentioned his wife…

Phillips, Thomas

HCR diary 11.5.1825 dinner at Green, Lincolns Inn Fields "a large party. Mrs Aders, Phillips RA and wife - a sensible woman"

                 15.12.1826 after Flaxman's funeral "being near Euston Place I accompanied Phillips to Aders - we saw Mrs Aders, & Mr Phillips examined the pictures with great minuteness and apparently great interest - I left him there"

Thomas Phillips (DNB 1760-1845). He married in 1809 Elizabeth Fraser (1782-1856) of Fairfield, near Inverness

Phillips, William

6.10.1794 Philips at Parr's / 5.6.1797 at Boot's, Albertson, nr Stratford.

Probably Samuel Parr's godson and pupil the Rev William Phillips of Ealing Hants mentioned in his will and in the diary of Rev John Morley (see Morley, John) as a pupil of Parr's in May 1797. He matriculated Trinity College Oxford 6.11.1797 age 19.  His father William Phillips (c.1752 - 1828) was notorious as "the inventor of illegal insurance in the lottery", and ran a high-class gambling den at his house at 40 Pall Mall. He was said to have been acquitted of highway robbery at York when a young man and,…


29.6.1810 Guildhall (Tabart); adv. Phipps &c / 10.7.1810 Phipps calls / 31.7.1810 Guildhall (Tabart); adv. Phipps &c / 11.8.1810 Guildhall; Tabart, Phipps &c / 20.8.1810 examination of sir R(ichard) P(hillips); adv. Phipps &c / 21.8.1810 Guildhall; Tabart, Phipps &c / 27.8.1810 Phipps calls / 11.9.1810 Baptist C(offee) H(ouse); Tabart, Phipps &c / 9.10.1810 Baptists Head; Tabart, Phipps &c / 26.3.1811 Phipps calls / 3.5.1812 Poole's, music, Phipps &c / 14.7.1812 Phipps calls / 27.3.1813 again / 29.3.1813 again / 5.5.1813 call on Phipps / 13.5.1813 again / 2.…