A-Z of Entries

Procter (Proctor)

HCR diary 14.5.1820 "called on Mrs Montagu, Barry Cornwall there"

                  10.12.1820 "Hazlitt, Mrs Horace Twiss and Barry Cornwall were at Montagu's and I had a very pleasant lounge there till past 12 o'clock"

                    30.6.1826 Procter "his brother Robert is to take the Dairy - I think it a hazardous speculation"

                    13.1.1829 "Geo: Procter "candidate for presidency of Guernsey College"

                    29.4.1829 shorthand passage re|: Procter's dairy

                      3.7.1835 chat at Procter's on family…


19.7.1808 call on Philips; adv. prophet

Samuel Best DNB 1737/8-1825 / Richard Brothers DNB 1757-1824 / Joanna Southcott DNB 1750-1814 / are all possibles but no doubt there were minor prophets who didn't make the DNB

Prowitt, Edward

Prowit &c call 27.6.1798

Rev Edward Prowitt (Dissenting Academies Online database) Gents Mag 1802 pt 2 p877 died at Catterick Bridge 3.7.1802 taken ill on a journey age 42. Came to Bristol Baptist Academy 1780-3 from Leicester, Harvey Lane, married Anna Maria Howe at Bristol 26.5.1783, Minister at Oxford 1783-7 at Pardon Bank, Newcastle upon Tyne unitarian baptist church 1787-99 then to Fleet, Lincolnshire. Assistant to William Turner DNB 1761-1859. 1792 subscr to Robert Robinson. Schoolmaster Newcastle 1801. Daughter Elizabeth born Oxford c1786 died 1868, daughter Anna Maria…

Pryer, Charles

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Charles Prior of Strand proposed member 9.11.1792 by George Watts 2nded William Sturch

Charles Pryer born 16.5.1794 bapt 30.5.1754 St Martin i t Fields son of Samuel & Sarah. Samuel Pryer turner 474 Strand, his will PCC 23.10.1792 of Chelsea gent mentioned dau Mary Rudyerd, dau Sarah Pryer, son Samuel, son Charles, last codicil dated 25.12.1791. Henry Rudyerd (died 1828 Lt Genl in Royal Engineers) of St Ann Soho = St Martin i t Fields 17.11.1772 Mary Pryor. Gazetteer 23.11.1778 Charles Pryer, turner won £50 lottery prize. Mary d of Charles…

Pugh, Owen

HCR diary 13.12.1820 "went to Flazman's with Aders &c. A Mr Owen Pugh was there"

William Owen Pughe (DNB 1759-1835). See Blake Records


HCR diary 26.4.1839 at final sale of Aders' pictures "Most of the pictures went for little or nothing. Green and Pugin the catholic architect were real bidders" "Hall introduced me to Pugin the very able architect and sarcastic author of the Contrasts. I enjoyed a short conversation with him in the Sale Room"

Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin (DNB 1812-1852). Chambers Hall (QV*) (DNB 1786-1855)

Pullen, William

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

William Pullen SunFire 1792 gent 35 Poland St his wife a mantua maker, other occupier Hayward cheesemonger / William Pullen plaisterer of St James bach age 36 = St James 21.10.1787 Mary Manders widow of St James wits Francis & Mary Hayward / SunFire 1819 William Pullen plasterer 18 Marshall St Carnaby Market / will PCC of William Pullen of Marshall St Carnaby Market plasterer proved 19.4.1830 all to Mrs Elizabeth (Rennie ?) of Brownlow St Holborn dated 7.3.1830 / William Pullen of Marshall St age 79 bur 10.4.1830 St James /…

Purkiss, Samuel

Purkis 3.1.1800 at Coleridge's / 26.1.1802 again / 22.3.1816 at Hardwick's

Samuel Purkis tanner of Brentford (Sun Fire 1781) his will PCC 1782. See Letters of STColeridge, he was a friend of Coleridge's friend Thomas Poole.

Pye, Henry Anthony

Pye 25.6.1795 at Kenilworth book club

May be Rev Henry Anthony Pye son of Anthony of St Andrew Holborn & Anna Maria, matric Merton Oxford 1786 age 16, 1793 rector of Lapworth (between Warwick & Kenilworth) married 4.1.1794 St Marylebone Ursula Wilkinson, will PCC 1839


(mes0 Pym 5.5.1789 at miss Williams'

Pyne, Grace

call on Grace Pyne with M(ary) J(ane) 17.8.1803

According to an Ancestry user-submitted tree John Pyne married Grace Palmer 6,8,1779 at Langford Bordville Somerset and their son Isaac married a Mary Wale, and then a Mary Snook on 12.11.1805 at Wellington. The will of Grace Pyne widow of Wellington, Somerset was proved 28.7.1808 at the Consistory Court of Wells (Nat Arch IR26) and mentioned her daughter Mary and son Isaac. Mary Jane Godwin had a number of contacts in London from Somerset, notably the Napiers, but they were from the Yeovil area some 30 miles from Wellington. I've…

Quayle, Thomas

HCR diary 21.5.1824 at French theatre "I introduced Quayle to Mrs Aders and Long and Tiarks to Qu: so that I had a variety of conversation"

                  17.11.1826 "Quayle, Wood & Pryme breakfasted with me - The Suffolk Magistrate, the Preston member, the Cambridge candidate agree admirably in their politics"

                    20.5.1833 "went early with Quayle to look at Aders prints & books which spoiled the day and without profit"

Thomas Quayle born 1758 son of John Quayle 1725-1797, from an influential family in the Isle of Man, and Margaret (Peggy)…

Quesnell, Andrew

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Andrew Quesnell 41 (42) Poland St ratebooks 1779-1818 / Andrew Quesnell = St James 26.5.1777 Ann dau of Peter Creps (QV*) baker, the previous householder at this address / Middlesex Sessions 18.5.1782 Andrew Quesnell late of St James labourer not guilty of an assault on John Baptist La Couture / 14.12.1787 Andre Quesnel of Poland St baker bail for Edward Lomax & others / Andrew son of Andrew & Catherine Quesnell bapt 2.8.1782 St James / SunFire 1791 John Quesnell gent 12 Charles St Grosvenor Sq, his wife a milliner /…

Quetin, Jean Claude

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Jno Claude Quetin 15 Batemans Buildings ratebooks 1774 "gone & broke" / John Cluds Quetin = St Martin i t Fields 20.4.1775 Rose Austen botp by lic wits Francois Quetin, Lawrence (Behr?) / Victoire Rosalie Quetin born 31.7 1776 bapt 21.8.1776 St James Picc'y of Jean Claude & Rose / Nicholas Morel = St Luke Chelsea 17.12.1794 Victoire Rosalie Quetin / Nicholas Morel upholsterer, Marlborough St, St James voted 1818 Romilly & Maxwell


Quins 16.7.1800 at Reeves's / 22.7.1800 Quins at Burton's

GD website has coded these to Edward Turnly Quin DNB 1762-1823 which is probably right for later Quins in London, but though he was Irish there were many Quins in Ireland and Quin didn't appear in Godwin's diary with Curran in London until 1817. E T Quin married in London in 1793 and the DNB says nothing more about his whereabouts till 1803 when he became editor of the Traveller

Thomas Goold's mother was nee Quin (see Gould) and Gould was at Reeves's on 16.7.1800. In Dict Irish Biog Henry Quin 1717-1791 doctor, his…

Quincey, Joseph

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Joseph Quincey of Lant St, Southwark proposed member 8.11.1782 by Thomas Hinton Burley Oldfield 2nded Henry Amory

His father perhaps Robert Quincey

Robert Quincey of Kensington bach married St Gregory by St Paul 7.6.1739 Susannah Fielding sp otp. Susnna dau of Robert & Susanna Quincey bapt Aug 1745 St Geo Southwark. Robert Quincey bur St Ann Blackfriars 20.4.1750 age 40. Robert Quincey married at Kensington 14.6.1750 Mary Savage. Sarah dau of Robert & Mary Quincey of New Red Cross St bapt 5.6.1757 St Geo Southwark. Robert…


4.9.1808 Royal Ménagerie, Quist w. M(ary) J(ane), Bonnycastle &c

Probably Charles Adolphus Quist, 1729-1821  Lt. Col attached to the Riding House department of the Royal Artillery, Woolwich, died unmarried. Charles Quist son of Count Adolphus Quist of Sweden, naturalised 1775. Was he displaying riding skills at age 79? The main attraction at Pidcock's Royal Menagerie, Exeter Change, Strand was the female kangaroo with her young hopping in and out of her pouch


18.11.1795 Raby at Montagu's / 25.9.1805 adv Raby at Nicholson's

Rackett, Thomas

5.6.1808 dine at Knowles's, w. Fuseli, Jeffery & Racket

Thomas Rackett DNB 1755-1840. Dorset History Centre D/RAC/107 for his letters to Knowles 1809-1833

Rackstrow, Frances

F Rackstrow 9.10.1801 dines at Mitre, Oxford

Frances dau of Thomas & Ann Rackstrow bapt All Saints Oxford 1781. Her father Thomas was perhaps the Thomas Rackstrow will PCC 1814 of Hertford