A-Z of Entries


27.9.1809 call on Seeley / 18.11.1809 again

Leonard Benton Seeley bookseller 107 Fleet-st


13.7.1806 dine at Nicholson's w. Selby

(all these from Holdens directory 1811)
Wm S cornfactor & seedsman Church-st Greenwich
S & Walmsley wine merchants 60 Mount-st Grosvenor-sq
John S tallow chandler 1 Old Kent-rd
John S oilman 7 Gt Surry-st Blackfriars-rd (will PCC 24.6.1837)
Henry S oil & colourman 65 Chiswell-st
George S attorney 10 Charles-st Northampton-sq Clerkenwell (SunFire 1809 there & John Berry)
Edward S undertaker 31 Gt Leonard-st  Finsbury (SunFire 1813)
S, Craswell & son fishmongers 3…

Seldon, John

see Autobiography of Francis Place ed. Mary Thale page 88

John Seldon = St Clement Danes 15.5.1763 Ann Batty
William son of John & Ann Seldon bapt St Clement Danes 1.4.1764
John son of John & Ann Seldon bapt St Clement Danes 9.8.1767
Sarah dau of John & Ann Seldon bapt St Clement Danes 27.11.1768
Ann Batty dau of John & Ann Seldon bapt St Clement Danes 18.6.1770
Ann dau of John & Ann Seldon bapt St Clement Danes 13.6.1773

John Seldon buried 17.2.1774 St Clement Danes
Ann Seldon buried 30.4.1777 St Clement Danes…


22.3.1795 Selinas at King's / 1.4.1795 Celinas there. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795 as Salines

Selkirk, 5th Earl

28.6.1808 write to Norfolk & Selkirk / 6.7.1808 Selkirk

Thomas Douglas DNB 1771-1820, 5th Earl of Selkirk

Sempill, Hugh

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Lord Sempill proposed member 14.12.1787 by John Cartwright 2nded Alvise Zenobio

Hugh Sempill (14th Lord Sempill) son of John Sempill (died 1782) and Janet Dunlop (died 1809), born 1.7.1758. Ensign 3rd Foot Guards 24.12.1777, Lt & Capt 26.2.1781. Married 25.1.1787 at 13 Orchard St, Portman Sq, Mary dau of Charles Mellish of Ragnal, Notts. Deprived of commission 30.11.1792 for corresponding with Friends of Freedom in France. His wife died 16.9.1806 and he died 25.1.1830 at Boulogne. (GEC Peerage)

Semple, James George

19.11.1808 Semple Lisle calls

James George Semple DNB 1759-1815


Seguieras 24.4.1797 at miss Tucker's

Del Valle, Sequeira & Brandon all Jewish guests of miss Tucker. Isaac Delvalle bankrupt 1788 surrendered place of Jew broker 3.9.1789 to Isaac Sequira junr, who compiled a new merchant's guide in 1798 to which I Delvalle subscribed. Doctor Isaac Sequeira of Mark Lane london died aged 78 his will PCC 1816 mentioned his two sons James Sequeira or Case and Lewis Sequeira or Case. Will of Lewis Sequeira of Whitechapel PCC 1819, will of Ester Sequeira wife of Hackney PCC 1792. Leonora Sequeira spinster 24 New Broad St London (Sun Fire 1794) James…


HCR diary 22.3.1838 "I had this morning a letter from Spring Rice directing me to make a formal offer of Aders' pictures to the National Gallery thro' Mr Sequier" "I have some hope of obtaining through L'Evesque an introduction to Seguire but I have a difficulty in negotiating with him - he is accused but perhaps wrongfully of having a personal feeling in all negotiations about the purchase of pictures by the government - nous verrons"

                      4.4.1838 Aders "suggested my putting these pictures into the hands of Sequier to dispose of for me"

William Seguier (DNB…


Serbonnier 9.1.1792 at Brand Hollis'


7.7.1807 accompany T(homas) T(urner) to Setcole

A rare name. George Setcole wine merchant SunFire 1777 Friday-st 1782 Lower Islington. Joshua Leigh Setcole SunFire 1795 silk broker, 19 Pavement, Moorfields his will PCC 2.7.1812. William Setcole SunFire 1818 silk broker 24 Church-st Spitalfields, his will PCC 1.2.1821. Quakers?


Seward 19.5.1793 at Tooke's / 23.1.1798 at Johnson's / 13.10.1820 seek Seward / 16.10.1820 call on Seward

First two entries above perhaps William Seward DNB 1747-99 anecdotist

Edward Seward 1770/1 - 1795 'pantisocrat' & friend Of Robert Southey


Sewell, Bartholomew

5.7.1794 B Sewel / 13.7.1796 dine at Sewel.

Bartholomew Sewell was baptised 5.7.1759 son of Robert & Sarah (nee Harmer), apprenticed in 1777 to Simon Wilkin grocer of Norwich, married 27.11.1781, at St George Colegate Norwich, Anna Lincoln, was a grocer, brandy merchant and hop merchant of Coslany Street Norwich in 1784, and subscribed to William Gordon's America in 1788. Star 4.4.1795 witness (see Firth 28.6.1794). He may be the Bartholomew Sewell who was buried at Walworth, Surrey 26.11.1813.
The "dine at Sewel" 13.7.1796 may refer to Samuel Sewell farmer of Wood…


call on H(olcrof)t at Harwwood's adv Mathans & Shakeshaft 5.5.1804

This entry has been mistranscribed on GD website as Shakerhaft . For possibles see work notes below


29.2.1796 call on Nothcote, talk of Shakspear & Burke

Obviously William Shakespeare the playwright but GD website still has it underlined as an unidentified person

Shakespeare, John

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Messrs Palmer & Shakespeare ratebooks 9 Poland St 1792-5 / John Shakespeare glazier Poland St voted Fox & Hood 1790 / possibles: John Shakespear = St James 12.5.1761 Martha Room / John Shakespeare (his mark) = St James 4.8.1783 Eleanor Eddington (her mark) botp by banns / John Shakespear = St James 1789 Ann Cook / John Shakespear bur 1823 St James age 71 / and see Palmore, William


sharer 11.3.1800 adv at theatre / 6.5.1800 again / 2.2.1801 Renter adv at theatre

Possibly these entries referred to the arrangements Godwin had with the Drury Lane theatre for free tickets, all three entries above were at that theatre, but the Renter entry with a capital R may have referred to a surname, though it was a rare one. Samuel Renter bur 20.12.1827 Westminster (noncomformist) / George Frederick Renter = 1813 St Clement Danes Hannah Moore / Thomas son of John & Susanna Renter bapt 1791 Holborn St Sepulchre

Sharp, Richard

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Richard Sharp of 6 Fish St Hill proposed member 13.9.1782 by Joseph Brown 2nded Edward Hall

GODWIN DIARY: In Godwin's 1796 list for 1790 as Sharpe followed by Gram crossed out and Rd inserted above before Sharpe, and in 1794 version as Sharpe, hatter. Richard Sharp has a person record in GD website but the 1796 entry is not coded to it. The Gram looks like Godwin confused him while making the list (see Sharpe, Granville)

Richard Sharp DNB 1759-1835

Sharp, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Sharpe of Charles St, Cavendish Square proposed member 22.3.1792 by John Horne Tooke 2nded John Augustus Bonney

William Sharp DNB 1749-1824

Sharp, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Sharpe of Leadenhall St proposed member 20.4.1792 by John Farnell Tuffin 2nded Benjamin Cooper

SunFire 1791 William Sharp hosier 79 Leadenhall St. SunFire 1794 William Sharp hosier 84 Leadenhall St. Whitehall Evening Post 26.4.1794 William Sharp of Leadenhall St married dau of Richard Pinchback of Fenchurch St.  William Sharp bach of St Catherine Cree, London = St Margaret Pattens by lic 24.4.1794 Anna Maria Pinchbeck otp sp a minor with consent of father Richard, wits R Pinchbeck, Richd Sharp, Thos Cable Davis. Thomas Cable Davis was…