A-Z of Entries

Sadak & Kalasrade

Sadak & Kalasrade 31.7.1797 at Sadler's Wells

Based on a story in Sir Charles Morell's Tales of the Genii 1784 this was a "new grand serio-comic pantomime" with tightrope walking, a song "A fig for invasion", a palace on fire, an eastern harem, an Evolution ballet, full title "Sadak & Kalasrade or the Waters of Oblivion" at Sadlers Wells 1797-99, revived in 1814 and 1840 (Victoria Theatre) and 1872 (mentioning playwright Mary Russell Mitford DNB 1787-1855) each time advertised as "new"


Sadlers 19.11.1799 at Nicholson's lecture / 14.1.1800 Sadler at Nicholson's / 29.7.1835 M T Sadler dies

James Sadler DNB 1753-1828 balloonist and chemist was a likely contact of William Nicholson's DNB 1753-1815. His son John 1779-1838 may have been included in the plural at the lecture. Michael Thomas Sadler DNB 1780-1835 was certainly the 1835 entry, Godwin didn't record having met him but read him in 1829.


10.10.1809 write to Saffory / 24.1.1810 again / 4.4.1810 again / 30.7.1810 again / 10.11.1810 again / 4.1.1811 again / 19.1.1811 again / 28.2.1811 again / 28.3.1812 write to Saffery

Probably James Saffery bookseller Canterbury (bbti). Bankrupt 1811


see Selinas


HCR diary 8.12.1824 at Aders "Jameson, Salomon and a Mr Faber there"

Salomon, Johann Peter

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1794 but this entry not coded to his person record in GD website, nor is the entry of 7.4.1796 Salomon's concert. The only name in the 1796 list to have been both underlined and crossed out (except for Wolcot in whose case it was because Godwin moved him from 1787 to 1792 where he was still underlined and not crossed out). Salomon also appeared in the 1794 version of the 1796 list but not then underlined

Salvo & Fraser

7.5.1807 dine at Philips's, w. Salvo, Fraser

Travels in the year 1806 from Italy to England &c by the marchese di Salvo translated by W Fraser printed for Richard Phillips. Sometimes called Carlo, he seems to have been Vincenze Salvo di Petraganzili, born 1787 and died Paris 22.10.1860. He married Lucy Anne Mary Caroline Claxton after 1841 but before 27.10.1847 when her mother Lucy Shuckburgh made her will (PCC 26.8.1851). As well as his gallant adventure helping the escape of Mrs Spencer Smith from the French police, he was known for some musical compositions. Fraser not only…


24.10.1795 Sammes at Foulkes'

Probably James Sammes upholsterer & auctioneer of Gt Russell St Bloomsbury will PCC 1804 niece Jane Burdock / mrs Anna Susanna Thompson widow / Joseph Burdock yeoman late of  White Elm nr Danbury Essex / Sally Burdock of Clay Hill  Enfield spinster / niece Hannah wife of John Hansell of Haybridge nr Maldon Essex / nephew William Burdock age 14 lives with me.  Mrs Sammes died March 1790

PCC 1794 George Sammes of St Andrew Holborn / 1796 Johannah Sammes widow of Stanford Rivers Essex

Samuel, James

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

James Samuel 39 Poland St (Crispin) ratebooks 1792-4 / see work notes below


call on Sanderson 31.12.1804 / 5.1.1805 again / 10.1.1805 again / 11.1.1805 again / 16.1.1805 again / 21.1.1805 again

See Saunderson for possibility that was the same person as Sanderson. There were 24 Sanderson entries in the Trade section of Holdens 1811 (incl 6 merchants, 2 wine merchants, 2 coal merchants) and 4 in the Residents section, more than I care to type out here. Three of the calls, and the call on Saunderson on 13.12.1804 were in the same string of calls as the attorney Richard Wordsworth (at Staple Inn), two of them were next to Luntley (qv) at Shoreditch and mrs Hill…


30.7.1810 write to Sands / 13.12.1810 again / 15.7.1811 again / 31.3.1814 again / 6.4.181`4 again / 13.4.1814 again

Probably Robert Sands bookseller of Newcastle upon Tyne from 1793 to 1820 (bbti)

Sandwich, 5th Earl of (John Montagu)

Sandwich 29.5.1797 adv at Bail M(arshall)

John Montagu 5th Earl of Sandwich died 1814. See Templeton, John Henry for explanation

Sandys, Edwin

Sandys 10.2.1793 at Paradise's.

Edwin Sandys Baron Sandys of Ombersley born 1726 died 11.3.1797 at Ombersley Court

Boyle's 1792 Lord Sandys 4 Portland Place. MP from 1747, see History of Parliament



Sansom 28.2.1794 at Bell's


10.10.1807 Satchel calls

The only time this name appeared in Godwin's diary. Perhaps John Satchell timber merchant of Limehouse and SCI member (see my entry for him on this website). The only other Satchells in Holdens 1811 directory were Richard Satchell, brewer (SunFire 1806 at 6 Winsley-st partner William Rowell) and Francis Satchell farmer at Palmer's-green

Satchell, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Satchell of Limehouse Hole proposed member 15.11.1782 by John Jebb 2nded Samuel Shore (senior)

John son of John Satchell victualler of Poplar & Sarah his wife bapt 16.6.1742 Stepney 11 days old, Elizabeth dau of same bapt 1.7.1744 there 20 days old, Thomas dau of John Satchell timber merchant & Sarah bapt 15.6.1746 there 16 days old / their father was probably the John Satchell bach who married Mary Ogden widow of Stepney by lic at St Clement Eastcheap 20.8.1712, their dau Sarah bapt Stepney 5.12.1723 of John Satchell caulker of…

Satchwell, Charles

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 12 Castle St East Land Tax 1784-1796 Charles Satchwell 1800 Jno Talkington / Harris's List 1793 Miss L-the (Lo-th in index) age about 19

Charles Satchwell peruke maker took appr 5.11.1787 Jno Smithson for 7 yrs premium £10 / CS = 30.6.1782 St Marylebone by banns Elizabeth Jones / CS bach = 5.7.1778 St Pancras by banns Ann Moss sp / Charles s of CS & Ann born 10.7.1778 (note 5 days after wedding) bapt 9.1.1779 St Anne Soho / children of CS & Ann bapt Finchley 1790s / Charles Satchwell (adult) bur 10.2…

Saul, Jennet

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Jennet Saul 39 Poland St (Crispin) ratebooks 1796-7 / Jennet Saul woman bur 14.5.1797 St Martin i t Fields / Jennet Saul ratebooks St Margaret Westminster 1782 Villers St, St Martin i t Fields Villers St 1790 / Gazetteer 4.11.1788 Mr & Mrs Saul both deceased late of the Jane Shore in Shoreditch / Ann Saul will PCC 1788 Shoreditch


Saulieu, Francis

At Saulieu's 26.3.1798 dine with Chandler / 21.12.1798 again

Saulieu, ladies' hairdresser 16 Queen St Golden Sq "just arrived from Paris" 17.3.1788. Saulieu rue de la Comedie Paris 24.12.1774 (newspaper ads). Sun Fire 1798 Francis Saulieu, Nassau St, gent & Box Farm, King's Rd, Chelsea. 3.10.1801 Saulieu no 12 corner of Nassau & Gerrrard St Soho, coffee house & restorer (i.e.restaurant) 


Saumarez  20.4.1793 call on.

Richard Saumarez DNB 1764-1835 surgeon. R S surgeon of Newington Butts 1800 subscr to works of Burns