A-Z of Entries


23.10.1807 call on Glaister

The onl instance of this name in Godwin's diary. But a rare name so probably Samuel Glaister exchange broker of Threadneedle-st (1749-1815 a Quaker) his will PCC 31.3.1815


Glennie 18.7.1800 at Drennan's (in Ireland) / 4.10.1807 dr Glennie at North's with Currans

GD website has coded the first entry above to James Glenie DNB 1750-1817 whom Godwin met in 1793 but this seems unlikely, no evidence for connection in Ireland. Dr Glennie in 1807 may have been William Glennie, Doctor of Laws will PCC 1828. Some Irish Glennies in work notes below


Glover 6.7.1800 (calls at Curran's?) / 15.7.1800 at Curran's / 22.7.1800 at Burton's / 27.7.1800 dines at Curran's & sleeps / 31.7.1800 again / 1.8.1800 again (all in Ireland)



miss Goddard 5.11.1797 calls (& Porson, Carlisle) / 23.2.1798 Goddard, Carlisle & Harris call / 2.11.1809 write to Goddard / 20.11.1809 call on Goddard / 10.2.1810 again / 2.3.1810 again / 26.1.1826 Goddard at Lady Caroline Lamb's

The call of 20.11.1809 was in a string of booksellers and was probably Thomas Goddard military bookseller 1, Pall Mall (Holdens directory 1811).


Godfrey, David

Godfrey 18.3.1797 at Debrett's

Probably David Godfrey whose will PCC 1798 of Isleworth dated 22.11.1795, mentioned his schoolfellow Philip Francis of St James Sq (Sir Philip Francis DNB 1740-1818 went to St Pauls school) his godson Philip Francis, James Archdekin of Berners St (whose will PCC 1803 dated 5.8.1801 mentioned Philip Francis, John & Lucy Godfrey of Bedford Sq and Harwood's debt), and Charles James Fox, as well as his brother John Godfrey of Welby nr Melton Mowbray Leics, his late brother Peter, his sisters Ann Vieusseux and Elizabeth Gravier, William Harwood of…

Godfrey, Mrs

see Newman Street 1 to 9 in London addresses dataset

Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies 1793 Mrs G-frey 6 Newman St (age about 30, plump, price 1 guinea though half will do). This doesn't sound like the successful courtesan described below, though she was said to have started in a brothel in nearby Berners St, she seems to have already been "kept" in Charlotte St by 1790. This was the only example I found of an address featuring in Harris's List and Boyle's Court Guide in the same year and though this could be ascribed to Mr Vileneuve's profession of dancing master, it's also…

Godwin, Ann

12.5.1790 Mother in town / 19.5.1790 Mother goes out of town.

Godwin's mother Ann proved her son Conyers' will the day before she left town. Below some of her sons who died by 1790 and don't appear in Godwin's diary

Conyers Jocelyn Godwin bapt 8.1.1761 Independent Oulton Norfolk / Will dated 6.3.1785 of Fox East Indiaman Capt John Blackburn proved by Ann Godwin 18.5.1790 PCC / Newsp 26.8.1784 Fox struck rock St Helena, 30.11.1784 Fox from Bengal arrived in river

Edward Godwin Nat Arch IR1/55 f168 appr 1765 to Jn Bernard of Colchester surgeon £50, admon of 1810 says…

Godwin, Hannah

apprenticed 27.9.1778 for 2 years to Isaac Hoyle of Norwich, millener, premium £20. (Nat Arch IR1/61 f12) In her letter to her brother of June 1785 (Abinger c.1 f.24-5) Hannah Godwin wrote "I leave Mrs Hoyle's at Michaelmas" so she stayed a full 7 year term.
from her mother's letter of May 1788 (Abinger c.1 f78) it seems she was in partnership with Frances and Anna French, (the unmarried sisters of Joseph Fawcett's wife Charlotte).
as a mantua maker at Cullum Street she took on many apprentices; Susana Cooke, Elizabeth Harrison, Sarah F Millen, Ann M Potts, Elizabeth Amy…

Godwin, Harriet.

1,2,1796 &c

For Harriet Godwin's baptism see Godwin, Joseph.
All entries currently under Harriet Godwin on GD website apart from those that belonged to her mother which I have noted under Godwin, Mary. Plus 26.2.1804 "letter to Ht" currently coded as Holcroft, clearly meant Harriet in the context, and 20.8.1821 "adv Ht West" was very probably the same person, as will appear below.
Event tag 29.2.1804 "affidavit before Judge Grose" (Nat Arch KB1/32/4 f107) this affidavit can be seen at Kew and explains the whole story of Godwin's visit to Lewes from 23.2.1804 to…

Godwin, John

30.10.1791 William Godwin's older brother John

28.11.1791 John sups. Given 15.1.1792 is 'Miss Godwin dines; John at supper' and has been coded on the Godwin Diary website to Godwin's older brother John, this one must surely have been him; also probably (though a bit more ambiguously) 10.2.1793. Godwin hadn't yet settled into his later JG code for his brother John. Also 24.1.1790 has been wrongly coded to him, and 17.8.1796, 28.9.1796, 29.5.1800 and Jn's 16.4.1797 missed.

John Godwin may have been bapt 11.3.1753 St Mary Staining London (his grandfather Edward Godwin was…

Godwin, John Jex


for baptism and place of birth see Godwin, Joseph. Though baptised John Jex he often appeared in documents as just John or Jno. I would suggest that most of the Jno G as well as the J J G entries in Godwin's diary referred to him. They never appeared together though they did overlap, there were ten uses of JJ before Jno ceased, but they were spaced out in a way that is consistent with Godwin's nephew making calls every month or so on the uncle who had paid his apprenticeship premium. It can be explained by Godwin having gradually come to prefer JJ while being in the habit…

Godwin, Joseph

add 19.12.1794  sup at Sutton's with Jo / 9.4.1795 call on Jo G / 23.3.1809 letter for Jo / 8.11.1812 Jo & NG dine / not coded in GD website. Also perhaps 19.10.1805 Jo at Perry's

Godwin, Joseph.
apprenticed 15.10.1771 for 7 years premium £42 to Thomas Raven of Fakenham, grocer and draper. Nat.Arch. IR1/58 f24 (Raven was probably the uncle of Philip Hull Godwin's wife Mary Ann Dunnet Raven)
married 1.12.1776 at parish of Fulmerdestone with Croxton by licence Joseph Godwin single man of parish of Fakenham and Mary Jex of this parish spinster. (Guildhall Mf MS12818A/…

Godwin, Mary


William St. Clair in The Godwins and the Shelleys supposes Harriet is Joseph Godwin's wife but gives no good reason for it. The simplest evidence against it is the burial record of Mary Godwin at St Botolph Aldgate aged 78 years of St James Clerkenwell on 12.3.1834, 7 days after Godwin's diary notes Mrs Jo Godwin dies. She was probably buried there in error as her husband (and his brother John) had been buried at St Botolph Aldersgate. The instances of Mrs Jo Godwin are then 20.6.1793, 27.10.1795, 30.9.1796, 6.11.1797, 17.8.1802 (when her daughter Harriet is also present…

Godwin, Nathaniel.


"probably an older brother of Godwin's" change to "Godwin's youngest brother".
6.8.1827 event tag. "possibly N G's son begins school" change to "Nathaniel Godwin age 60, publican, entered as a pensioner (or Poor Brother) of Charterhouse (London Met Arch ACC/1876/PS/02/053 and ACC/1876/PS/03/024) and died 1.2.1846 aged 79. The position was in the gift of the King (then George IV) and may have been secured by Godwin's contacts with Lord Dillon (a literary 'fashionable') in the preceding months."
from Ann Godwin's letter of 1792 (Abinger c.1 f102-3) it appears…

Godwin, Phebe


Joseph & Mary's youngest daughter Phebe. for baptism see Godwin, Joseph. The Phebe or P G entries of 29.8.1800, 11.6.1802, 14.8.1802, 29.9.1803, 17.5.1808 and 27.8.1817 should all be added to her person record in GD website. It seems clear from the context of 17.8.1802 and the fact that she appears thereafter so often with Hannah Godwin or her other apprentices that the indenture (event tag) was to Hannah Godwin. In Ann Godwin's letter of 9.7.1805 (Abinger c.9 f26) she says "I wish Pheby not to come I cannot help her".

Godwin, Philip Hull


The Godwin Diary website editorial notes call him an older brother but he was in fact a younger brother. His birth date and those of his wife and children are given in his letter of 1829 (Abinger c.13 f74v). Philip Hull Godwin married Ann Dunnet Raven on 6.3.1793 at Themelthorpe, Norfolk.


Godwin, William


Joseph & Mary Godwin's youngest son William. Birth and baptism shown in Guildhall MS12818A/71 f45 (see Godwin, Joseph). He was admitted commoner at Christs Hospital on 10.9.1800 and "cloathed" in his blue coat the next day. He was presented by Lord Lauderdale for which see his letters to Godwin (Abinger c.5 f102-3 & 110-11).
28.10.1810 (event tag) at Christ Church Newgate, William Godwin of this parish married Harriet Gilbert spinster of St Marylebone by licence, witnesses William & Diana Gilbert. The mrs W of 21.7.1811 at Lamb's, 14.10.1821 at Joseph…


6.3.1810 Gold calls / 12.7.1810 again / 24.7.1810 call on Gold / 15.2.1811 again / 19.2.1811 Gold calls / 13.6.1811 call on Gold / 16.7.1811 M(ary) J(ane) calls on Gold / 24.9.1811 call on Gold / 3.10.1811 call on Gold: Gold calls / 18.10.1811 call on Gold / 15.11.1811 again / 26.12.1811 seek Gold / 27.12.1811 call on Gold / 29.2.1812 again / 2.3.1813 again

Perhaps Joyce Gold printer 103 Shoe-la from 1799 to 1823 (bbti) & bookseller (SunFire 1808), Joyce Gold stationer 5, Gt Eastcheap (SunFire 1812)

Golding, Bartholomew

see Newman Street 1 to 9 in London Addresses dataset

Barthw Goulding 9 Newman St Land Tax 1797-8 / Bartholomew Goulding = Jun 1771 Mrs Maryman (Walker's |Hibernian Magazine) / Bartholomew Golding merchant 35 Ushers Quay Dublin directories 1766-1780, 2 Dyers Court, Aldermanbury, London directories 1781-7 / SunFire 1791 Bartholomew Golding, John Savill Mcnamara & John Keogh jr merchants 29 Queen St, Cheapside / Bartholomew Golding & John Saville Macnamara merchants Queen St bankrupt 1796 / SunFire 1798, 1804 Bartholomew Golding gent 9 Newman St / General Evening Post 28.7.1798…


HCR diary 8.6.1828 "called on Aders - a Mr Goldschmidt was with him, who took us to see some fine paintings on sale in Leicester Square, belonging to Signor Reghellini di Schio"

                 4.11.1833 "went to the Aders - an agreeable evening there - Mr Goldschmidt was there - He has proved a very generous friend"

Possibly Adolphus Goldschmidt?

Morning Post 23.8.1823 Achilles Fould Esq of Paris married Henrietta dau of L. A. Goldschmidt Esq / Morning Post 16.2.1826 failure of B. A. Goldschmidt & Co of Great St Helens (worth a million and a half sterling?) /…