A-Z of Entries


Hinckes's 18.7.1800 at Drennan's



see Hinkley

Hind, John

John Hind of Cornhill proposed Society for Constitutional Information 22.6.1792 by Benjamin Bakewell 2nded John Horne Tooke

No John Hind found connected to Cornhill. London Gazette 2.6.1792 meeting of creditors of bankrupt John Hind late of Bartlet's Buildings, Holborn, afterwards of George Row, Bermondsey, merchant, trading in London and Gibraltar, partner with Joseph Hind and David Gillan (Nat Arch B 3/2110 date of bankruptcy 6.10.1788)


Hindmarsh, John

15.3.1790 Hindmarsh's benefit.

John Hindmarsh violinist (Highfill, Burnim & Langhans c1759-1796). of Vauxhall House, Hampstead Common. Mrs H late miss Williams soprano 1794 (Doane's)


2.2.1795 Hinkley at Thelwal's / 28.3.1795 Hinckley at Adams's / 14.8.1795 Hinckley calls / 22.4.1797 again / 1.5.1797 again / 26.6.1797 meet Hinkley / 5.9.1810 Hinckley at Aldis's / 4.3.1811 again / 9.7.1811 again

Henry Hinckley 1759-1817 and John Hinckley 1765-1814 were sons of Henry Hinckley (d.1779) physician to Guy's Hospital. They became merchants and insurance brokers, and in 1789 were partners with John Dyer Collier 1762-1825 in Leeds. In 1807 they were both on the Committee of the Surrey Institution. In 1813 Henry was a steward of the Royal Lancasterian Society dinner. John…


1.3.1807 dine at King's w. mrs Hippisley / 3.3.1807 evening mrs Hippisley's, w. King &c / 8.3.1807 dine at Plunket's, w. King, mrs Hippisley &c / 1.4.1807 call on Hippisley; adv. Macarthy / 2.8.1823 Augusts Hippisley calls / 22.1.1825 miss Hippisley calls / 18.3.1825 again / 8.6.1826 Hippisley calls / 22.8.1826 again / 23.8.1826 meet Hippisley / 30.10.1826 miss Hippisley calls / 11.1.1827 miss Hippisley adv. at dinner / 4.6.1828 meet Hippisley / 29.9.1828 meet mrs Hippisley / 24.11.1828 write to mrs Hippisley / 3.7.1829 meet Hippisley

Most of those at King's, mrs Hippisley's…

Hoare, H

24.4.1796 H Hoare at Mrs Robinson's

will PCC 1785 Henry Hoare banker Adelphi Terrace / PCC 1785 Henry Hoare Stourhead, Wilts / PCC 1828 Henry H Fleet St / PCC 1838 Henry H Stourhead / PCC 1841 Sir Henry Hugh H, Fleet St

From 'Early History and Genealogy of the Hore and Hoare families' I found four possible H Hoare's alive in 1796. Henry 1750-1828 married 1775 Lydia Henrietta Malertie and their son Henry Vilars 1777-1822 died unmarried / Henry Hugh 1762 - 1841 married 1782 Maria Palmer Acland, 8 sons 8 daus and his brother Henry Merrik 1770-1856 married 1807 Sophia Thrale died…

Hoare, Prince

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796 but not coded to his person record on GD website

Hobby L

L Hobby dines 22.6.1802 & miss Smith



8.8.1807 Mansion House, Hatton Garden, Bow Street & Hobler, w.T(homas) T(urner)

Jaques Francois Helvetius Hobler born 19.7.1765 bapt Swiss Church Moor-st Soho 11.8.1765 son of Jean François Hobler watchmaker (his will 25.6.1794 PCC) and his wife Charlotte Elizabeth Claudon. Articled as Francis Hobler 24.8.1791 to William Lewis Newman. Brother John Paul Hobler watchmaker's will 8.5.1795 PCC  Lord Mayor's clerk from 1803 or earlier till 1843. Holdens directory 1802 15 Queens Row Pentonville & Alderman's sitting room, Guildhall. Robsons directory 1820 solicitor 16 Walbrook.…


Cs & H Hodges 3.8.1801 at Cts (= future Mrs Godwin) / 25.8.1801 Hodges's at Cts / 11.1.1802 3 Hodges's dine / 10.6.1803 mrs Hodges at theatre / 15.6.1803 Hodges at Joseph Johnson's / 27.7.1803 again / 27.12.1804 mrs Hodges at theatre / 31.7.1823 call on Hodges (Saunders) / 26.11.1825 Hodges calls / 29.12.1825 again


Hodges, Thomas Hallett

Thomas Hallet Hodges of Wirksworth, Derbyshire Society of Constitutional Information 6.10.1780

Matric Cambridge 1771 son of Thomas Hodges governor of Bombay 1767-71, born c.1754 (at Calcutta?) his mother 's maiden name said to have been Mary Hallett, (A Thomas Hodges married at Bombay 6.9.1750 Susanna Arpwood). Thomas Hodges will PCC 11.2.1772 dated 2.3.1770 mentioned his lawful son Thomas Hallett Hodges and Rev John Law guardian in his minority, as well as two natural sons by an Armenian woman Ripsima, John born 23.6.1761 and Harry born 13.11.1766. Thomas Hallett Hodges married…


call on mrs Hodgkins for M(ary) J(ane) 25.6.1805 / 3.7.1805 call on Hodgkins / 16.7.1805 again / 19.10.1805 Peele's, with Hodgkins / 31.7.1807 H absent / 5.8.1807 H absent 2 days / 7.8.1807 Lock at S(kinner) S(treet); adv Barret, constable, 3 Hodgkinses / 8.8.1807 Jo. Hodgkins in possession / 10.8.1807 Hodgkins breakfasts, S(kinner) S(treet) / 11.8.1807 Jo. H calls; Adkins calls; H & Adkins call ; Bow St, H, Jo H / 12.8.1807 Bow St, Hs / 13.8.1807 call on Humphrys adv T H, Jo H / 16.8.1807 Hodgkinses call / 18.8.1807 Hodgkins calls / 25.8.1807 call on Humphrys adv Hodgkins / 28.8.1807…

Hodgson, Luke

Luke Hodgson of Snow Hill proposed Society for Constitutional Information 11.4.1794 by James Parkinson 2nded John Horne Tooke

parents Thomas Hodgson widower = St Stephen Walbrook 31.12.1751 Elizabeth Groombridge spinster both of St Mary Mag Bermondsey / Luke Hodgson baptised St Dunstan Stepney 10.5.1765 16 days old / father  Thomas Hodgson merchant Mile End Old Town 1765 / uncle Luke Hodgson will PCC 1766 / Luke Hodgson apprenticed 14.2.1780 for 7 yrs to William Blackmore surgeon of St George Middlesex premium £50 / father Thomas Hodgson will PCC 1788 all to widow Elizabeth / father…

Hodgson, William

GODWIN DIARY: Hudson 28.9.1793 (This entry is currently coded in the Godwin Diary website to John Corrie Hudson - although the editorial notes say it isn't) / Hodgson 16.7.1794 at Newgate / 30.3.1796 Hodgson calls / 28.4.1796 meet Hodgson

William Hodgson DNB 1745-1851 who was in Newgate on the state side in 1794 and 1795. When first tried and imprisoned for uttering seditious and inflammatory words he was recorded in newspapers and official records as Hudson and the criminal register gave his age as 30 in 1794 which contradicts by 19 years the birth date in DNB (which seems based…

Hodgson, William

William Hodgson of Coleman Street, merchant proposed Society for Constitutional Information 9.6.1780 by Thomas Bentley 2nded Edward Bridgen

According to Ancestry user-submitted tree he was born 1725 son of John Hodgson of Bradford, Yorks and his wife Ann Leach of Keighley, Yorks. He married at St Stephen Coleman St 18.10.1768 Mary Shippey of Chigwell, Essex by lic wits Thomas Bentley, Mary Lilly. 1771 William Hodgson of Coleman St governor of General Dispensary for Relief of Poor, Aldersgate St. SunFire William Hodgson 17 Coleman St merchant. Gazetteer 16.12.1777 on committee for…


Hodson 1.2.1799 at Mrs Fancourt's with Vardons & Chandler

Just possibly Septimus Hodson DNB 1768-1833. See also Hudson, printer in Bonney Diary dataset, and Hodgson, William for examples of how frequently these names were confused.


Hoffmans 21.6.1799 at John king's / 17.11.1799 again


hog's catechism

28.2.1794 after 'call on Gray'

Hogan, Thomas Cockerell

The GD website has Hogan as an Idenified Person but knows almost nothing about him.The mentions of Hogan in Godwin's diary were approx 200 from 16.3.1812 to 12.2.1816, most of these were Hogan calling on Godwin, and taking tea and supper with him. 24.8.1814 was the last time Hogan came to Godwin, after which Godwin wrote to him a few times, called on him once, and heard from him via others (mostly Charles Clairmont). While Hogan was coming regularly to Godwin's, Godwin only called on him a few times and wrote to him a few times. Near the start of their acquaintance Godwin invited him a few…