A-Z of Entries


5.6.1795 Hovels at Foulkes' & 29.1.1796 & 4.2.1796 & 29.4.1800 & 13.1.1804 all at Foulkes'

James Hovell attorney Downham Market 1786, admitted Inner Temple 9.11.1792, 26 Bedford Row & 33 Essex St 1797 Sun F, member of Whig Club 6.2.1798, special pleader 1800 Law List, died 4.7.1805 at his brother's house in Cambridge, will PCC 1807 of Chesterton, Cambs

John H saddler Trumpington St Cambridge 1784, subscr to Robt Robinson's Eccles Res 1792, Thomas H of Cambridge will PCC 1837

Thos H of Doctors Commons 1807 clerk to Crespigny & Green for over 26…


GODWIN DIARY 10.05.1794 Howard at Jennings'

BONNEY DIARY 17.5.1794 Howard / 19.5.1794  I.T. Howard / 15.10.1794 Hague wrote to Howard / 27.10.1794 wrote to T Howard / 6.11.1794 wrote to Howard, he came / 11.11.1794 Howard / 15.11.1794 Howard / 21.11.1794 Perused Dt from Howard to W Johnson

Henry Howard DNB 1757-1842 campaigner for Catholic emancipation / Henry Howard & B.E.Howard signed declaration of Friends to Liberty of Press 1792 / Law List 1794 attorneys David H 27 Jewry St Aldgate, Thomas H 40 Carey St Chancery La, Henry H Jamaica Row nr Salisbury St, Strand, John…

Howard, Charles (Earl of Surrey)

Earl of Surrey proposed Society for Constitutional Information 3.1.1783 by Andrew Kippis 2nded Richard Brocklesby

Charles Howard, Earl of Surrey from 1777, 11th Duke of Norfolk from 1786, DNB 1746-1815, MP for Carlisle 1780. offended George III 1798 by a toast to the majesty of the people

Howard, M

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Morning Herald 9.12.1786 ad M Howard (female) clear starcher, gauze washer, silk stocking cleaner & working milliner 37 Poland St / just possibly SunFire 1817 Margaret Elizabeth Howard 52 Old St dressmaker & milliner / presumably a subtenant of James Bine (QV*) and/or John Mills (QV*)

Howard, Margaret

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses database

No 10 Castle St East Harris's List 1790 Miss H-w-rd

According to the text of Harris's List she was called Polly (usually short for Margaret) was aged about 19 and had been a servant at the Thirteen C-nt-ns. There were several inns or eating houses called the Thirteen Cantons in London at the time and it was a common name for Switzerland and many of the customers may have been Swiss. One was in King St Soho and another in Moor St Soho, probably the same one referred to as being in St Giles. Another was at 33…

Howard, Thomas (3rd Earl of Effingham)

Earl of Effingham proposed Society for Constitutional Information 15.2.1782 by John Cartwright (no note of 2nder or ballot)

Thomas Howard 3rd Earl of Effingham (see G.E.C. Complete Peerage) born 13.1.1746/7 bapt 21.1.1746/7 St Geo Han Sq. Army from 1762, Lt Col 1782. succeeded as 3rd Earl 1763. Married at Haddington, Scotland 14.10.1765 Catherine Proctor. Deputy Earl Marshal 1771-82. Privy Council 10.4.1782. Acting General Master of Freemasons 1782-89. Treasurer of Household April 1782-83. Opponent of Lord North's government but left Whigs for Pitt 1783. Master of Mint 1784-89.…

Howe, John

In Godwins 1796 list for 1777, in 1794 version under 1778 and then changed to 1777.

John Howe DNB 1754-1804 eccentric. In Godwin's autobiographical notes (Bodleian Library microfilm Duke MF 1975) he wrote "Lowestoft - Howe - painful solitude". According to the DNB Howe moved from Wiltshire to Ipswich in 1776.


HCR diary 3.3.1819 "I also called on Aders & Mr Howell for a few minutes"

                  26.5.1823 "returned to Chambers after a call on Mr Howell"

                25.11.1823 "Mrs John Howell's - Mr Howell who came afterwards asserted my pulse was low"

                10.12.1824 "called at Howell to speak to Mr Rotheram"

                  13.6.1825 "to Mr Howell's - the Pattisons were all there and the rest of the family" "evening at Mrs Thornthwaite's - heard all the Witham news - Ich glaube man wird Howell noch halten"


Howell, James

23.6.1795 Howel at Parr's Hatton & 29.6.1795 at his & 2.7.1795 at Lambe's

Rev James Howell of St Mary Warwick bach = 22.3.1783 St Andrew Holborn by lic Ann Roe otp sp wits Saml Roe, Rd Perry

St James Chronicle 31.1.1784 Rev James Howell BA preferred to Rectory of Clutton Somerset on presentation of Earl of Warwick

1792 voted Villiers (pro govt) in Warwick

will PCC 1813 James Howell rector of Clutton, wife Ann, son Thomas, daus Mary Ann, harriet & Jane, brother Thomas Doctor of Physic of Dolphin House Glasebury Brecknock, brother-in-law James Lewis…

Howes, Francis

Howes resident 23.6.1795 at Parr's, Hatton & 24.6.1795 ride to Warwick with miss Parr & 27.6.1795 at Lord Dormer's & 28.6.1795 departs

Francis Howes DNB 1776-1844 educated Norwich grammar school under Parr, matric Trinity Cambridge 1794, BA 1798, Thomas Howes DNB 1728-1814 cousin of Francis H met Parr at Norwich. As 'resident' at Hatton, likely to be Parr's pupil/assistant

Hownam, Robert

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Robert Hownam ratebooks 7, Batemans Buildings / SunFire 1785 Robert Hownam gent 7 Batemans Buildings / Robert Hownam gent Batemans Buildings voted 1788 Townshend / Robert Hownam gent St Albans St  voted 1790 Fox / Joachim Robert Hownam bapt 4.6.1790 St James Picc'y born 14.5.1790 son of Robert & Sarah (see Boase, Joseph Robert Hownam, entered RN 1803, died 1859) baptism entry for Joseph Robert Hownam inserted in a different hand at end of April 1790, gave birth date as 14.4.1790. Also daughters Jane 1788 and Clara Maria 1793 of…

Hoy, Mrs

12.12.1793 call on Mrs Hoy.

Richard Hoy honey merchant of Piccadilly voted for Tooke in 1790. Morning Post 26.10.1804 mentioned Mrs Hoy at her honeyshop 175 Piccadilly. Morning Post 28.11.1815 died at her son's house Walthamstow Mrs Hoy aged 87. Hoy was also the name of the manager of the Worcester theatre (Derby Mercury 15.9.1803)



19.2.1794 calls on Godwin / 23.2.1794 tea at his  (adv Vincent & Nichol) / 5.3.1794 adv at Marshall's / 19.3.1794 calls / 23.3.1794 dine at his, (with Drury; adv Nugent, Vincent, Sweeting & Cabbel; talk of practical virtue) / 23.7.1794 tea with Marshall at his / 6.8.1794 calls / 13.8.1794 call on / 15.8.1794 dine at his with Marshall / 24.9.1794 calls / 3.10.1794 dine at his, adv Iliffs / 16.10.1794 dine at his, adv Marshall / 21.10.1794 sup with Agar, Powell & Hubbard after Philomaths / 24.10.1794 sup at his / 17.1.1795 at tea at Powell's with Iliff & many / 31.1.1795 tea…


Hudson calls 28.9.1783 (& Gerald) / 29.9.1803 Hudson Gurney at Alderson's / 28.2.1804 rev Hudson (on coach from Brighton to London) / 16.1.1808 Hudson calls / 21.1.1808 again / 26.1.1808 again

All the above entries (except the rev Hudson 1804) are coded on the GD website to John Corrie Hudson, although the editorial notes on his person record say that they shouldn't be. The second entry should obviously be coded to the person record of Hudson Gurney. The three 1808 entries may have referred to Joseph Hudson copperplate printer of 13 China Row Lambeth (Holdens 1805) or possibly…

Hudson, printer

BONNEY DIARY:  16.5.1794 Hudson printer, McManus his assistant dined with Bonney and John Miller, Bow Street officer (one of his arresting officers) at Kings Arms Tavern the day after his arrest

E Hudson printer of Bell Yard was In Bailey's directory 1794. Thomas Hardy DNB 1752-1832 mentioned in his interrogation by the Privy Council in May 1794  (Nat Arch TS 11/963) Edward Hodgson printer of 22 Bell Yard. Unlike Bonney, Joyce and Thelwall, Hardy did not refuse to answer the Privy Council but the names he gave may have been deliberately innocent ones. Stationers Company records…


1.2.1808 Advertisement, shopman; Hughes &c. / 12.10.1816 coach, w. Hughes (Bath to London) / 3.12.1818 call on Hughes / 17.12.1824 meet, at Keane's, Hughes / 18.9.1827 meet Hughes, Maidstone

Only the last of these five probably different randoms gives any clue. PCC wills for Hughes of Maidstone: Thomas, farmer 1842 / James, milkman 1843 / Charles, gentleman 1848 / William, confectioner 1849

Hughes, bookseller

Morning Chronicle 25.3.1796 ad for subs for LCS sending deputies into the country, list of those receiving subs included Hughes, bookseller, Carthusian St, Charterhouse Sq (Thale p351 note 49). On 23.5.1796 Div 4 of LCS resolved against a general meeting, signed by John Arnold President and Jas Hughes Secretary (Thale p358). These two not certainly the same but are close in date and no other Hughes in Thale.

John Willoughby gent insured 1 to 4 Carthusian St (SunFire 1804) among the occupiers Hughes cabinet maker.
Joseph Avery gent insured 221 Tottenham Court Rd (SunFire 1810)…

Hughes, Edward


Sir Edward Hughes (c 1720-1794)

12th paragraph 6th sentence "His wife, Ruth Ball, eldest daughter of Sir Charles Gould Morgan, and widow of Captain Ball, naval officer, later married Samuel Humfrey of Pennydarren Place Glamorgan." This is a confusion of persons.

The eldest daughter of Sir Charles Gould Morgan was called Jane Gould (her father later added the name Morgan) when on 18.12.1782 at St Margaret's Westminster she married by licence, as a spinster, Henry Ball Esq bachelor of St Marylebone. The World newspaper of 9.8.1792…

Hughes, Maria

M Hughes 5.7.1800 talk of at Curran's / 4.10.1805 call with Curran on Dawe & Pope; adv Hutchins & mrs Waring: Curran & Hutchins call / 17.9.1806 meet Curran & Waring's / 20.10.1806 Warings at Curran's / 20.10.1807 Curran (& Warings) adv at theatre / 19.4.1810 Hutchins & Waring at Curran's / 29.11.1816 Curran & Waring jr at Meyler's / 4.3.1817 Meyler & Waring jr at Curran's / 5.5.1819 Scott Waring dies

Maria Hughes 1761-1812 Irish actress in Joseph George Holman 1764-1817 (Highfill, Burnim & Langhans). She had children by Holman and claimed to be…

Hull, Christopher

Christopher Hull Esq of the Temple proposed Society for Constitutional Information 8.7.1791 by Arthur Onslow 2nded Richard Sharp

Christopher Hull was articled as an attorney to his uncle Christopher Hull in 1767. His uncle died (Public Advertiser 17.8.1790) age 72 at his house in Foots Cray, his will PCC 16.8.1790 dated 17.2.1785 gent of Inner Temple and (Lampert?) in parish Footscray Kent, mentioned nephews John & Christopher Hull and niece Elizabeth wife of John Wallace. On Inner Temple Admissions database there are two Christopher Hull entries one on 20.11.1764 and one on 20.…