A-Z of Entries

Pinkerton, Anne

A P 4.10.1797 adv at Hts

This entry has been missed on GD website though there is a  person record for her

Pinkerton, John

dine at Pinkerton's, tea with him at Philips's 7.8.1798

In GD website the "him" is underlined, but clearly referred to John Pinkerton


Pinkney 15.10.1804 at H Rowan's

A Mr Pinkney of Liffey St Dublin subscribed to George Parker's "Life's Painter" 1800. Fortescue Mansell Pinkney was a surgeon at 57 Lothbury (Sun Fire 1811). Elijah Pinkney a warehouseman at 27 Tabernacle Row Sun Fire 1814. Will PCC Francis Pinkney gent of Westminster 1844


7.6.1796 Wordsworth & Pinney call / 24.4.1798 Montagu & Pinney at tea / 20.9.1798 adv Montagu & Pinney at Godwin's / 7.2.1800 tea at Coleridge's with Lamb, Tobin, Montagu & Pinney / 5.3.00 tea at Coleridge's with Dyson, Tobin & Pinney / 2.5.1801 meet Pinney / 6.5.1801 again / 7.5.1801 call on Pinney (not in) / 19.5.1801 again / 23.3.1802 sup at Davy's with Pinney sr

The last entry above was probably John Pretor Pinney DNB 1740-1818, the others probably one of his sons John Frederick or Azariah. William Wordsworth (see DNB 1770-1850) and his sister were tenants of…


5.2.1796 Pinnick at Montagu's / 5.3.1798 Montagu, Pinnick & Cha(rlotte) Smith call


Pinto 8.11.1797 at Holcroft's



Pisani 7.8.1802 at tea (& J Beccaria)

There were Florentine sculptors called Pisani, I found no evidence of them having visited England. Two Pisanis mentioned in Farington diary 1795 a Count Pisani foreign minister who attended the Royal Academy dinner that year (perhaps Almoro Pisani Nat Arch PRO 31/14/67) and a Pisani who was interpreter for the Turkish ambassador (perhaps Berto Pisani chief dragoman of British Embassy to Turkey in 1810 Nat Arch Fo 352),  Pisani was one of the richest Venetian families also a common Italian name meaning from Pisa


Pitcairn 24.8.1798 at H(olcrof)ts

Likely to have been David Pitcairn DNB 1749-1809, friend of Matthew Baillie. DNB says he went to Portugal for 18 months in 1798

Pither, John

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

John Pither 23 Poland St (Kings Arms) ratebooks 1800 / SunFire 1777 victualler Stretton St / 1780 victualler Stratton St voted Fox / will PCC 1801 John Pither of St Geo Han Sq dated 21.7.1795 mentioned dau Harriott who proved will 23.11.1801 as Harriott wife of William Hodges


adv (Place & Le Maitre) Buchan & Harwood 18.3.1804 at H(olcroft's)

Exactly why Place  & Le Maitre are in brackets in this entry isn't clear but I think the Place referred to was likely to have been Francis Place DNB 1771-1854 who has a person record on GD website and played a considerable part in Godwin's life from 1809 on

Place, George

see Autobiography of Francis Place ed. Mary Thale

George born 18.8.1773 bapt St Martin i t Fields 15.9.1773 son of Simon Place & Mary

John Payne bapt Lambeth 6.1.1767 son of John Payne & Mary
Ann Cole Payne bapt Lambeth 23.8.1769 dau of John Payne & Mary
Susannah Tomze bapt Lambeth 21.2.1776 dau of John Pain & Mary

Joseph Deacon bach = Lambeth 23.8.1787 Ann Cole Payne sp botp banns sigs wits James Payne, John Payne
James Payne bach = Lambeth 10.7.1790 Hannah Place sp botp banns
Francis Place bach = Lambeth 7.3.1791 Elizabeth…

Place, Simon

see Autobiography of Francis Place ed.Mary Thale

Simon son of Hno (Jno?) Place of B. G. Pens (Bethnal Green?) bapt 18.8.1726 St Dunstan Stepney

Simon Place = St Geo Mayfair 2.10.1746 Anna Paling  (or less likely Simon Plaise = 29.10.1747 Ann Peters, both of Holbone) - both these marriages were "clandestine"

Mary Place dau of Simon & Anne born 23.9.1747 bapt St Ann Soho 25.10.1747
Henry Kitchin otp bach = St Pancras 30.1.1768 Mary Place otp sp
St Clement Danes workhouse 30.1.1784 to 10.2.1785 Anna age 67 wife of Simon Place of Arundell St has daughter…


Planard 2.8.1800 at Curran's

Ensign A E A Planard 18.1.1797 from 2nd regt to 6th regt Irish Brigade


10.4.1808  F(enwic)k & Orlando dine; adv. Plant

No clue


Platts 23.3.1797 at John King's / 30.9.1798 mrs Platt adv at mrs Foulkes / 2.3.1804 call on Platt / 17.7.1810 again / 4.3.1811 Platt at Aldis's / 2.9.1811 (Isle of Wight) Carisbrooke Castle adv L Bucks, F Grenville & Platt / 2.11.1824 adv at theatre / 1.3.1827 meet Platt

The first entry is complicated by the fact that Platts is a fairly common surname, though coming next to Gadagnes suggests it is the plural of Platt, a much commoner surname. Mrs Platt in 1798 could have been the actress of that name (Highfill, Burnim & Langhans S.J.Platt 1743-1800). The Platt at Carisbrooke…


HCR diary 20.6.1818 musical party at Aders 11 Euston Square "The Schuncks, Platts, Mrs Fazy, Miss Lewis were my acquaintances"

                 26.11.1820 at Aders "Platt was there"

Probably Thomas Joshua Platt (DNB 1788x90-1862) married as bach at St George Bloomsbury by lic 4.4.1814 Augusta Cuming sp minor with consent of guardians George Cuming & Thomas Platt, wits Thos Platt, E Gascoyne, J Platt. Thomas Joshua Platt born 22.8 1788 bapt 1.10.1788 Percy Chapel of Thomas & Amelia. His younger brothers Samuel, George & William were all bapt sons of Thomas &…

Platt, William

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

William Platt appr 1779 to Thomas Field, Mount St, Middlesex, taylor / Old Bailey 22.10.1788 witness in trial of Robert Simpson fo an assault, said he lodged at 33 Poland St, was a master taylor, his workshop at home, had lived there 9 months, previously at 9 Ogle St Marybone, had seen prisoner at Mr Keene's benefit at Royalty theatre last September (Platt was in company with Mr Burne principal dancer of Covent Garden theatre who lived at Orange St, Leicester Fields) and frequently seen him playing at skittles at the Adam &…

Plowden, Francis Peter

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796 but not coded to his person record in GD website

Plummer, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Plummer merchant of Lime Street proposed member 5.6.1780 by Joseph Parker 2nded Edward Bridgen. Resigned 16.4.1784

William Plummer son of George Plummer of Evington, Leics, grazier apprenticed 1746 to Edward Aldridge of Clothworkers Co. George Plummer of Glen Magna voted for the losing Whig candidate Waring Ashby in the Leicestershire election of 1742. Will PCC 25.6.1754 of George Plummer of Evington, grazier dated 21.5.1754 mentioned sons Thomas & George, daus Mary and Alice, and son William to get £60 a year "after he is out of…


meet mrs Plunket 16.7.1800 (in Ireland) / 23.9.1800 mrs Plunket at theatre (in London) / 25.9.1800 tea mrs Plunket's / 11.10.1800 call on mrs Plunket / 9.4.1804 Plunket & miss Gunning at Hamilton Rowan's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1804 / 22.5.1804 Plunkets & Defrezes at H Rowan's / 15.11.1804 again / 25.7.1805 Plunkets at mrs Rowan's / 20.1.1806 3 Plunkets at Rowan's / 4.3.1806 Plunkets at Rowan's / 4.2.1807 Plunket at Hawthorn's / 1.3.1807 Plunkets at John King's / 3.3.1807 Plunkets at mrs Hippisley's / 6.3.1807 Plunkets call / 8.3.07 dine at Plunket's with mrs Plunket & son,…