A-Z of Entries

Saunders, John

7.12.1809 John Saunders calls / 9.12.1809 Saunders calls / 20.5.1811 call, w. C(harles) on Saunders / 29.3.1814 call on Ballachey (Saunders) / 30.5.1814 call on Saunders / 1.6.1814 call on Saunders / 15.6.1814 call on Ballachey & Saunders (not seen), twice / 16.6.1814 call on Saunders / 17.6.1814 again / 18.6.1814 again / 7.11.1816 Saunders calls / 22.3.1817 call on Saunders / 16.7.1821 call on Saunders (not seen) / 23.7.1821 call on Saunders; adv. Agar & H Robinson / 24.7.1821 call on Saunders; adv. H Robinson / 4.1.1822 Saunders calls / 2.5.1822 seek Saunders / 14.6.1822 meet…

Saunders, miss

miss Saunders 5.2.1797 adv at H(olcrof)ts (& mrs Fenwick) / 26.2.1797 miss Saunders at H(olcrof)ts (& Fenwicks) / 28.3.1797 Saunders with W(olstonecraf)t, Tucker, Del Valle at Fenwick's / 19.4.1797 Saunders at theatre (& Fenwicks) / 23.8.1798 E Saunders at Fenwick's / 20.4.1800 miss Saunders at M(ary) Robinson's (& Fenwicks)

All 6 entries above were with Fenwicks and when the miss was dropped on 28.3.1797 the other guests named were all female without miss or mrs. I like to think, maybe fancifully, this may have been (Esther?) Saunders (Highfill, Burnim &…

Saunders, William

13.9.1796 call on Saunders, Cliffords inn, & mr J Lawrence with Holcroft & Nicholson

William Saunders attorney of the Marshalsea and Palace Courts, Cliffords Inn and Brentford Butts (Law List) his will PCC 1810 throws no light on why Godwin, Holcroft and Nicholson went to see him. for Lawrence see Lawrence, J



call on Saunderson (£32) 13.12.1804 / 26.3.1805 meet Saunderson / 7.3.1813 Saunderson, cala

Francis Saunderson Hist of Parl 1754-1827 independent Whig MP for co Cavan 1801-6 / William Saunderson tailor Market St, St James Picc'y voted Fox & Tooke 1796 / Isaac Saunderson tailor Queen St, St James Picc'y voted Paull 1806 / Robert Saunderson coal merchant Ratcliff Cross 1790. I've included the text of 1813 (te 2059 in GD website) because the attribution there is rather tentative and in the first instance I've looked for Saunderson rather than Sanderson (qv), who could perhaps have…

Savage, James

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: James Savage of Maiden Lane, Wood St proposed member 11.4.1794 by Thomas Wardle 2nded Samuel Miller

GODWIN DIARY: 27.11.1795 Savage at Crown & Anchor / 8.12.1810 write to Savage / 29.5.1831 miss Savage at Cooke's

Thomas Wardle and Samuel Miller were both also noted by Godwin at C & A on 27.11.1795. James Savage was warehouseman at 28 Wood St Cheapside 1788-90 and was perhaps the witness at the Old Bailey in 1788 who said he stored articles of silk & twist and had been a servant one year previously. William son of William…

Sawbridge, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Sawbridge proposed member 17.5.1782 by Joseph Brown 2nded Edward Bridgen

GODWIN DIARY: 13.2.1790 Sawbridge at Anti-Tests.

John Sawbridge DNB 1732-95


Saxon, James

Saxon 6.1.1800 at O Fancourt's / 28.8.1806 at (Richard) Philips / 31.8.1806 dines at Philips, Hampsted

James Saxon DNB 1772-1819+ was certainly the later two of the above entries as he painted a portrait of Sir Richard Philips in 1806. He had exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1795 and 1796, was in St Petersburg by 1803, then according to one source in Edinburgh till 1805 when he returned to London. He had married Ann Bolton at Manchester Cathedral 12.6.1791 and had fathered four children by 1797. This leaves open whether he was in London in 1800 but he would have been a likely…

Saye & Sele, Lady Elizabeth

Lady Saye & Sele 31.3.1793 at Paradise's.

Elizabeth daughter of Sir Edward Turner, 2nd Bart. of Ambrosden by Cassandra daughter of William Leigh of Adlestrop. Born 18.2.1741 married 1767 Thomas Twistleton 7th Baron Saye & Sele who died by his own hand 1.7.1788; she died Blandford St, Portman Sq 1.4.1816 very rich. (The next Lord Saye & Sele didn't marry till 8.9.1794.) Mentioned in Shepperson as a guest of Paradises'. Boyle's 1792 Lord Saye & Sele 8 Manchester St


Sayer 25.6.1795 at Kenilworth book club


Sayres 7.9.1805 at W Taylor's, Norwich

see work notes below


HCR diary 22.4.1828 at Mrs Thornton's "Elias & Sophia Fordham were there - also Scargil and Jno:"

                    24.4.1828 "Scargil, Dr Heusler and Beldam breakfasted with me"

                    29.5.1828 Robinson read Scargil's "Penelope"

William Pitt Scargill (DNB 1787-1836) dissenting minister at Bury St Edmunds 1812-1832, wrote novels


18.11.1809 call on Scatcherd / 22.12.1809 again / 5.4.1825 Guildhall; Scatcherd &c / 13.5.1825 call on Scatcherd (not seen)

James Scatcherd bookseller 12 Ave Maria-lane with Charles Letterman (bbti)

Schieffer, John Frederick

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Frederick Schieffer of 33 London Road, St Georges Fields proposed member 9.11.1792 by John Rae 2nded George Watts. Rejected

See Mudd & Rae for context of his rejection. Born 30.8.1762 bapt 24.9.1762 Soho of John Johannes Scheffer & Hannah. Brother Thomas & James bapt there 1764 & 1767. John Michael Scheffer adult from Compton St, bur Soho 15.11.1773. Compton St rates 1783-1790 John Frederick Schaffer. Address from Society of Newington to National Convention of France dated 31.10.1792 read at Paris 10.11.1792 signed John…

Schinkel, Karl Friedrich

HCR diary 8.6.1826 at Aders "A Prussian, Beuthe a finance minister, who has the air of a superior man - Schenkel the architect to the King of Prussia - also apparently a very superior man and a Col Dunkelman - insignificant - and German (Meyer) from Frankfurt"

Karl Friedrich Schinkel (DNB 1781-1841). See Schinkel's English Journey ed. Bindman & Riemann 1993. 8.6.1826 "Drive to Herr Aders's party, very good supper, in the evening excellent music, the little Schulz brothers from Vienna, virtuosi on the piano, guitar and harmonium, with their father. - A French lady sang Rossini…

Schnebbelie, Jacob

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Jacob Schnebbelie DNB 1760-1792 ratebooks 7 Poland St 1792 / he died 21.4.1792 there / Jacob Christopher & Robert Blemell sons of Jacob & Carolina Schnebbelie bapt 21.10.1781 Canterbury Cathedral / William Hermonus Fenbrooke son of Jacob & Caroline Schnebbelie bapt 13.8.1786 St Andrew Holborn / John son of Jacob & Caroline Schnebbelie bapt 10.5.1795 St Bride Fleet St born 26.2.1792 / the will PCC 4.2.1800 dated 29.1.1800 of Lucy Mary Aretha Schnebblie widow of Kensington mentioned Caroline…


26.9.1809 call on Scholey / 17.11.1809 again

Robert Scholey bookseller 46 Paternoster-row from 1796 to 1836

Schrader, John

see Poland Street number not known in London Addresses dataset

John Henry Schrider Land Tax 1767 Hop Gardens, St Martin i t Fields / Johan Heinrich Schrader = St Anne Soho 9.11.1772 Elizabeth Gill botp banns (see Gill, Daniel ) / SunFire 1780 Jn Schreder cabinet maker Poland St / Sophie dau of John & Ann Schrader born 21.4.1783 bapt 13.5.1783 St James / John Christian son of John Frederick & Gertrude Schrader bapt 9.11.1788 St James / John Henry son of John Henry & Gertrude Schrader bapt 18.10.1789 St James / John Christian Schrader bur 7.3.1790 St James / John Schreider…


Schramm adv at Chandler's 23.4.1798

Doane's 1794, Christopher Schram cellist 7 Half Moon St / Martin & S(imon) Schram violinists 20 Panton St Haymarket / Christopher Schram bachelor of St James Westmr & Ann Armitage spinster, marriage licence 17.3.1789 / Henry Schram staymaker age 26 bachelor and Joyce Wingham spinster of St Geo Han Sq marriage licence 23.11.1776, Henry S Land Tax from 1783 Half Moon St, from 1791 Castle St West St Marylebone, 1794 Mrs Schramm 15 Castle St West, from 1796 mrs Jesse Schramm 26 Wells St, St Marylebone / Martin Schram from 1804 Land Tax…


Schumaker 3.12.1797 at Holcroft's / 17.7.1801 write to Schuchmacher

Letter from Thomas Holcroft to Godwin 26.12.1800 (Bodleian Abinger c6 f104-5) gave the address of Mr Scuchmacher, Neue Burg, Hamburg



HCR diary 20.6.1818 musical party at Aders "The Schunks, Platts, Mrs Fazy, Miss Lewis were my acquaintances"

                    14.2.1819 at Aders "Mr        Schunk of Manchester"

                    3.11.1819 at Aders "Mr Martin Schunk and his wife formerly Nanny Aldebert"

                    13.2.1827 "At Schunk's I offered to pay some advancements made by Schunk to Mrs Brown in consequence of my having improperly invested all the dividends of Ald's property in the purchase of stock"

                  10.10.1831 "I met in the road Mrs Schunk and accompanied…