A-Z of Entries

Haberer, Martin

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

SunFire 1798 Martin Haberer 57 Poland St gent / 1800 Martin Haberer 57 Poland St ratebooks / presumably the Mr Aberer tailor who had Luigi Bartolomichi (QV*) arrested for a debt at 37 Poland St on 15.3.1800 which resulted in Bartolomichi's death. Aberer's foreman Charles Ledeka (QV*) was also involved / 1818 House of Lords an Act to naturalise Martin Haberer (Nat Arch HO 1/13/6) / Martin Haberer = St James 1795 Ann Atkinson their son Martin bapt 4.6.1796 there / Atkinson v Haberer (Nat Arch E 133/13/43 & 44)

Hadfield, James

Hadfield, Drury Lane 15.5.1800 in red ink

Covered by event tag in GD website but underlined as if unidentified. Godwin added news events in red ink


Hagen, John

Nat Arch TS 11/965/3510A (Thale p 149) Hagen of Gravel lane, a baker for the military forces at Plymouth, who was to distribute pamphlets there

John Hagen muffin maker Old Gravel lane Ratcliff Highway SunFire 1782
John Hagen, Land Tax Old Gravel Lane St George in the East 1796 to 1808

Ann dau of John Hagen victualler Poplar by Isabella bapt 2.11.1785 39 days old Stepney
Alice dau of John Hagen victualler Sun J Fields by Isabella bapt 4.4.1788 St George i t East
John Hagen widower of Ratcliff hamlet = Stepney 1.12.1793 Margaret Forest widow otsp


BONNEY DIARY 17.5.1794 / 18.5.1794 / 19.5.1794 / 20.5.1794 / 29.5.1794 / 2.6.1794 / 3.6.1794 / 4.6.1794 / 8.10.1794 / 9.10.1794 / 11.10.1794 / 13.10.1794 / 14.10.1794 / 15.10.1794 / 18.10.1794 / 22.10.1794 / 23.10.1794 / 29.10.1794 / 30.10.1794 / 31.10.1794 / 1.11.1794 / 6.11.1794 / 7.11.1794

GODWIN DIARY Hague 27.2.1803 at Horne Tooke's, & return with him

Thomas Hague was articled to John Augustus Bonney on 7.6.1788 for 5 years at a small premium of 5/-. Bonney had married Hague's sister Mary (a widow Mrs Johnson) at St Pancras 23.9.1787. Thomas Hague married Hellen…

Haines, Mary

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

SunFire 1789 Mary, Catherine & Elizabeth Haines, 56 Poland St milliners / ratebooks 56 Poland St Mary Haines 1795-7 / the ratepayer from 1786 to 1792 was Mary Hayes, and Mary Hayes widow of Poland St insured SunFire 1785, these may have been errors for Mary Haines, the mother of the three milliners / Sun 18.1.1793 died last week at her house in Poland Street Mrs Haines, relict of the late Mr Haines master of Tom's Coffee House, Russell St, Covent Garden. The will PCC 1767 of Richard Haines coffeeman of Tom's…

Haines, Miss

miss Haines 7.11.1802 at Foulkes / 21.1.1803 at Nicholson's

There were a series of reciprocal dinners with the Holcrofts, the Raphael Smiths, the Nicholsons,. . Foulkes, Wolcot and Godwin (see Smith, John Raphael). Miss Haines was noted on two of those occasions. See work notes below

Halcomb, John

HCR diary 9.5.1838 called on Aders "He tells me that Halcomb the Dover candidate has taken up the cause of Mrs Leigh"

                   8.7.1838 "I hear from the Aders that Mrs Ley has returned to her old house where she means to open a school -she has a friend in Halcomb the barrister!!!"

John Halcomb (DNB 1792-1852). Ellen Ley (1804-1867) was the daughter of Mrs Aders and the widow of Hugh Ley (DNB 1790-1837). Halcomb's interest probably didn't last very long and she was soon in trouble again (HCR diary 7.1.1840). See my background article 3 Wives 3 Husbands Living


HCR diary 25.11.1842 at Basil Montagu's - Haldane's father was stopped from preaching in Aberdeen over forty years ago

Presumably James Alexander Haldane (DNB 1768-1851) father of Alexander Haldane (DNB 1800-1882)

Hale, John

1 Castle St East Land Tax 1784 1791 1792 1794 1796 1798 John Hale Esq  (1800 John Carter)

SunFire 1777 John Hale Esq. Boyle's 1792-1794 1, Castle Street / John Hale will PCC 1803 of Little Hadham, Herts dated 11.12,1802 mentioned "house in Castle Street I lately lived in I purchased of Mr Gowing", Mary Neale spinster living with Mr Robert Chipchase of Dover St, wife Utrecia. JH was buried Little Hadham 27.10.1803 / will PCC 1813 Utrecia Hale of Much Hadham mentioned Mrs Lucy Chipchase of Albemarle St, no children mentioned in either will / John Hale bach grocer of St Martin in the…

Hales, Thomas

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London addresses dataset

Thomas Hales leaseholder of 10 Poland St c1790 / lease of 10 Poland St for sale 1792 / Thomas Hales chandler Portland St voted Hood 1790 / Thomas Hales bach = St Marylebone 15.1.1787 Mary Ann Leeson sp botp by banns / Thomas son of Thomas & Mary Ann Hales bapt 28.2.1802 St James / Thomas Hales greengrocer Carnaby market voted Burdett & Romilly 1818 / will PCC 1835 Thomas Hales of St Pancras, seen but not sure if same person

Halhed, Nathaniel

Halhed 17.2.1794 at Parr's.

Nathaniel Halhed DNB 1751-1830


Halker. Mrs

mrs Halker 27.3.1798 adv at Chandler's with miss Valpy

Though easily confused with the commoner name Hasker in newsprint fonts of the time, and with Walker in handwriting, Godwin seems to have written Halker, and the name did exist. She may have been governess or chaperone to miss Valpy.

Will PCC 1781 Charles Halker of Bethnal Green gent, will PCC 1786 Ann Halker of Bethnal Green wife mentioned her husband's sister-in-law Mary Halker / Elizabeth Halker age 36 of St Pancras, noncomformist burial 14.4.1822 Clerkenwell /  Mrs Halker buried 26.1.1845 Enfield /  Thomas Halker…


Hall 3.2.1794 at  Mackintosh's (with Parr). In Godwin's 1796 list for 1794 inserted above next to Losh & Tweddel who Godwin also met that day at Mackintosh's. Tweddel was in 1794 version of 1796 list but not Losh or Hall./ 6.10.1794 Hall at Parr's, Hatton (nr Warwick) / 10.10.1794 again / 20.11.1795 call on Robinson, Perry & Debrett; see Hall sec / 4.2.1796 Hall at theatre / 13.2.1797 Hall at Aldis' / 4.8.1800 Hall at Carlow, Ireland  / 31.12.1800 miss Hall at Mary Robinson's funeral, Old Windsor  / 30.4.1805 M(ary) J(ane) at Chiswick  / 9.6.1805 call with M(ary) J(ane) on E(liza)…

Hall, (Ireland)

Hall 4.8.1800 at Burne's, Carlow

Hall, Chambers

HCR diary 9.8.1832 "I took Mr hall to see Mrs Aders' pictures - she was there and thus the whole morning - for we went to the Athenaeum - was spent with him. Mrs A: says he has a good taste and knowledge of paintings, tho' his taste is not altogether for the old masters"

                  24.4.1839 "to Christie's to inspect the pictures. There I met with hall who gives a favourable opinion of them"

                  26.4.1839 at sale of Aders' pictures "For the great picture there were no bidders but myself thro' Mr Hall and Lemme who for himself took it at 95 gns and but for…

Hall, Edward

Edward Hall apothecary Long Acre proposed Society for Constitutional Information 11.1.1782 by Thomas Brand Hollis 2nded Richard Brocklesby

Main sources wills PCC of William Hall 1773, Betty Hall 1796, Edward Hall 1798 and an Ancestry user-submitted tree named BOUTCHER. Edward Hall was the son of John Hall staymaker of Preston, Lancs and his wife Margaret. His sister Margaret married at Preston 10.6.1758 William Hardman, the marriage bond dated 8.6.1758 signed by William Hardman, attorney's clerk and John Hall staymaker both of Preston. Edward's father may have been the John Hall who…


18.11.1809 call on Hamilton

Coded on GD website to Samuel Hamilton printer. After the fire at his works in 1803 he seems to have moved to Shoe-lane in 1805 but by 1809 he had probably moved to Weybridge, and this call is in a string of calls on booksellers, so was probably Thomas Hamilton bookseller 37 Paternoster-row or less likely Alexander Hamilton bookseller 14 & 15 Temple-pl Blackfriars-rd

Hamilton, Archibald

7.11.1788 Archd. This must be Archibald Hamilton, either son or grandson of Archibald Hamilton (see his Person Record in GD website)

Also probably 9.9.1795 call on A H / 15.2.96 call on A Hn

Hamilton, Capt

17.7.1795 tea at Amelia Alderson's with John Walker & Capt Hamilton. adv  Dyer. Miss Alderson was perhaps staying with the Batty's but Godwin didn't mention them. An unmarried lady having four random gentlemen to tea was perhaps a bold and unusual event.

There were 3 naval captains at the time, Sir Charles Hamilton DNB 1767-1849, Charles Powell Hamilton and Thomas Hamilton; and plenty more in the Army. Boyle's 1794 had a Col H at 15 James St Westminster and another at 35 Gt Marlborough St. A letter of 1804 from a Capt Hamilton to Sir William Windham Dalling (1175-1864) about Mrs…

Hamilton, Charles

Charles Hamilton of Bath proposed Society of Constitutional Information 21.6.1782 by John Jebb 2nded Edward Bridgen

Fairly clearly not the Hon Charles Hamilton of Bath (History of Parliament 1704-86) whose politics would have had to change in his last years and whose Honourable title would probably have been used by the Society. SunFire 1782 Charles Hamilton Esq, Bath. General Evening Post 18.3.1780 Gumbleton Esq married Tuesday at Queen Sq Chapel, Bath, Miss Hamilton dau of Charles Hamilton Esq of Bath. Morning Post 4.3.1783 pictures belonging to Charles Hamilton Esq deceased for…